We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 213 Zhong Yao caters to Cao Cao’s wishes, and Xi Yu’s school is hindered

At this time, Xi Zhicai was very excited as he spoke because he had some wine.

At this moment, outside the yamen office, with the sound of hurried footsteps, Xun Yu walked straight in, bowed deeply to Cao Cao, and said, "My lord, have you ever known about Xuzhou? "

Cao Cao pointed to the case and said with a forced smile: "Haha, I just learned about it."

"Fengyi has already ordered someone to inform me about this matter. Unfortunately, the mountain is high and the road is far away, so the person who sent the letter was delayed. Why, you see that you already know about Fengyi's school?"

Xun Yu's tone was a little angry, "My lord, we must not let Fengyi do whatever he wants in this matter!"

Only when Xi Zhi saw that Xun Yu agreed with him did he feel relieved.

"There are many talented people in Yingchuan and hermits in Jingxiang. Which one of them is not a Confucian scholar?"

"If we implement the policy of running schools with righteousness, wouldn't we compare them with humble people such as doctors, workers, carpenters, farmers, and merchants?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao's face changed slightly, but he remained silent, but he kept thinking in his heart.

At this moment, what Cao Cao was most confused about was why Xi Yu specially sent someone to send this letter to Xuchang.

Based on Cao Cao's understanding of Xi Yu, this person is very cautious in doing things and rarely acts impulsively. Based on existing experience, Cao Cao had to pay attention to this matter.

At this moment, Cao Cao even doubted whether Xi Yu really had the divine book "Complete Book of Heavenly Books" or something like that.

At first, it was a joke to increase his reputation, but now it seems that it is becoming a reality.

What made Cao Cao even more uncomfortable was that before leaving Xuzhou, Xi Yu had told him to hold on tight and not wander.

But it had only been a few months, and Xi Yu seemed to be a little unsteady...

Cao Cao fell into deep thought. As for what Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You and others said, he didn't listen at all.

After a long time, Cao Cao said in a deep voice, "Please come and discuss the matter with Zhong Yao."

Zhong Yao is the oldest, and has high prestige and knowledge. He is one of the only "big people" among the gentry class.

Cao Cao put aside the incident involving Yang Xiu last time. Zhong Yao was very at ease and seldom came out to participate in the matter.

At this moment, Cao Cao wanted to know what this old guy thought about Xi Yu's school.

Half an hour later, Zhong Yao stroked his beard and carefully read the brief letter sent by Xi Yu.

He put down the brief letter, looked at everyone, then looked at Xun Yu, and asked: "Wen Ruo... what do you think at this time?"

"Haha, I was just about to hear your opinion, but why did you ask me...!"

Xi Zhicai: "Just tell me your opinion quickly, my lord is waiting too!"

Cao Cao then laughed and said, "That's right, if you have any ideas, tell us quickly and let me hear it. Don't keep it secret."

Hearing this, Zhong Yao smiled slightly and said, "This is a great good thing..."

"Good thing..."

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai were immediately stunned.

Xun You was also surprised: How could the school-running policy implemented by Xi Yu be a good thing?

Cao Cao on the side heard this and immediately asked curiously, "Why is it a good thing? Please tell me the reason quickly."

Zhong Yao immediately said, "Now there are Yuan Shao in the north, Liu Biao in the south, and Sun Ce living in the east of the Yangtze River. There are also Li Jue, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Zhang Lu and others in the west. They are surrounded by powerful enemies on all sides. You, my lord, are in great danger." .”

"So, in my opinion, Master Xi and Uncle Guo's move must be to win the people's support and the people's support."

Cao Cao was slightly shocked and said, "Please elaborate."

Zhong Yao said in detail, "Craftsmen are the foundation of armament manufacturing. They are very useful in manufacturing armaments and building city walls."

"A doctor is very useful in saving lives and healing the wounded, and in stabilizing the strength of the people and soldiers."

"Businessmen, promote the circulation of money, food and goods to ensure that all places are rich and have money and food."

"Common people from all walks of life are the foundation of the establishment. They are divided into three, six and nine. Their numbers cannot be underestimated. Now, once these people can enter the school, the number of official positions available to the gentry and Confucian scholars will be reduced in the future."

"Furthermore, have you ever taken a closer look? These official positions established by the uncle are all for receiving salary but no real power."

Xun Yu said, "Once a teacher cultivates celebrities, his status and status will definitely be improved, and his power will naturally increase with the tide."

Hearing this, Zhong Yao explained patiently, "Haha, this is just one of them."

"What's more important is that as long as Master Xi's school-building strategy can be successfully implemented in Xuzhou, within three years, there will be a large number of craftsmen, doctors, farmers proficient in farming and water conservancy, Confucian scholars with profound knowledge, and businessmen in Xuzhou city. Wouldn't it be a good thing for Xuzhou and even my lord to be like this?"

Hearing Zhong Yao's remarks, Cao Cao felt enlightened and was shocked. He had never expected that Xi Yu's strategy was so powerful.

Cao Cao couldn't help but feel excited: This old man Zhong Yao coincides with me and is very much in line with my wishes.

Xiyu really did not disappoint me.

Of course, all this is exactly what Xi Yu wants.

By running schools, more knowledgeable craftsmen can be cultivated, so that more utensils can be produced. With these utensils, craftsmen can develop more advanced designs.

Seeing that Cao Cao was very satisfied with his words, Zhong Yao said even more affirmatively: "As the saying goes, those who work hard govern people, and those who work hard govern others. The uncle's policy of running schools this time is precisely to train a large number of people to manage labor for the Lord. people."

After hearing what Zhong Yao said, Cao Cao was very convinced. After a while, he said, "I have made a decision."

"You will go back for the time being. Fengyi's plan to run a school must be supported by everyone. I will always support Fengyi."

Hearing this, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others looked at each other, and they still had a few words in their hearts, but Cao Cao's words had ended, and they were unwilling to go against Cao Cao's words, not to mention that Xun Yu was Xi Yu's good friend.

However, this matter is of great importance, and several people really don't understand why Zhong Yao is so supportive of Xi Yu's deviant behavior today.

After coming out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, several people were very confused and couldn't help but ask, "Master Zhong, we really don't understand why you support Xi Yu and say such deviant words?"

Zhong Yao smiled indifferently and said softly, "Really? I have never said anything deviant. I just said something that the Prime Minister thought in his heart, haha..."

Hearing Zhong Yao's words, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others suddenly realized that Zhong Yao had already seen that Cao Cao supported Xi Yu's school.

At this moment, Cao Cao strode back to the inner courtyard, looking around for his beloved son Cao Ang.

After searching for a while, I found Cao Ang in Mrs. Ding's room. Cao Cao immediately smiled and whispered to Cao Ang, "Ang'er, I'll give you a task of identification. I wish you a happy life."

Cao Ang had always been smart and sensible, and he was even more knowledgeable. When he saw Cao Cao, he smiled and asked, "Ah, what do you want to tell me? No matter what you tell me, I will do my best and never let my father down." "

Hearing this, Cao Cao touched Cao Ang's head fondly and said with a smile, "Now your brother-in-law is living alone in Xuzhou. Your father asks you to go over and keep him company. Are you willing?"

Cao Ang asked doubtfully, "Go to Xuzhou to accompany my uncle? But I am studying with Aweng now, what should I do?"

Cao Cao touched Cao Ang's head and was about to speak when Mrs. Ding suddenly interjected, "Ah Ma, your arrangement makes you worried because Fengyi has something to do in Xuzhou?"

"If that's the case, how about I take Ang'er and Sister Ding to Xuzhou and keep an eye on Fengyi for you?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao's expression changed slightly and he said in a deep voice, "Haha, are you really going to Xuzhou out of righteousness? In my opinion, you just want to play mahjong in Xuzhou."

Mrs. Ding's face suddenly turned red and she did not dare to say anything.

Cao Cao understood her thoughts very well.

Ever since the last time she and Fengyi played mahjong at Dasinong Mansion, Mrs. Ding has been obsessed with this thing and urged the craftsmen to make mahjong tiles every day.

For this reason, Cao Cao was very angry.

"It's enough for Ang'er to go alone."

After that, Cao Cao handed the slip to Cao Ang and Mrs. Ding. After reading it, they were shocked.

Mrs. Ding couldn't bear it anymore and said with a smile, "Only Fengyi, who is so talented and talented, can do such extraordinary things. It's really admirable."

Mrs. Ding touched Cao Ang and said with great reluctance, "Ang'er, when you go to Xuzhou this time, remember to promise your mother something."

Cao Ang asked, "What's the matter? Mother, please tell me."

Mrs. Ding said, "You promised my mother that you must come back to see her within half a year. Can you do it?"

Cao Ang nodded immediately, "I promise my mother."

But Cao Ang's eyes always stayed on the various positions in the brief book.

Seeing this, Cao Cao decided to test Cao Ang and asked him, "Ang'er, what do you think of my uncle's strategy for running a school?"

Cao Ang stood up, bowed deeply to Cao Cao, and said very confidently, "My uncle's policy of running a school, in the eyes of ordinary people, is a deviant act, and Confucian scholars should be ashamed of it."

"However, in my opinion, my uncle's plan is a far-sighted one. Once this plan to run a school is successful, Xuzhou's poor families and people will be able to get rid of the control of aristocratic families, so that all people with lofty ideals, regardless of class, can obtain knowledge. This matter is of great benefit to Xuzhou."

"My uncle's move may seem like nonsense in the eyes of Confucian scholars, but in fact it is such a far-sighted thing. I expected that my uncle had planned this for a long time, but he could only wait until after Yuan Shao was defeated, when everything was in ruins and waiting for something to be done. Take the time and effort to do this.”

Cao Cao was very surprised. Cao Ang had Zhong Yao's profound insights at a young age, which made him very pleased and loved. He continued to take the exam. Cao Ang said, "Tell me again, why did your father ask you to go to Xuzhou?"

Cao Ang responded: "My uncle's plan to run a school is to challenge the previous authority of Confucianism. In a short time, it will inevitably be opposed by all Confucian students."

"I dare to assert that in Xuzhou City, my brother-in-law's plan to run a school will inevitably encounter opposition from the nobles in a short period of time. As my father's eldest son, after I became the prime minister, I became the official of the Han Dynasty. In the name of enrolling in school and helping the village by my uncle's side, I will definitely be able to fend off the opposition from the Cao clan and the Han officials in the court."

When Cao Cao heard this, he was very happy. He hugged Cao Ang and praised him, "Ang'er is very smart and his father loves him very much!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Ding was also very happy.

But at this time, a complex look flashed across Cao Ang's expression, but it was well hidden. He had deeper thoughts in his heart that he could not express, and he did not dare to express them.

He had an idea in his mind: his father asked him to go to Xi Yu, maybe because he wanted him to secretly learn his uncle's talents and strategies, so that he could increase his knowledge so that he could one day replace his uncle.

In this way, the Cao family can no longer rely on Xi Yu.

But this idea is very insidious. Cao Ang has always been grateful to Xi Yu and regards his uncle Xi Yu as a family member. Therefore, he really does not want to believe that his father would scheme against his uncle like that.

In Xiyu's school in Xiapi, Xuzhou, although Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang were teachers, their reputations were not very high. After seven days, only a few people came to study, and none of them was a Confucian scholar.

However, those scholars from poor families and ordinary people have very low self-esteem and feel that they are not worthy of entering the school.

On this day, Pu Feng, an engineering teacher, came to Xi Yu with his son Pu Yuan.

Xi Yu looked at the young Pu Yuan and then reached out to hold him down. Pu Yuan soon showed an uncomfortable look.

But Pu Yuan was very strong and did not say a word, but said in a deep voice, "Master, there is no need to worry. Once I understand the principles of Yuan Rong Nu and Bai Steelmaking, I will soon be able to improve them, even if others don't learn." , I will definitely study hard!"

"I firmly believe that the ordnance we create will be passed down through the ages!"

"Master, I also know how to forge swords and swords. I believe that as long as I work hard, I will be able to forge a magical weapon!"

Although Pu Yuan is young, his words are full of confidence and confidence.

Hearing this, Xi Yu was deeply pleased and touched Pu Yuan's head. Although Pu Yuan was less than seven years old, he was as tall as a calf. Xi Yu sighed slightly, "At such a young age, he is quite good at making people happy. ,very nice."

Pu Yuan has been learning training methods from Xi Yu for more than a year, and Xi Yu quite likes him.

At this moment, Pu Feng on the side looked at his son Pu Yuan very strangely.

He really didn't expect that his son Pu Yuan could understand the design drawings even though he was young, and even some very strange knowledge that he still didn't understand, but Pu Yuan could understand.

Pu Feng suddenly felt confused. He didn't know whether it was because his son was gifted, or because Master Xi devoted all his efforts in teaching him!

Pu Feng pretended to be angry and said, "You brat, you are very ambitious at such a young age. You have only studied with the opera master for a year. Do you really want to be a teacher?"

Pu Yuan, however, was full of confidence and said with a smile, "Of course!"

"Father, there is a lot of knowledge in this iron-smelting art!"

"The most important thing is the melting point! After understanding it, it is most suitable for iron to melt together!"

Pu Feng saw his son talking eloquently. Although he didn't understand what his son Pu Yuan was talking about, he firmly believed that the opera master must have thought deeply about letting his son Pu Yuan become a teacher, so he no longer postponed it.

However, there are really very few people who are willing to come to study...

Because, in the eyes of all Confucian scholars, Xiyu and Xuetang are a big joke.

For ordinary people, they are deeply afraid that studying in a school will require a lot of money. Moreover, even if they are well-educated in Confucianism, it is invisible and they do not know whether it will be useful in the future.

If they really want to learn the art of making a living as a blacksmith, they can do it in villages and towns. Why go to the school? The master of drama is there. The gap between their status makes them afraid of him from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, those who laugh are laughing, those who are afraid are afraid, and the school is deserted after all.

Among the group of Confucian teachers, only Xu Jing and Xu Shao found some students.

However, among the common people, few people dare to sign up.

They were still confused. If they studied some things together with Confucianism, it would be an insult to them, so they did not dare to sign up easily.

Faced with such a deserted atmosphere in the school, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang came to Xi Yu. They looked at each other and smiled calmly.

"Fengxiao, do you have any ideas?"

"Of course..." Guo Jia said with a smile, "But I think Kong Ming already has a plan, why not tell him and listen to it?"

Xi Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Tell me about it, I'm sorry, I always have it."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Jia Xu strode in from outside the school door and said in a panic, "No, sir, your plan to run the school has now caused a sensation in the entire Xiapi City and even Xuzhou. It caused an uproar within the territory!"

"What's the uproar?" Xi Yu said jokingly.

"Huh?" Jia Xu was stunned, and then persuaded Huo Huo, "Sir, at such a time, you should stop joking."

"Sir, I have a suggestion. It is better to regard running schools as a policy to benefit the people. For those who are willing to take the initiative to enter the school, no money or food will be charged. As long as those with extraordinary talents, the common people will be allowed to study first!"

Guo Jia suddenly came up with a plan and said in a deep voice, "Not only that, in the Academy of Sciences, adults can appoint people with outstanding academic performance, regardless of their status, to hold official positions without real power, so as to attract people from poor families to come and study."

After hearing this, Zhuge Liang nodded approvingly, and then added, "You can also distribute rewards to them. There will be a competition in each subject on the first day of the month, and corresponding rewards will be given to those who can succeed in what they have learned."

For a while, the three people talked endlessly, but all their thoughts were inseparable from one topic, poor families and common people. Guo Jia and others knew very well that as long as they had the support of poor families and common people, the gentry had nothing to fear.

Jia Xu immediately looked at Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang, and said helplessly: "You two adults are deeply loved by Master Xi, and you have received a lot of credit and rewards. Why are you still competing with me for credit?"

"Besides, it's not easy for me to be where I am today at such a young age. You two are still young and there will be many opportunities in the future, so why treat me like this."

Seeing Jia Xu's words, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang laughed and said nothing.

Once this strategy has won over the nobles and ordinary people from poor families, and if they follow the same method, they will surely be convinced.

Xi Yu nodded in praise and said confidently, "This method is very wonderful, but I have an even more powerful method."

Hearing this, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu were suddenly stunned: Mr. Xi actually has a more clever way?

The three people asked at the same time, "What can we do?!"

"Haha, you will know when the time comes..."

Xi Yu pretended to be mysterious and entered the government office, followed by Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu.

However, the three of them were very curious and didn't know what Xi Yu had in mind.

It was another extremely busy night, and it was not until late at night that Xi Yu walked out of the government office exhausted...

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