We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 211 Xuzhou’s new atmosphere, the nobles feel deeply in crisis

Seeing Liu Bei so angry, Mi Zhu immediately stepped forward to persuade him and said, "Uncle Liu Huang, don't be angry anymore. My brother Mi Fang is just a commoner. With his talents, he is not enough to achieve anything."

"Besides, my little sister and servants are all staying in Xuzhou City. You don't have to worry too much about my brother returning home."

Liu Bei was still angry and shouted to his third brother Zhang Fei, "Having said that, people who don't know the truth about Mi Fang running home will definitely say that I, Liu Bei, am a heartless and unjust person!"

Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei, "Third brother, I have always warned you, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang and Sun Qian are kind to me, Liu Bei, and they must be treated well. You say you..."

At this moment, Liu Bei felt disappointed and said to Zhang Fei angrily, "You won't have to drink alcohol for a month!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei's eyes widened with disbelief on his face, "Brother, your... punishment is too severe!"

Liu Bei wanted to punish him, even if he beat him, he would not say anything. However, how could he bear it if he was asked not to drink for a month?

When Guan Yu saw this, he knew that Liu Bei was really angry this time. He hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him, "Brother, the third brother cannot be entirely blamed for this matter. You don't know something. Mi Fang has given us a lot of military glory thanks to his family. Just rely on favor and become arrogant..."

"I just wanted to take the opportunity to remind him that he would have run away. If I had known this, I would have let him stay at home."

Seeing Guan Yu's words, Liu Bei was helpless and sighed.

Now he is temporarily living in Xinye, with only 15,000 troops and horses. In order to increase his strength, he originally wanted to implement benevolent government and live and eat with the people. Now that Mi Fang has left, once Mi Zhu is dissatisfied with him because of this, if he is Liu Bei treats the corporal badly and is ungrateful to his benefactor, which will definitely damage his prestige.

Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu and Liu Bei. It seemed that these two people had not thought about this level of interest at all.

Liu Bei pointed at Zhang Fei and said angrily, "Is this a serious punishment? I guess you drank too much, how dare you disrespect your benefactor and hurt others!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei knew that he was in the wrong and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak, but he hated Mi Fang very much in his heart.

To say that Mi Fang was really good at picking the time, she showed up when he was drunk. Once drunk, Zhang Fei could not control his violent temper.

But Zhang Fei knew that the matter had come to this and did not dare to say any more. He just felt hatred in his heart: Bastard Mi Fang made me unable to drink for a month!

Xuzhou City, Xiapi.

That afternoon, Mi Fang took Zhuge Liang to take stock of all the family property. There were more than 4,300 servants. The rest of the material property was very rich, and could fund an army of almost 30,000.

These supplies are enough to feed the 100,000 people in Xiapi City for half a year.

Zhuge Liang really couldn't believe that Mi Fang was really willing to give such rich supplies directly to Master Xi?

Does Mi Fang really have any other sinister plans regarding this matter?

Seeing that Zhuge Liang was worried, Mi Fang hurriedly said, "Mr. Kong Ming, is this money not enough?"

"If this money is not enough, I still have other properties. Moreover, Chen Deng and Chen Gui and his son will donate money and food every year. If necessary, I will take back the donation."

"It's completely enough, but..." Zhuge Liang was very curious and asked, "But if you donate all this money, how can you start a family?"

"I have already thought about this matter. As long as you give your permission, I will recruit 4,300 servants into the army. When the time is right, I will send troops to kill the Zhuojun butcher!"

Mi Fang said angrily. After saying this, he felt the right side of his face still hurting deeply.

When Zhuge Liang saw this, he suddenly realized that Mi Fang was very vindictive, so it was no wonder that she was the "old Zhuozhou big-eared post".

After thinking about it, Zhuge Liang smiled lightly and said, "It's so, I understand this matter."

After this incident, Zhuge Liang no longer had a good impression of Mi Fang. He even felt that Mi Fang was not very popular and was greedy for life and afraid of death.

If the adults are in trouble in the future, Mi Fang is afraid that she will turn against him to save her life?

At this time, Mi Fang said with a smile, "Then Mr. Kongming is responsible for this matter. However, I have one more thing that I would like to ask you..."

Zhuge Liang replied: "What's the matter?"

"Excuse me sir, do you have any special preferences? If so, I would like to give you some."

Zhuge Liang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I've only been with you for a few months, so I don't know your preferences. However, I heard that... you already have three wives and concubines. Maybe you like beauties."

Mi Fang was immediately overjoyed, "So... very good. I have a little girl in my family who is as beautiful as a fairy and is of the right age for marriage!"

Mi Fang was looking forward to it and looked at Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Kong Ming, can you please come forward and talk to me as a matchmaker?"

Zhuge Liang was a little surprised, "Do you really have a beautiful girl in your family?"

Mi Fang said confidently, "Of course it is true. My little sister Mi Yun is nineteen years old. She is well-educated and sensible. She is as beautiful as a fairy. She has a cheerful personality and will definitely be loved by adults."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang gently clapped his palms with the feather fan in his hand. This feather fan was a gift from Xi Yu and he liked it very much.

"If this is true, your little sister will become rich..."

"I will agree to this matter and go back and report it to your lord."

Zhuge Liang tightened the feather fan in his hand, took the account book from Mi Fang's hand, and ordered his servants to move some of the money to the government office first, and keep the rest for home use.

Nowadays, Mi Fang is the one who calls the shots in the Mi family.

Fortunately, the relationship between Liu Bei and Xi Yu has not broken down, otherwise, things would be very difficult to handle.

At the moment, Liu Bei was afraid of Xi Yu, so he stayed away from Xuzhou and hid in Nanyang County before even receiving the merit of longevity.

That night, Zhuge Liang met Xi Yu with his account books.

After reading the account books and listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Xi Yu was very surprised, "Is this serious? Mi Fang wants to give his little sister to me?"

Zhuge Liang nodded immediately and took the opportunity to praise Mi Fang's little sister.

"You spoke very well of his little sister. Have you ever seen this woman?"

Zhuge Liang replied, "I've never seen it."

"I've never seen it before, how dare you praise me like this?" Xi Yu said with a smile.

"Mi Fang told me, I don't think he would dare to lie to me." Zhuge Liang replied with a smile.

There was a strange look on Xi Yu's face

Mi Fang's sister is not Mrs. Mi in the future, but Mi Yun has not yet left the court, so this is a good thing...

But Xi Yu was very confused, "It's just that now I have three wives and concubines. If I accept Mi Fang's kindness, this matter... is not appropriate, right?"

"Sir, beauties have been matched with heroes since ancient times. Your Excellency is the hero of the world today. What's the harm in having more wives and concubines?"

"Haha, there is some truth in this statement. We will discuss this matter in the future..."

After Zhuge Liang left, Xi Yu also left the government office.

It was already winter, and he wanted to go to a warm place, so he came to Tiangongyuan.

After a long time, Xi Yu finally plucked up the courage and walked in. The person who received him was naturally Zou.

It wasn't until late in the night that Xi Yu came out. Xi Yu was full of energy and his eyes were very bright. Thinking of Cao Cao in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he smiled to himself, "It's so refreshing! Today I have experienced the beauty of the Prime Minister's hobby... …”

In the winter of this year, a three-day banquet was held in Xuzhou City, which was very lively. Xi Yu married Mi Jun, the daughter of the Mi family, and the people respectfully called her Mrs. Mi.

Mrs. Mi is the daughter of the Mi family, a family of merchants in Xuzhou. Xi Yu marries Mrs. Mi, which makes the people of Xuzhou closer to him. Mrs. Mi soon becomes a popular figure in Xuzhou city.

In this way, Xuzhou City, under the control of Xi Yu, would be united and stable.

At the same time, the Academy of Sciences built in the inner city of Xiapi was successfully completed, covering a total area of ​​nearly 120,000 square meters, like a huge military camp.

Inside the Academy of Sciences, there are newly built gravel roads, hot springs, and blacksmith furnaces. There are also a design institute, a Tiangong institute, an internal school, a military school, an agricultural school, a Confucian school, and a medical school...

It is as large as nearly eighty courtyards and covers almost all areas of people's livelihood and military affairs.

Soon, the Academy of Sciences caused a huge sensation in Xiapi City!

This majestic building, like a palace, has become something that everyone talks about after dinner.

Moreover, the Academy of Sciences was affiliated to the government office run by Xi Yu, and soon launched many benevolent policies.

When the government office formulates its future development strategy, it will select some people as representatives from the people and let them put forward corresponding needs. After the spring, officials will evaluate these needs and then formulate corresponding policies.

Such an enlightened move that benefited the people made the poor scholars who had just obtained an official position in Xuzhou very excited. The fire of hope was ignited in their hearts, and the people were more willing to work in the fields.

As a result, Xuzhou has reclaimed more than twice as much wasteland as last year, and horse farms and animal husbandry have also been vigorously developed.

Newly appointed officials from various places, with the strong support of the people, have started a vigorous spring plowing!

From top to bottom, there is enthusiasm!

At this time, Zhuge Liang had become the Diannong Officer and was responsible for compiling all Diannong strategies in Xiapi City. Every day before dawn, Zhuge Liang took the little book boy Zhuge Yi to the fields.

Zhuge Liang was very grateful to Xi Yu and gave him a satisfactory job. He was confident that with his intelligence and talents, he would be able to easily manage all the farmland in Xuzhou.

Zhuge Liang has this ability, so he must seize this opportunity and start the road of internal affairs.

At this time, although Guo Jia is the closest person to Xi Yu, he is still Xi Yu's meritorious service.

At this time, Xi Yu had already moved all his official business to the office in the Academy of Sciences. There were twenty tables in the huge hall for twenty scholars to handle official business.

These people were all found to be filial and honest, and they were all people with excellent moral character and reputation. Xi Yu arranged to serve in the government office and was responsible for the compilation of official affairs. Guo Jia was in charge of these people and compiled all reported events and strategies. The matter was summarized and handed over to Guo Jia. After Guo Jia handled it, it was handed over to Xi Yu for signature.

The division of labor is clear, each performs his or her duties, and the efficiency is very high.

As for this military matter, Xi Yu is personally responsible for it, especially the old deployment of the supply camp. All Qingzhou soldiers must perform physical exercises every day.

Throughout Xuzhou City, all management is in good order and the situation is very good.

This is the first time in the history of Xuzhou City that farmers are so enthusiastic after the beginning of spring. They have no doubts about Xi Yu's farming strategy.

Whoever dares to say that Xiyu is just deceiving people to cultivate land will definitely increase taxes in the future, and all farmers and people will fight him!

Since then, Chen Deng and Chen Chengui have been feeling very uncomfortable.

Chen Gui was almost besieged.

He originally thought that he would be respected by the poor scholars as before, and he thought that ordinary people would be afraid of them.

However, these have all changed, and now the prestige and status of the gentry are slowly disappearing in Xuzhou City.

Seeing this, as the first day of school approached, Chen Deng and his son came directly to wait for Xiyu to "get off work".

Such strange words came from the design institute.

Today, there are more than a thousand people in the design institute, from craftsmen, carpenters, to skilled craftswomen, and each of these people receive extremely enviable treatment.

Some people even heard that there is a very strange pipe in the design institute, which can keep clear water. It is very convenient to use water. People of the gentry class have never seen it before, and they are envious and even jealous.

Chen Deng and his son are among them.

An afternoon passed, and until the sun set, Chen Deng and his son waited until Xiyu came out from get off work. Dianwei and Zhao Yun followed him, and Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang accompanied him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Deng immediately walked towards Xi Yu.

"I've met Mr. Xi."

Xi Yu was very surprised to see Chen Deng, "Yuanlong, why are you here? You don't have to farm today?"

"Ah, this..."

Chen Deng was very surprised: Could it be that I, Chen Deng, am now a farmer in your eyes?

Chen Deng looked a little restrained and replied, "Sir, I am thinking of the current situation in Xuzhou City, and I want to do my best to share your worries."

"Share your worries for me?" Xi Yu asked doubtfully, "I feel very comfortable, so why worry?"


Chen Deng suddenly felt bitter.

Now even Mi Fang, who returned to Xuzhou not long ago, has become a county magistrate, with three to four thousand soldiers and horses in hand, and Chen Deng...

"Sir, since you have nothing to worry about, then I..."

Seeing Chen Deng like this, Xi Yu smiled and said, "Oh, if you don't share your worries, then that's enjoyment?"

Well, Chen Deng, you were very arrogant before, but now, I have just suppressed the gentry class a little bit, and you want to share the results?

"No, sir, we still have some reputation in the gentry class. We want to use this to recruit celebrities for you and run a school in your name. This will benefit future generations and is definitely a good thing for you!"

After saying this, Chen Deng blushed deeply and had a complicated expression on his face.

As soon as Chen Deng said these words, Xi Yu thought to himself: Now he wants to do things for me. I think back then, because of you Chen Deng, a group of officials almost wanted to resign and return home.

He Xiyu always respects others. If you want to resign, I agree.

Do you really think that without you officials, we would be short of money to live? Can’t recruit talents and connections?

However, now only one monthly review is enough for talents from all walks of life to gather in Xuzhou.

As long as he has the support of a common man and a wealthy businessman, he can get a lot of money from Xiyu. As for the collection of books in the noble family, it is not a difficult task.

Nowadays, among Xi Yu's wives and concubines, there is the daughter of the "big master" Cai Yong, who has more than 4,000 volumes of books in his family!

No matter which aspect, if Chen Deng wanted to take the initiative to show his kindness, Xi Yu would have the capital to ignore him.

Xi Yu smiled lightly and said, "Tomorrow is indeed the first day of school, and the school is located next to the Academy of Sciences."

"However, what you just said reminded me that after school starts, as long as there are people with real talents and learning in the city, they are expected to become teachers. You can also inform the Confucian students of the gentry class about this, and they can also come and try, but they must You have to have real ability.”

Xi Yu reminded with a smile, "This will also be your last chance to keep your status as a noble. If you cannot seize it, there will no longer be a place for them in the Xuzhou noble circle from now on."

Xi Yu said a few words, although he did not mean to threaten him. After hearing this, Chen Deng felt a cold feeling on his back.

Chen Deng only nodded and watched Xi Yu and others leave.

Xi Yu's words are true. Over the past few days, Chen Deng has clearly seen that as long as it is Xi Yu's benevolent government, even without the support of the old major clans, it can still be implemented smoothly and be recognized by the people.

If so, if things continue like this...

New noble families will appear soon. If the Chen family wants to stand in this class and become a prominent family, they have to make changes and move closer to Xi Yu.

Today, in Xuzhou, the Chen family is the largest gentry.

However, although the nobles have a sense of superiority, they also have their own weaknesses...

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there have been four classes of people: scholars, farmers, workers, and merchants.

Different classes have different things to do.

Scholars and people studied, farmers farmed, workers and people worked, and merchants did business.

Among these four levels, the scholars and the people are undoubtedly the first.

Scholars and people are familiar with Confucian classics and are familiar with Confucian thought. After accumulating a certain amount of talent and learning, they can be filial and honest and become officials. Later, they can also train their own children to become officials.

Over time, over and over again, a family gradually became a gentry.

Therefore, no matter which prince gets the support of the noble family, it means that he has a lot of support. The noble family will also use the money they have hoarded for generations to support the prince.

Now at the end of the Han Dynasty, in order to suppress Hanmen and other scholars, the gentry forces sealed up the collection of books directly within the clan and never spread them to outsiders. In this way, they wanted to only allow members of the clan to serve as officials.

Moreover, this is a very large power group.

Now, in Xiapi City in Xuzhou, almost all of these people are guarding Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong's front yard.

After the beginning of spring, the nights are still cold, but these people still don't want to leave.

Although they were reluctant, they had no other choice.

But as a result, Chen Gui and Chen Deng couldn't bear the disturbance, and they had to drive the uninvited guests out of the house.

Looking at the slightly burning fire in the house, it made people feel a little warm.

After a long time, several young people couldn't stand the cold anymore. They suddenly sneezed and said, "How about we go..."

An old man leaned on a cane and scolded, "I can't bear this little suffering! You have no spine! It's impossible to leave!"

Among the crowd, there was a man named Yuan Huan, whose courtesy name was Yaoqing. He had a gentle personality and very good conduct. He was from Fule, Chen County. His father once served as Situ, the highest official in the family.

Yuan Huan once followed Yuan Shu and came to Xuzhou after Yuan was destroyed.

However, he came to Xuzhou just to find a place to settle down and no longer entered the official position.

Because he came from a larger clan among the gentry, he was specially invited here by the gentry. However, he never thought that he would be caught in the cold wind when he came here. At this moment, it was really unbearable for him, and he said with a wry smile on his face, "Everyone, we are waiting for you. It is unbecoming of a gentleman to disturb the Chen family and his son like this, so it is better to go home separately."

"The Drama Master recruits teachers to run the school, but teachers are role models and must first respect their moral character. If we repeatedly intimidate Chen Deng and his son, it will really damage our reputation..."

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