"Damn it!"

Ye Hongtian stops his treatment, bites his teeth and waves his sword again. This sword is not a spatial extinction sword, but an ordinary extinction sword.

This time, ye Hongtian saw the light green diamond in the middle of the sword of extinction, and his face showed a look of joy.

Seeing that the diamond crystal is about to crack, ye Hongtian feels a little strange at the same time.

The next second, the rhombic crystal split, ye Hongtian this just reaction, this rhombic crystal originally split, his sword instead accelerated the speed of rhombic crystal split, can't help "tut" a.


In a hurry, ye Hongtian grabs the diamond crystal on the top of his head again. The moment he holds it, the blood of the wound in his palm is stained on the diamond crystal, making the light green diamond red instantly.

The red diamond becomes very manic and shakes about in mid air, as if to shake off Ye Hongtian's hand.

But ye Hongtian held on tightly this time, even if his hand was cut open again, he didn't let go.

After five breaths, the buds of ten thousand trees in the space of Ye Hong's celestial body suddenly glowed, followed by Ye Hongtian, the whole human being emitting colorful light.

This light not only covers Ye Hongtian, but also covers the diamond crystal in Ye Hongtian's hands, which calms the manic Lingjing.

With the passage of time, Lingjing became more and more red, and soon became blood red. Ye Hongtian's wound had already healed, and it seemed that the power of Wandao tree bud had played a role.

"I was saved by thousands of tree buds." Ye Hongtian murmured softly.

The wound stopped bleeding, and the baby got it. Ye Hongtian wanted to leave after collecting it in the heaven and earth bag.

However, when he tried to put Ling Jing into the heaven and earth bag, he found that Ling Jing stuck to his hand. No matter how he swung it, he couldn't get rid of it.

"What's the situation?"

Ye Hongtian is very depressed. He sits on the ground and looks at the diamond crystal inlaid in his palm. He doesn't know what to do.

Then ye Hongtian sensed the energy in the crystal, and raised his eyebrows to refine.

When ye Hongling thought of refining the energy of heaven and earth, he began to absorb the energy directly.

Today, it was a sunny day. At the moment when ye Hongtian absorbed the refined Lingjing, it suddenly became cloudy.

The rain soon fell down, and the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and soon it could be described as a downpour.


A flash of lightning fell, and the position of splitting was exactly where ye Hongtian was. It was obvious that the target was Ye Hongtian.

This is similar to the natural disaster, but the lightning is not the natural thunder, just the ordinary lightning in nature.

In the face of this kind of lightning, ye Hongtian is naturally fearless. Splitting on his body is like tickling, but his hair turns into an explosive head.

Without paying attention to the vision in the sky, ye Hongtian continued to refine Lingjing, and he completely let go of the attraction of thousands of tree buds to refine.

On the way of refining, without any suppression of the myriad tree buds, they began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth around them, and then fed the pure energy back to Ye Hongtian.

Ye Hongtian, who had already been unable to suppress the breakthrough, was shocked by the energy just fed back by Wandao tree buds, and his cultivation directly broke through to the six levels of awakening state.

Ye Hongtian doesn't worry about whether the cultivation of wuchong in the awakening realm has reached its peak, because at the beginning of absorbing refining Lingjing, a kind of perception similar to that of things between heaven and earth penetrated into Ye Hongtian's body, which makes Ye Hongtian's wuchong in the awakening realm completely complete.

Ye Hongtian, who broke through the six levels of awakening state, soared in a straight line and completed the stabilization of six levels of awakening state in a quarter of an hour.

Then there is the middle of six levels of awakening!

The sixth stage of awakening state!

Six peaks of awakening!

Seven levels of awakening! Breach!

A small state in such a thick accumulation of thin hair in the case of easy to complete the breakthrough, and the foundation is very solid, the awakening state can have this breakthrough speed, who will be scared to death.

Three days later, in the early morning, ye Hongtian slowly opened his eyes. His eyes changed from mirror Yin and Yang eyes into two eye-catching whirlpools, and then back to normal.

Taking a deep breath, he felt that he was full of strength after his breakthrough. Looking around, the whole mountain had become full of holes because of his breakthrough.

When he breaks through, all kinds of laws are revealed. The laws of time and space are dealt with by time and space beasts, but other laws can't be controlled.

Because of his own reasons to destroy a mountain, ye Hongtian felt a little guilty, but also some guilt.

Standing up from the ground, ye Hongtian releases his soul power around him and begins to wave the mysterious sword technique to absorb the purple Qi.

This time, ye Hongtian felt that he had absorbed more purple gas than he had absorbed in Shenwu land, which made him feel a little surprised.Much more than usual, he had the idea of waving 102 swords.

In the twinkling of an eye, sword 101 was finished, and the next sword was sword 102.

Ye Hongtian's expression became dignified and continued to wield his sword. At this moment, he used the whole body's strength, whether it was Zhenyuan or the law power, or even the soul power. Anyway, this is a small world, and no one will know that he can use soul power and Zhenyuan together.

The combination of soul power and true yuan power is very powerful, but the mysterious sword technique is very evil. Just after the power has been gathered, it will be absorbed in a twinkling of an eye.

Heaven changing Spirit tells Ye Hongtian that he didn't absorb it by himself, so his sword moves can only absorb his power.

Keep swinging!

Ye Hongtian doesn't want to give up. Even if he fails to wield his sword, he will not use his right hand in the next few days. Even though his arm has been cut off, he is confident that he will grow up in a few days by virtue of the ancient Phoenix Nirvana formula.

Huwu ~ huwu ~

the sword waving action was stuck at the beginning of the 102 sword. Ye Hongtian tried his best. His strength collided with the pressure caused by the sword waving, causing a hurricane around him.

Biting his teeth, ye Hongtian desperately wants to wield this sword. With such a difficult sword, ye Hongtian can imagine how much benefit it will bring after wielding it!

The body of law opens! Five elements in one open! Open the secret of Dantian! Ancient Phoenix essence blood burn! Even with bloodthirsty tactics!


At that moment, ye Hongtian couldn't feel the pain. In this way, he waved the 102 sword out after a roar.

The sword spirit of 102 sword was not the same as that of 101 sword for the first time, but disappeared after this time.

Ye Hongtian is paralyzed on the ground, and the sky changes in his hand. He gasps heavily and looks at the sky which has been clear for thousands of miles, and the corners of his mouth bring up a smile.

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