Speaking of which, Zhuge Liang was the first to propose this idea, but Sima Yi didn't understand the implications and agreed on Cao Pi's behalf on the spot.

It has to be said that obtaining the right to continue trading on the canal really has many benefits.

After all, although Qingxu is the largest food growing area, there are no chambers of commerce in Yanzhou and Yangzhou. The people here can only exchange money or ore for food, thus hoarding enough food for the winter.

The canal within the territory can not only promote the rapid development of commerce in the two places, but also quickly integrate it with the business districts of Qingxu and Qingxu for mutual benefit.

This is only one aspect. As for the second benefit... it is the current secret operation.

The reason why Xi Yu requires all merchant ships to carry seals is to prevent the domestic security guards from conducting random inspections. At the very least, they will not inspect every ship and every corner in detail.

As long as the ship arrives at the port, they will glance at it and see the seal without asking any more questions and ask it to unload the goods on its own. Under such circumstances, there are snakes and dragons on the ship, so it is not a big deal for the Baiqi people to hide in disguise.

Of course, they are not fools, and they will not stay together on a ship. That would be too big a goal.

Therefore, they were broken into pieces, dispersed into ten waves or even more ships, and went down the river from Hefei, all the way to Yanzhou, and then arrived near Luoyang in the shortest time.

As far as Cao Pi's current situation is concerned, there are only two ways to go. One is to rebuild Luoyang, but judging from the economic situation in their territory, they may not be able to spend such a large amount of money.

After all, the severance pay given to the Qingzhou soldiers was something he finally managed to come up with by working with his clan members and racking their brains.

Of course, this does not mean that Cao Pi really can't spend any money, but he feels that instead of spending money on meaningless things such as building Luoyang, it is better to do other constructive things.

For example, developing internal affairs and national strength.

Since he couldn't build Luoyang, but he agreed to Xi Yu, Cao Pi had no choice but to choose the second way - go to Chang'an!

As early as a few years ago, after Chang'an was captured, he dealt with Li Cui decisively, thereby consolidating the clan and laying a solid mass foundation for himself.

In addition, Zhong Yao, a man who was loyal to the emperor, also had a good impression of the Cao family, and many of his cronies were also in Chang'an, which was a good thing for him.

After all, Zhong Yao had already made plans to be wherever the emperor was.

Therefore, Chang'an City was equivalent to a free palace for Cao Pi. Not only did it not require him to spend time repairing it, but even the clans within it were loyal to him and the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, he would rather go to Chang'an than Luoyang!

Now, they have embarked on the road of moving the capital.

On the hillside, Cao Pi looked at Luoyang, which was getting farther and farther away from him, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

In fact, after living in Luoyang for so long, the surrounding areas have been repaired to some extent. Although it is not as prosperous as Luoyang in the past, it has regained some of the glory of the big city.

It's a pity that no matter how bright the dusty gold is, there is no sun to shine on it.

Once upon a time, Luoyang, the most prosperous and prosperous city, has finally concealed its splendid glory in the long river of history.

I don’t know...whether it will ever be able to regain its glory.

"Everyone, the sharp edge of the sword has been sharpened. Today's Luoyang is just a temporary end. Sooner or later, we will come back and recreate its former glory!"

"So today you can just take a look. The most important thing is to hurry up and get on your way. Since we have decided to quietly transfer the emperor to Chang'an, we must not make any mistakes on the way!"

His expression was indifferent, and his eyes were cold and determined.

For some reason, even though this operation was quite secretive, he just felt uneasy and always felt that something would go wrong.

"What's wrong with me? The 30,000 troops participating in this operation are all members of the same clan, and they were all mobilized in secret. Even the commander of the army, Xiahou, didn't even notice. Naturally, no one would find out and report on it. Okay, why should I be nervous..."

Cao Pi couldn't help comforting himself in his heart, but for some reason, his right eyelid was beating faster and faster, making him even more panicked.

He even began to doubt his own abilities and those uncles...

Speaking of which, his uncles from the clan were far superior to him on the battlefield and in handling domestic affairs. The most important thing was that even his reputation was far behind him.

This is also the main reason why he is willing to give in on Xi Yu's issue.

After all, if you don't retreat and your play is unstable, you will most likely keep looking for your own faults and troubles.

On the other hand, now that he has been given some territory to keep him busy, he has no time to pay attention to his own movements.

I think for at least half a year, Xi Yu will focus on building the defense of the eastern city of Jizhou and handling internal affairs.

But at this time, he chose to transfer the emperor to Chang'an, thinking that he would be able to hide it from everyone.

Speaking of which, Liu Xie is not young now, but even in his prime, there is still no one trustworthy around him.

Xi Yu didn't mention it for the moment, but said that his other uncle Dong Cheng had been sent to an extremely remote county to govern because of his father's death.

In the future, even if he is granted the title of Marquis, he will have no choice but to die somewhere far away from Kyoto. This can be regarded as a reluctant death.

"What Duke Wei said is that we should hurry up and hurry up. I think we will be able to arrive near Chang'an in seven days. By then, the soldiers and horses in Chang'an City will definitely come out of the city to greet us. I don't think we need to wait to tell the world, everyone will know The place where the emperor goes.”

Sima Yi followed Cao Pi, bowing slightly.

Ever since he came back from Xi Yu, he had been secretly arranged by Cao Pi to get involved in this matter. Although he was a little surprised, he still quite agreed with this matter in his heart.

After all, he would do the same thing if it were him.

Not only can it stop the war, but it can also divert Xi Yu's attention. The most important thing is that it can secretly divert the emperor in an uninhabited corner.

Speaking of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie, I am afraid that he will have to live under the roof of others for the rest of his life. Even when he encounters danger, he will not be able to get rid of this situation.

Now, if you want to escape, there is naturally no way.

"Well, let's go."

Cao Pi nodded and turned down the hillside. Then he remembered something and turned around and frowned: "By the way, how are the preparations over at Zidan?"

Speaking of which, this is what bothers him the most right now.

Cao Zhen had just lost the battle, and Huang Xu, who was originally full of confidence, was so beaten that he began to doubt his life.

It is said that everyone is of the same age group, and they are all the leading young talents in their respective camps. However, when they clearly have many times more troops than the enemy, they forcefully beat the opponent to the point where they cannot hold their heads up.

It’s just that he was fooled around, and even an entire army of 30,000 people lost their lives for it. How could he cheer up?

It was because Cao Pi saw his sluggish appearance that he did not mobilize Cao Ren, Cao Hong and other clan generals. Instead, he left such an important matter and an army of 30,000 to Cao Zhen.

In addition to reducing the surveillance by spies from other camps, the purpose was to give Cao Zhen another chance to mobilize his enthusiasm and even self-confidence through this incident.

No matter what, Cao Zhen is the leader of the younger generation in his army. If he is ruined, it will be a big blow to the army.

"It feels pretty good. I think Cao Zhen's current condition is much better than before. He should have recovered from the previous shock. If the capital move goes smoothly this year, I think there will be no more wars in the next two or three years."

"In this way, we will have time to develop internal affairs. I believe that Cao Zhen will gradually forget the failure as time goes by, and everything will be fine!"

When Sima Yi said this, not only did he look relaxed on the outside, but he also felt a lot more relaxed inside. After all, for him, although he had just suffered a defeat, the other party had agreed to reconcile.

The key thing is to talk about it yourself!

Not only did he maintain the peace within the territory, he also gave everyone enough time to breathe and even develop.

In this way, I believe that by promoting the development of internal affairs, a steady stream of new people will join the ranks of the army. Cao Pi must not only use people within the clan, but also increase the use of new people from the gentry.

Speaking of which, Cao Pi seems to have not many close confidants from the gentry who are truly trusted by him, except for the Cao clan. The Sima family is one of them, and it is the most core part.

Of course, in addition to the Sima family, Chen Qun, Hua Xin, Zhong Yaozhen, and Cao Pi also treated each other differently.

Among this group of people, Chen Qun had the best relationship with Sima Yi.

The two agreed on many things, as if they had discussed them in advance.

Hearing him say that everything was ready, Cao Pi's uneasy heart relaxed a little.

Then, the army continued to set off towards Chang'an City.

When they were about to reach the official road of Chang'an City, Cao Zhen stopped the advance of the army.

During this period, he was always as suspicious as a frightened bird.

The reason why we are calling a halt to the army now is because we feel that the woods in the distance are too quiet, so quiet...it makes people feel panicked...

He frowned, and several scar marks were still faintly visible on his face.

In just a few months, although Cao Chun's whip marks have completely healed, the scars on his face will not be restored to their original appearance in a short period of time.

He looked for a long time and couldn't find any suspicious signs, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is not that far away from Chang'an City now.

As long as you pass through this forest, you will reach the plains soon.

However, if there is a plain for dozens of miles, if there is any problem or attack along the way, the cavalry can arrive as quickly as possible to provide support.

Come to think of it...there won't be any mistakes along the way...

Although he thought so, Cao Zhen always felt a little unreal when he saw that the journey was uneventful.

The elusiveness of the Black and White Cavalry left a deep shadow on him. He always felt that at some point, the Black and White Cavalry would suddenly appear in front of him.


Cao Zhen felt that it was normal for the Black Cavalry to appear wherever they appeared. After all, their main focus on the battlefield was to be elusive and brave.

Unlike Bai Qi, especially that bastard Huang Xu, every time you think he will appear, he will not appear, but every time you are confident that he will not appear, he will appear in front of you. It's really annoying in front of me.

"I hope this trip goes well!"

Cao Zhen took a deep breath, feeling quite uneasy at the moment, even a little crazy.

The main reason was that although we had a battle with Huang Xu last time, we had fought at least a dozen times, so I was really afraid of being beaten.


There is a saying that goes well, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Whenever you least want to see a certain person or do a certain thing, the other person will quickly come to you and force you to give in.

For example, right now, there was a sudden movement in the grass nearby!

"Damn it, there's actually an ambush!"

"Hurry up and be alert, there is an enemy attack! Send someone to the mountain to have a look!"

"General, this may not be an enemy attack! We just sent people to patrol the surrounding area in the morning. Not to mention this forest, we have not even spared the valleys in the distance. We will check any place where the enemy may be ambushed. If you try it several times, there will definitely be no problem!”

Just as he was giving orders in a panic, a captain walked by calmly.

This man was someone he had known since childhood, and he had personally selected him for this operation.

Speaking of which, the authority that Cao Zhen obtained from Cao Pi this time was really quite high.

Perhaps it was because the two parties had known each other since childhood, and Cao Pi had always regarded Cao Zhen as his next right-hand man over the years, so he was given a great honor.

In this operation, not only the captains, but also the school captains and even the marching Sima were personally selected by Cao Zhen.

Likewise, these people are also people he can be close to and trust!

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Cao Zhen really wanted to point at the other person's nose and scold him, but when he thought that the other person was his friend in the military, he held back.

"Let's send someone to investigate first. I would rather be more careful than slack off. There must be no mistakes in this westward move!"

He spoke calmly, without any hint of anger.

Because he still remembers Cao Cao's simple and clear evaluation of himself before his death: "As a general, you must not be angry. Anger will make you lose your mind. You must face it calmly no matter what."

The key words were conveyed to him by Xi Zhicai.

Although he is reluctant to do so, it is undeniable that this is indeed his biggest shortcoming.

Therefore, even though he was extremely angry and worried, he always forced himself to be calm, to have a clear mind, and never to be impatient.

Therefore, even though he had just inspected the surrounding environment half an hour ago, he was still worried and ordered someone to inspect it carefully again.

It makes sense to say that you must be careful and sail the boat for thousands of years!

After all, there was an unknown amount of snow accumulated in the two woods in the distance, how thick it was, and how many unknown hillsides and valleys there were underneath. It would be easy to ambush someone.

It can be said that if you want to hinder your westward migration, this place is the best place to ambush.

Due to the advantage of the terrain, if enemies really rush out from the woods on both sides, it is almost equivalent to all the highlands on both sides of the army being occupied by the enemies.

The most important thing is that if the opponent has a cavalry team, they can break up their own formation in just a moment!

Even though...there doesn't seem to be anything unusual right now...

However, he overlooked one thing, that is Bai Qi's armor and equipment!

The figure of the white knight may be very conspicuous in spring, summer and autumn, but in winter it is difficult to find.

After all, it snows in the winter in the north, and everywhere is covered with ice and snow, especially near Chang'an City, where the whole world turns white.

Even a place like Luoyang, which is like spring all year round, will become covered with snow and silver in winter, let alone Chang'an. As the army advances, the air seems to gradually condense.

This is just convenient for Baiqi. Whether it is their mounts, equipment, or even their armor, they can perfectly integrate with this world.

Even the spears and crossbows in their hands were made of snow-white pure silver supplemented by other exotic metals or materials such as hundred-smelted steel from beyond the Great Wall.

Coupled with the fact that they deliberately concealed their figures, they were already in tune with the environment and were now even more concealed to the extreme.

The most important thing is that because it's snowing, they don't need to clean up. The heavy snow has perfectly covered the traces left by everyone. In addition, it is sunset and the sky is already foggy, which plays an excellent role for them. cover.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before the hundreds of patrol soldiers could rush into the forest, several cold arrows dropped them into a large number.

Seeing the soldiers fall off their horses one by one, falling upside down to the ground like green onions, lifeless, Cao Zhen was stunned.

calm? Damn this guy is so calm!

Didn’t you see that the corpses of the 100-person patrol team were spread out on the ground?


Cao Zhen's face showed madness, but there was no light in his eyes.

To put it bluntly, he had never thought about this scenario at the moment, nor had he thought about how to deal with such a thing.

Originally, the patrol was just a precaution, but who would have thought that there was actually an ambush on the other side, and they suddenly fired a cold arrow.

It's good now. Not only are the patrolling soldiers dead, but the enemy has also been blown out.

In an instant, a straight road suddenly appeared in the forest that was originally covered by heavy snow. Although there were bumps and uneven spots in some places, under the water of blood, it didn't matter.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horse hooves came from the depths of the white snow melted by the hot blood.

Soon, the white knight, who almost blended into the surrounding environment, took the lead and appeared in everyone's sight.

Huang Xu's handsome face made Cao Zhen extremely irritable.

"Hahaha, brothers, kill to save the emperor!"

"Save the Emperor! Kill!"

Following Huang Xu's order, thousands of white knights with murderous expressions and cold faces came towards Cao Zhen bravely and fiercely.

They were running wildly astride their horses, and they did not forget to pull their crossbows and shoot arrows.

It perfectly combines "shooting" and "control" into one. It is self-evident who made this typical fighting posture.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

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