Way of the Devil

Chapter 70: Fusion II


The red wooden table corner was interrupted by the grandson Zhang Lanyi.

He looked pale and looked at the dying but the hot-blooded Gongsun niece, and his anger surging.

"A bunch of waste!!"

He looked at the subordinates who were bowing around.

"Miss let you take her, do you take her?! She let you die, why don't you die?!"

"Helper....! It’s Miss who has to go and see what kind of person who grabbed her position is the one who is not forced to go...." A gray-haired old man was helpless.

Gong Lan Zhang Lan also knows the temper of his own prostitute. The martial arts are always trying to win with the mind, and the self-confidence is too inflated. The average person can't cope.

He also knows that it is not helpful to get angry with these subordinates. This is the case of Gong Sunjing's provocation. Lu Sheng can completely say that she committed the following.

"Fire poisoning internal power...!" Gong Lan Zhang Lan checked a little, and then saw the nature of the hand in the prostitute.

He took the Gongsun Jing into the inner room, gently unveiled the niece's chest clothes, and could see the black and red palm print between the two chests through the crepe, and his heart was even more furious.

"Good poisonous power!! This is a life to kill!"

If there is no corresponding chilly nature, the internal work will be offset, and it is feared that this palm will be able to live for the life of a prostitute. Although the strength of the hit is not large, but the fire poison is extremely vicious, burning the life of Gongsunjing all the time.

"This is a hand...."

Gongsun Zhang Lan face color iron blue, gently touched the edge of the palm print, suddenly felt the index finger touch hot.

"Lu Sheng!" There was a chill in his eyes. If it were not for the help of a group of disciples who could not kill each other, I was afraid that Jinger would not have a breath to live back.

"Jinger!" Suddenly a delicate woman opened the curtain and walked in to see the scene in front of her eyes. The tears couldn’t stop, and stood on the side and began to shed tears.

"Cry and cry!" Gong Lan Zhang Lan coldly said, "I have this thing! I will let that road win the price!"

He stood up.

"You send someone to ask Fang Zhidong to come to save people, and then send me a fight sticker to the foreign minister. He wants to fight with me from time to time, I will fulfill him!"

"But big brother!" The woman stunned and worried.

"Nothing, this matter can be handled according to the rules, but Jinger first stopped the road, and the following suspicions were made. He was at most too heavy, was blamed for a few days, and then fined some money to Hong Mingzi. The wrist, absolutely nothing, no meaning.

To do it, you have to do it, give me a dead battle. Gong Lan Zhang Lan finally made up his mind that Lu Sheng is actually a knife of the old lord. If he wants to continue to insert himself, he must first cut off the knife.

"Well, Big Brother is more careful. This person's power is really powerful. Poor my family Xiaojing...." The woman said and began to wipe her tears again.

"If you are not afraid of bad reputation, even if you are Hong Ming, I am not afraid, let alone him?" Lu Sheng and Hong Mingzi were in the small garden to fight, he has already known through the informant, and the strength of Lu Sheng is also Probably with understanding, it is strong, but there is still a long way to go.

"This person is talented, progressing very fast, and younger than me. To get rid of him must be as early as possible." Gongsun Zhang Lan is not a mother-in-law. At the moment, the younger sister will go to the study room to post it. This time, he will completely abolish the road victory, and the hope of Hong Mingzi will be eliminated.

"I have been setting up a red whale for so many years. I want to find such a mixed kid and want to turn it over? Maybe!" Gong Sun Zhang Lan had a hint of killing.


Along the mountain city, the golden jade flower room.

One of the industries of the Red Whales also includes a large flower house on the outskirts of the city, which is dedicated to planting flowers and plants for the wealthy in the city.

The interior of the flower room is spacious and bright, and one of the largest flower houses is reserved for a large open space for the flowers to be dried and dried on weekdays.

Since Lu Sheng knew this industry a few days ago, he liked it. The flowers in the air are fragrant and refreshing, much better than the air in the city.

Except for the subordinates who were outside the door, the rest, including the gardeners, were driven out of the greenhouse by him.

Strolling in the red and yellow flower sea, Lu Sheng took out the small porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out a red medicinal herb of rice size, and took it down.

"Chiyang Dan, the fruit is really worthy of the name." Lu Sheng can clearly feel that the entrance of the rice-sized medicinal herbs is instant, promptly stimulate the oral cavity to secrete a large amount of saliva, which is turned into a hot stream of hot, down the throat, Direct to the stomach.

Soon, he felt a lot of warmth flowing from the stomach between the chest and abdomen, and the whole body was warm.

"The red heart method has a total of seven layers. The entrance sensation is under the guidance of the brothers. It will soon be felt. After the body has been nursed for a few days, today we should try to break through the first layer."

It’s hard to find a quiet place to squat martial arts. It’s a place where you and your child live. From time to time, you can feel someone peeping, and because he is too strong now, there is a lot of pedestrians going downstairs. It is easy to interfere with his entry.

Therefore, after taking over all the industries of Wu San, he only looked around for a quiet place, and finally found this flower house in his own industry.

Some of these flower houses sell flowers, and a large number of rich household officials in the city manage the backyard, and some of them are used to make dried flowers and medicines, which are sold to Chinese medicine houses in the city. In addition, the red whale gang itself is also popular with flower tea beauty, and the demand is also great. It is a good business.

Going to the open space of the sun, Lu Sheng stood and closed his eyes, as if scenting the air in the air.

No one knows that he is breaking through now.

"Deep blue." Lu Sheng meditation in his heart.


The modifier's box came to his attention. The martial arts options in the row above are clearly visible.

Lu Sheng swept from the top to the next, and soon found the red heart.

‘Red Heart Law: Getting Started. Special effects: The power is shocked. ’

"Getting started has special effects? It's really extraordinary!" Lu Sheng was quite satisfied. He calmed down and adjusted his body and mind. When the body was completely calm, he slowly moved his mind to modify the button.


The entire modifier flashes violently and enters a modifiable state.

"Promoting the red heart to the first level."

Lu Sheng has already thoroughly penetrated the entire first layer of the Chi Chi Xin Fa. At this time, the main concern is whether the body can eat or not.

Awkwardly, the column on the modifier's red heart method quickly began to blur, and then quickly became clear.

‘Red Heart Law: The first layer, special effects: the power is shocked. ’

"It is!" Lu Sheng’s heart is happy. At the same time, he can feel the physical changes. The black tiger Yuhegong has consumed a lot of skill, and soon there is only a little residue left. The yin and yang lead will be consumed in an instant, and it will not be known how long it will take to recover.

Blood stasis is the strangest one. The internal gas of it is constantly being transformed into the red gas of the red heart. Although the conversion speed is very slow, the win is endless.

"Blood sputum is not as complete and comprehensive as the red heart, and there are unknown sequelae. Now it is a positive internal force. It is also good to change the past, saving me from worrying about problems later."

Lu Sheng’s heart was not shocked.

In the center of the flower house, all around it is a flower, dense or not yellow or yellow. Pure breath.

Lu Sheng stood in the center and closed his eyes to adjust the price, carefully checking the consumption of other aspects of the body.

"The body is still yin. Before the **** work and the remaining health benefits were formed by the yin and yang, the balance was broken. The red heart method is far stronger than the blood stasis, and the power is more overbearing. There is no way to form a balance before nature.” Lu Sheng’s mind was clear, and a black jewelry box was slowly taken out from the sleeve.

I opened the box with a sigh, and there was a bunch of black hair curled up in a roll.

"Just give it a try. The importance of yin and yang is self-evident. If you can't balance your body, you will inevitably have a lot of sequelae and heart-effects. Moreover, if I improve my skills in the future, I need a deeper internal force."

Lu Sheng had already thought about it. This time, he used the black hair he had received from Songjiazhuang to promote his health.

Gently bite the index finger and drop a drop of blood on the black hair.

Hey! !

A white mist like a vapor swelled from the black hair and was quickly absorbed by the road fingers.

He instantly felt a cold current from the fingers rushing into the arm, arms, chest, and then rushed straight into the belly of Dantian.

"Good yin!!" Lu Sheng's heart was shocked.

But immediately, all the smoldering eyes disappeared, as if they were absorbed by something, nothing left.

‘Do you conduct martial arts deduction? ’

A dialog popped up in front of the road.


Lu Sheng quickly affirmed, sinking his heart, and his attention fell on the Yin and Yang.

"Put the yin and yang to the fourth floor." His yin and yang lead has only two layers of exercises, but after his last deduction, he reached the third floor, which is the fourth layer.

The modifier box slams and then blurs.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the entire box was slowly and clearly.

‘Unknown exercises: the fourth layer, special effects: accelerate back, balance yin and yang, accelerate healing. ’

Lu Sheng carefully felt the new practice. This method is based on the previous yin and yang lead route, and absorbs most of the running meridians of the black tiger jade crane. At this time, this new internal power is rapidly transforming the entire internal force of the Black Tiger Yuhegong into its new internal gas. The total amount of internal gas is slightly less than the previous yin and yang and black tiger jade cranes, and the texture is more pure.

If the former two gave Lu Sheng the feeling that two soft lines flow in the body, then the new internal force of this time is like a long, cool, jade scent, slowly turning in the body.

"This new method is to absorb the new yin and yang that inclusive of the black tiger jade crane...." Lu Sheng did not expect this to happen.

He went to see his own modifier on martial arts.

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Less than half an hour, all the black tiger jade cranes are transformed into the internal gas of the new internal power. The total amount of internal gas is stirring in the body, and the male is abnormal.

"Since it is a combination of the two characteristics, then the new practice is called, yin and yang jade cranes." Lu Sheng quickly named it.

The new yin and yang jade crane power is far from the low-level health maintenance function of the former Yuhegong, but it is a high-level health function that has been upgraded into a road victory and can not predict the effect.

Combining the advantages and features of the multi-door internal power, this new internal power has just been transformed, and Lu Sheng feels different.

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