In May, the beginning of summer has just passed.

Yanzhou, Juancheng.

This year's spring plowing ended just a month ago. Although there have been severe droughts in the past two years, Yanzhou has not been greatly affected today.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye since Cao Cao took control of Yanzhou.

This is also Xi Yu's fourth year in Cao Ying. Counting by counting, he has already passed three years.

In the past few years, the overall situation in the world has not changed much.

When a butterfly flaps its wings, the changes that occur only make a difference in Yanzhou.

And this seems to be just the beginning.

Last year, Gongsun Zan, who competed with Yuan Shao for Youzhou, was ultimately defeated and died as in history.

From then on, Yuan Shao controlled the Three Continents and became the most powerful prince in the Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao led his troops southward at the end of the year and captured Yingchuan County and Runan County. Most of Yuzhou was now in Cao Cao's hands.

Huainan Yuan Shu's forces spread throughout Huainan and occupied another part of Yuzhou. His subordinate Sun Ce was powerful all the way to Jiangdong.

Overall, these three forces are now the three most powerful forces in the entire Han Dynasty.

Liu Biao occupied Jingzhou, and Liu Zhang and his son occupied Xichuan of Yizhou.

The remaining Sili area has been extremely lively for more than a year last year.

Since the emperor's return to the east, the entire Sili region has been fighting against each other for the emperor's sake.

Yuan Shao was busy governing the Three Continents, listening to the advice of his advisers, and did not want to pay attention to the emperor.

Under Xi Yu's advice, Cao Cao moved to Xu County and other places, and his power expanded southward in a short period of time.

Within the Juancheng Yamen Office.

Nowadays, because Cao Cao is focused on pleasing the emperor, he is currently leading his troops to camp in the Runan area of ​​Xu County.

The entire Yanzhou rear area was left to be managed jointly by Xi Yu and Xun Yu.

Xi Yu looked at the report that had just been delivered to him, raised his eyes and glanced slightly at Xun Yu.

"Brother, the Emperor has arrived in Luoyang!"

I just received the letter from Luoyang to visit the horse. Now the emperor has arrived in Luoyang with hundreds of officials under escort.

The matter of returning to the east has now come to an end.

Upon hearing this, Xun Yu took the report from Xi Yu's hand.

"Finally arrived in Luoyang!"

"Your Majesty, just be fine!"

Seeing that the emperor arrived at the old capital Luoyang safe and sound, Xun Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the emperor returned eastward, Xun Yu's thoughts have been on Liu Xie.

When he learned that Li Jue and others were pursuing the emperor, Xun Yu wanted to admonish Cao Cao to send troops to greet the emperor.

If Xi Yu hadn't stopped him, Xun Yu would have been unable to sit still.

Now, the emperor has finally returned to Luoyang.

The stone in Xun Yu's heart also fell.

"Your Majesty has returned to Luoyang, it's time to advise the lord to please your Majesty!"

Xun Yu murmured something at the corner of his mouth, and then he started to spread out a piece of white paper in front of the desk.

Nowadays, white paper has become popular in Yanzhou.

The entire white paper industry in Juancheng has also driven the overall economy of Juancheng.

All business trips from state to state are based on white paper.

Seeing Xun Yu spreading out the white paper and writing an official document, Xi Yu slowly moved closer to him.

Xun Yu didn't pay attention and held the brush very steadily in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, on the white paper, there was good calligraphy in one hand, leaping up.

[In the past, Duke Wen of the Jin Dynasty accepted King Xiang of Zhou Dynasty, and the princes obeyed; the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty mourned for the Righteous Emperor, and the world returned to its heart.

Today, the emperor is covered in dust. The general is sincerely advocating for righteous soldiers at this time, serving the emperor to follow the public's expectations, which is an unparalleled strategy.

If I don't plan ahead, others will do it before me.

Now that His Majesty has returned to the Imperial Capital, it is the time for the general to welcome him!


Xun Yu's official document was written in an extremely formal manner, and it was a serious piece of advice.

Xi Yu took a quick look and stopped looking at the content. Instead, he carefully observed Xun Yu's calligraphy.

Today's calligraphy is not as brilliant as that of later generations.

The Three Kings have not yet been born, but the current mainstream is Cai Yong, and the most widely circulated is the Xiping Stone Classic.

Xun Yu wrote Xiaozhuan, and his handwriting was quite satisfactory. It didn't look too outstanding, but it was somewhat beautiful.

"Brother's calligraphy is pretty good!"

Seeing Xun Yu put away his pen, Xi Yu praised him casually.

Hearing this, Xun Yu couldn't help but glance at Xi Yu.

He folded the official document he had written and then waved to the clerk on the side.

"Send this message to the lord quickly!"

The clerk nodded, put away the official documents solemnly, and then quickly left.

At this time, Xun Yu glanced at Xi Yu faintly.

His own calligraphy is clear and not too dazzling.

Before white paper was widely available, Xun Yu had always used bamboo slips to write, and naturally he did not study much about calligraphy.

Nowadays, after the popularization of white paper, the pursuit of calligraphy throughout Cao Ying has also increased.

"Feng Yi is ridiculous. My calligraphy doesn't count. It's true that Mr. Cai's calligraphy is the best today!"

The corners of Xun Yu's mouth curled up slightly.

When it comes to Cai Yong, there is one person who cannot be ignored right now.

He looked at Xi Yu in front of him with strange eyes. Regarding Miss Cai Yan, he had been listening to his wife talk about it at home.

It is said that Miss Cai Yan has been living in the Cao family since she came to Juancheng, but later she met Xi Yu's wife.

The relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds.

The point is, his wife told him that Miss Cai Yan seemed to be interested in Xi Yu, and what she said was quite conclusive.

But the guy in front of me has made no statements in the past two years.

Xun Yu knew to some extent that Cai Yan's wife had told him many of his experiences.

After the other party married the Wei family in Hedong, her husband died of illness. After returning to Cai Mansion, Cai Yongyou died because of Dong Zhuo's incident.

This girl's experience has been somewhat tortuous.

Perhaps it is because of his own experience that even though he is interested in Xi Yu, he is cautious because of this.

Xun Yu glanced at Xi Yu, and when he said Cai Yong, the guy in front of him visibly trembled in brows.

"Fengyi, what do you think of Miss Cai?"

It was probably because Mrs. Chang was talking in front of Xun Yu that Xun Yu didn't know why but asked.

Xi Yu was obviously a little surprised when Xun Yu, who had always been serious, suddenly mentioned Cai Yan.

However, let’s talk about Cai Yan.

In Xi Yu's heart, a figure of a beautiful figure sitting in the pavilion playing the piano with bare hands appeared involuntarily.

In my impression, it was as if a gentle breeze was blowing by, and the sound of the piano seemed to be ringing in my ears.

The tone was melodious and melodious, as if there was endless sadness.

"Born with beauty and outstanding talent!"

The corner of Xiyu's mouth subconsciously murmured in response.

"Oh, Fengyi has such a high reputation?"

Xun Yu smiled and stood up slowly: "Since you have such an evaluation, why has Fengyi never expressed his position?"

Take a stand?

What attitude do you express?

Xi Yu couldn't help but glance at Xun Yu. When did Xun Yu, a humble gentleman, start gossiping.

Regarding Cai Yan, he did have some thoughts in his heart, but he was not the two lustful ghosts like Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai.

Obviously they were leading troops to fight, but the two of them actually took time to go to the local area to escort prostitutes together. This incident made the entire Cao camp praise the two as romantic.

For Cai Yan, Xi Yu has an attitude of appreciation and care.

Such a woman was too miserable in her original life trajectory, like a microcosm of the current of the times.

He was not in a hurry to take the other party as his own, and naturally considered the moods of Cai Yan and Gan Mei.

Now when he suddenly heard Xun Yu say this, the corners of Xi Yu's mouth twitched subconsciously.

"Brother, you are in a good mood because of the emperor's affairs, and you have time to care about my affairs?"

Xi Yu asked casually.

Xun Yu just chuckled: "I often hear my wife mention it at home, but it makes my ears feel calloused!"

"I see that Fengyi also has feelings for Miss Cai. Why don't you ask the inner chamber to help you make inquiries for my brother's sake?"

Xun Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Madam sister-in-law is really eager!"

Xi Yu didn't refuse, but when he heard Xun Yu say this, he felt something move in his heart.

In the past two years, because Gan Mei and Cai Yan had a good relationship, he often saw Cai Yan.

The latter was cautious from the beginning, but has changed a lot now.

"This matter is settled like this!"

Seeing Xi Yu's reaction, Xun Yu directly helped him settle the matter.

Leave this matter alone.

The two men began to discuss matters about the emperor again.

Now Cao Cao has successfully conquered Yingchuan and Runan counties.

Yuan Shao in the north began to pay more and more attention to Cao Cao.

If Cao Cao hadn't ostensibly backed down in front of Yuan Shao, there would have been a lot of friction between the two.

After returning from the government office.

It was still early, so as soon as Xi Yu entered his yard, he saw Gan Mei holding Cai Yan in the pavilion and talking about something.

There was a sweet laughter in my ears.

Upon noticing Xi Yu's return, the two people in the pavilion immediately looked over.

Xi Yu saluted Cai Yan. Remembering Xun Yu's previous proposal, he subconsciously glanced at Cai Yan.

For more than two years, Cai Yan was cautious and cautious from the beginning.

Now, he has become more generous.

It seemed that he had gotten out of the previous gloomy mood.

Compared to two years ago, Cai Yan is now a bit more outstanding, like a cluster of flowers blooming.

It's a bit dazzling, making people unable to take their eyes away for a while.

Cai Yan returned the greeting to Xi Yu.

When the voice fell, he looked up and saw Xi Yu looking at him blankly. At this moment, a sense of shame involuntarily welled up in his heart.

After being abandoned by the Wei family, a series of changes followed, which caught Cai Yan off guard.

She was already at a loss as to what the future would hold.

It was not until I came to Juancheng that my life gradually regained its luster.

"Sir, sir!"

Cai Yan seemed to be unable to stand, and the playful look in her eyes made her look a little panicked.

After regaining consciousness, Xi Yu realized that he seemed to be a little lost.

Gan Mei on the side covered her mouth, as if she had seen through Xi Yu, and the corners of her eyes wanted to curve into crescents.

"I, I still have something to do!"

After leaving a few words, Cai Yan hurriedly left.

It was a bit like running away. After reacting, Xi Yu couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose.

"Alang is stunned?"

Seeing that Cai Yan had left, Gan Mei smiled and asked Xi Yu.

There was a hint of ridicule in his tone. Xi Yu couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this. He raised his eyes and looked at Gan Mei.

"Ma'am, you are very happy?"

He took two steps towards Gan Mei, who moved to the side: "I can see that A Lang has intentions in his heart, and I think Sister Cai's attitude towards A Lang is not bad at all!"

"In the past two years, Alang has only been busy with himself!"

Gan Mei's tone was leisurely, and she didn't think she was angry with Xi Yu, but she felt that there seemed to be some kind of intention between her husband and Cai Yan.

It's a pity that neither of them meant to make it clear at all.

This has resulted in a situation that is still the same today.

"If I see it, how about I go and say it on Alang's behalf?!"

Gan Mei had a smile on her face, and Xi Yu couldn't help but raise her brows a little.

More than two years passed in the blink of an eye. Seeing the seriousness of Gan Mei's words, he nodded accordingly.

"Listen to my lady!"

"I am returning to the imperial capital now, and your guards have done a great job!"

"Fake Zhang Yang as Grand Sima, Yang Feng as Chariot and Cavalry General, Han Xian as Grand General, and fake Sili Xiaowei. You are all fake!"

It's the same year and month.

Liu Xie returned to Luoyang.

All the twists and turns along the way seemed to be swept away as I returned to Luoyang.

Zhang Yang and others were all rewarded by Liu Xie for their merits in guarding.

The emperor is now very familiar with the matter of awarding rewards. These few words are the only right that can be exercised at the moment.

However, the situation in Luoyang City was not what Liu Xie had hoped for.

After returning to Luoyang, when they saw the dilapidated and deserted palace city in front of them, Liu Xie and other great leaders were all a little lost.

"Damn Dong Zhuo!"

As the first person began to curse at the side, ancestor Dong Zhuo was also taken out.

These people now seemed eager to dig Dong Zhuo out of the soil and whip his corpse.

Today, Luoyang is in ruins after Dong Zhuo's rebellion.

The former palace city has become a piece of ruins, the main hall has collapsed and is dim.

Liu Xie was a little at a loss.

The first time he returned to Luoyang, he seemed to be unable to find a place to stay.

In the same month, Dong Cheng, who had been defeated by Han Xian before, learned that the emperor had returned to Luoyang, and soon returned with his troops.

With Liu Xie intervening to comfort him, Dong Cheng's return did not cause too much trouble, but Liu Xie gave him high hopes and encouraged him to build a new palace.

In June, Liu Xie temporarily lived in the Yang'an Hall of the newly built Nangong Palace. However, at this moment, all the ministers and officials had no place to live.

"Your Majesty, there was a great famine last year, and now the people's livelihood in Luoyang is in decline. It is not a place where people can live permanently. Disasters are happening in various places this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult for tributes from various places to arrive!"

In Yang An's palace, all the officials gathered.

Liu Xie was a little tired. He had only returned to Luoyang less than a month ago. Although the Yang An Palace that he had barely built was not as good as the previous Luoyang Palace, it still made him feel at ease.

But this feeling of peace of mind didn't last long, and someone told him that they were about to run out of food.

After Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang, the people's livelihood today is not much better than that of Chang'an before.

Coupled with the disasters in recent years, Liu Xie can only rely on tributes from various places.

However, first Hanoi apologized publicly, and then various places seemed to agree, saying that the disaster was so bad that food could not be transported.

In Yang An's palace, Liu Xie's face turned blue and he was leaning forward to ask the ministers what else they could do.

At this moment, a foreign envoy suddenly asked to see him outside the palace!

"Your Majesty, the envoy under Cao Cao, the shepherd of Yanzhou, wants to see your Majesty!"


Following Liu Xie's call.

Outside the main hall, Cao Hong, who was driven by Cao Cao, entered the main hall immediately.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

"My Lord learned that His Majesty has returned to Luoyang and sent me to greet His Majesty!"


As soon as Cao Hong opened his mouth, Liu Xie had not yet reacted, but the expressions of Dong Cheng and others beside him had already changed.

What does greeting mean?

Cao Cao wants to welcome His Majesty to Yanzhou?

Cao Cao?

After hearing Cao Hong's explanation, Liu Xie remembered that Cao Cao had been mentioned by his attendants a while ago.

Now that he heard the other party mention it again, Liu Xie suddenly became interested.

It's just that Liu Xie himself was somewhat resistant to the matter of moving a car, having had the experience of Li Jue and others.

"Please rest for a moment, sir. We will discuss this matter later!"

The simple thing is that when Cao Hong came to see him this time, he brought a lot of grain and rice items with him.

Liu Xie and others, who were still a little embarrassed at first, were better off than before with the grain and rice donated by Cao Cao.

However, due to the obstruction by Dong Cheng and others, Liu Xie was somewhat reluctant.

The transfer was forgotten.

Cao Hong was delayed in Luoyang for half a month. In desperation, he could only return to the army to report to Cao Cao.

Mid June.

The weather started to get unbearably hot.

The progress of the new palace city that Dong Cheng was responsible for was extremely slow, and the temporary construction of the Yang'an Palace made it even more difficult to sleep.

Now that there is no longer any food worry, factions began to form among the ministers in the court.

Dong Cheng, Yang Feng, and Han Xian were three parties, who were suspicious of each other and restrained them.

They had already begun to attack each other in the court. This situation made Liu Xie very upset.

"Brother, it's my inability to welcome the Emperor back!"

In Xu County, Yuzhou, Cao Cao was waiting with joy for Cao Hong to welcome the emperor back, and he had even planned how to build a new Xu County.

However, Cao Hong, who returned to his hometown, did not bring the emperor back as he thought.

"That's it!"

Cao Cao did not blame Cao Hong for his apology. The matter of flattering the emperor was not that simple.

This time he was just a test. If he could welcome the emperor back, everyone would be happy.

If not, it doesn't matter.

Now the Emperor is in Luoyang, just as Fengyi said, he cannot be lost!

Yanzhou and Xu County are not far from each other in Luoyang.

As long as the emperor is right in front of you, you can't wait too long to welcome him.

What's more, now that he is in court, he has contact with people.

Luoyang, inside the Yang An Palace!

As Dong Cheng and the other two became suspicious of each other, Dong Zhao, the advisor at that time, secretly asked to see Liu Xie in the middle of the night.

"Your Majesty, this scene is just like the scene in Chang'an before. It cannot be changed without external force!"

"What good advice do you have?"

Liu Xie was helpless, how could he not be clear about this situation.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao, the pastor of Yanzhou, is a hero of the world. He has a heart for the great man, so we can recruit him to welcome him!"

Dong Zhao vowed to make a name for Cao Cao.


Liu Xie raised his head and glanced at Dong Zhao, as if he thought of the previous scene in his mind.


I'm really sorry, brothers, I can barely keep up with one update these days. I thought I could write with peace of mind during the Chinese New Year, but in the end I had to visit relatives and have a blind date after that. I tried to finish it before the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I've been really busy lately. , all readers did not even bother to correct the typos they found. I will resume the 10,000-character update after two days when I am not busy. Thank you! ! !

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year, all the best, and happiness to your family! ! !

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