Way of the Devil

Chapter 71: Combat one

"This is .... acupuncture?"

Lu Sheng walked to a flower tree, reaching out and gently swaying on the trunk, and the surface of the bark suddenly showed a lot of fine pinhole-like traces.

"Yin and Yang Yuhe Gong, is actually acupuncture?" His heart was a little shocked.

From the very beginning, the internal strength of the inner workings that he thought of thoroughly, and the internal powers of martial arts novels that can directly affect foreign objects, how long has it been?

"No, I have such an effect. It does not mean that other people can do the same. The hand that I played, other people have not achieved the power of decades. It should be that the internal gas is too strong, causing the quantitative change to produce qualitative changes. General effects." Lu Sheng's heart quickly became clear.

Retracting his hand, he opened his palm and looked at it. There was no abnormality in the palm of his hand, and blood stasis was different from blood. This yin and yang jade crane was more concealed.

"If I am running **** work, I will suddenly play the yin and yang jade crane."

Lu Sheng’s heart moved, his left hand was bloody, and his right hand was yin and yang, and the two palms were shot at the same time.


A scream blew in the greenhouse.

The thick flower tree in front of Lu Sheng was hit by the left and right. He smashed and smashed, and the upper half fell to the ground. The break was black and there was a pinhole injury like a honeycomb.

Lu Sheng did not stop, turned around, and both palms slammed against the ground.


The ground slate slammed and two different forms of palm print appeared.

He stood up straight and looked down.

The **** hand of the right hand is palm print, one piece of black, one point deep.

The yin and yang jade crane of the left hand is printed on the palm of the hand, a piece of broken sand pit, the edge is like a jagged shape, and there are more than two fingers.

"The same amount of output on both sides, the yin and yang jade crane power is much stronger than the blood stasis." Lu Sheng's heart suddenly became clear.

“Is this still a health remedy?” He was speechless. "But **** work itself is being continuously converted by the Chih-Chi method. After that, the red-powered gas is much more powerful, and the actual effect can be caught up. Only now, Yin-Yang Yuhegong has become a card for me."

Lu Sheng did not expect that the fusion of the yin and yang jade crane power is so great. Almost twice as much as blood stasis. Used in unexpected circumstances, enough to instantly reverse the battle.

In the flower room, he closed his eyes and adjusted his interest for a while before he slowly walked out and went to the small house on the side to rest.

The small house is a taupe bungalow, which is built with a special black mud, pressed into a brick and dried. It is a dining place for gardeners and carers on weekdays. At this point, the road was won, and he was specially moved by a position.

The dish is a three-in-one soup that Lu Sheng made a special trip to help the rudder in the city: potato roast beef, chicken stewed mushrooms, cold skin jelly and a bucket of old ginseng tiger bone soup.

The dishes are the nourishing tops that are exclusive to this level of Lu Sheng. Beef chicks, what the average family can't afford.

"This treatment is indeed different from the rich family." Lu Sheng looked at the dishes in front of him, and some emotions.

"Isn't it, the son of the son does not know, our red whales have their own people to raise a large number of cattle every year, as well as old ginseng and tiger bones, all of which are obtained by the hunting team in the mountains. These can be exchanged. The gang contributed. For the general gang, although this contribution is not much, but the accumulation is small, it is also able to exchange better martial arts cheats." Ningsan respected while standing.

Since coming out of Songjiazhuang, Lu Sheng has stayed with him, not for anything else, but because this Ningsan can sleep with a bunch of ghosts for so long, and still have nothing to do, let Lu Sheng be curious It is.

Coupled with this person's character is quite tough, knowing the etiquette and advancing, and grasping the degree of humanity is very good, Lu Sheng is slowly getting used to him.

"The dish tastes good, it is a little less spicy." Lu Sheng added a chopsticks and cold skin, which is full of sour vinegar, slightly frowning.

"I will give it to the chef when I look back." Ning San hurryed.

"Well." Lu Sheng nodded, directly picking up the size of the barrel soup, and mouth to mouth is a big mouth to drink.

Drinking one-third of the tiger-bone soup in one breath, he took the chopsticks and turned them into the inside, and then he chewed the meat bones and the ginseng into the mouth. The bones are all stewed and crispy, the soup is delicious, and the sweet scent of ginseng is very good.

Lu Sheng Dakou big mouth wind and debris cloud quickly ate more than half of the food in front of him.

Just then, there was a galloping horse running outside.

"Don!!! Not good! The general trend is not good!!" Duan Mengan was stinky and rushed into the house, and his face was a little scared.

"What? Sit down and say." Lu Sheng was not too slow, picked up the rice bucket and stuffed a large mouthful of rice into his mouth with a spoon. He swallowed a few times and swallowed it. Then slowly look up and look at Duan Mengan.

At this time, the rough man was white and sweaty, and he still had a white paper like an invitation.

"The son! The big things are not good! The deputy lord Gongsun personally sent a challenge to you!! Still life and death stickers!" He quickly handed the post to Lu Sheng.

“Life and death stickers?” Lu Sheng picked up his eyebrows. “It seems that his niece is going to die. This old turtle has finally given up his hand.”

Although it is not clear about the strength of Gongsun Zhang Lan, but can be stronger than the old lord? Even if he is similar to him, he is full of internal strength, still afraid of dragging each other?

"Zongzi! That is the deputy lord Gong Lan Zhang Lan! Once I was young, I created Wanfeng Village, and even killed 13 fierce, can scare thousands of gangsters to the top of the top!" Dreaded and shrinked, Ming Ming gave birth to a thick and strong man, but his temper was timid and afraid of death. Not at all like Ning San, not strong enough, but tough.

"How about that? The rumors are exaggerated. Plus the son of the son is a person who is afraid of things. When I hurt the Gongsunjing before, should I have expected it?" Ningsan was shocked. The heart beats wildly, but at this time the face is still calm and cold. He is pressing all the treasures on Lu Sheng.

Unlike the section of Mengan, whose brain is not enough, he said that Lu Sheng was deliberately injuring Gong Sunjing, trying to provoke a direct conflict between him and his grandson Zhang Lan. Since Lu Shenggong took the initiative to provoke, he should have no small grasp. If you want to become a confidant, you must not miss this opportunity.

"Since that old man is dead, this war is closed." Lu Sheng picked up the battle post and gently opened it. There was only one line on the top.

‘After the sunset three days later, Jiujianxia, ​​a life-and-death battle. - Gongsun Zhang Lan. ’

"Interesting. Where is Jiuxiaxia?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

"Back to the son, in the depths of Dongshan, is a legendary canyon with black tigers." Ningsan replied.

"Do you know the way?" Lu Sheng asked.

When this sentence came out, Ning San suddenly took a look and immediately thought a lot. The meaning of this statement is very obvious. If he knows the road, it is likely that he has led the way together. The hidden dangers are not enough for outsiders.

In case the road wins and loses, Zhang Lan, the grandson who is under anger, may not survive.

The thoughts in my heart surged, and Ning San was silent.


Lu Sheng gave him a deep look and smiled. "That's good. When you lead the way, let's go together."

This is not a life-and-death battle after the notary, but only a life-and-death battle of private grievances, so neither side is prepared to advertise.

After using the meal, Lu Sheng did not return to the mountain city, but went straight to the red whale, and went to the Xuanwu Pavilion, the most precious and important bookstore of the red whale.

The Xuanwu Pavilion is located in the middle of the hull of the Red Whale, and is surrounded by a sturdy building. It is an independent small building built inside the hull.

The lacquered black building stands quietly inside the hull, surrounded by strong external masters, guarded around.

Lu Sheng took out his own token and passed the check of the level checkpoint. He quickly entered the first floor of Xuanwu Pavilion.

The first floor is the most basic type of martial arts. Most of them are ordinary martial arts techniques that are more common than chasing knives and bears, and the shadows of the inner strengths are not visible. The red whale knife method is also the free martial arts here.

Lu Sheng still saw the eight treasures he had learned before. This method was modified to the top level by him. It was not as sparse as usual, but it was only a martial art under the third stream, and the value was extremely low.

Randomly glanced at it, Lu Sheng found that the first layer of martial arts is just the common goods that connectivity can't reach, and the number of people who borrowed and viewed it is still quite a lot. In and out, people pick up and look around.

He simply stopped spending time and went straight to the second floor.

There are a lot fewer people on the second floor, and there are only a dozen people in the pieces. They are very quiet and turn over the books to see the martial arts they need.

Some martial arts that need to contribute only have a name and introduction, and this is not in the bookshelf.

Lu Sheng looked through the rows of bookshelves and quickly found the location of the bears in the hard work. Sure enough, it is free hard work.

There are several hard work on the side, but there are only names and introductions.

‘金纱功’, ‘断魂拳’, ‘宝桩功’, ‘暮鼓丹功’.....

The hard work of a door is arranged, and the conditions required for the practice are also clearly written.

Lu Sheng is also very interested in hard work. After all, it is a life-saving thing. If you can repair a few more doors, you can have more lives at the crucial moment.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of a problem.

"I have learned more and more, more and more complicated, and I have spent a lot of energy and physical strength. But unfortunately, the investment is too scattered, and the actual improvement is not as big as I imagined.

Perhaps I should choose a martial arts as a major, and constantly push to improve its level. Take it to an unimaginable level. Otherwise, there will be more martial arts in practice, which is also a mess, not complicated. ”

He stood in front of the bookshelf and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Lu Sheng slowly returned to God.

"The red heart is broad and profound, and it is seven stories high. It is enough for me to practice for a long time. I should use this as the main method of practice. In addition, the yin and yang jade cranes are powerful and can be used as a reserve for martial arts. The second main skill, even the bottom card, is a fatal moment at a crucial moment."

I want to arrange, and Lu Sheng will look at these exercises again, and I will know what I have.

"First pick a better hard work as a life-saving, with the Chi Chi heart, the power is absolutely enough."

His line of sight slowly slammed on the top of the hard work bookshelf. Almost 90% of the hard work was assisted by special medicine pills. Without this technology, Lu Sheng did not dare to make these relationships the key to his own life. Hand it over to others. Even if it was Chi Yangdan, he also asked the doctor to ask about the ingredients. I also tried the rabbit afterwards.

So all the hard work that needs the auxiliary medicine is omitted.

There are only two bookshelves in the hard work, and there are a total of fifteen books. This is the accumulation of the collection of the red whales. Among them, the Tongli is all in the mood, but the more condensed gods are gone.

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