We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 15 You’re just kidding, Zi Lian, you’re really kidding!

"Two generals, please be careful what you say. I am just the underling of the lord, so why should the general say anything?"

Seeing Cao Ren waving towards him, Xi Yu bowed his hands and replied righteously.

As soon as these words were spoken, the two people opposite seemed stunned for a moment, then recovered and couldn't help but start laughing.

Xun Yu looked at it and then explained.

"Fengyi, you don't know something. Just now, the Lord has ordered you to be appointed as the captain of the Yue Cavalry School!"

Captain Yueqi? Captain?

After Xun Yu finished speaking, Xi Yu couldn't help but frown.

He was very familiar with the word "college lieutenant". It was a military position!

What happened? Boss Cao named him the captain of the school?

What the hell, I want to be a counselor. Although Zhu Bo's official position is not big, it is still considered a civilian position. He doesn't want to be a general at all.

"There is no need to decline my duty. If it weren't for you in the battle the day before yesterday, I would have died!"

"What's more, a military colonel is not even worthy of you because of his bravery and righteousness!"

Cao Cao sat in the chief position and smiled.

As soon as he said these words, it was equivalent to a direct admission.

Xi Zhicai was not surprised at all. After Cao Cao came back in the past two days, he often whispered in his ears that he wanted to give Fengyi a military position.

Hearing Cao Cao speak, Xi Yu couldn't help it.

He stood up and bowed his hands towards Cao Cao. Everyone thought he wanted to say thank you.

Who would have thought that when Xi Yu opened his mouth, everyone would be dumbfounded.

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord, but I forgive Yu for not being able to accept the position of captain of the Yue Cavalry School!"

? ? ?

The atmosphere in the big tent seemed to have suddenly stiffened.

Cao Ren and others on the opposite side were a little stunned.

At this time, the military positions of these people were nothing more than captains, and even Xiahou Dun, the highest ranking officer, was just a small general.

"Fengyi, you?"

Cao Cao was a little stunned. Could it be that Xi Yu disliked the fact that his official position was too small.

You know, the position of Yueqi Colonel is not a messy position.

This was to be presented to the Han Dynasty. It was a serious military position, and he could lead seven hundred troops under his command.

Cao Ren and others had different expressions. Some people thought that maybe Xi Yu felt that his official position was too small.

Some people think Xi Yu is a bit ambitious.

Some people are extremely envious.

After all, among their group, there are still people who don’t even have any soldiers at their disposal.

"My lord has misunderstood. Yu said before that the purpose of joining my lord this time is to serve as a civilian, not a military officer!

I forgive Yu Yu for not being able to accept the position of captain of the Yue Cavalry School! "

Xi Yu explained casually.

After saying this, the general at Cao Ying's side looked somewhat strange.

What's the situation, you really don't want to be a general?

Could it be that, in Xi Yu's eyes, being a general is something embarrassing?

In this era, there was still some hostility between civil and military forces, although it was not as obvious as in later dynasties.

But since the civil and military divisions were separated, opposition between the two sides gradually emerged.

When Xi Yu rejected the position of general, the first person on the other side who couldn't help but was Cao Hong.

He was out a few days ago, and this was the first time he saw Xi Yu. When he heard that Xi Yu disdained being a captain, he stood up immediately.

"Xi, what do you mean?"

"Look down on us people?"

These words were a bit too reckless as soon as he said them, and even the chief Cao Cao didn't react.

As soon as Cao Hong opened his mouth, the faces of the generals around him turned dark.

Although he felt that Cao Hong was a little reckless, the meaning behind his words was extremely obvious.

Xi Yu's situation of not even asking for military honors really made them a little angry!

Although they have made great achievements, they disdain to accept military posts. Are they looking down on soldiers like them? What do you mean?

All the generals in the big tent were somewhat silent.

Cao Cao, the chief, naturally noticed this situation, and he subconsciously wanted to scold Cao Hong.

However, if these words were spoken, it would be too biased towards Xi Yu. How would his brothers and generals view him then?

Xi Zhicai was also a little anxious.

He didn't know why his younger brother was so averse to military service, but he was just a captain.

Just take it, what's the big deal?

Xi Yu didn't care. He looked up at Cao Hong and smiled.

"It's not that he looks down on the general, but that Yu really has no interest in military service at the moment!"

In the final analysis, Xi Yu didn't really have much resistance to leading troops.

However, the more we live in this era, the more we understand that human life is like a piece of grass.

It was so easy to be an adviser in the rear, but he was too lazy to lead the troops in the war.

If he hadn't been worried about something happening to Cao Cao, he wouldn't even want to wear armor!

"You just look down on me!"

Cao Hong jumped out from the opposite side. This guy didn't seem to have heard Xi Yu's explanation. He was making noises as if he was attacking Xi Yu in front of the tent.

This situation happened so fast that even Cao Cao, who was in charge, did not react.

When Cao Hong rushed in front of Xi Yu, Xi Zhicai's pupils dilated.

Those hands as big as cattail leaf palms grabbed Xiyu's chest, as if they were trying to lift him up like a chicken.

Behind him, a group of Cao Ying soldiers seemed a little surprised, but at the moment they were more or less interested in watching the excitement.

Although Xi Yu saved Cao Cao, Cao Ren and others had a good impression of Xi Yu, but one code is the same as the other.

Xi Yu's resistance to the military position still made them feel somewhat unhappy.

Now that Cao Hong is taking action, they also want to see the excitement.

The change happened too fast. When Cao Cao stood up and was about to shout, Cao Hong's hand had already grabbed Xi Yu's skirt.

However, when he tried to lift it up, he found that Xi Yu was standing there without any movement at all.

At this time, Xi Yu raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect Cao Hong to rush directly towards him. He originally wanted to counterattack subconsciously, but after thinking that it would be too much to attack directly, he let the other party grab his collar first.

"General Cao, this is too much!"

Xi Yu vomited slightly, grabbed Cao Hong's arm with his backhand, and dragged the latter up with just a little force.


Everything happened in just a blink of an eye. When everyone blinked, Cao Hong had been directly lowered to the ground by Xi Yu.

The latter blushed, as if he hadn't recovered yet. He wanted to get up, but was already pinned down by Xi Yu with one arm.

"Nonsense, Zi Lian, you are really nonsense!"

After regaining consciousness, Cao Cao immediately rushed down from the chief position. He ignored Cao Hong who was pinned beneath him and stretched out his hand to directly support Xi Yu.

"Feng Yi, I will apologize to you again for what happened to Zi Lian!"

As soon as he said these words, Cao Hong, who was lying on the ground, groaned and his face turned even redder.


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