Way of the Devil

Chapter 1098: Denomination II

ten minutes later.

Lu Sheng and Lofei Lorraine sisters sat down in a ready-to-wear store in the mall.

"Talk about it." Lu Sheng used the light of the flashlight to look at the two people in front of him.

In the previous battle, the bullet broke his previous clothes, and now he changed his clothes jacket, and the dark blue jacket neckline stood up slightly. The hair is naturally combed back and clean, revealing a clean and cold face.

He sits on the side of the seat, his right leg is tilted, his back is against the back of the chair, and the whole person looks slender and straight.

"How long have you been here? Are there any other people around?"

The Louvrelan sisters under the light, the appearance is not beautiful, just the body is very beautiful, but the legs wrapped in the skinny jeans are tight and strong, there is no gap between the legs. Give a hint of temptation sexy.

When he heard him ask, Lorraine squinted at her sister with a cold face.

Luo Fei licked her stomach and finally answered the question honestly.

"My name is Lofi, she is my sister Loren. We have lived here for more than four years. There is also a group of people nearby, also in this mall, and occasionally we can meet them."

"How many people?"

"I don't know, at least ten people. But they don't have guns, they don't dare to mess with us." Lofi calmly said.

The man in front of him is as powerful as a demon.

That kind of power, speed, and precision and calmness when you evade bullets. Everywhere, the coldness of nature and the cruelty of being used to it are revealed.

Even Gao Bo, I have never given her this feeling!

Lu Sheng asked a few questions in a range. Suddenly think of a little.

"What do you usually rely on to live here?"

“There are a lot of expired food in the supermarket. As long as the package is not up, you can eat it.” Lorraine replied this time.

"How much is left? So many people should eat, should there be more?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"It's not much, so recently we are all going out to search as much as possible." Lofi calmly replied.

Lu Sheng’s finger tapped lightly on the armrest of the seat to make a rhythmic sound.

After a while, he took out the walkie-talkie.

"Don, are you?"

There was a subtle sound from the other side.

"Well, what happened? I just searched the second layer. I didn't touch anything." Dunn's voice came from the intercom.

"where are you?"

"In a cold drink shop called Frozen, I found some good refrigerated ice cream, hey, do you want something?" The sound of eating in the intercom.

"See you later." Lu Sheng disconnected the intercom.

"There is a university professor named Wall in the second floor. He is the temporary head of the group. He is also pulling people to avoid the cults around him. He has occupied a place here alone." Lofi explained this. Road.

"But that man is a pervert." She mentioned that person, his face faintly flashed a disgusting color.

"Professor?" Lu Sheng came to interest. Generally speaking, people at this level, sources of information or knowledge reserves are much more than the average person.

"Maybe he will know a little about the Cataclysm." He stood up.

"If you want to know the root cause of Cataclysm, I know a little bit of intelligence." Luo Fei suddenly sighed.

"Oh?" Lu Sheng is a strange, looking back at the other side.

“My mother worked for the world’s largest biopharmaceutical group, the Aihar Group. The initial Cataclysm began with a secret laboratory at the Aihar Group.” Lofi’s face was somewhat white, “but here. Can you let me handle my stomach before?"

She pointed her finger at her lower body.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction she pointed, and suddenly saw the neck of her legs jeans all blood.

The red almost reddish the entire pants and hips.

"Of course." He turned his eyes and looked at Lorraine. "But I have to leave a person here."

"Yes." Lorraine calmly said.

Ten minutes later, Lofi found a pair of pants in the same store, and her face was pale and bloodless because of the bloodshed.

Lu Sheng walked with the two men toward the second floor.

Luo Fei is strong in his spirit and constantly answers his successive questions.

“Six years ago, my mother received the news and went to the initial leaking laboratory to deal with the disinfection work of the subsequent sweeping. At that time, the virus was actually leaked.”

Lofi is low.

"I don't know the details of other situations. I just listened to what my mother said. It was an ancient virus named ‘ghost'. It was originally extracted from an ancient book page.”

"Ghost virus?" Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, the transmission route is mainly based on body fluid transmission, and there is no other way to exclude it. I don't think it will spread so quickly."

Luo Fei continued. "It is said that the head office has a vaccine against the virus. Many people have formed a team and rushed to the headquarters of the Aihar Group."

"And antidote?" Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. "If there is an antidote, it will not cause such a rapid spread of pollution. Even if it is, it is absolutely costly and can only be enjoyed by a very small number of people. That would be meaningless."

"I know so much, I don't know the other ones." Lofi calmly said, "Can you let us go now?"

"No hurry, since you know the root cause of Cataclysm, should you be able to help me find the nearby branch of the Aihar Group? Maybe I can go there to get some relevant documents." Lu Sheng suddenly came to interest.

The biggest purpose of his coming to the world is to find the whereabouts of his relatives. But the world is strange and inexplicable. If the relatives are here, the possibility of being infected with the ghost virus is extremely high.

In any case, it would be best if you can get the antidote first.

"You want to go to love Hal?" Loffey changed slightly. "I can give you directions, but we don't want to die in the past! Don't say that the headquarters is the branch of the province. I rushed to twenty times five years ago. Team. No one is coming back alive."

"It’s too early to say that, let’s go to meet my friend first.” Lu Sheng led the lead.

The three people followed the stalled escalator, all the way up, half a circle around the second floor of the mall, and soon found Dunn who was hiding in the cold drink shop and eating ice cream.

This guy has placed three empty ice cream boxes on the table.

"You are finally here!" Dunn saw Lu Sheng come over and stood up. But then he saw the two sisters of Loferoland behind him, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Great, brother, you will succeed if you get out of the horse!" He carefully came up and carefully looked at the two sisters.

"Two beautiful women" have not seen a living girl in six years, he feels that he is smoking hot and cold. I feel that the whole person is going to burn.

Unlike the previous luoli, the two are really mature types, which is exactly what he likes.

"Idiot." Lorraine couldn't help but go too far.

Luo Fei did not look at her in front of her sister. The other person's eyes, she has long seen that I don't know how much, just like those metamorphosis.

"Don't you find someone?" Lu Sheng took a picture of his head. Let it come back to God.

Dunn quickly restrained his emotions and nodded his sight.

"Only I met a man. It looked very arrogant. I told him that he didn't respond. He ran away. Then I heard the gunshot from your side. Are you okay? No injuries?"

"Nothing." Lu Sheng lost the gun to the Lofi sisters. "Get it, will it be used?"

"It will be a little, the former army trained." Dunn licked his lips and suddenly excited.

"Where did you meet people?" Lu Sheng needs to find more people. Just because of him, if you want to find your own family in such a big world, it is simply an idiotic dream.

But if you increase the number of people, you can greatly reduce the difficulty.

This is why he needs to find a large number of people.

"follow me."

Dunn held the gun in both hands and took the road to win the trio and walked in the opposite direction.

In a few moments, a few people went to a big store selling electrical appliances.

"It's just inside, the door to the warehouse is blocked, so I guess he should be hiding in the warehouse."

"This is one of Wall's strongholds. They have a lot of people, I don't recommend you to go up." Lofi suddenly said.

Lu Sheng was undecided and smiled. "Lead the way." He said to Dunn.

Dunn had seen Lu Sheng’s skill before and had confidence in him. When he nodded, he took the lead and walked ahead.

The four stopped talking and followed Dunn to a warehouse door.

There is a password lock on the door, but the unlocked keyboard is not known to be smashed.

"There is a small door here." Dunn found a small iron gate that was only accessible by one person.

The door is not high, only one meter or more. If several people want to go in, they must bend down and bow.

Dunn wanted to get in and looked down, and was immediately taken by Lu Sheng.

"If you go in here, if someone deliberately targets you, you don't even have a place to hide." Lu Sheng explained.

"That is to say, here is the gap that he deliberately left behind." Dunn was suddenly aware of the slightest expression of his heart.

"That wouldn't be, but Wall itself is a metamorphosis, and the people who follow him are also abnormal. They like this very short dog hole." Lorraine sighed.

"You have always stressed that he is a pervert, how many metamorphosis is it? Is it worth your time?" Dunn was curious.

"You will know when you go in and look at it." Lorraine did not want to say more.

"All back."

Lu Sheng took the gun and walked to the iron gate of the warehouse.

This iron gate is a piece of iron and wood. He knocked on the door panel and lifted the strong alignment lock.

Hey! ! !

Mars splashed, the pungent smoke drifted away, and the keyhole of the warehouse iron gate was directly beaten.

The whole door suddenly loosened. He was swayed by Lu Sheng and swayed slightly.

He rubbed a few more feet.

Hey! !

The iron gates swayed, revealing the scene in the back warehouse.

Spacious warehouse.

A middle-aged man who looks like a messy hair and is wearing a yellow tuxedo is stunned by a man and a woman. The mouth is sucking something around them.

Lu Sheng took the electric light and looked at it. Only when these men and women were lying on the ground, some were dying, and some seemed to be a bit angry.

But these are not the keys.

The key is that the necks of their faces are full of soy blister-sized blister.

A large string of blisters like grapes almost occupy the whole body skin of these people.

The middle-aged man was devout and hungry with his mouth, and all the pustules on these people were bitten and sucked.

A large pustule was bitten, and a thick, thick yellow liquid flowed out, which was then greeted by the middle-aged man.

He was so focused that he didn't even care about the arrival of Lu Sheng and others.

I didn’t even care about the harsh gunshots.


Dunn only looked at his eyes and turned his head and vomited.

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