We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 14 What do you think of a general sitting among counselors?

"I'm fine!"

Xi Yu smiled at Xi Zhicai, showing no resistance at all to his brother's concern.

He explained casually and then moved his body.

Seeing that Xi Yu was okay, Xi Zhicai reached out and patted the other person: "You kid, you left in such a hurry!"

Cao Cao casually explained what happened before, and the group of people followed each other towards the Lord's tent.

At this time, Cao Cao didn't care about his situation at all. He turned his head and reached out to hold Xi Yu.

However, Xi Yu, who returned to the camp at this time, just bowed his hand.

"Lord, Yu is a little tired, so go back first!"

After speaking casually to Cao Cao, Xi Yu immediately handed over his armor and spear to the soldiers beside him, and then returned to his tent.

After a killing spree in the Yellow Turban, the smell of blood on his body was too strong at the moment.

This smell was hard for Xi Yu to bear.

After all, as a descendant, without a special profession, who would be used to the smell of blood.

Seeing Xi Yu minding his own business and returning to the camp, Cao Cao smiled helplessly.

"Lord, I see that General Bao is also injured, so let's rest first and talk about it later!"

Xun Yu suggested something.

Cao Cao nodded and then looked at Bao Xin.

"Yuncheng, can you still hold on?"

"It's okay, just a little injured. I just relax now and feel a little weak all over!"

Bao Xin smiled, but at this moment, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the armor and spear that Xi Yu had just dragged down.

Regardless of Cao Cao, he let the soldiers supporting him bring him to the soldiers holding Xiyu spears and armors.

He reached out and picked up the spear that Xi Yu had just held.

I saw that there were five fingerprints left on the spear of the ash hardwood pole, where the lower hand was holding it.

Going up, you can clearly see cracks on the entire gun body, as if with just a little force, the entire gun will shatter in an instant.

A gun that had only been used for a little while was about to break into pieces.

This was the first time Bao Xin had seen such a situation.

But looking at the situation in front of him, and seeing how the armor was covered in blood, Bao Xin couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

At this time, Cao Cao also came over.

When Bao Xin looked at the spear, Cao Cao naturally noticed it.

"This, this gun is broken into pieces like this?"

Cao Cao was a little shocked. Before, he only focused on seeing how fierce Xi Yu was in the crowd, but he didn't pay attention to the condition of the weapons at all.

Now that he saw the spear that was cracked inch by inch, he could understand what Xi Yu was like in the Yellow Turban Formation.

"The acting general is like a god, Meng De, with this kind of force, even Lu Bu in front of Hulao Pass back then, I'm afraid it's not much different!"

Bao Xin said something to Cao Cao.

He was grateful from the bottom of his heart for Xi Yu, not to mention seeing what the spear looked like now.

Under such circumstances, if Xi Yu's gun suddenly breaks off, even if Xi Yu is brave, it may not be so easy to escape from the Yellow Turban.

And the other party can naturally sense the quality of the gun, fight to break it, and go in to rescue him. What a kindness!

"Yes, I only learned about the courage of serving a righteous man today!"

Cao Cao laughed, how happy it was that such a warrior was his subordinate.

Even though he lost a thousand cavalry in this battle, it didn't seem to be a bad thing for him at the moment.

Without these thousand cavalry, he only knew that Xi Yu's force was strong, but he had no idea how strong the opponent was.

But today, he understood!

Without saying anything else, after seeing the condition of the spear in Xi Yu's hand, Bao Xin told Cao Cao and followed them to find a tent to rest.

Cao Cao had a conversation with Xun Yu, and then took a shower and changed clothes again.

The night is getting darker.

Inside the camp, Xi Yu washed his body three times before he was able to wash away the smell of blood.

At this moment, he had changed his clothes and was planning to sleep in his clothes.

At this moment, Su Wei suddenly came to report from outside.

"General Xi, my lord said that the general rushed to kill him before. He must be hungry now. Send him some food!"

The guard outside made an announcement, and then basins of meals were brought into Xi Yu's tent.

Xi Yu, who was about to sleep with his clothes on, saw this situation and couldn't help but twitching the corners of his mouth.

Boss Cao is still attentive!

Just now, he was only focusing on washing his body and missed the dinner in the military camp. He had no intention of eating at first, but he didn't expect that Cao Cao would have someone bring food to him at this time.

But why call him General.

"You shouted wrong. I am the boss of the lord's account, not the general. Don't shout nonsense next time!"

Regarding Su Wei calling himself a general, Xi Yu felt it was necessary to remind him.

If he didn't remind him, when he went out another day, people in the entire military camp would probably not call him "General".

Su Wei laughed brightly, said nothing, and left after delivering the meal.

Xi Zhicai pouted on the side, looking at the clearly differentiated meals in front of him, and he didn't know what to say.

Cao Cao seemed to value his younger brother more.

A night of silence.

On the third day, most of Cao's camp's generals had already rushed back.

As soon as the actor brothers returned to their tent after morning exercises, Cao Cao's guards came running over again to deliver a message.

"My lord has an order to invite the two gentlemen to discuss matters in the big tent!"

After hearing Cao Cao's summons, Xi Yu and Xi Zhi tidied up at random, and then they arrived at Cao's army's tent together.

As soon as Xi Yu entered the tent, he noticed that all the eyes in the entire tent were looking towards him.

Although Xi Yu was a little surprised by everyone's stares at him, he quickly adapted to it.

When he saw that all the generals from Cao's camp had arrived, he understood more or less.

During this period of time, Cao Ren and others were leading troops outside and had been harassing the Yellow Turban Army everywhere, and the news in the military newspaper was always smooth.

I think they probably received the news that Cao Cao almost had an accident before, so they led the troops and rushed back immediately!

After bowing his hands towards everyone, Xi Yu followed Xi Zhicai and immediately sat next to Xun Yu on his left hand.

Who knew that as soon as he sat down, Cao Ren opposite him couldn't help laughing.

"Fengyi, you're sitting in the wrong place, come on, come on, sit over here!"

"Yes, Fengyi, come sit here quickly. You, a general, are sitting next to the counselor. What's going on!"

The person who followed was Xiahou Dun, grinning with a strange expression.

All the generals of the Cao family stared at Xi Yu.

Hearing this, Xi Yu couldn't help but frown.

what's the situation?

What's going on with a counselor sitting next to you guys?

Xun Yu next to him looked over Xi Zhi at Xi Yu with a smile on his lips.

At this time, the chief Cao Cao was not in a hurry to speak.


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