As for Liu Bei not appearing in Xiapi City, Xi Yu immediately asked the Xuzhou officials.

At this moment, someone stood up and explained to Xi Yu.

"Uncle Liu Huang sent a letter the day before yesterday. He has already led a large army to camp in Xiaopei, hoping to form an angle with Xiapi to fight against the armies of Lu Bu and Yuan Shu!"

Hearing this explanation, Xi Yu was not too surprised.

He knew that once Liu Bei left Xuchang, he would never give Cao Cao a chance to restrain himself. It was normal for this situation to happen now.

It is impossible for Liu Bei to bring a large army to Xiapi and be restrained by Cao Jun.

Xiaopei is just a choice on the surface!

Xi Yu didn't care about what Liu Bei would do in the future. Now that he had come to Xuchang, even if Xia Houyuan didn't want to see him.

But Xuzhou affairs cannot be discussed without him playing Fengyi.

That day, Cheng Yu and Xi Yu led the army after a brief reorganization.

Xia Houyuan reluctantly sent an envoy to invite Xi Yu to the Xiapi Yamen Office to discuss political affairs against Lu Bu and Yuan Shu.

Inside the Xiapi Yamen Office.

When Xi Yu, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and others arrived at the government office, Xia Houyuan and Cheng Yu were already among them, and they seemed to be discussing something.

Seeing Xi Yu coming at this moment, Cheng Yu bowed to Xi Yu extremely politely.

"I've seen the captain!"

Xia Houyuan, on the other hand, was a little neither salty nor bland.

Xi Yu didn't pay attention. After nodding towards the two of them, he took his seat in the field.

Logically speaking, Xiahou Dun, who was originally in charge of Xiapi affairs, could not attend the meeting at the Xiapi Yamen Office. Xi Yu should have been sitting on top of the chair.

However, Xi Yu didn't bother to worry about this. After he took the people to the second seat, he wanted to hear what the audience thought.

At this moment, when he saw Xi Yu sitting down, Xia Houyuan couldn't help but chuckle.

Perhaps he felt that Xi Yu still had some self-awareness.

"Now that we are all here, let's discuss how to deal with Lu Bu and Yuan Shu's army!"

Xia Houyuan spoke on his own.

Xi Yu frowned and did not speak, and Guo Jia and others naturally had no intention of expressing their opinions.

At this moment, Cheng Yu glanced at Xia Houyuan.

The Xiahou brothers are in charge of Xuzhou affairs. Now that Xiahou Dun is seriously injured and has not recovered, it is not a bad idea for Xiahou Yuan to preside over this discussion.

Seeing that Xi Yu didn't respond, Cheng Yu thought for a while before speaking.

"Yu is so excited to come here, but he doesn't know much about the affairs in Xuzhou. I wonder what the general's decision is?"

Cheng Yu opened his mouth and asked the question to Xia Houyuan.

Xia Houyuan was not polite at all when he heard this.

The current situation is nothing more than being trapped in Xiapi City by Lu Bu, Ji Ling and others.

Originally he still had some pressure, but as armies from all walks of life came to support him, Lu Bu and others were no longer enough to watch in front of him.

"In my opinion, now that the army has arrived, we can take advantage of this opportunity to attack Yuan Shu's army at night. I think it will be effective."

Xia Houyuan didn't want to fight Lu Bu after meeting Lu Bu before.

After witnessing the defeat of the army and seeing Xiahou Dun blinded by an arrow, Xiahou Yuan no longer wanted to face Lu Bu.

It's better to turn around and pick a soft persimmon. Ji Ling is just a mediocre person, just following Lu Bu to gain some prestige!

It would be a good choice to turn around and deal with Ji Ling directly.

Hearing Xiahou Dun's suggestion, Cheng Yu frowned slightly.

Xiahou Dun proposed a night attack on Ji Ling's army. Such a proposal was not actually a good choice in Cheng Yu's opinion.

On the one hand, their army had just arrived in Xuzhou, and most of the soldiers did not know much about the terrain of Xuzhou.

Attacking the camp at night may not have much effect.

On the other hand, Ji Lingzai is also the top general under Yuan Shu. How can he not even understand the military strength?

Just waiting for you to attack the camp?

Cheng Yu wanted to refute Xia Houyuan's words, but at this time he was not in a hurry to speak, and just looked at Xi Yu on the other side.

Seeing Cheng Yu looking at Xi Yu, Xia Houyuan felt a little unhappy, but he still looked at Xi Yu with his face.

"What do you think, Lieutenant?"

Xia Houyuan asked aloud, his tone a little impatient.

Xiyu smiled softly.

He didn't show the slightest courtesy to the other party: "How do I feel?"

"I don't think so!"

Xiyu opened his mouth to deny it!

Night attacks are correct, but night attacks also depend on timing.

Not all times are suitable for night attacks. Now that their army has come to support them, Ji Ling and Lu Bu naturally know something about it.

Now that we know that there is a large army coming to support, why don't we take precautions in this situation?

Unless Ji Ling is a fool, it would be strange for him to be able to sleep peacefully at night with the support of such a large army.

If you think about Ji Ling, you will definitely arrange manpower to guard it.

Today's night attack was a strategy only a fool could come up with at that time.

Xi Yu directly denied Xia Houyuan's idea. As soon as he said this, Xia Houyuan's face darkened in an instant.

He wanted to open his mouth to retort, but he couldn't say anything at this time, so he could only snort.

"Does the Lieutenant have any clever ideas?"

When Cheng Yu saw this situation, he immediately asked Xi Yu.

After hearing this, Xia Houyuan also looked at Xi Yu. Since you said that night attack is not possible, I would also like to hear what good ideas you have.

However, after hearing Cheng Yu's question, Xi Yu immediately shook his head.

"I have no other plan this time!"

To be honest, I had just arrived in Xuzhou this time, and the current battlefield situation was still unclear. Naturally, Xi Yu didn't have any good suggestions.

He didn't care at all and spoke his thoughts directly.

After hearing this, Xia Houyuan opened his mouth and couldn't help but sneered.

"Oh, the Lieutenant actually has no other plan!"

Xia Houyuan seemed a little sarcastic.

Probably because his plan was rejected by Xi Yu, he originally thought that Xi Yu would have some unexpected plan.

I never thought that there was none at all.

Under such circumstances, Xia Houyuan naturally couldn't help but laugh.

I thought you had some clever tricks up your sleeve!

In terms of feelings, even I am not as good as me. I at least proposed the method of night attack, but when I asked you, you could only say nothing.

That's it?

Discussions in the Xiapi Yamen Office did not come up with any useful strategies.

Xi Yu is not in a hurry right now, but Xia Houyuan on the other side has already made up his mind.

After the discussion was over, Xia Houyuan went to find Cheng Yu again.

"Mr. Zhongde, I intend to lead my troops to attack Ji Ling's army tonight. What do you think, sir?"

Xia Houyuan asked Cheng Yu.

When the latter heard this, he was a little helpless. Xi Yu had already denied the matter during this discussion.

As for himself, his opinions were pretty much the same, but when Xi Yu had already denied it, he didn't speak, and he never thought that Xia Houyuan would come to him again.

Although Cheng Yu wanted to deny this, seeing Xia Houyuan's eyes shining, he nodded helplessly.

"Since the general has made a decision, I can do whatever I want!"

If you want to attack at night, then go ahead on your own. I don’t have any objections anyway.

If Xia Houyuan wanted to attack at night, it was Xia Houyuan's own business. Cheng Yu had almost expected that this night attack would not have much effect.

Now that the outcome is clear, there is no need to continue to get involved.

If Xia Houyuan wanted to go by himself, he could just let the other party go.

Anyway, even if nothing happens, nothing big will happen to Xia Houyuan.

It’s nothing more than making the other person happy!

That night, Xia Houyuan quietly led thousands of soldiers out of Xiapi City Gate and rushed straight to the camp where Ji Ling was stationed.

at the same time.

When Xia Houyuan led his men to attack the camp, Xi Yu immediately arranged for Zhao Yun to take his men from the Suwei camp to explore the terrain of the battlefield and the garrison situation of the troops in all directions.

At the same time, Liu Bei, who was in Xiaopei, had also received replies from Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

The two informed Liu Bei that after receiving the news that Liu Bei had now led troops to station in Xiaopei, the two were now rushing towards Liu Bei with their men and horses at night.

Not only on Liu Bei's side, but also on the other side in the county where Lu Bu lived.

Chen Gong arrived at Lu Bu's tent yesterday.

That night.

After leaving Yanzhou, Lu Bu saw Chen Gong again.

"Brother Gongtai!"

Seeing Chen Gong again, Lu Bu couldn't help but feel excited.

It wasn't until now that he realized how important it was to have someone by his side who could make suggestions.

Lu Bu was very excited that Chen Gong could find him at such a time.

However, compared to Lu Bu's excitement, Chen Gong in front of him was much calmer.

I thought that Lu Bu had at least changed a lot in the past two years.

But after observing this time, to Chen Gong, Lu Bu seemed to be the same Lu Bu as before.

He came here not to serve Lu Bu.

It's just because the two had a slight friendship before because of the Yanzhou incident. After Lu Bu attacked Xuzhou, Chen Gong met Lu Bu.

He just wanted to give Lu Bu some advice out of friendship.

Although Lu Bu was enthusiastic in front of him, Chen Gong still noticed that this enthusiasm might just be a little impulsive because of the situation in front of Lu Bu.

"Your style remains the same!"

Chen Gong responded with a smile. After sitting down with Lu Bu, Chen Gong heard Lu Bu speak eagerly in front of him.

"Brother Gongtai came here this time, are you here to help me?"

Lu Bu asked directly. After hearing this, Chen Gong shook his head very calmly: "That's not the case!"

"The palace came here this time just to give you a suggestion for the sake of my friendship with you before!"

As soon as Chen Gong finished speaking, he heard that the other party was not here to serve him, but to give him advice.

The joy on Lu Bu's face visibly faded.

At this time, the original enthusiasm seemed to cool down in an instant.

"Oh, Brother Gongtai, do you have any suggestions?"

Lu Bu asked back, his tone no longer as eager as before.

Chen Gong didn't care about this. Since he was already here, he wouldn't care about this situation.

Lu Bu's temperament was somewhat clear to him.

"This time, I have something to say. Your Majesty, please listen to it!"

"First of all, you must not have a close relationship with Yuan Shu. This time Yuan Shu has rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor, and he is on the verge of death. If you get too close to him, you may be dragging yourself down!"

"Secondly, although the Lord's attack on Xuzhou is effective, it is difficult to take control of Xuzhou!"

"This time, I would like to advise you to find another way out as soon as possible!"

"Furthermore, Xi Fengyi has also arrived in Xuzhou with his army this time!"

Chen Gong advised him that he had already said what needed to be said. These words were said out of consideration for the fact that he had some friendship with Lu Bu before.

Previously, in his eyes, Lu Bu was nothing more than an extremely sharp knife.

This was his original plan before he plotted Yanzhou.

Only later, after meeting Xi Yu, did he see more things clearly.

Fame and wealth are nothing but clouds in the end, and a life of just a few decades is nothing but dust in the end.

Calculating those gains and losses doesn't make much sense.

In this troubled world, it may be difficult to change the world today, but everything Xi Fengyi has done before has made him somewhat interested.

Now, Chen Gong's purpose has changed.

No longer planning for one continent or one place, but looking at the entire world.

If he could work with Na Xi Fengyi to change the long-standing situation of this big man, perhaps his life in this world would be worthwhile.


After hearing Chen Gong's advice, Lu Bu's face couldn't help but sink.

The first point the other party said was that Lu Bu had also heard people persuade him that he naturally didn't want to be complicit with Yuan Shu when he became emperor.

As for attacking Xuzhou together with the other party, it is also a helpless move.

Only the other party persuaded him to give up Xuzhou and find another way.

In today's world, besides the Xuzhou in front of him, where else could Lu Bu be placed?

As for the final scene, Fengyi.

The other party really made Lu Bu a little afraid.

When he met Xi Fengyi before, it was precisely because of the fight that Lu Bu knew that there was someone stronger than him in terms of force in the world.

It was precisely because of the other party that Lu Bu's self-confidence was hit immediately.

Therefore, after he went to Bingzhou, he became increasingly depressed.

However, now that several years have passed, Lu Bu's military strength has once again returned to its peak.

As for Naxi Fengyi, he has not heard any news about the other party participating in any wars in the past few years.

After a few years of passing away, the other party's martial arts must have not improved at all.

Perhaps, this time is his chance to avenge the previous one.

Lu Bu thought to himself that he had not listened to a word of Chen Gong's advice at this time.

Looking at the expression on Lu Bu's face, Chen Gong knew to some extent that the other party might not have listened to his words at all.

Thinking like this, Chen Gong bowed his hands towards Lu Bu: "Your Majesty, I have already said what you need to say, Gong, I will stay here soon!"


Hearing that Chen Gong was leaving, Lu Bu's expression obviously changed.

"Gongtai, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we stay a little longer? We can take this opportunity to talk about our old feelings!"

Lu Bu asked to stay.

After hearing these words, Chen Gong understood in his heart that Lu Bu did not want to let him leave this time.

However, he was not in a hurry at the moment.

"Since the Lord said so, I might as well stay here for a few more days!"

"Did Xia Houyuan lead an army to attack Ji Ling at night?"

While Chen Gong and Lu Bu were reminiscing about old times, Xi Yu also received news that Xia Houyuan was leading an army to attack Ji Ling's camp at night.

Xia Houyuan unexpectedly led the army to attack the camp. Regarding this situation, Xi Yu just chuckled.

He knew that Xia Houyuan would not listen to his advice, and he never thought that as a leading general, he would not be able to distinguish such things clearly.

However, now that Xia Houyuan has led the army out, Xi Yu doesn't have much thought.

A quiet night.

In the early morning of the next day, when a few fish-belly white colors appeared on the sky, Xia Houyuan returned in embarrassment with his army from the direction of the south city of Xiapi.

Xiyu was not surprised at all when he received the news.

At the same time, Cheng Yu, who was standing outside the city gate to greet Xia Houyuan, looked a little helpless.

Although he had already expected it, he did not expect that Xia Houyuan and his army would be in such a mess during this night attack.

After taking Xia Houyuan into the city, Cheng Yu couldn't help but opened his mouth to ask questions.

"Is the general okay?"

Xia Houyuan's face turned dark when he heard Cheng Yu's question from the side of the aisle.


You are already in this situation, what else can you do to get better?

He still regrets his decision to attack at night last night. However, regret is regret, but Xia Houyuan still doesn't care about Xi Fengyi.

The other party is like that.

Although he failed in the night attack, so what? Wasn't there nothing that Fengyi could do about it?

Seeing Cheng Yu staring at him, Xia Houyuan clenched his fists.

"Fell into that Ji Ling's plan!"

"I thought this night attack was foolproof, but I never thought that this person had already planned it, as if he already knew that I was going to lead an army in a night attack!"

Xia Houyuan raised his head, his eyes blazing, but he almost didn't say that there were spies of the other side in the army.

When Cheng Yu heard this, he felt a little helpless.

If only you, Xia Houyuan, had changed your position, you would have been so defensive at night, right?

After all, the enemy army has support. As a general, you should still be on guard!

This night attack, it is obvious that you are mentally ill!

Do you really think everyone else is a fool?

Although Cheng Yu thought so, he didn't say anything after all.

"General, although this night attack failed, it is not serious. Please call the generals to discuss the matter again!"

Cheng Yu admonished him. After hearing this, Xia Houyuan thought about it and nodded.

Discussions still have to be made.

Now that the night attack has failed, they need to be prepared for Lu Bu and Ji Ling's army to take the opportunity to come.

Around Sishi, Xia Houyuan sent someone to invite a group of people to the Xiapi Yamen Office to discuss matters.

Xi Yu was among them.

Inside the Xiapi Yamen Office.

When Xi Yu arrived, he saw Xia Houyuan with a dark face and a bit of embarrassment in his attire. It seemed that the other party had summoned everyone to discuss the matter before he had time to clean up.

Seeing this situation, Xi Yu didn't care at all. After sitting at the same table as yesterday, Xia Houyuan spoke.

"A certain person failed in his night attack last night. I never thought that Ji Ling would have been prepared..."


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