When something like this happened in the camp, Xi Yu had no intention of staying any longer.

After speaking to Cao Cao and bowing his hands to everyone, Xi Yu took the lead in leaving the tent.

Cao Hong, who followed closely behind, didn't seem to have the nerve to stay any longer. He lowered his head and snorted, turned around and left.

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became awkward, and for a while everyone didn't know what to do.

On the contrary, some of the generals were still feeling a little emotional. The Cao family knew more or less what kind of force Cao Hong was.

But he never thought that in the blink of an eye, Cao Hong would fall under Xi Yu. This situation was really unacceptable.

"Lord, at this moment, we should focus on business!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the camp was a little tense, Xun Yu couldn't help but speak out to break the awkward atmosphere.

After hearing this, Cao Cao turned around and returned to the chief, but glanced at the generals, seemingly dissatisfied.

Cao Hong suddenly jumped out just now, and these people didn't react at all. This really made him a little angry, but in order to save their face, Cao Cao did not continue to delve into this issue.

Xi Zhicai was a little helpless. It was okay for Xi Yu to leave, but he had to endure the cold looks from Cao Ying's generals.

However, Xi Zhicai didn't care about this situation.

At this time, as Xun Yu spoke, Cao Cao quickly calmed down.

"Everyone, I have received news that the main force of the Yellow Turbans is coming towards our military camp. At this moment, it is time to discuss how to deal with the Yellow Turbans!"

After Cao Cao finished speaking, what happened just now was finally revealed.

Immediately afterwards, Xun Yu followed Xi Zhicai and spoke one after another, and a group of generals also began to participate in how to deal with the Yellow Turbans.

What just happened was as if it didn't happen.

On the other side, after Xi Yu returned to his tent, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Just now, after he casually defeated Cao Hong, he felt as if his strength had become stronger.

It was obvious that he knew his strength had increased.

Ever since he learned that he had traveled to the Three Kingdoms when he was a child, he could feel that there seemed to be something abnormal about his physique.

When I was a kid, I would randomly wrestle with anyone. If someone fell down, his strength would be increased by one point.

This kind of growth is very abnormal.

Later, he began to travel around. During this period, he killed many bandits and the like.

And with this change in his physique, his force became stronger and stronger.

The stronger the enemy he defeats, the more his force increases.

Before coming to Cao Ying, his military power had not increased for a while.

But just after defeating Cao Hong, his physical changes felt the same as before.

To be honest, Xi Yu didn't have much objection to this situation.

The reason why he doesn't want to be a general is simply because he is lazy.

If not necessary, he just wants to eat and wait to die.

The matter of surrendering to Cao Cao was also a choice he made after thinking for a long time.

On the one hand, the two brothers discussed that Xi Zhicai had a somewhat favorable impression of Cao Cao.

They originally thought that they would find a time to go out, but before the brothers could think about it, Xun Yu came to recommend them.

Therefore, Xi Zhicai followed suit.

Of course, another reason is that the family is too poor.

When Xi Yu traveled around the world before, he got some money, but he quickly spent it all.

Yes, it was precisely because of their physical condition that the two brothers almost ran out of food during a natural disaster.

The days without going out of the mountains are too difficult.

Feeling the increase in force, Xi Yu didn't think much about it.

Having a body of force is enough to ensure that nothing happens to him, but he feels that he is still comfortable as a civilian.

In the next few days, apart from daily morning exercises, Xiyu did nothing but huddle in his tent and read.

Cao Cao still asked people to bring some food from time to time, and he didn't mean to be angry at all because of his rejection of the captain last time.

Early June!

Bao Xin, who had been injured in Cao Nutrition for more than half a month, finally recovered almost.

Before leaving Cao Ying, Bao Xin deliberately staged a joke with Yu. The latter did not expect that Bao Xin valued the life-saving grace so much.

Naturally, Bao Xin also heard about the conflict between Xi Yu and Cao Hong.

Although he wasn't sure why Xi Yu didn't want to be a general, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

In the next few days, Bao Xin often visited Xi Yu. This situation made Cao Cao a little wary.

Fortunately, within a few days, Bao Xin took the initiative to propose to Cao Cao to leave and plan to return to Jibei.

After seeing Bao Xin off, Xi Yu remained as usual.

At the same time, news came from Chang'an.

Dong Zhuo's generals, Li Jue and Guo Si, captured Chang'an, Situ Wang Yun died, and Lü Bu fled to Wuguan to seek refuge with Yuan Shu in Nanyang.

In mid-July, Cao Cao defeated the Yellow Turbans in an ambush. This battle gathered many surrendered soldiers.

After that, Cao's army won many battles with the Yellow Turbans.

Time flies and autumn has arrived in the blink of an eye.

It's September, the time of autumn harvest.

Although there have been natural disasters in recent years, I don't know if God is treating Cao Cao.

In Yanzhou, which was under Cao Cao's territory, most of the territory had a bumper harvest of food.

Throughout the autumn harvest, Cao's army began to have abundant food and grass.

At the same time, the Yellow Turban Army in Yanzhou rarely received food and grass.

During this period, the Yellow Turbans began to plunder Cao Jun's food and grass many times, but Cao Jun resisted them many times.

After the autumn harvest, among the Yellow Turbans, people's hearts began to gradually lose focus.

In the past few months, there seems to be a lot going on in the world.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan in the north fought each other twice during this period.

Chang'an began to be controlled by Li Jue and Guo Si, and the emperor fell into the hands of Li Jue and Guo Si.

Inside Cao Jun's camp, Cao Cao was in high spirits at this time. Compared to the worry about the Yellow Turbans in the past few months, most of Yanzhou was about to be pacified by him now.

Today's Yellow Turbans no longer dare to face Cao Cao.

Soon, the entire Yanzhou will be completely controlled by Cao Cao.

Inside the big tent, everyone took their seats.

This time, Xi Yu naturally followed his brother.

"Everyone, although the main force of the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou is here now, they are no longer the enemy of our army. The day when we will pacify Yanzhou is not far away!"

Cao Cao laughed at the chief, and all the officers and advisers nodded along with him.

In a few months, the relationship between General Cao Jun and Xi Yu has eased a lot.

After all, after these months of fierce fighting, they had often used military strategies customized by Xi Yu.

These rough guys are embarrassed about holding a bowl and cursing people.

Even Cao Hong doesn't dare to do anything to Xi Yu now.

On the one hand, what happened before made him a little embarrassed in front of Xi Yu. On the other hand, his ability to make meritorious deeds in the future was partly due to Xi Yu's contribution.

In this situation, Cao Hong himself felt a little ashamed.


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