The shadow fox, who has not yet responded, is startled by Ye Hongtian's move and sits on the ground and screams.

"Ah! I don't want to be a fox buried alive! Help me, anyone can do it

Not only did he scream, the shadow fox was still shouting for help, his eyes closed.

Seeing the shadow Fox's appearance, ye Hongtian showed a look of contempt on his face. He went to the shadow Fox and squatted down and squeezed the shadow Fox's nose.

Unable to breathe, the shadow fox suddenly thought that he had been buried alive. He could not breathe. He turned his white eyes and fainted.

This scene directly startles Ye Hongtian, and then a burst of contempt.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a stupid creature, but it's better to faint. You'll have to get rid of her when you rob the treasure with me." Ye Hongtian said to himself.

Standing up again and looking around, the fall has stopped. Obviously, it is manual work to dig down again.

Fortunately, his guess is correct. At this time, ye Hongtian has vaguely sensed that some powerful energy is attached to the wall.

However, that kind of energy has a very good interference effect, so that ye Hongtian can not completely confirm its position.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ye Hongtian tapped on the wall with his hand and released his soul power to penetrate the wall. Due to the hardness of the stone and the strange force field, ye Hongtian's soul power is difficult to penetrate.

Half an hour later, ye Hongtian finally found the wall where the energy was concentrated, which made him excited.

Heaven changes into an iron pick to hold on to, and then use the law of earth, even if the stone here is hard, ye Hongtian can also cut it.

After digging for a while, ye Hongtian saw a diamond shaped crystal.

This crystal is light green. It seems that there is a small tail at the bottom of the crystal, and it is not a regular diamond. There are two corners on both sides of the upper end, which is very strange.

"Is this thing imitating a higher demon? It's weird, but I don't care. I'll take it Ye Hongtian licked his lips and said.

Holding the diamond crystal in his hand, ye Hongtian felt the heat in his palm and immediately released the crystal in his hand.

"Hiss! It can also hurt people. "

Ye Hongtian used his left hand to click on the wrist of his right hand, and then he pressed twice on the forearm to stop the blood using his own acupoint pressing skill.

In the palm of the right hand, it was a deep bone wound, about a finger long, like a dagger.

Ye Hongtian, who didn't know how to scratch it, became cautious and thought about what it was.

Ka ~

while ye Hongtian was thinking, a crack suddenly appeared on this crystal.

And he just because of this crack feel surprised, right hand originally run ancient Phoenix Nirvana Jue is about to recover the wound, and suddenly split, a lot of blood.

"The amount of bleeding is abnormal! What's the situation? "

Ye Hongtian tried to stop bleeding again, but this time it was useless.

The blood dripping on the ground will disappear instantly, and it seems to penetrate into the ground.

If the wound of the palm can't stop bleeding, the blood production speed of the ancient Phoenix Nirvana formula can't catch up with the speed of bleeding. Sooner or later, it will bleed to death.

Thinking of this, ye Hongtian's eyes are sharp, the sky change sword is held in his left hand, and his hand is the space extinction sword with all his strength!

This is a small world. The highest level of martial arts can only reach the peak of Shenyuan state. If you break through it, you will soar.

As a man from the upper world, ye Hongtian uses all the power of the five fold cultivation of the awakening realm, and uses his own terrifying martial arts, so his power can be imagined.

The moment Ye Hongtian wielded this sword in the cave, all the warriors within a thousand miles around the mountain saw the sword meaning of soaring to the sky.

The meaning of a sword is not the same as that of a sword. A martial artist can play the simplest sword spirit with a little bit of Zhenyuan.

For those who specialize in kendo, they can use their own understanding of simplicity, and their proficiency in sword moves can wield the sword Qi as it is in essence.

On this basis, we should achieve the unity of man and sword, and achieve a shocking understanding of the art of sword. Only when we have our own unique sword sense, can we be called a real sword cultivation!

Many people standing near the cave are dazzled by the appearance of Li Hongjian.

Jun Qiongyao and Yu fengxiao were crouching on a tree with thick leaves just behind them. They were staring at the sword that was soaring into the sky. They couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

"This... Should be the sword meaning released by Ye Hongtian."

"Besides him, no one should be able to release this kind of terrible sword meaning. It seems that if someone provokes him, he is in trouble. However, I think the possibility of the former one is greater."

"Well, there shouldn't be anything in this little world that can make him feel troublesome."The two men discussed here, saying that they used their top body method to avoid the perception of a large number of high-level warriors in the Shenyuan realm and came to this mountain.

Although the mountain is not high, the highest * is expected to be about five Zhang high. Standing on it, you can see the whole mountain.

Jun Qiongyao and Yu fengxiao came here at this time, but when they just landed on the ground, they almost fell on the ground.

At this time, the direction they were looking at was the north of the mountain, where a huge gully, which was deep and spread to the far away, appeared.

The inside of this gully is full of terrible sword spirit, which can be seen by people and is not formed naturally.

"Did ye Hongtian make Gudong?"

"Oh, you know why."

Facing Yu fengxiao's problem, Jun Qiongyao couldn't help but glance at him coldly.

In the cave, ye Hongtian is panting and standing against the wall. His right hand is bleeding all the time. In addition, he uses the space extinction sword with all his strength. Zhenyuan still has a lot, but his physical strength is not enough.

Lift up the heavy eyelids and look at the ravines that have been cut out by ourselves. The position of the diamond crystal has been explained to be gone before, and even the space has been cut out with a crack one person high.

"Hooray! This should be solved. We have to find a way to stop bleeding. " Ye Hongtian relaxed and looked at his palm.

Crazy operation of the ancient Phoenix Nirvana formula, terrible resilience in his body around the formation of a spiritual vortex.

Because the aura in Ye Hong's celestial body had been saturated before, these auras could not enter ye Hongtian's body and could only linger around Ye Hongtian.


At this time, the familiar voice sounded from his head, which made Ye Hongtian stare at him and looked up.

The diamond of his head was floating high, and the diamond was hanging there.

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