We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 248 Want 1.2 million shi of food? An extra three hundred thousand stones have been prepared!

There was even an interesting thing that happened here. Huang Xu once rode his horse in the city before, but he accidentally offended a nobleman.

Those people originally wanted to find him unhappy.

As a result, after hearing Huang Xu's identity, he had nothing to say.

According to Xi Yu's words, Huang Xu's buffs are layer upon layer.

His father is Huang Zhong, the nephew of Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and even Zhao Yun, and the direct disciple of Dian Wei.

He is also Xi Yu’s nephew.

Any one of these people can beat up the local nobles.

If they still mess with Huang Xu, they are really short-sighted.

So all they can do is knock out their teeth and swallow blood.

To be honest, don't call it revenge.

As long as they dare to do something, they will be confiscated and exterminated!

However, Pu Feng can provoke Huang Xu. After all, he is only eleven years old now, and his status is extraordinary. He is the direct descendant of Xi Yu, and he is also unique!

But this is also because Xi Yu has no heirs. If Xi Yu has a child, then his son will be the real "dandy" in this world.

The kind that no one dares to mess with.

"The Sima family?"

Xiyu's eyes shone with light.

But Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang were depressed: "Actually, Lord, we really don't understand why you care so much about this Sima Yi?"

Xi Yu smiled, his posture calm and calm: "To be honest, if I had that ability, I would definitely wipe out all of them!"

Jia Xu frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask: "I don't quite understand this! Although the Sima family is a wealthy family, it doesn't pose that kind of threat to us, right?"

Xi Yu sighed: "We will continue watching later."

It's winter again.

The two shipyards in Qingzhou and Xuzhou have sent a lot of goods to Youzhou. A total of nearly forty ships form a commercial fleet, and they are fully loaded with goods engraved with "drama seals", such as Talk about various kinds of cloth and books.

The final destination of the merchant ship is Hu City in Youzhou. After returning, it will carry various spices, gems and even blankets from the Western Regions.

But the most abundant of them is gold and silver.

According to everyone's statistics, this quarter's harvest has increased by 30%.

Moreover, Xuzhou's "Drama Seal" has officially entered the eyes of people all over the world! Many people have learned about the existence of banks and have truly realized its benefits.

Life has become more prosperous and prosperous.


It's snowy here in winter, and today it's even snowing heavily.

Cao Cao fell ill after returning from the military camp. Xi Yu directly asked someone to deliver medicine. After Cao Cao took it, he got better and could even start walking in the courtyard.

At this time, he was watching fish next to the spring pond. The pond here had not frozen yet, but Cao Cao seemed to be able to see the fish.

He also held a long tiger-headed stick in his hand for transportation. It had extraordinary texture and exquisite workmanship. It looked very aura and was very consistent with Cao Cao's own temperament.

This tiger-headed stick is also engraved with the word "play".

"It's really a wonderful idea for him to open a bank, but in this world, only Qingzhou and Xuzhou can do this. If Fengyi really concentrates on internal affairs, it will make me feel at ease."

"I can't say I feel at ease."

There are two people behind Cao Cao, one is Xi Zhicai and the other is Sima Yi.

Sima Yi basically lives here now. He handles official duties during the day and teaches Cao Pi at night.

Xi Zhicai and Xun You can now be regarded as celebrities around Cao Cao, especially Xun You, who is the most famous.

What he said before was also what he said.

"Master Xu is well-known in Qingzhou and Xuzhou. He has established an academy of science. The various instruments he developed have even been spread to Xuchang. Many officials and officials have used their tools and even furniture!"

"And they even have the wonderful idea of ​​"dropping the seal". Even today, businessmen all over the world are vying for products with the word "play" printed on them!"

"The merchant team organized by Master Xi is also like a gold-attracting stone, quickly attracting the world's wealth!"

Cao Cao's expression was actually very complicated, and he didn't know how to describe his mood.

But he also knows one thing. Even in Xuchang today, many people are pursuing products produced in Qingzhou and Xuzhou.

Many craftsmen even went to areas such as Xiapi Milk Pig Xiaopei to gain experience.

"It can even be said that Qinzhou and Xuzhou not only sell a lot of goods, but also some policies and even various books! And they are worth a lot of money!"

Xi Zhicai's voice was a little deep.

He felt this matter was serious.

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao's eyes were slightly embarrassed: "I don't know when Xuzhou became a wealthy place! The Mi family was already considered a wealthy family, so what are their plans for so much money?"

"Actually, I have a plan that works..."

Xun You's eyes turned slightly cold and he spoke.

"Let's talk!"

Cao Cao almost didn't think twice and just let him speak.

Although Cao Cao had deep feelings for Xi Yu and did not want to embarrass him, he was already a little entangled in his heart.

After all, the wealth in Xi Yu's hands already made him feel vaguely threatened.

And Cao Cao hated this feeling.

And he also knows one thing: if he no longer suppresses Xi Yu's development, it will be even more difficult in the future!

"We want to take all the food away directly. If this is the case, we can also implement our original plan and march in two directions!"

"If we have enough food and grass, we can not only go from Bingzhou to Chang'an, but also separate our troops to send troops to Youzhou. Yuan Tan will definitely die!"

"And if we have sufficient food and grass, the soldiers' combat effectiveness will reach a peak, and they will naturally be invincible and unstoppable!"

"This is a good opportunity." Cao Cao frowned slightly, his face soothed. When Xi Yu left, he also said that Qingzhou and Xuzhou would become his base camp.

The main task is to transport ordnance, food and grass, but there is no need to send troops.

"And one thing must be pointed out. The development of commerce and industry and the opening of waterways are all based on the people having sufficient stocks and even being able to withstand a certain degree of natural disasters. Without capital, they will definitely not be able to expand Open trade routes!”

After Cao Cao thought about it, he said meaningfully.

His words seemed to be addressed to Xun You and Xi Zhicai, but in fact they were also addressed to himself.

"Then we will directly ask him for 1.2 million shi of grain! Before the end of the year, it must be delivered to the Xuchang Camp, and the grain must be distributed to each camp!"

1.2 million stones!

Not to mention Xun You, even Xi Zhicai was shocked.

"What are you doing standing still?"

Cao Cao turned to look at the two men with confidence in his eyes, and finally turned his attention to Sima Yi: "Zhongda, what do you think?"

Sima Yi's expression showed a hint of fear: "One million and two hundred thousand dan, to be honest, it has reached the limit of a state and county! If we really take away so much food, Qingzhou and Xuzhou may have a very difficult time!"

"Haha!" Cao Cao just smiled: "You don't understand what Fengyi is capable of. If you don't suppress them a little, they don't understand their own position!"

"And although this number is huge, it cannot shake the foundation of Fengyi!"

"If that's the case, then I'm really overthinking it." Sima Yi just smiled bitterly and lowered his body very low, acting extremely humble.

"Zhongda, you are Pi'er's teacher now, and you must not underestimate Fengyi! If you wait for me to seize Jingzhou and unify the Central Plains, you will also govern the world, so don't slack off." Cao Cao turned back to the house, his body The sense of oppression is even stronger.


The three of them turned around and bowed again, sending Cao Cao off with great respect. After exchanging a few words, they went back to deal with their own affairs.

In Xiapi, Xiyu was still discussing with Zhuge Liang how much food and grass to hand over.

"Then if we give 1.5 million dan, will it be enough?"

Xi Yu asked tentatively.

Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "Of course it is enough! This much grain and grass is enough to feed 300,000 soldiers and horses until next year. Moreover, our new strategy can also store the grain and grass very safely, not to mention that we will not worry about the grain and grass being stolen." Burn or be robbed!”

"That's good."

Xi Yu nodded and said: "Then just send 1.5 million dan directly. We won't be able to finish it anyway. If the harvest is good, there will even be losses. Anyway, it is a waste."

Not long after, the herald's voice came from the door.

It didn't take long for him to come in and at the same time read out the order Cao Cao had just given.

"My lord, Duke Cao has issued an order to raise 1.2 million shi of grain before the end of the year to supply troops and horses!"

Jia Xu was still muttering in his heart: "Isn't it true that Yizhou is so anxious to attack Youzhou and Bingzhou before it has been dealt with..."

"One million and two hundred thousand stones?" Xi Yu frowned, what should I do with the remaining three hundred thousand stones?

"The person who sent the message made it very clear that 1.2 million shi of food must be handed over. There is no room for negotiation."

Xi Yu and Zhuge Liang made eye contact, and their eyes were very bitter: "There is nothing we can do. The 300,000 shi of food can only be sent back first. What a big deal!"

It took Xi Yu about another month to send back all the 300,000 shi of food.

Even because of this incident, he did not attend the grand meeting in Xuchang, but held a very splendid banquet in Xuzhou to enjoy it with the people.

To be honest, it only took less than twenty days to send all the food and grass away. However, out of caution, Jia Xu stopped Xi Yu, saying that he wanted to at least give the other side an illusion and raise food and grass on his own. Very difficult.

The official who transported grain and grass was a young man named Xu Lang. He was born into the common people, but now the Xu family can be regarded as a new family with developed emotional intelligence. He is also a Confucian scholar who came out of Xiyu School.

When he sent the grain and grass there, he was even ridiculed by Xiahou Dun's team.

"Oh, our rations have finally arrived!"

"We are holding on from the front. There must be people who need to raise food and grass! Otherwise, how could we risk our lives and fight! But Lord Xi is indeed Lord Xi, and he does things properly."

Xia Houlian led a team to greet him outside, unloaded the food and fodder, and did not even let Xu Lang's people drink water. However, Xu Lang himself didn't think much of it, and his attitude was very respectful, even showing a bit of sincerity.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Xu Lang, and I am the general manager appointed by Master Xi to be in charge of the transportation of grain and grass!"

"Who am I talking about! He's just a commoner who was born as a merchant! Don't leave yet, stay in Xuchang for some time." The greater the number, the more you can go!”

"But General, we still have things to be busy with over there!"

Xu Lang looked puzzled.

He even felt a little unhappy in his heart. If he really had to wait, when would he have to wait before he could leave?

"Just send some people back to deal with it first!"

Xia Houlian's posture was calm, and Chen Caiwei said with a smile: "Tell Xiyu first that this is the process we must go through. I am helpless. After all, this is what the lord ordered!"

"If the rated number is not reached, we will be responsible!"

"You must not leave midway. If you run out of military rations by then, you will have committed a serious crime and will lose your head!"

After the word "lost head" appeared, Xu Lang didn't dare to say anything more and could only nod, holding back his anger in his heart.

In order to transport food and grass, they had to brave the wind and rain, and even had to face wind and snow.

It is an extremely difficult and exhausting task in itself. Now that I have come here, not only have I not been treated well, but I have even had to endure such unreasonable remarks. Xu Lang is really annoyed.

"Go back first! You wait in the outer city. When we finish collecting the food, we will inform you and let you go back."

Xia Houlian waved his hand casually and asked Xu Lang to leave, which was extremely arrogant.

Even some of the subordinate officials who followed Xu Lang looked confused.

They don't understand themselves. They have spent all their energy transporting food and fodder to these people, but why can't they even get saliva?


Xu Lang frowned again and asked, "Then who will arrange the food, clothing, and shelter for us during these days in Xuchang?"

"What kind of resettlement place? Are you so poor? Get out of here!"

Xia Houlian even scolded him directly.

Xu Lang really couldn't stand it any longer and was unwilling to pay even a dime. He didn't even have a place to live.

But they couldn't get out. If they tried to force their way in, they would definitely be caught back, or even killed directly.

And Xu Lang could feel that this situation was intentional by Xia Houlian.

Fortunately, before coming here, Master Xi once visited Xu Lang and told him some things.

Xu Lang actually has some relationship with the Mi family, but he has never met Xi Yu in public!

Not even a few words were exchanged.

However, Xu Lang thought it was his honor for Xi Yu to recruit him.

At that time, Xu Lang didn't sleep all night before going to see Xi Yu.

Xi Yu's instructions also made him "haunted".

Just do it. If something happens, don't be nervous. Spend money to buy a house first and then think about it in the long term.

It seems that Master Xi has already anticipated this!

After Xu Lang came out, he rushed directly to Xuchang with others cursing.

When he was approaching the door, he glared at the people behind him again to tell them to shut up.

"Don't worry, let's buy a residential compound first and argue with them!"

Xu Lang even learned a playful tone.

"But it's the shopkeeper! If our business doesn't do well this year and we lose money, we won't get any dividends!"

"That's right! Those people are simply disgusting. Our adults provide so much food for free, and yet they have to be humiliated and questioned. Who can bear this cowardice?"

"We can't bear it!"

Xu Lang sighed and said, "You'd better say a few words less. Do you think I'm willing to endure it? This is called bearing humiliation and bearing a heavy burden!"

"If you say more, don't blame me for being heartless!"

He even said harsh words directly: "And I have an important task to complete here. It was personally ordered by Master Xi. Give both of you to me. Just take it easy!"

This is actually the case.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they walked into Xuchang with smiles without saying any more.

After entering Xuchang, they met a man walking towards them. That man looked young.

In fact, this person made a special trip to wait here.

He is also the owner of a horse farm in Xuchang.

"May I ask if you are Mr. Xu Langxu?"

"You again?"

"My name is Yi Hao. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yi Hao?

Xu Lang's heart moved and he thought about it again, but he felt something was wrong.


After repeating a few words, Xu Lang's heart moved.

Oh my God!

Isn't this a famous leader of the Black and White Cavalry?

Xu Lang also knew this person's name.

After all, he had met Xi Yu alone, so he also knew some of the situation on the Black and White Cavalry.

For example, a unique number is used to determine the status of the black and white cavalry leaders.

Could it be that this is the legendary number one?

This is a truly ruthless character!

Xu Lang even became very humble: "So it's you!"

"Do you want to buy a place here?"

"Well!" Xu Lang's tone was slightly bitter: "When we came, there was no one to help us arrange a place to stay, so we had to buy a house to settle down first, and only after the military rations there were taken stock, could we embark on the road back home. But this year’s business is probably going to be a bit troublesome!”

"That's not the case. We can actually cooperate with you, and we happen to have a vacant house here. If you need, you can take a look first."

"Okay! Sorry!"

In fact, in Xuchang, housing prices in outer cities are not too expensive.

Because when the capital was first built, there were not many people here.

If Cao Cao hadn't moved many people here, the people would prefer to live in Qingzhou and Xuzhou, which are more prosperous.

So many of the houses here are vacant.

However, the development and construction of Xuchang is pretty good. After three years of construction, it can now be compared with Luoyang.

However, this is also due to Xiyu, and it cannot be said to be just the hard work of the Cao family.

It didn't take long for them to find a vacant house.

After arriving here, the soldiers who followed Xu Lang returned to the military camp.

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