We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 212 A group of shameless people who bully others too much

"Mr. Yuan Huan!"

"Mr. Yaoqing, this is wrong."

"Chen Deng and his son must know the test questions for this recruitment, and they may even know more details about Master Xi's recruitment. How can we just leave?"

"If we give up here, when the school opens tomorrow, Chen Deng and his son will become officials, but we will only end up as soldiers and civilians."

After learning that teachers were about to be recruited at the beginning of the school year, these Confucian scholars came to Chen Deng Courtyard and refused to leave until they achieved their goal.

Schools were opened and scholars and people studied in order to become officials.

And they, a group of Confucian scholars, had been officials before. If they had not listened to Chen Gui, they would not have resigned easily.

Now, it is Chen Deng and his son who tell them that they have the opportunity to become officials again. They would not let this opportunity go easily before.

Furthermore, they even suspected that Chen Deng and his son had the answers to the exam, so they would not leave just like that.

Seeing this, the servants of the Chen family did not dare to easily drive away these shameless nobles.

Hearing this, Yuan Huan shook his head and said, "Have you ever thought about it?"

"Master Opera attaches so much importance to running a school, so the recruitment of teachers must be to select people with real talents and practical knowledge. If we cheat by relying on the answers on the answer sheet, even if we successfully pass the exam and get the position of teacher, we will not be qualified. If we are found out, If you come out, you will definitely be severely punished."

"Aren't you really afraid of Master Xi's methods?" Yuan Huan looked at the gentry and Confucian scholars and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, some people suddenly panicked, "How can you not be afraid of Master Xi's methods..."

Someone followed up and said, "That's right, this gentleman was born in poverty... I haven't heard of any Confucian writings by him. I guess this recruitment exam won't be too difficult, right?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up and shouted, "That's nonsense!"

"Don't you even know and study the "Chu Shi Biao"? This exposition is unprecedented and unprecedented!"

"Not only "The Master", the lyrics written by the opera master are also very accomplished. His pioneering style and unique literary talent are very exciting to read!"

"That's right, you are so ignorant. You dare to despise Master Xi's talent and learning. It's really ridiculous."

"In my opinion, the difficulty of tomorrow's recruitment test must be extraordinary! If I don't pay attention to this recruitment and be careful about losing my teaching position to someone from a poor family, if that is the case, where will our face be?!"

Some members of the gentry even sneered, "As far as I know, Chen Deng and his son had a close relationship with Xuzhou officials long before General Cao Ren. If these two people say they are estranged from Mr. Xi, I will never believe it!"

"Even I don't believe it either."

"Yao Qing, you should persuade Chen Deng and his son on behalf of us and other good students, and share the answer sheets in your hands with us. You must not do anything selfish."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden crisp sound, "Bang!"

The door to the house suddenly opened, and Chen Deng stood at the door, his face flushed with anger!

He had been standing at the door, listening to everyone's remarks. Mr. Yuan Huan thought he was talking, but these people refused to leave.

This group of people didn't want to leave, but they actually judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, and even suspected that he was deliberately helping Master Xi suppress the nobles in order to support the poor nobles.

"Hey, wait, a bunch of shameless people... they've gone too far!" Chen Deng said loudly, full of anger.

"I kindly went to meet Mr. Opera today in order to seek some benefits for you and other members of the noble clan at the beginning of school. Who would have thought that not only would you not appreciate it, but you would even doubt me and slander me out of thin air! "

After saying that, Chen Deng was very angry. He immediately swung his long sword at a group of nobles and cursed loudly in his hand, "You shameless people, I will fight with you today!"

"Stop, Yuanlong! Yuanlong, please calm down!!"

A group of nobles suddenly felt frightened and took several steps back in fright.

Seeing this, several old men quickly grabbed Chen Deng and tried to persuade him, "Yuanlong, please tell us the truth. What did Master Xi tell you about tomorrow's exam?"

Chen Deng replied coldly, "Master Xi didn't tell me anything. I hope you are satisfied!"

Chen Deng smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I wanted to ask something, but I didn't expect that Mr. Xi didn't want to talk to me in depth at all!"

"Besides, you usually say that you have read a lot of scriptures and are full of knowledge in your heart. Haha, it's just a teacher's exam question. Why are you scared now?" Chen Deng stared at a group of gentry and Confucian scholars and sneered.

"Master Xi made it very clear. This recruitment of teachers is looking for people with real talents and practical knowledge. Those who have the ability will naturally be able to enter the school. Those who are not talented enough should go home and farm as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Chen Deng sneered at a group of gentry and Confucian scholars.

This group of people came to his house and made such a fuss. At this moment, he was already furious.

"Yuanlong! What you said...is wrong!"

Hearing this, the stewards from other places became angry and shouted angrily at Chen Deng, "Chen Deng, if I hadn't believed what you said, how could we have been resigned by Master Xi! Now that school is starting During the recruitment, you were so callous and showed no intention of helping me!"

Seeing a group of Confucian scholars quarreling with Chen Deng, Yuan Huan shook his head alone: ​​he claimed to be full of talent and learning, but he was just a bunch of pedants.

Yuan Huan couldn't bear it anymore and said softly, "Now that we have said that, why don't you all unite and help each other? As long as one of you becomes a teacher through recruitment, it will be natural to recommend other gentry and Confucian scholars to be teachers in the future. Isn't this good?"

"If not, what's the point of noisy until dawn?"

Hearing Yuan Huan's words, Chen Deng was stunned, "Huh?"

Suddenly, a group of Confucian scholars also suddenly had their eyes lit up, "Really? This method is very good! Why didn't we think of it?"

After hearing this, someone in the crowd immediately said, "Mr. Yuan Huan's words are reasonable. With the strength of our noble clan, as long as we unite together, no one from a humble family can compare!"

"Furthermore, no matter how powerful one person is, can he compare to the knowledge of a group of people? I think it is better for everyone to teach each other tonight. I will definitely have deeper and more useful knowledge. It will definitely not be a problem to cope with the recruitment test questions tomorrow."

"This is very true...it must be Mr. Yaoqing. He is really knowledgeable and resourceful."

"I also agree. This method is very good, Yuanlong! What do you think?!"

Hearing this, Chen Deng stared angrily: What do I mean? If you are blocking my house and causing trouble, I would like to kill you all!

But he still endured his anger and sighed: "Mr. Yuan Huan's proposal is very good."

"Everyone, please."

Chen Deng suppressed his anger and welcomed a group of gentry and Confucian scholars into the house.

At the same time, Chen Deng ordered his servants to add more wood and fire. As the fire continued to increase, the gentry and Confucian scholars, who had been freezing for a long time, suddenly felt extremely warm and began to talk and discuss one by one.

At this time, Chen Deng saw Yuan Huan still standing outside the door and quickly said politely, "Mr. Yuan Huan, why don't you come in and talk?"

Yuan Huan raised his hand and bowed, "As long as you all get back on good terms and unite to advance and retreat together, I will be satisfied. I'm sorry that I have something to do and I can't communicate with you, so I won't go in and say goodbye!"

"Well then, sir, go on your way."

Chen Deng then sent Yuan Huan out.

After bidding farewell to Yuan Huan, Chen Deng returned to the house and saw a group of gentry and Confucian scholars talking loudly. Chen Deng felt very angry and wanted to go to the backyard and scold his father.

Chen Deng cursed secretly in his heart:

If I hadn't resigned, how could I have ended up in this situation today? In the end, I had to work hard for the official position of a small school teacher, and my status was difficult to compare with before!

How ridiculous!

At this time, in the government office, Xi Yu was preparing for the school tomorrow. Xi Yu was dictating, while Jia Xu was lying in front of the paperwork and writing with pen and paper.

Before that, most of the opera masters dictated it, and Guo Jia wrote it. But today the opera masters speak in great detail, because Jia Xu's handwriting is smaller, so he can save silk scripts and write down the opera master's words in detail.

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang looked at each other and smiled. Based on Master Xi's words of "extraordinary", if Master Xi wrote it himself tonight, twenty pieces of silk scrolls might not be enough.

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang really didn't dare to compliment Master Xi's calligraphy, but Master Xi was full of confidence, saying that his calligraphy would eventually become "popular".

Although Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang agreed on the surface, they believed in their hearts that even a hundred years later, it would be difficult for Xi Daren's characters to become popular.

Jia Xu observed, looked at Dian Wei, and asked, "Is this guard General Dian Wei?"

The guard position here is very important and is directly managed by Xi Yu.

"That's right, it's General Dian. General Dian's combat power is extraordinary. He is very competent as a guard."

When Dian Wei heard this, he looked proud of Zhao Yun, "Haha...praise, reward!"

"Now, I, Dian Wei, am the guard of the school!"

Seeing Dian Wei so happy, Zhao Yun was speechless: It's you, Dian Wei, and a school guard is so proud...

Why not enjoy charging and killing the enemy on the battlefield!

"Well, the Political and Education Department? What does this do..."

Xi Yu explained very seriously, "This is to supervise whether Confucianism is known to students and apply what they have learned, and to manage students to stabilize what they have learned."

"I see, then what does this Academic Affairs Office do..."

"The Academic Affairs Office is responsible for preparing teaching tools and arranging and planning all courses for the academic year."

"Then this..."

According to Xi Yu's arrangement, Jia Xu made a drawing, which Xi Yu called a "schematic diagram", with official positions and names written in different positions.

In the entire school, Xi Yu has the highest official position. Including Xi Yu, he has three official positions: Political and Education Office, Academic Affairs Office and Guard.

Xi Yu also directly manages the guards. The guard is Dianwei, who is in charge of a guard team.

Following the three official positions, there are several categories in the diagram.

Scholars, agriculture, industry, business, medicine.

However, in today's schools, these academics are not prioritized.

For the Shang category, Xi Yu directly arranged for Mi Fang to be a single teacher because Xi Yu did not want him to lead the troops.

But regarding this school-running strategy, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and others really didn't quite understand the meaning of Xiyu.

"If Master Xiu makes such distinctions, this Confucianism..."

"Yes, will those Confucian nobles make irresponsible remarks?"

"I don't know if there are other poor people from poor families who will accept this arrangement, haha, but this move should be loved by the common people, especially the peasant class. Farming is actually a science."

Xi Yu took a closer look and found that a relatively complete management system had been formed.

Xi Yu then said to several people, "Now in Xuzhou, according to the lists reported by various places, there are hundreds of thousands of children alone."

"I believe that in troubled times, we should attach great importance to canons, and in prosperous times, Confucianism should be promoted. In today's world, Confucianism alone is not enough, but it should be based on Confucianism, supplemented by other academics, and emphasize the study of Dharma and Mohism. This is the correct way."

After Xi Yu finished speaking, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and others nodded in praise.

Before this, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang had never had such an idea. Even other Confucian practitioners had always regarded Confucianism as the foundation of learning.

Confucianism has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Xi Yu was willing to have an in-depth discussion with the three of them on how to run a school because of his own considerations.

One is that Guo Jia has a close relationship with him, and the other is that although Zhuge Liang was born as a commoner, he is very knowledgeable and knows the beauty of other academics.

Third, Jia Xu had no intention of respecting Confucianism.

Xi Yu's change in the way of running schools, he predicted, would cause huge repercussions throughout Xuzhou and even the Central Plains.

There is no doubt that he will be the first deviant to challenge the status of Confucianism.

Xi Yu said with great satisfaction, "I will sort out the strategies for running the school and post a notice tomorrow and give a copy to Xuchang at the same time."

In troubled times, heavy codes are used, and in prosperous times, Confucianism is promoted.

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu were deeply impressed by such a bold thing.

Although the three of them were not very optimistic about this matter, they were naturally willing to implement Xi Yu's decision.

If you want to completely change Xuzhou, you have to look at the effect of the new law.

A hundred flowers bloom...

Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang looked at each other and seemed to see an extremely prosperous future.

As for why Xi Yu chose to challenge Confucianism at this time, he naturally thought carefully and left a way out.

Now, the poor scholars and common people in Xuzhou have long been subdued by him.

From now on, the road left for these scholars will only become narrower and narrower.

If we follow the general trend and accept the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom", we will only be able to farm and become farmers.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Xi Yu chose this time to challenge Confucianism and implement his own school-running strategy.

At this time, it was the eve of the Battle of Guandu. Sun Ce occupied the lands east of the Yangtze River, and Cao Cao occupied Xuzhou, Yanzhou and northern Yangzhou.

Yuan Shu captured Youzhou.

Places such as Chang'an and Xiliang have ceased war, and the land of Xichuan has not changed. The major princes are tacitly carrying out a truce to rest.

In the past three years, both sides have been preparing more troops and food, which will lead to a relatively peaceful and stable situation.

Only this relatively stable period is more suitable for implementing things such as running schools.

However, for Xi Yu, pretending to be a Confucian scholar during this period was indeed very hard.

"Why is this like this?! Chen Deng, is this really the admission you are talking about!?"

"Hmph, I, Wang Yi, will never enter an official position like this. It is extremely absurd! How can such despicable things as engineering, agriculture and commerce dare to be compared with the teachings of sages!"

"This is nonsense!"

"Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous! It's hard to imagine why Mr. Xi is so absurd and confused!"

"How can people from common people secretly study Confucianism? If it is true as the notice says, carpenters and stonemasons become officials in the same dynasty as Confucian scholars like us, this is simply a great shame and humiliation!"

"That's right, it's simply ridiculous. I, Wang Long, will never approve of this kind of thing! Let's go!"

"I really didn't expect that Master Xi's school-running policy was so ridiculous. If I had known it, I wouldn't have come here. He even made me spend money to entertain Chen Deng. It's really irritating!!"

"I'm afraid that the Chen family and his son have known about this for a long time, but they didn't tell us. I'm afraid they have already become the eagle dogs of Yu Yu!"

Hearing such abuse and slander from a group of gentry and Confucian scholars, Chen Deng was so frightened that he vomited blood in anger.

I thought I finally had the opportunity to become an official again, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be such a ridiculous strategy for running a school!

Even if you enter the school to teach, what's the use? !

"Yuanlong, what do you think we should do now?"

A Confucian scholar asked Chen Deng.

This man was about the same age as Chen Deng, and he had the same idea as other Confucian scholars: if he really wanted to teach in this school, he would be ridiculed by other Confucian scholars from the gentry.

From now on, I am afraid it will be difficult to stand up among the Xuzhou gentry.

"How do I know what to do?"

At this time, Chen Deng was also extremely shocked. He really didn't expect that Xi Yu would dare to be so deviant and dare to be the first.

At the same time, Chen Deng was very conflicted at the moment. Entering the school through recruitment was indeed a good opportunity.

Not only can he keep his status as a scholar, but he can also become an official in the future.

But if he just gives up, I really don’t know what the result will be.

When Chen Deng was still hesitating, his father Chen Gui stepped forward and glared at the notice with disgust. He sneered and said to Chen Deng, "Yuanlong, there is no need to hesitate. We would rather not do this as a teacher." , I would like to see how this school can continue to operate without Confucianism!"

Looking at other scholars, Chen Gui was very opposed to Xiyu's plan to run a school.

For a time, the gentry class who came with the hope of becoming an official, including those from poor families, all hesitated.

However, other people, such as carpenters, stonemasons, and blacksmiths, knew that they would have the opportunity to become officials, and they all seemed extremely happy.

Soon, Xi Yu's opening of a school was treated as a joke and spread throughout Xiapi City.

Not long after, the matter spread to other states and counties.

Yanzhou, Xuchang.

In the prime minister's house, Cao Cao was shocked when he learned about this, "How dare Feng Yi act so boldly?"

Cao Cao touched his chin, his beard was pulled into a ball, and his face was full of thinking.

Xi Zhicai on the side was really unbearable and said loudly, "This matter must not be left to Fengyi's nonsense!"

"Although Fengyi has just learned a lesson, once this matter sets a precedent, it will easily touch the interests of the nobles. Once the nobles get into trouble, big trouble may happen!"

"My lord, you and I are both Confucian scholars. Previously, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had dismissed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism! If it is true that other academics are being revitalized, that's okay!"

At this moment, Xi Zhicai just felt that he had to express his feelings.

"It's just that when did business become a learned thing!? This is what people of low status do, what kind of knowledge is it?! People who are engaged in business are careless and don't do business without treachery. What if such a person can also be an official? Let the Xuzhou nobles be convinced!!"

"If this kind of school-running policy is forcibly implemented, I declare that Xuzhou will be in chaos, and it will be criticized by celebrities all over the world!"

"I hope my lord will think twice about such a dangerous thing!"

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