We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 114 Fengyi, didn’t you say that the emperor would never lose it?

Regarding Dong Zhao's proposal to recruit Cao Cao to Luoyang, Liu Xie did not agree.

Although Cao Cao was famous, he had experienced the upheavals of Dong Zhuo and Li Jue, and Liu Xie was much more cautious at this time.

Although Han Xian, Dong Cheng and others are currently attacking each other, they are not as serious as Li Jue and Guo Si.

Nowadays, Luoyang City is in ruins and waiting for redevelopment. Liu Xie, who has just settled down, does not want too many changes to occur.

Late June.

After experiencing the events of this year, Liu Xie increasingly felt that the title of Xingping was somewhat unlucky.

Since the year of Xingping, there have been constant natural disasters in the past two years, and everything has not gone smoothly since returning to Luoyang.

It's the day.

Liu Xie summoned hundreds of officials with the intention of changing the reign name.

All officials had no objection to this. In early July, the Xingping reign was banned and changed to Jian'an.

Starting from this year, it will be the first year of Jian'an.

The so-called Jian'an means reconstruction and stability.

Rebuilding Luoyang Palace is for reconstruction, and rebuilding the Han Dynasty is also for reconstruction.

Changing the year name did not have much impact.

The construction of Luoyang Palace was still extremely slow. Dong Cheng, who was responsible for the construction of Luoyang Palace, was only focused on fighting for power with Han Xian and Yang Feng.

Under such circumstances, the entire Luoyang Palace project seems to be a bit far away.

Liu Xie lived in Yang An's palace, and the fights between Yang Feng and others began to become more and more serious.

Cao Cao, who was in Xu County, did not stop his actions.

The correspondence between Cao Cao and Yilang Dong Zhao has not been interrupted, and has even become more frequent.

Dong Zhao wrote a letter suggesting that Cao Cao secretly befriend Yang Feng and others, and Cao Cao readily agreed.

It was night, Yang Feng was stationed in the army camp.

Dong Zhao and Yang Feng sat opposite each other.

"General, in the current situation in the court, the general is like a boat with no help. Cao Cao, the pastor of Yanzhou, intends to communicate with the general. I wonder what the general is thinking?"

"This is Cao Mengde's handwriting, please read it, general!"

Dong Zhao directly stated his intention and began to endorse Cao Cao in front of Yang Feng.

He even wrote a letter to Yang Feng for Cao Cao.

Yang Feng reached out and took the handwritten letter from Dong Zhao, in which Cao Cao said he respected him.

"Cao Cao?"

He murmured something at the corner of his mouth, and the joy on Yang Feng's face could not be concealed.

Cao Cao said in his letter that he was willing to be his foreign aid.

Yang Feng was quite moved by this.

As Cao Cao said in the letter, Yang Feng had soldiers and Cao Cao had food. The two joined forces and exchanged supplies.

"Meng De's words are very good!"

"Gong Ren, please help me reply to Meng De. I, the general, have agreed to this matter!"

In mid-July, Yang Feng presented a memorial to Liu Xie, admonishing Cao Cao for his merit in governing Yanzhou, and this tribute was also a merit.

Liu Xie had no objection to this, so he awarded Cao Cao the title of General of the Han Dynasty Zhendong and the title of Marquis!

As Yang Feng began to express his merits for Cao Cao, both Dong Cheng and Han Siam above the court felt something was wrong.

Cao Cao did not ignore these two men, and sent envoys to make friends with them.

However, the suspicion between Han Xian, Dong Cheng and Yang Feng has gradually become a matter of fire and water.

Liu Xie didn't expect that he had just settled down in Luoyang for less than a few months.

Yang Feng and others began to fight again.

Luoyang is in chaos again!

In Yang An's palace, as the killing cries outside the palace rang out again, Liu Xie's whole body suddenly sat up.

"What's going on outside?"

Liu Xie asked subconsciously. Before the attendants could respond, Yang Biao, Dong Zhao and others barged in along with Dong Cheng who was wearing armor from outside the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, Han Siam is rebelling!" Dong Cheng, who was wearing armor, was covered in blood, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Hearing this, Liu Xie frowned slightly, and then couldn't help but murmur.

"Han Siam rebelled?"

Why did the good Han Xian rebel? Now that the opponent was a Han general, how could he rebel for no reason?

However, no one responded to Liu Xie's doubts.

There was a lot of noise not far away from Yang An's palace. Before Liu Xie could react, Taiwei Yang Biao and others took Liu Xie out.

Escape, want to escape again?

Now that they have returned to the imperial capital Luoyang, where can they escape now?

Liu Xie's mind was very confused.

He didn't believe that Han Xian and others would rebel for no reason, but the sight of fire all over the sky and the killing cries in front of him was extremely real.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Han Xian and others rebelled.

He could only be forced to flee by Yang Biao and others.

That night, I didn’t know how long I had been walking, and I didn’t know where I was going!

There were many hundreds of people accompanying them, and until daylight broke out, there were no pursuers behind them.

However, in front of me, it seemed that I was in a wilderness.

"This is where?"

Liu Xie came back to his senses and looked around, feeling a little unfamiliar.

He had never left Luoyang before, and even after being brought to Chang'an by Dong Zhuo, he rarely went out.

The surrounding wilderness is now a bit unfamiliar, and everything you see is unfamiliar.

"Looking at the situation around me, I was heading east last night!"


What place is to the east? It is within Yanzhou!

"Your Majesty, at this time, we have no choice but to go to Yanzhou and look for the guards of Cao Cao, the herdsman of Yanzhou!"

"With this person here, Your Majesty will have nothing to worry about!"

Seeing that he was approaching the territory of Yanzhou, Dong Zhao immediately spoke out to remonstrate in front of Liu Xie.

Dong Cheng beside him frowned slightly. He had already planned to secretly recruit Cao Cao some time ago, but he didn't expect that Han Xian's actions disrupted his plan.

Now when I go to find Cao Cao, I have lost a bit of initiative.

But under the current situation, Dong Cheng had no intention to refute Dong Zhao's proposal.

Now, in addition to Cao Cao who is nearby, there is also Yuan Shao who is in Hebei.

However, compared to Cao Cao who sent envoys to greet him, Yuan Shao had not made any move before.

Comparing the two sides, even Taiwei Yang Biao now feels that Cao Cao is the better choice.

After the matter was settled, Liu Xie reluctantly agreed.

Now, he can only follow these people to Yanzhou to find Cao Cao.

By August, the golden wind was dancing, and Liu Xie and others entered Yanzhou smoothly.

At that time, the group of people had already changed their clothes and became like a group of merchants.

Along the way, the situation in Yanzhou was much better than what Liu Xie had seen in Chang'an and Luoyang before.

It is the time of autumn harvest, and the fields are full of golden rice.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xie's sense of Yanzhou increased a lot.

The group of people walked and stopped.

Along the way, a name began to appear frequently in Liu Xie's ears!


The Taicang Order of the Han Dynasty that he conveniently awarded back then!

It seems that the entire people of Yanzhou have great respect for Xi Yu, and they respect him much more than the emperor of Han Dynasty.

Some people even praised Xi Yu as the reincarnation of a saint.

Such a situation made Liu Xie feel a little disgusted.

At the same time, his curiosity about Xi Yu also became much stronger.

"Who is this Xiyu?"

After hearing the praises from the people around him, Liu Xie couldn't help but ask the people next to him.

Taiwei Yang Biao frowned.

The group of people could hear Xi Yu's name almost every day during this period.

The waterwheels built in the fields around Yanzhou and the so-called curved shaft plow are said to have been invented by this person.

Even some of Yanzhou's policies bear Xi Yu's name.

for this person.

Yang Biao didn't have any selfish motives: "Your Majesty, this person must be a great talent!"

When Liu Xie and others were walking around Yanzhou, they were in the excitement of Juancheng. Taking advantage of the autumn harvest, they began to lead Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and others out of Juancheng.

It took more than two years.

The livestock raising policy promoted by Xi Yu has almost been implemented.

In Yanzhou today, the animal husbandry industry is already booming.

How to raise and handle wild boars has gradually formed an industrial chain, and many wealthy noble families in Yanzhou have begun to feel less resistant to pork.

"Sir, where are we going on this trip?"

After following Xi Yu out of the city, Dian Wei asked excitedly, while Zhao Yun beside him said very little.

Since following Xi Yu, Zhao Yun's feelings now are extremely obvious.

In the past few years of war, he has rarely seen such a peaceful and contented life.

Nowadays, Yanzhou is peaceful and everything is developing vigorously.

In the final analysis, most of this is because of the drama in front of me.

It seems that he is not following the wrong person!

"You just forgot, I had an appointment with someone in Shan County earlier!"

Xiyu responded casually.

The so-called appointment was during the autumn harvest last year. In a certain township under the jurisdiction of Shan County, a group of people appreciated Xi Yu's kindness and invited Xi Yu to be their guest.

Xi Yu couldn't resist, so he agreed to go to Shan County during the autumn harvest this year.

Xiyu almost forgot about this matter.

However, some time ago, something unexpected happened in Luoyang, and the emperor disappeared.

After this happened, Xi Yu could see Xun Yu's eyes staring straight at him almost every day.

In fact, sometimes it seems that you can hear the other person asking questions to you.

Didn’t you say that the emperor couldn’t lose it?

Liu Xie suddenly disappeared. Xiyu himself did not expect such a situation.

According to the original trajectory, by this time Boss Cao had already led his troops into Luoyang under Dong Cheng's solicitation to face the emperor.

Who knew that in July, this would happen!

Han-Siam mutiny?

Who knows what's going on?

Probably a slight deviation caused by the butterfly effect.

But when the emperor disappeared, Yang Biao and others were accompanying him, so he must have been safe and sound. Maybe it was just that the news had not spread yet!

Xi Yu thought so, but Xun Yu didn't think so.

The plan went awry, and Xun Yu looked like he was broken every day.

Facing Xun Yu with a resentful look in his eyes, Xi Yu really couldn't stand it, and happened to remember his previous appointment with someone in Shan County.

This time, during the free time of the autumn harvest, he left Juancheng with Dian Wei and Zhao Yun.

It was a way to avoid Xun Yu's limelight.

In early August, the Mid-Autumn Festival is getting farther and farther away, and there are only a few days left.

Xi Yu and his party arrived at a small town under the jurisdiction of Shan County as agreed.

Compared with more than a year ago, there are already many more houses in the township in front of us. The refugees who have fled to Yanzhou in the past two years have now settled in various places in Yanzhou.

"Sir is here! Sir is here!"

With the appearance of Xi Yu and others, people outside the village have been watching at the entrance of the village for a long time.

As if seeing Jueying's slightly conspicuous figure, the whole village became more and more lively.

Xi Yu couldn't help but feel helpless when he heard the sudden sound of drum music in his ears.

"It seems that the common people highly respect sir!"

Zhao Yun couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

I couldn't help but feel a little happy in my heart.

Such a lively atmosphere made everyone in Xiyu seem to be emotionally stirred up.

After entering the village, Li Zheng immediately took Xi Yu and others to sit down.

Xi Yu glanced into the distance. At this moment, he remembered the sound of wild boar howling, and couldn't help but look towards Li Zheng.

"Thanks to the wild pigs sent by my husband last year, by this year, every household in our village has raised wild pigs!"

Li Zheng had a smile on his face and couldn't help but thank Xi Yu.

Hearing this, before Xi Yu could say anything, Dian Wei stood up directly next to him.

"Hey, I heard something like a pig being slaughtered outside. Sir, I'm going to see if I can help!"

"Sir, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Sir, you might as well celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together in our village this year!"

Dian Wei got up and went to the village to help, and Li Zheng next to him invited Xi Yu again.

Hearing this, Xi Yu didn't hesitate too much.

In two days, I can bring my wife over with me.


Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching!

Since entering Yanzhou, Liu Xie, Yang Biao and others have slowly walked towards Juancheng.

Along the way, Liu Xie and others concealed their identities.

Fortunately, people everywhere in Yanzhou are very eager.

Along the way, Liu Xie ate and drank everywhere.

As he went deeper into Yanzhou, Liu Xie's favorable impression of Xi Yu also increased crazily.

Later, the dignified emperor of Han Dynasty had already begun to travel around Yanzhou in the name of playing with Yu Yu's distant relatives.

This period of time has been an extremely wonderful journey for Liu Xie.

There was no more sound of killing before, and no more panic of escaping in a hurry.

It's just that in the middle of the night, he always has trouble sleeping.

In dreams, he often lives in the palace.

However, the palace, which was extremely peaceful at the beginning, suddenly burst into flames not long after.

What followed was endless killing cries.

There seemed to be blood splashing on Liu Xie's face, and a man with a ferocious appearance was walking slowly in the deep palace, dragging a long knife, as if coming towards him.

This kind of dream seems to be repeated almost every night.

That night, Liu Xie woke up from his dream again.

Unknowingly, two lines of tears appeared on both sides of the cheeks.

The blood splashing on his face in the dream were the tears he cried silently.

The light inside the B\u0026B is very dark.

Liu Xie stood up softly.

Looking back on the events of the past two years, I can't help but feel sad.


Why does the world become like this!

He somewhat resents being born in an imperial family. If he were like an ordinary citizen, he might be a little happier!

After seeing all kinds of things these days, Liu Xie has a much clearer understanding of his current situation.

He wanted to regain the power of the Han Dynasty like his ancestors.

too difficult!

He is not Emperor Gaozu, nor Emperor Guangwu!

In the beginning, he just wanted to be an ordinary prince in peace!

"Your Majesty, you wake up!"

The movement inside the house still attracted the attention of the valet outside the house. The valet came in in a hurry, taking advantage of the moonlight shining in from outside the door.

In his field of vision, the emperor in front of him had tears on his cheeks!

"His Majesty!"

"Sir, do you have any distant relatives?"

In the township, Xi Yu was teaching the people in the village to play chess. Zhao Yun beside him suddenly asked Xi Yu.

Hearing this, Xi Yu was somewhat confused.

Distant relative?

He didn't seem to have any impression of this.

If he remembered correctly, he had been living with Xi Zhicai since he was a child.

The other party never told him that the two of them had any distant relatives.

The drama family is considered to be a poor family that has declined to the point of decline. If there is really any distant relative, Xi Zhicai should have taken him to join him long ago.

"Why, why did Zilong suddenly ask this?"

Xi Yu glanced at Zhao Yun in front of him with some confusion.

"Sir, there seems to be a group of people traveling very strangely in Yanzhou today. Some of these people seem to be your distant relatives!"

Zhao Yun explained casually with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Xi Yu felt a little distracted.

Do you really have any distant relatives?

He really didn't know about this aspect. In the final analysis, he still needed to ask Xi Zhicai about this matter. After all, the other party must be more familiar with the power of the opera family's relatives than he was.

Xi Yu didn't pay much attention to the matter of distant relatives.

He didn't think that anyone would deliberately pretend to be someone in this era. After all, he could understand this matter clearly if he asked carefully.

What's more, in today's Yanzhou, his playful relatives are not something ordinary people dare to pretend to be.

Xi Yu had no intention of paying attention to the matter of relatives.

After asking Zhao Yun to escort Gan Mei and others, Xi Yu continued to stay in the village.

It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in two days!

"It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in two days!"

There is still some time before Juancheng, so Liu Xie is not in a hurry to find Cao Cao now.

Since they stared at the names of Xiyu's relatives, the people along the way seemed to treat them more enthusiastically than before.

Of course, Liu Xie was somewhat touched when he saw these people dedicating their best things.

He enjoyed this feeling very much. The way those people looked at him seemed to make him feel like an emperor.

However, Liu Xie still knew that the look in those people's eyes was not because he was the emperor of the Han Dynasty, but because he was the so-called distant relative of Xi Yu.

The more eager those eyes became, Liu Xie's initial excitement gradually began to become heavier.

He didn't dare to stay in one place for too long. He could only finish one meal and then change places.

Most of the things he brought with him along the way were rewarded by him.

Now, their team can really only move towards Juancheng under the name of Xi Yu.

"Your Majesty, it's almost noon, and there is a village not far ahead. Let's take a rest here for now!"


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