Way of the Devil

Chapter 873: God group one

The main body of blood lipids squirmed, and a large number of gray dots around the arms began to float around, and small dots like lime floated in the air. Looking from afar, it is like a triangular cone table full of mildew.

"Counter!! Dead!"

In an instant, countless white spots flooded toward Lu Sheng.

Some white spots condense into a monster in the air, some condense to form a human form, and directly form a strange shape of various soldiers.

But no matter what shape, there are subtle divine fluctuations around all white spots.

Looking from afar, it seems as if countless white wraps around the cylindrical plaque where Lu Sheng is.

Lu Sheng gently dropped Yusei to the side.

"Block him."


The whole person in Yoss around him trembled violently. In an instant, his whole person began to squirt a lot of dark red tentacles, and countless tentacles gathered together, just like taking all the internal organs in his body.

Soon, the body of Yossé turned into a flesh-and-spirit monster with more than two meters.

The monster has the same six eyes on the head. The whole head is completely shaped like an octopus, but the lower body is still intact.

It stood up from the ground and bowed slightly toward the road. Then turned and faced the wave of white monsters flying towards this side.

"Scarlet wheel."

The monster reached out and suddenly split the two pieces of black pelt tissue on the edge of the palm.

The two small pieces of skin are automatically separated and rushed toward the left and right directions.


The two skins that have just left are rapidly expanding and expanding in midair, but in just a few seconds, they expand into two groups of black-red meat **** with numerous spells.


Two meat masses split the opening, and countless new tentacles burst out and splattered in all directions.

The gray monster wave and countless tentacles are just a moment, and they hit it.

Hey! ! !

The flesh and blood are like a grinding disc, and the gray monsters are cut sharply. A large amount of flesh and blood on the surface grows more tentacles in the first time of expansion, waving and swaying in all directions.

Lu Sheng reached out and pointed at the blood lipid god.

The entire huge triangular cone trembled, and a few tiny cracks began to appear around it. Cracks are getting more and more, and they are getting bigger and bigger, as if there is some kind of huge irresistible force to tear him.

"No!!" The blood lipid **** screamed, and the center of the triangle cone slowly separated, revealing a small space like a cavity.

Inside the space is a mysterious spider with blue fluff.

"Tear salting!"

The spider swooped out and rushed in the air in the air.

But before he got to the front, he was stunned by Lu Sheng and stared in midair.

Six golden eyes condensed on one thing, and the little spider's body fluff began to burn, and a lot of fierce and huge pressure was squeezing the spider's flight from all sides.

Hey! !

The spider has not yet flown in half, and it is blocked by invisible forces. It is automatically blasted in the middle, and its belly is filled with a highly toxic serum that is absolutely deadly to the creature.

The slurry flew open, and all the places that were sputtered were covered with countless dense brown blisters.

Even the surface of some house buildings began to grow blisters.

Lu Sheng swept his eyes, raised his hand, and opened his fingers.


Within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, countless clouds of gas were stirred, and all the clouds gathered together to form a stream of five giant long snakes.

The huge five airflows wrap around the blood lipid gods. Like a white rope.

"Since you are not willing to cooperate, then goodbye." He pinched his fingers.

Hey! ! !

An elliptical transparent wave on the right side hit his arm and slammed his palm.

A tall monster with black hair and long hair flew from the distance.

"Kill him!! Recapture the core!" The black long-haired monster screamed, opened his mouth, and suddenly spewed out the same huge gray octopus tentacles.

The huge tentacles are getting longer and thicker, getting thicker and thicker, and hitting Lu Sheng with a heavy power.

"Ninghua!" The monster roared and swayed the tentacles toward the road.

Hey! !

The tentacles are as if they are on an invisible wall, and they stay in the air for a few meters away from the road.

The invisible divine power violently collides and collides in the air. At this time, the land of the road wins, and the land of this place has been able to be perfectly played.

In this rule environment, his earth's atmosphere combined with its own niche factor power, easily resisted the other's divine power.

Lu Sheng chuckled and his body lifted again, and his fingers made two new rune fingerprints.

At the same time, his other arms also had different actions.

A pair of opponents printed inscriptions came out one after another. In an instant, he actually produced hundreds of different startup runes.

Numerous airflows converge and solidify together, forming a huge white wall above the heads of everyone.

The white wall almost enveloped the entire sky and is getting darker. That is to represent the cloud gas in the thickening.

The two evil spirits insanely released a series of tentacles and countless gray monsters, trying to kill Lu Sheng, but no matter how powerful offensive, they will quickly become as slow as snails in front of him.

Then it was defeated by its easy cohesion.

The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. It was originally in the daytime, but it was already like a night.

Lu Sheng looked at the blood fat **** master and reached out again.

"Try again?" He pointed five fingers and slowly pinched toward the triangular cone. Along with his movements, the same five gray and huge airflows are wound around the triangular cone body.

The surface of the triangular cone swelled, and the humanoid monster tried to arch out from the inside, but just took a head and was crushed back by the huge air pressure.

Hey! ! !

The blood lipid **** screamed and the body began to shake and struggle.

However, the five white airflows are getting tighter and tighter, and they are increasingly entering the main body of the blood lipid god.

Bang! !

In the blink of an eye, the sky slammed down a cloud column and squatted in the middle of the main body of blood lipids.

Most of his body seems to be vaporized and disappears.

Hey! ! !

The painful roar shook the earth around it. Some buildings with weak structures collapsed directly.

A long-haired sorrowful sorrowful screaming over the body, but immediately a cloud column descended from the sky and squatted on him.

Under the bang, the body of the long-haired monster was also vaporized and disappeared, and the serious injury floated in the air.

But he still wants to keep up.

With two dark-skinned skins, the black giant with his wings flew up to stop him.

These two black giants are not the same as the general giants. Their skin has delicate and simple patterns, their eyes are shining with evil greedy gray light, and their eyebrows have a dark red winged snake pattern. Every move is accompanied by the terrorist power given by Lu Sheng.

As a virtual demon, Lu Sheng is the only **** in his own world, so he naturally has his own subordinate servant.

These two are one of the strongest groups in his world of hearts: chaotic servants.

This group was the first living creatures that entered the world when the original heart world was born. They evolved and cultivated for many years before they reached the present level.

In general, the highest level of monsters in the world of the mind will be lower than the two levels of the virtual body.

However, because of the Lu Sheng body at this time, under the deep blue deduction, it has directly reached the legendary lord, the most imaginary.

So in theory, these monster groups also have the strength to approach the virtual level.

And the world of the heart does not die, they do not die. And they don't have the spirit, their spirits and the world of the mind are one, they will not die at all.

In theory, it is not unreasonable that the devil is called the demon in other worlds. Every virtual demon is an absolute monster natural disaster.

Although Lu Sheng has opened up the world of the heart, he will lose his ability to die and be in the most dangerous state.

But now, he is also the strongest moment!

"Kill them!" Lu Sheng hand held the chaotic core, turned and gently walked down.

In front of him in the air, countless dark red flesh automatically formed a step under his feet, all the way down.

Behind him, a huge black figure vacated, revealing a grumpy smile and looking at the long-haired monster.

The triangular cone evil spirit, which was also heavily damaged, was tied and unable to break free.

Hey! ! !

Numerous black giants vacated, and they developed a pair of black fleshy wings long or short behind them.

Bang! ! !

The two incarnations of the evil spirits did not last long and they exploded under countless sieges, turning into nothingness in a roar.

Lu Sheng did not look at the scene behind him, but actually went to another, more troublesome place.

These mid-air are just the appearance of bait, the real trouble, or another.

On the ground, the only place where the meat blanket did not erode completely, surrounded by numerous purple and black voids, formed a high altar of flesh and blood.

There are five top-notch vanities on the altar, which are surrounded by a small formation, whispering some strange language.

They have been chanting for a long time, and the center of the formation, sitting on a road to win the familiar figure.

"I found it so quickly??" The figure looked at Lu Sheng, who walked down in the air, and his face was unusually surprised.

"This is not very obvious? Whether the blood lipid gods or the followers of the long grotesque, the strength is surprisingly weak, although it is far beyond the ordinary monsters, but not worthy of the real evil spirits. And they obviously have traces of being summoned. ”

Lu Sheng gently landed on the ground not far from the altar. The ground where he stood quickly spread and grew a dark red flesh carpet.

The figure smiled and nodded.

"Really, I didn't notice that you were so keen. But to say, what exactly are you? In the name of the echo in the air, there is no your existence."

"I? An ordinary 30-year-old unmarried man.

Actually, I didn't intend to mix things between you, but unfortunately you took the initiative to bring me in." Lu Sheng was flat.

"Yes? That's a pity." The figure slowly stood up, revealing the face covered in the shadow.

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