Way of the Devil

Chapter 1067: Melee

"Poor child, if you go back now, you may still be able to catch up with the last side of Horus." Lu Sheng lost the broken spike and turned his eyes back to Li Shaozong.

"Where did you just say? We will continue."

"" Li Shaozong looked down at Moore, who was going to die, and the shock of his heart was almost inexplicable.

The high-ranking numerologist, the moment that concentrated all the power outbursts, was so understated and pinched by one hand, and then burst open.

Quickly cleaned up the shock of his heart, Li Shaozong immediately changed his previous plan.

"I can see the heroic moment of Wang Tangzhu. Today, I am hungry and it is worthwhile. I don't know if Wang Tang has any interest, and I gather together to build the strongest security department? Just our group has developed a brand new a test drug that greatly enhances human perception."

Lu Sheng’s heart was fretting. From the mouth of his reincarnation, he learned that Li Shaozong secretly developed a mysterious drug called the power of the illusion of fascination.

It’s just that the success rate of this drug is extremely low. After taking it, the only success is that Sifudredi is one person. The rest are not crazy or completely exhausted.

It seems that it should be the development of this drug as a cover.

The power of illusion

"Of course, I have always trusted the research strength of Juyi Group." Lu Sheng smiled.

I didn’t have a bit of trust when I met.

But everyone will be able to talk, Li Shaozong's face is even more smiling.

"There will be a batch of test drugs ready for live testing. If Wang Tang is willing, I can go with me."

"I am very honored." Lu Sheng reached out.

The two men held one hand and smiled at the same time.

"Ten minutes, we only have 10 minutes of breakthrough time to rob the pharmacy. The senior singer is not very irritating. If the protection layer cannot be broken, the defensive force of the Group will arrive in the first time."

In a dark room.

A few black shadows together make the voice low.

"In this plot, the power of the illusion of the illusion is not the strongest plug-in, but it is also the greatest guarantee to ensure that the protagonist Severde Reddy survives. In the plot, he relies on the desperate times several times, relying on this."

"So, we must get it."

"Yes, I got the news, the angels have already started the battle. Before the angel team members were inexplicably wounded, they were attacked by the magic spirit and attacked one person seriously. The angel team was slightly stronger than the magic team. The gap is almost the same. ""

"This is the best chance. Otherwise, we will not have a chance when they let go."

"Let's do it."

"Well. Success or failure is here."

"According to the original plot, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the laboratory exploded. When the large dose of anesthetic agent was atomized and spread, the explosive test drug penetrated into the body of Sedefredi in the flying. If we want to **** the drug, we must Start before the explosion."

Juyi Group Testing Institute, outside the Third Research Institute.

Su Shi and others sat in the opposite coffee shop and looked at the flow of people coming in and out of the institute.

"Unfortunately, I don't know why, that Xixiang didn't fall out with Jiu Ming Tang. We couldn't do it when we found several opportunities." She was a little sorry.

"The good news is that the lord still took our opinion. But I still have an unpredictable hunch, I don't know why." The psychic woman is a little embarrassed.

"The scent of your fragrance has always been very accurate. This is why I chose to come first to observe.

Since Wang Mutang has already known everything that is going to happen here, he will definitely be ready.

So what is more trouble than the current Jiu Ming Tang? I am afraid that the entire double star will not be there? ”

Deen shook his head slightly.

"As long as we cooperate with the head of the church to get the power of the illusion of the fascination, we will win this big man. When the time is stronger, the more secure we are."

They have now officially joined the Nine Guitang, out of the blue starlight.

The main **** system also prompted them to successfully join the Jiu Ming Tang Magic Road organization.

What they just don't understand is that Ming Ming Jiu Ming Tang is the security company, and how it became a magic organization.

"Someone started!" Suddenly Su Shi interrupted the conversation and bowed down slightly.

Several people looked at the institute at the same time.

I saw a beautiful woman with long blue hair wearing a white robe in the middle ages, and smashing a large blue electric awn in her hand.

She was in front of the entrance of the institute, so she slammed the thunder ball at the gate.

boom! ! !

The gate was shattered, and the huge electromagnetic force was manipulated to spread across the four sides.

A few shadows fluttered out of the woman's body, and she did not enter the institute in a blink of an eye. She also floated up and flew inside, leaving a large glimpse of the ignorant people on the street.

"This idiot! I really don't know how to die!" Su Shi.

Half a minute later, there was a subtle explosion and roar in the institute.

“The research institute has been broken! Two layers of the three floors have been broken.” The spirit of the woman’s fragrance is quick.

"There are three teams at the same time!"

"Three!? Damn! They are an appointment!" Su Shi changed his face and quickly stood up.

"Go! Let's go too!"

Underground experimental area.

Lu Sheng slowly followed Li Shaozong and slowly visited the research results of various parts of the underground experimental area of ​​the institute.

In the past few days, he had been spending a lot of time to absorb a lot of scales, but Su Shi suddenly came to the door and told him that Sidford Reddy would get a very strange life-saving ability here today.

Lu Sheng, who had intended to retreat and practise, finally took time to visit Li Shaozong.

I didn't expect that it was not long before I arrived, I heard an explosion outside.

He has already agreed to the Blue Star, joined it and became one of the Supreme Council members. A while is the official handover time.

He must also go alone to the Blue Star Headquarters, the Black Sakura Galaxy Silver Heart, for the members of the record.

This is also the opportunity to see the world’s top power.

From Xixiang, he learned that there is even a super-darkness that predicts the future of the blue starlight.

There is also one of the members, even the body has long been no longer a person, but a brain-based, with a mechanical system, with a few planet core decomposition energy can be built into a huge galaxy-level body.

He himself contains a huge five-star star.

These technologies combined with the power of the mind, so that Lu Sheng could not help but be amazed.

It is worthy of the super-energy universe, and it is almost no more than the dead star of the demon world. He is indeed too far apart now.

Therefore, with the goal, he once again had the motivation to start absorbing the scales.

At this time, facing the situation here, compared to the peak power of the blue starlight, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Hey! ! !

A large earthquake came from the ceiling above the institute.

Li Shaozong did not change his face, and he did not worry.

"It seems that I am really lucky, I am able to meet Wang Tang in this critical moment. These unopened little thieves are kicking the iron plate this time." He even showed a slight smile.

"Li Dong said with a smile, even if I am not here, to the strength of the group, the security department will not easily let them break through so quickly?" Lu Sheng smiled.

"It doesn't matter, the core of the security team has just rushed to the other side of the double star in the morning to deal with a sudden assault on the other side." Li Shaozong tells the truth. "If they really come in, I will only be shackled, and I will be narrow-cut. So Wang Tangzhu, you really saved my life this time."


Lu Sheng looked at the creeping biological tissue placed inside through the glass.

Outside the hall of this underground structure, there was a subtle scream at this time. It seems that someone has broken through here and played against the security guards.

"County City, you have to solve it." Lu Sheng did not return.

"Give it to me." White County spit out the toothpick that was biting in his mouth and strode out of the hall.


After a loud noise.

Soon the sound outside quickly calmed down.

"It’s not a ninth-day cadre, the strength is really true." The more Li Shaozong is in contact with Jiu Ming Tang, the more he feels scared. He often feels that he is dealing with a giant giant, and the other party may be able to kill himself if he turns over a little.

"Let's continue." Lu Sheng smiled.

boom! ! !

White County City has a palm claw, flashing through the two shadows of the throat.

Blood flower splash.

Two human bodies fell to the ground.

Behind him, he slammed open the flesh, and his palms were bitten. It almost became a phantom in the underground passage.

Almost every turner had tears in his throat when he had no eyelids, and some even rolled his head off his neck.

"Damn! It’s the wolf king of the Nine Gods! White!! Quickly!!"

The white-breasted meat wing was on display, and a hovering circle flew in the direction of the sound.

The so-called reincarnation, many even did not have the ability to use it, they were shredded and slaughtered on the spot.

"It's too weak, too weak, too weak!" The white county town is stunned and speeds up.

He slammed forward and his claws brought out a fierce wind.

Hey! !

In an instant, the gold can be blocked in front of him and block the blow.

Several golden spikes were simultaneously wrapped from both sides to him.

The white county town flashed, and the speed plunged, hovering in the middle of the research channel.

"It’s finally a bit like it." He licked the blood in his hand, revealing a violent killing.

"I will stop him, you will continue to advance!" A white-haired man with a white mask came out from the end of the passage.

"it is good!"

Several white figures flew past him.

White County is flashing and wants to intercept. But it was once again blocked by the golden mind.

"Where do you want to go?" The white-haired man shouted.

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