We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 190 Why does Madam-in-law need to be so open-minded?

As dusk deepens, a gentle breeze blows from the sky.

The light breeze blew in the alleys in Xuchang City, and the smell of blood in the entire Nancheng Street became a little stronger.

This smell of blood made the people in Nancheng afraid to go out and look around.

Xi Yu stood on the long street, and the only thing in his field of vision was the empty Nancheng Street that had been washed away over and over again.

"What are Fengyi thinking?"

At this moment, when Xi Yu was looking at the long street in a trance, Guo Jia came over and asked.

Solving the rebellion in Xuchang City today can be regarded as another achievement.

However, in Xi Yu's own opinion, this achievement may have made the distance between him and Cao Cao even further.

As he thought before, he was not worried about Cao Cao's fear.

However, now, he is not alone.

"Without him, I suddenly felt a little emotional!"

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Guo Jia seemed to understand for a moment, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

At that time, the sun was setting in the west, and the sunset glow above the sky hung on Xuchang City, and then reflected on the two people, making their silhouettes longer.

At this moment, a group of people from Yuan Chu hurried over.

Hearing the noise, Xi Yu turned his head subconsciously. Guo Jia seemed to have known it for a long time, and his expression did not change at all.

Xi Yu raised his eyes and looked up. Cao Song's old face was reflected in his pupils, and even the other party's hurried pace seemed a little panicked.

Cao Song suddenly appeared, which Xi Yu never expected.

When he saw Jia Xu rushing over with Cao Song in his arms, he seemed to understand a little more.

"Fengyi, Fengyi!"

As soon as Grandpa Cao came over, he greeted Xi Yu eagerly.

As for Cao Song, Xi Yu still has some respect for him. On the one hand, he is old, and on the other hand, since he and Cao Song met, he has always treated him well.

"Why is the old lady so anxious!"

"If you have something important, just send someone to say hello to Yu, and you'll be fine!"

Xi Yu stepped forward to support Cao Song and said something casually.

Upon hearing this, Cao Song patted Xi Yu's old hand and supported the back of his hand with a smile on his lips.

"What did Fengyi say?"

"This boy Meng De went on an expedition, but he didn't even arrange everything in the city properly. If he hadn't taken this opportunity to turn the tide, what kind of chaos would Xuchang City have turned into!"

Cao Song was old, but there seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xi Yu's credit for this performance was clearly stated.

As he spoke, Xi Yu could sense that Cao Song was looking at him.

His expression was normal, and only then did Cao Song speak.

"I only know the things in the clan now. Those bastards are all idiots!"

As Cao Song spoke, his expression turned downward.

As for whether he just found out or knew it before, Xi Yu didn't care.

"The old lady is serious, it's nothing more than some junior matters, I don't want you to worry about it all the time!"

Xi Yu was relieved, but Cao Song seemed to take the matter to heart and continued to speak.

"Feng Yi, no matter what, you can rest assured. With Lao Chan here, those guys in the clan can't cause trouble. Even Ah Ma, Lao Chan won't give him even a peep!"

The meaning of these words was more clear, and Cao Song was obviously comforting Xi Yu.

But, just listen to this.

Some things cannot be controlled by a few favors after all.

"Old Madam, please rest assured, everything is clear in Yu's heart!"

Xi Yu didn't say much. Jia Xu invited Cao Song out, as if he was taking the initiative to guarantee himself.

In fact, in his opinion, it didn't mean much to Cao Cao or himself.

Once things really got to that point, Cao Song couldn't change it.

But now, there is still some bond between him and Cao Cao, and it has not been completely broken.

"There is some chaos in the city today. Old Grandpa, please go back and rest first. Yu will come to visit Grandpa in the evening!"

What happened in Xuchang City caused some changes in Xi Yu's original thoughts.

Now, he is not in a hurry to lead his troops to Xuzhou.

It doesn't hurt to stay for a day.

At the same time, when everything in Xuchang City was over, Liu Bei, who had been away from Xuchang for a day or two, was approaching Xuzhou.

Looking at the Xuzhou border not far away, Liu Bei's mood at the moment was quite open.

It has been more than a year since Xuzhou left to follow Cao Cao to Yanzhou, and then settled in Xuchang from Yanzhou.

For more than a year, he has kept to himself and has never made any overstep.

At that time, he was in Xuchang City, like a bird in a cage or a fish in a pond, with no freedom at all.

But now, when he left Xuchang City and returned to Xuzhou, his whole body seemed to have broken free from restraints.

Mi Zhu beside him asked him why he was in such a hurry.

On the one hand, it's because he knows what kind of chaos will happen in Xuchang City, and on the other hand, it's because of his desire for such freedom now.

"Now that I leave Xuchang, I feel like a bird escaping from its cage and a fish entering the sea. From now on, I will no longer be fettered!"

Entering the border of Xuzhou, Liu Bei couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. At this time, he couldn't help but murmured at the corner of his mouth.

Mi Zhu, who was beside him, heard clearly and couldn't help but look forward to it.

He has followed Liu Bei so far, hoping that he can do something great. However, when the other party was trapped in Xuchang, he did not have any freedom.

In the current situation, it is not only Liu Bei who has escaped from the prison, but also him.

"Lord, do we honor your order to support Xuzhou this time?"

Mi Zhu thought for a while and couldn't help but ask Liu Bei.

Hearing this, Liu Bei just frowned.

Cao Cao asked him to lead troops to support Xuzhou. Although he led 30,000 troops from Cao Cao's camp, these 30,000 troops were only nominally under his orders.

If he had not gone to Xuzhou this time, if he had led the army to other areas, I am afraid that the soldiers under his command would have roared in an instant.

"This trip to Xuzhou is supposed to be to suppress the rebellion. However, this matter is important and needs to be carefully considered!"

Liu Bei said something to Mi Zhu beside him, but the deputy general of Cao Jun who followed him didn't say too much.

Nominally, Liu Bei led Cao Cao to command and supervise the army. As a deputy general, he naturally did not dare to criticize the decision of the commander-in-chief.

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he immediately looked in the direction of Xuzhou.

"Zizhong, I want this army to be stationed in the Xiaopei area first. I am quite familiar with this area. On the one hand, it can be reorganized a little, and on the other hand, it can be prepared for the attack of Yuan Shu and Lu Bu's armies."

Liu Bei looked extremely confident, and when he was talking, he didn't pay attention to the deputy general of Cao Jun next to him.

After a pause, he spoke again.

"In addition, I need Zizhong's help to send a letter to Yun Chang and Yide, so that they can rush to Xiaopei and fight with me, so we can start arguing again!"

Liu Bei's decision-making was clear and logical. Mi Zhu understood it clearly and accepted the order. The deputy general of Cao's army beside him did not say anything else.

That day and night, Liu Bei led his army to settle in Xiaopei.

Just as Liu Bei led his army to settle in Xiaopei overnight, on the other side of Xuchang City, Xi Yu led his family to visit Cao Mansion.

After talking with Cao Song, Xi Yu specially took Cai Yan and Gan Mei to the backyard to visit Cao Cao's wife, Mrs. Ding.

"I've seen the captain!"

Mrs. Ding greeted Xi Yu, and upon hearing this, Xi Yu quickly and politely returned the greeting.

"Why do you need to be so open-minded, Mrs. Sister-in-law!"

"From beginning to end, Yu treats my wife like my own sister-in-law!"

Xi Yu spoke, and Mrs. Ding couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.

"Have you met the old lady in Fengyi?"

Mrs. Ding spoke. Although she didn't know what Xi Yu meant by visiting her late at night, she seemed extremely calm.

"I've seen it before!"

Xi Yu nodded, and then without any hesitation, he reached out and took out a written letter from his arms.

"I have no other intention to visit Madam-in-law this time. I just have a letter that I need Madam-in-law to help deliver to Brother Mengde!"

This letter was written just before Xi Yu came to visit Cao Mansion.

Seeing Xi Yu casually take out a letter, Mrs. Ding's face was obviously confused.

According to the relationship between Xi Yu and Cao Cao, even if there is a letter, it can be delivered through military convenience, so there is no need to deliver it on his behalf.

Is it difficult to say that the content of this letter is quite unusual?

Mrs. Ding frowned, but at this moment she also took the letter in her hand.

She was a little confused, but she didn't ask questions in front of Xi Yu.

After submitting the letter, Xi Yu and his two wives did not stay long.

He just stayed with his two wives and talked to Mrs. Ding for a while, and then left the Cao Mansion with them.

After Xi Yu left with his two wives, Mrs. Ding immediately approached Cao Song with a letter.

"Father, please come to me and ask me to deliver a letter to Meng De!"

"My son doesn't know what this means, so he came to ask his father!"

Mrs. Ding took the letter and asked Cao Song.

Hearing this, Cao Song's half-closed eyes opened slightly.

"I asked you to submit a letter to Meng De?"

"That being the case, then keep this letter and don't watch it with others. Let's wait until Meng De comes back!"

Although Cao Song was a little curious about Xi Yu's letter to Cao Cao, he knew in his heart that there were some things that he couldn't get involved with.

Since it is a letter sent to Cao Cao from Yiyi, let's wait until Cao Cao comes back and read it himself.

After leaving Cao Mansion, Xi Yu had already made up his mind.

After this expedition to Xuzhou, he had no plans to return to Xuchang.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Xi Yu personally escorted his family members and the Suwei camp straight to Xuzhou.

And when Cao Song took Xi Yu and his family to Xuzhou, although he felt a little regretful, he didn't say much.

On the way to Xuzhou.

Guo Jia leaned next to Xi Yu, smiling softly.

"Fengyi just gave up on Xuchang School?"

Guo Jia knows that Xuchang School still plays a very important role in Xi Yu's heart.

The rebellion in Xuchang was one of the factors that made Xi Yu move to Xuzhou. More importantly, Cao Cao's trust in Xi Yu was no longer what it was when he was in Yanzhou.

Hearing Guo Jia's teasing, Xi Yu shook his head helplessly.

Originally, he was thinking about planning things after Xuchang School made some achievements, but sometimes, there was a gap between imagination and reality.

Although there is no problem in continuing to stay in Xuchang, the suspicion between him and Cao Cao may become more and more serious in the future.

Instead of doing this, it is better to move to Xuzhou to leave more space between them.

As for the matter at Xuchang School, it is now considered a helpless move.

It won't be too late to decide on a school after I settle down in Xuzhou.

"I have left the first volume of the textbook. As for whether it will have some impact, we will wait for the future!"

Xiyu chuckled.

When leaving Xuchang, he had left a letter to the Xu brothers and others, saying that he had decided to go to Xuzhou.

If the two of them choose to follow him, everyone will be happy. If the two of them continue to stay in Xuchang, there is nothing wrong with them.

Hearing this, Guo Jia nodded.

Then he seemed to suddenly think of something, and couldn't help but look in all directions: "I just saw it, why didn't I see Brother Gongtai during this trip?"

Guo Jia was a little confused. Chen Gong had been helping Xi Yu since Yanzhou's defeat. Now almost everyone in Cao Camp thought that Chen Gong was following Xi Yu.

The latter later agreed to Xi Yu's position in the school. Although Guo Jia had little friendship with him, he still admired Chen Gong.

At least, after Yanzhou's defeat, Chen Gong never made any mistakes in helping Xi Yu handle agricultural affairs and other matters.

In the past few years, the other party has often traveled to the three continents and rarely slacked off.

Such people are still worthy of respect.

Mentioning Chen Gong, Xi Yu frowned subconsciously.

This time Chen Gong has already rushed to Xuzhou first, and only Xi Yu knows about this.

After hearing that Lu Bu was attacking Xuzhou, Chen Gong told Xi Yu that he was going to Xuzhou.

Maybe there is still some friendship between him and Lu Bu.

No matter how Chen Gong chooses, Xi Yu still respects the other party.

At least, in the past few years, the other party has worked hard for him. In future generations, there may not be such dedicated subordinates.

Chen Gong went to Lu Bu and informed him.

If Chen Gong chooses Lu Bu, Xi Yu won't think much about it. After all, Chen Gong has never verbally said that he will join him.

So what if they surrender to Lu Bu? The only thing they can do is to live their lives.

Of course, Xi Yu didn't know what Chen Gong would choose.

"When Gongtai learned that Lu Bu was attacking Xuzhou, he had already rushed to Xuzhou in advance!"

Xi Yu explained to Guo Jia. Hearing this, Guo Jia was a little surprised, but then he smiled.

"That's it!"

No wonder there was no news about Chen Gong for several days. After hearing Dao Xiyu's explanation, Guo Jia didn't think much about it.

The worst outcome is that Chen Gong and Lu Bu get back together.

However, from Guo Jia's point of view, if Chen Gong can't clearly see the situation in the world now and gets together with someone like Lu Bu, then Chen Gong has lost his way.

The two said nothing more afterward.

Xi Yu followed Zhao Yun and led people to escort his family, and then Bian led Dian Wei, Huang Zhong and others to speed up and catch up with Xi Zhicai who had led the army to Xuzhou first.

After catching up with Xi Zhicai, Xi Yu informed him of his decision.

"Brother, are you willing to stay in Xuzhou with me?"

After informing Xi Zhicai of his decision, Xi Yu asked casually.

After hearing this, Xi Zhicai just glanced at him lightly.

"No, my brother naturally understands your situation. I quite agree with your current decision!"

"However, as a brother, I had already surrendered to Duke Cao in Yanzhou that day. Although Ayu serves under Cao Gong, he is not the same as a brother!"

After all, Xi Yu was only incidental to Xi Zhi's surrender to Cao Ying at the beginning. This was how Xi Yu was able to find another way without Cao Cao's constraints.

But Xi Zhicai is different.

In fact, in terms of merit, Xi Yu, Xun Yu, and Xi Zhicai all contributed to the management of the rear.

But only Xiyu's promotion path was quite smooth.

After all, on the surface, it was Han Ting who promoted Xi Yu to become an official, while the other two were Cao Cao's masterminds.

Because of this, even if Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai have merit, the credit is actually based on Cao Cao.

Now, one is Shangshu Ling and the other is Zhongshu Ling.

At least as long as Cao Cao does not continue to be promoted, their official positions can only stop here.

Xi Zhicai did not agree to stay in Xuzhou with Xi Yu. At least now that there is no complete break between Xi Yu and Cao Cao, it would be okay for him to continue to follow Cao Cao.

If one day, there is finally a separation between my brother and Cao Cao, then it will not be too late to make a decision.

After hearing what Xi Zhicai said, Xi Yu did not speak to persuade him.

His family knew his family's character well. Although Xi Zhicai was cynical, there were times when his decisions were not something that his younger brother could change.

After the two discussed the matter, Xi Zhicai casually asked Xuchang what happened.

Knowing that Yang Biao and others intended to take the emperor to leave Xuchang in the chaos, Xi Zhicai's lips curled up slightly.

And when I learned that Yang Xiu committed suicide later, I felt only a little bit sorry.

Xi Zhicai didn't ask much about what happened next.

It was already two days later when the army arrived at Xiapi, the capital of Xuzhou.

At the same time, Cheng Yu, who rushed to Xuzhou with an army of 30,000 from the Sili area, had just arrived in Xiapi.

Cheng Yudao was not too surprised when he saw Xi Yu leading the army.

After greeting each other, the two entered Xiapi City together.

However, after the process, Xia Houyuan, who lived in Xiapi City, didn't seem to be cold to Xi Yu's arrival.

Xia Houyuan was very happy about Cheng Yu's arrival.

Xi Yu didn't care about this situation. He came to Xuzhou this time not just to support Xuzhou.

The focus is how to operate in Xuzhou thereafter.

This time Xia Houyuan didn't care about him, but he didn't bother to pay attention to Xia Houyuan.

However, the first time Xi Yu entered Xiapi City, he thought of Liu Bei who had led his army to Xuzhou first.

After asking, Xi Yu was a little surprised when he learned that Liu Bei did not come to Xiapi with his army this time.

Logically speaking, Liu Bei took the first step, and now he should have arrived early.

"Mr. Xuande didn't come to Xiapi, so where is he now?"

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