Way of the Devil

Chapter 874: God group II

This face is a professor of Varian who gave Lu Sheng a class.

"Professor Varian!! How could it be you!!?" Andy and Alni, who were hiding in the dark, couldn't help but scream.

"Why can't it be me?" Varian laughed. "Poor little worms have an unbelievable expression. My favorite thing to look at is your expression." He gradually laughed.

"It makes me happy, even in the void for so many years, there is no such thing as this moment."

"Like you guys will never think of it, his classmate, his friend Jack, actually the real identity will be this weird look..." Varian pointed to the road victory.

Alni and Andy are both a glimpse. Before they just felt that Lu Sheng was like Jack, but now it was pointed out directly by Varian. Compared with the previous tone of speech, it was confirmed that Lu Sheng was Jack.

Lu Sheng looked back at the two men.

"How come you?"

"To save you!" Andy licked his lips.

"..." Lu Sheng looked at the large group of Nether Monsters that he sneaked behind him. The front, back, left and right sides were all monsters. They seemed to be surrounded....

This is really to save him, afraid that those who are all right will be killed by them.

"Jack....! You!!" Alni couldn't accept the way Lu Sheng was at this time.

"You, are you still??"

"I have always been like this.... Jack is just an identity on my face." Lu Sheng answered casually.

"And my true identity....." He looked at Alni. Suddenly reached for a finger.

An invisible horror shock wave shot from the face of Alni.

boom! ! !

The deafening huge explosion sounded behind the two.

The large number of Nether Monsters hidden behind them were all smashed into the nose by the brutal airflow, and the body was torn from the inside, and even the screams did not burst out.

The purple flesh is scattered all over the place, and the distribution is everywhere.

"Wow!!" Andy's scalp is numb, but the face is rare and excited. But he is confident that the monster in his body can do it, and it is easier.

"Great!! The old crow is worse than the one before you, but it is super cool! Speaking of it, you and him, who is more powerful?"


"Old crow??"


"Respond? Old crow?" Andy wondered. "crow?"

"Hey! Don't talk! He hasn't found me yet!" The body quickly gave a faint voice.

"..." The smile on Andy's face faded away...

"This script is wrong....." He looked at Lu Sheng without words.

Lu Sheng also looked at him, and then the six faces of his eyes showed him a friendly smile.


Andy felt that the meat on his body was a little crisp, and all the goose bumps came out.

"You stand far away." Lu Sheng waved his hand, and a stream of air suddenly wrapped the two people, far away.

Looking back, Lu Sheng looked at Professor Varian.

"How? Want to join me and return to the embrace of the void?" Varian opened his arms and showed a kind smile. "The world is going to chaos, and the order will cease to exist. Everything will be integrated into the void and merged into one..."

Hey! ! !

In an instant, like a teleport, Lu Xun penetrated the invisible protective power of the layer, appearing directly in front of Varian. He had more than ten pairs of arms and smashed the professor's body, and the power of terror broke out.


The whole person of Varian broke out in a flash and turned into a **** blood.

"It doesn't make sense.... This world has gone to the end....." Numerous flesh and blood stirred the voice of Varian.

Hey! !

A purple crystal-like beam suddenly emerged from the altar at the foot.

The beam rises into the sky and pierces the sky.

In space.

Invisible ripples began to appear in the void around the earth, and a large number of huge black shadows slowly extended their claws from the ripples, a pair of greedy eyes, watching the pale blue earth through the ripples.

The purple beam rushed out of the earth and quickly rushed into the middle of a vague ripple in the void.

The ripples are getting faster and faster, and more and more urgent.

A real, huge, tens of thousands of meters of fortress-like purple-black monsters slowly drifting out of the ripples.

It was a huge monster like a whale. It had only one eye on its head, and a metal circle with a circle in its eyes slowly turned.

"Is it?. This... is my body...." Varian's voice swayed from the mouth of the whale.

The sound wave of this spiritual power is not a real sound wave, but a purely turbulent mental power.

It instantly spans a large distance and passes to Lu Sheng’s mind.

"Is it??" Lu Sheng vacated and his eyes lit up with golden light. "However, just like strength, just like grabbing the core of the heart, are you too much to see yourself?"

His arms stretched slowly.

Countless winds, countless cosmic particle winds, began to condense in front of the earth. A huge black whirlpool soon formed.

call! !

Suddenly a huge black shadow rushed out of the whirlpool and rushed to the whale.

Unexpectedly, the whales were hit by the shadows of the shadows, and the two giants suddenly rolled up in space.

The vastness of space is infinite. For two tens of thousands of meters of monsters, it seems that the distance around the planet is very close, but in fact, it is impossible to travel to another planet for a few days and nights.

The black shadow quickly revealed his body shape, and it was a huge crane bird with a black paint.

It screamed at the screaming screams and bowed his head toward the giant whale. Numerous black gas and particle winds are attached to his wings, helping him to reduce drag and speed up the explosive power.

Lu Sheng flickered a few times and went to space, looking at the two monsters in the fight. There is no victory or defeat in a short time. The giant whale is very powerful. The strength is much stronger than that of the thousand gods. In theory, the thousand gods can still become bigger, but at the moment this size is the most solid state. The power of exertion is the strongest.

At this time, he can feel that his body is rapidly absorbing the void factor that devours Jack's body and absorbs the power system of the world. This feeling is becoming more apparent as he leaves the university and comes to space.

This world... seems to be accelerating to accept him....

His void factor dominates the flow, and the earth's atmosphere is essentially a kind of flow, so there is no difficulty in the fit. Looking at the black cranes and whales that are evenly matched in the distance, he is about to come forward to solve the whale.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng moved to the left, and a black light flashed past his position.

"Come again!?" Lu Sheng is a little annoyed, these evil spirits are endless!

He looked forward.

In the circle of ripples in the void, a huge dark monster emerges slowly, and their volume is not much worse than the giant whale just now.

"Devouring.....killed him...."

"Soul.... delicious soul...."

"The end of the day...the end of the day...the destruction will be a new life..."

A head of grotesque horror evil spirits slowly arched out of the ripples.

An invisible mental storm began to stir in the surrounding space, forming a huge soul pressure, and pressing to death.

If there is a level of difference, it will become a madman and an idiot in just one second in this storm.

One of the several attacks, even from the center of a distant galaxy, is a strange red light.

The galaxy seems to have something far bigger than all the evil spirits in the field, watching it here.

One stock is not weaker than the horrific pressure of the singer, and it is pressed against Lu Sheng. Let the void around his body continually sputter a tiny purple-red spot.

That is the little bit of debris that blooms between the offensive and defensive forces.

"So I said... trouble came...." Lu Sheng looked helplessly in front of this scene, he broke through the glory, there are so many metamorphosis of the same level to find him trouble.... This is compared The devil world is still exaggerated!

"Hand over... heart core...." A huge voice swayed from the center of the galaxy.

"I want to hand it over...." Lu Sheng smiled.

"But....first win me and say it!!"

When the bang burst, the whole person disappeared instantly, turning into a dark red thin line, and then rushed into the evil spirits.

His size is not big, compared to the tens of thousands of meters of evil spirits, it can only be regarded as ant dust.

But as soon as he rushed into the evil spirits, countless black tentacles would be wrapped like a marine newspaper.

There are no dead ends, no gaps, and the top, bottom, left and right are all tentacles. The strange toxins began to erode his body, and the powerful chaos spirit was impacting his spirit. The terror of the tentacles forces to hunt and entangle his body.

These evil spirits may have long been accustomed to the alienated body, and they are more of a magical technique that releases a strange effect.

But the magic of these various colors can't catch up with the road. He has more than a dozen black knives on his arm, and one flies down.

Hey! ! !

Numerous tentacles were opened, and a bear-like sacred body was marked with a small **** mouth. The original **** mouth was able to recover with his self-healing power.

But as soon as the **** mouth appeared, it began to expand rapidly. A blood mouth of more than ten meters, in a blink of an eye, only a few seconds, then the expansion extended to hundreds of meters, on the kilometer, and finally tens of thousands of meters! !

puff! ! !

A lot of black blood sprang from the blood.

Hey! !

The evil **** mourned in pain. Its entire body slammed, actually split into two from the middle, and fried into two.

Even as a sin, there are strengths and weaknesses.

Lu Sheng has several flashing sprints, and even cut more than ten evil spirits. Every knife he really poured his full strength.

This unprecedented sense of euphoria made the nerves in his mind extremely excited.

"Come on, come on! Let me be more fun!! Hahahaha!!" He looked fanatical, and the blade on his arm was madly slashed on the surface of the head of the evil spirit.

Countless tentacles and sorcerers fell behind him, and they couldn't keep up with his speed. Even if there are occasional few hits in him, the horror energy resistance of Lu Sheng is slightly useless except for the spiritual soul shock. All other means are completely ineffective.

His body has become perfect in the repeated killings. Except for the frontal cut, no means can hit the current road win.

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