Way of the Devil

Chapter 1099: Treatment one

Hee hee hee

It seems that I heard the voice behind me.

The middle-aged man moved his body and slowly turned his back and turned his body, revealing a disgusting smile full of sticky pus.

"Hello." His voice was gentle and courteous, like an old professor sitting in the office in the afternoon watching the book in the afternoon, laying down the book and greeting people seriously.

"Are you crazy?? Wall!" Lorraine looked back in two steps of horror, unconsciously putting the gun up again.

"Last time I haven't seen this yet!" Lofi shouted. "The last time I came over the deal, I just felt that Walter's mental state was not very good. It seems now."

Lu Sheng frowned and looked at the rest of the people around. There are several people lying on the ground who are still alive, but they are only alive. They are covered with grape-like blisters and their expressions are painful.

These people can't even do even move, and it looks like it won't work.

"You, are you coming to take part in my treatment?" The middle-aged man on the ground slowly stood up and put his hands on a gray-black tie full of stains, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Be careful, he is a bit wrong. A person can lay down so many people, even if it is a sneak attack, it is very difficult for normal people to do this." Dunn clenched the gun, and some unfamiliarly opened the insurance.

"I am not malicious." Wall spread his hands. “I am just creating a simple way to boost the immune system and boost immunity.”

"Improve immunity?" Lu Sheng also felt that this person was somewhat wrong. There were more than a dozen of these people on the ground, and they were neatly arranged and motionless. This is not something that most people can do easily.

"Of course, do you want to try it?" Wall stepped forward, and everyone saw it. He wore a dirty suit, a **** piece on his body and a dirt on the west.

“I found the shortcut to hope from the darkness that is detoxification!”

Suddenly a few people have a flower in front of them.

Wal-Mart’s eyes disappeared in front of everyone.

Hey! !

Without waiting for them to react, Lu Sheng had hurriedly slammed to the right side, and was smashed together with a group of gray shadows.

The two men's fists and feet meet, the speed is very fast, and several people in Dunn can't even see the boxing shadow.

Suddenly, the road wins and the hands are loose, and the body leans forward and hits each other.

"Leave here!" he shouted.

Several people stayed in Dunn, and even as they saw it, Lu Sheng turned and flew again with the gray shadow that hit.


"What the **** is going on!!?" Lofi was left by the sister to leave the store, and Dunn followed closely, looking back and forth in the direction of the fighting voice.

Despite the fact that many tall refrigerators are blocking the line of sight, Dunn and others can still feel the horrible power that erupts between the fists and the feet.

The three men supported each other and quickly left the store on the second floor.

Lu Sheng quickly blocked the fists that Wale wielded. The speed and strength of the opponent is extremely fast, but there is no rule. Obviously I have never learned professional fighting.


Wall smirked, the saliva dripped from the chin, and the skin oozing a trace of abnormal mucus.

The skin on his arms grew a piece of plaque that was about to collapse, and it looked even more disgusting.

"No matter the speed or strength is above me. This brute force"

Lu Sheng slammed and let the wall of the storehouse behind him be caught by a large wall of Wall.

He quickly hits the joints of his opponent's hands and beats Wall's offensive with quick skill.

"I am healed! Safe! Hahahaha!!" Wall screamed madly, his arms waving more powerful and fast.

If the previous speed is still the limit of the average person, it can be accepted. So now the level has reached the limit of human limits.

"It seems that there has been a problem." Lu Sheng flew back, handing a fire axe on the wall in his hand, and then aimed at the route that Walle slammed.

Boom! !

The axe was chopped on the right arm of Wall and spattered a large piece of blood flower slurry.

Wal-Mart, like no pain, took back his right arm, roaring and dripping with drowning water, and his left arm grabbed the road to win the chest.

"I am healthy! I am!!"

Lu Sheng took a step back and moved the handle of the fire axe slightly to a position, and blocked the left arm of Wall.

Then he squatted on the other's abdomen.

Hey! !

Wall went backwards and was thrown to the ground.

Lu Sheng looks at the opportunity and holds the axe up.

puff! !

The axe blade was deeply stuck in the right side of Wall's neck.

He seems to have no feelings and continues to madly catch the road.

A lot of blood and mud rushed out of his neck, scattered to the ground, everywhere.

Lu Sheng avoided the chaos and went up to make up a foot. Pull the axe out of Wall.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Wall fell to the ground with a sullen smile on his face. His neck has been unable to support the weight of his head, leaning toward one side, and it looks as irrational as a mental patient.

But Lu Sheng knows that he is more dangerous than mental illness.

Carrying the axe, Lu Sheng looked at the Wal-Mart, who had slowly lost his movement, and turned and walked slowly.

call! !

Suddenly he jerked and let his side roll on the ground.

A group of gray shadows flew out from his previous position and slammed into the ground outside the storeroom, making a sticky muffled sound.

It is Wall!

He had only half of his head hanging around his neck, his face with a mad and satisfying smile, and he was quickly getting up from the ground and swaying again to Lu Sheng.

"Is it completely mutated?" Lu Sheng vomited and raised his axe.

"Then come again!"



First floor.

Dunn supported Lofi, and Lorraine followed, and the three men walked slowly from the stagnant escalator.

"I have a car outside, we hurry to go out!" Dunn said quickly.

"That guy! Just put him there?" Lorraine suddenly said.

"Of course not! I will go back! Let's go first!" Dunn said quickly. "There are more people and it is not easy to be safe! I have a gun!"

"You can't do it, or me." Lofi did not finish talking. Suddenly his face changed, and he suddenly slammed Dunn.

puff. The two rolled and left.


At the same time, a gray shadow slammed through the empty space where the two stood before.

It was a gray-skinned woman.

She wore a pair of high-heeled shoes, walked up and twisted, and her mouth screamed like a dog, and it smelled strong. It's like a smell of rotten smell mixed with a lot of things in the sewer.

The attack is her hands.

Hey! !

Lorraine reacted very fast, and the gun was a shot.

Bullets hit the woman's chest and face in a row. Playing a flesh and blood.

However, the other party did not retreat, and roared forward, and continued to pounce on the three.

"Run!!" Lorraine yelled and turned and ran.

Lofi and Dunn climbed up and fled from the other direction.

The three are all dying, and even the guns don't work. Even the rolling and climbing to avoid the woman's pursuit, and then separated separately.

Dunn dragged Lofi all the way into a clothes shop full of dresses, blocking the woman's sight through the covered clothes.

The two did not dare to move, squatting behind a pair of clothes.

Hey! !

There was a shrill crack in the distance.

It seems that something has been broken.

The strange woman chasing the back was slightly stunned, turned and walked slowly in the direction of the sound.

"Come on!" Dunn dragged Lofi to the dark corner of the distance.

"This place has not been so much trouble before!" Loffe gasped and whispered. "How is it all like a sudden out?"

"You ask me who I am going to go? You go out first, I am going to find my brother!" Dunn quickly brought Lofi to a corner with a safe passageway at the corner and a red warning light on the upper door frame. .

"It should be able to go out here. Pay attention to safety. I am going back!" He couldn't wait to say more, pushed a Lofi, and turned and ran to the escalator on the second floor.

If Lofi did not respond, he could only hear the footsteps of the distance.

She is so big, she has never been so despised. Since she retired from the army, she and her sister have always lived as men.

This is the first time to be feminine.

"I'm not so weak!" She pulled a pistol from behind, opened the insurance, bite her teeth, and was about to rush back, but the stun of her eyes made her almost unstable.

"Shit!!" She couldn't help but swear.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng pulled the axe out of the back of the wall. Remove the remaining blood from the water.

In the entire electrical store, there was blood everywhere he and Walla smashed.

This man has become a monster completely, not afraid of pain, not afraid of death. Generally speaking, it is a serious injury to a living person. It is like no pain or pain in him.

The kind of madness and nervousness made him completely fearless and fearless than normal people. From beginning to end, he was always crazy.

It is a pity that this kind of random attack without rules is useless to Lu Sheng.

In just five minutes, Wall has changed from a living person to a dozen pieces of fresh meat that are still creeping.

"It seems that this may also be caused by the ghost virus." Lu Sheng walked out of the electrical store, looking down from the second floor fence.

In the dark-painted first floor hall below, there are actually fine footsteps and snoring.

"and also?"

Lu Sheng walked quickly down the escalator. Just after he came, he saw several figures being swiftly swept over here.

"This side!" Dunn yelled in the distance on the right side.

"Come on!" Lu Sheng took a step, staggering the silhouette of the side, and the backhand was slashed on the face of a figure on the right. Then a whole body, lightly rushed out from a few people.

These people are a little slower than Wall, which is the speed of normal people.

Lu Sheng took a few turns and easily knocked out people.

He circled around and soon met with Dunn hiding at the gate.

Tang En was sweaty, his hair was all sticking to his forehead, his body was full of dust and dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"It's okay? There are a lot of guys just below. They are not abnormal, they are living people! Just don't know why it turned into this."

"Go out and talk about it first." Lu Sheng nodded. "The two?"

"Escaped separately, they still want to come back to save you, I was dragged." Dunn patted a few long fruit knives tied to his body.

"I was already on the escalator to find you, and the result just happened to see you just down."

"Go out first."

Lu Sheng patted his shoulder and took the lead out of the gate.

Passing through a thin glass door, the light outside the mall is bright, and Lorraine is holding Lofi and standing with Little Annie.

The three people leaned against the door of the car and saw Tang En and two people coming out and hurriedly greeted them.

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