"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Following the natural and comfortable archery skills of each white knight, thousands of arrows were fired in unison, and a large wave of armor-piercing arrows was quickly shot towards the enemy with the cold wind.

After a while, the first wave of tiger and leopard cavalry used by Cao Zhen to resist defense were knocked down.

What followed were several rows of sweeping crossbows. In just a few breaths, hundreds of cavalry were killed with silver-white armor-piercing arrows.

In an instant, Cao Zhen's face darkened, and when he looked carefully, there was still a hint of unspeakable anger and fear in his eyes.

"Huang Xu, you are really lingering. If we fight again today, I will definitely kill you!"

"Hahaha, Cao Zhen, we meet again, do you have what it takes?"

Wearing silver armor and holding a red tassel gun in his right hand, the very heroic Huang Xu slowly took off the repeating crossbow hanging on his body, and then kicked his legs lightly. After receiving the order, Sa Beifeng took the lead like an arrow leaving the string. Rushed out.

In an instant, he placed the spear on the equipment rack horizontally on the war horse, then aimed at Cao Zhen and shot several arrows in succession.

When Cao Zhen saw this, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly leaned down and hid on the side of the horse.

Fortunately, no crossbow arrow hit him.

But unfortunately, an arrow went straight towards the horse's eye as if it had eyes.

The next moment, the war horse screamed, and then he subconsciously raised his front hooves. Cao Zhen, who was hanging sideways on the horse, was caught off guard and almost fell off the horse.

Just as he was swaying left and right, trying to stabilize his body, Huang Xu had already rushed in front of him.

I saw him quickly hanging the repeating crossbow on his body, while rushing out of the long sword from the equipment rack, and swiped it directly!


Cao Zhen, who was already unstable, flew out hard and fell to the ground.

Just as he was about to turn around and curse, thousands of white knights on the opposite side had already rushed to the front of the army. They hurriedly rolled around on the ground a few times, avoiding the white knights' iron cavalry, but also caused the soldiers of both sides to fight together.

Under the fierce fighting of tens of thousands of people, the originally not too wide trail became extremely chaotic.

Cao Zhen led a total of 30,000 troops, and now he was fighting against the white cavalry at the front. Seeing this, the soldiers and horses from the rear hurriedly came forward from the flanks, intending to surround the white cavalry and attack from both front and rear.

There is a strong intention to wipe out all the white knights led by Huang Xu.

However, the Baiqi people were not fools. After seeing clearly the opponent's intentions, several generals shouted: "Fight back! Save the emperor! Kill!"

I don’t know if they were infected by the running laughter of these generals, but one after another the white knights began to roar and shout while fighting!

The sounds of short handles being handed over, the neighing of war horses, and the sounds of people shouting and shouting to kill... all converged on this trail. The battlefield at this time was really chaotic.

There is no gap between people at all. Even if it is a battle between cavalry, they can't escape from touching each other with a raised hand.

Such a situation is not conducive to their fighting.

But this also comes with a prerequisite.

Just like what Xi Yu once said to Huang Xu, on the battlefield, when two armies are fighting, when the distance cannot be guaranteed, the soldiers on both sides are like two buckets filled with water, especially the cavalry.

The battle between the two sides is like a collision between two wooden barrels. If you want to win, you have to see which barrel has more water and flows more turbulently at the moment when the two barrels are smashed.

Because there are enough and turbulent enough, the water in the opponent's bucket can be splashed everywhere, and it can be like a torrent, washing away the opponent!

Obviously, for now, although Baiqi does not win in terms of numbers, in terms of personal strength, they are completely victorious and fully capable of scattering the enemy.

Just like now, just a simple charge caused a total of 30,000 enemy troops to fall into chaos.

Even if it included the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, which was once famous in the North, the six thousand white cavalry were not worried at all.

In fact, since the battle in Jizhou, the more than a thousand white cavalry who survived are basically veterans with rich combat experience. Not only that, their heroic fighting on the battlefield and their fearlessness of life and death have also added a lot of value to today. Less aura.

In addition to them, the remaining five thousand white knights are not simple either.

They are not new recruits, but elites selected from hundreds of thousands of troops who passed various challenges before finally catching Huang Xu's eye and joining the White Cavalry as he wished!

To put it bluntly, these people are also the elite of the elite, and many of them are even the original Qingzhou soldiers!

Therefore, for these people, this kind of small battlefield is completely insignificant, and everyone has long been used to it.

Who has not been on the battlefield and fought in a war?

Soon, Huang Xu led the white cavalry to smash into pieces the temporary battle formations and camps set up by Cao Zhen.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to kill Cao Zhen, but who would have thought that those soldiers on the other side would protect Cao Zhen like eyeballs. Even if they lost their own lives, they would protect Cao Zhen intact. stand up.

He attacked more than ten times in a row. Every time he was about to succeed, soldiers rushed to Cao Zhen like dead soldiers and blocked the fatal blow for him.

As time went by, the white knight who came to attack Cao Zhen really had no choice but to leave and choose someone else as the target to kill.

While the battle here is in full swing, the Emperor's convoy is about to arrive here.

Cao Pi, who was sitting in the second carriage, could hear the sound of fighting in the distance without lifting the curtain.

After a long time, seeing the convoy moving slower and slower, he decisively opened the curtain with a gloomy face and stood on the shaft of the car, looking at the battle situation in the distance.

Now his mind is completely blank. He has no idea where the enemy comes from or how he discovered his actions.

However, when he saw the cavalry wearing silver-white armor roaring and fighting bloody battles on the battlefield less than a thousand meters away, the fierce light in his eyes almost turned into reality.

Damn it, it turned out to be Bai Qi!

"This Huang Xu deserves to die! Come here, quickly surround the emperor's carriage, and be sure to protect the emperor's safety!"

"A group of haunting guys, they came after them smelling something from somewhere?"

In Cao Pi's heart, Huang Xu is actually very important, but of course this is not a good weight or good impression.

I think back then, when they were still in Xuzhou, Cao Pi was cheated by Huang Xu, Jia Ji and his brother-in-law Xiyu's other adopted son Pu Yuan, and he almost lost his pants.

At that time, in order to return to Xuchang safely, I almost pawned the only remaining jade that I had worn for many years.

On the way back, he suffered a lot. Looking back on that time, he felt that he was extremely miserable.

Now, it can be said that enemies are meeting, Huang Xu!

Although Cao Pi didn't tremble all over when he mentioned Huang Xu, when he saw this man, he still wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

The soldiers on both sides shouted loudly after receiving the order, and then staggered with each other. Those who protected Cao Pi and the Emperor then protected the two, and the rest of the people gathered into a torrent of iron armor, keeping in line with each other, and rushed towards the location of Huang Xu and other white knights. !

However, no matter how powerful their momentum and their numbers were, they could not withstand Bai Qi's attack.

Because Bai Qi's speed was too fast, it was enough that the horses they rode were all Dawan horses that were only one in a thousand. Even everyone's riding and shooting skills were outstanding.

In an instant, they rushed into the soldiers and horses sent by Cao Pi. Cao Pi was so frightened that he quickly ordered the army to retreat.

However, if one could see the current battle situation from the sky, one would be able to see at least sixteen armies gathering from all directions.

These sixteen armies are strongholds and have long been accustomed to running around in the chaos of war.

In addition, there were soldiers from several strongholds gradually approaching Bai Qi, intending to quietly surround Bai Qi in the center.

Although there are not many soldiers and horses in these last few places, each one of them can be regarded as the most elite soldier in Cao Pi's army, but these people can't even catch up with Bai Qi's tail!

In this battle, Huang Xu did not choose to love fighting, nor did he think about greed for merit.

Even though he is only in his twenties, he is barely the youngest among the generals, but his extraordinary calmness and sophistication are completely in line with the characteristics of a famous general.

Faced with the soldiers around him who were infinitely weaker than himself, even if they were numerous, he could kill them all and then take credit for them. However, he always just dealt with the enemy and had no love for fighting.

Cao Pi looked puzzled as he saw the White Cavalry troops killing seven in and seven out in succession.

He knew best how secretive this operation was. Even among the generals within the clan, only a handful of people knew about it, and that was because they were needed to deliver the news.

It can be said that the people who know and participate in this operation are basically our own people and are trustworthy. Even the selected soldiers are elites trained in the army and are loyal and reliable.

He thought for a while and couldn't figure out who would leak the news.

Or maybe... my uncle guessed it?

Speaking of which, Cao Pi, like his father Cao Cao, was not someone who liked to doubt people casually.

As the saying goes, use people without suspicion and don't use people with suspicion.

If we put this point aside, in the absence of any leaks from the traitor, the only explanation is that Xi Yu had already made far-sighted plans to get to where he is today...

My brother-in-law really thinks he's a monster... There's nothing he can't do...

As soon as this idea lingered in his mind, there was a "swish" sound, and an arrow flew from nowhere. It passed through the heavy army in front and went straight across Cao Pi's cheek. With a "bang" sound, it landed on the carriage. On top of the frame.

As its tail swung out of the afterimage, the surrounding chamberlains were stunned. After being stunned for a moment, they all surrounded Cao Pi in the center as if they were desperate for their lives.

Looking from a distance, not even Cao Pi's hair can be seen.

In fact, on the battlefield, it is not an easy task to kill the enemy commander in a chaotic situation.

After all, the coach doesn't have many other people around him. He has great martial arts skills and has the most number of dead soldiers who can block a fatal blow at any time!

They will surround the coach in all directions without blind spots. No matter how tricky the angle of the arrow you shoot is, it will never enter the body of the person the dead soldiers want to protect.

It was precisely because of this that Cao Pi was shocked when he saw this arrow.

Although he wasn't exactly heartbroken, he was still shocked.

I have to say, this arrow is quite accurate!

It was also at this time that he realized that although the reputation of the White Cavalry outside was not as prominent as that of the Black Cavalry, and it was not as scary as the Black Cavalry, it seemed that since their commander-in-chief was changed from Huang Zhong to Huang Xu, there seemed to be more Some characteristics that ordinary armies do not have.

For example, being young and energetic, daring to fight and fight, high-spirited, tenacious and quick... is like an unsheathed sharp blade!

At this moment, Cao Pi had forgotten about Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. Naturally, others did not bother to protect him. On the chaotic battlefield, countless soldiers were like headless flies. Although they were not running around, they were still able to protect him. Not sure what to do.

Therefore, I can only instinctively choose to protect the most important existence in the entire army, which is Cao Pi!

After all, all the soldiers came from the Cao family. Compared with the so-called emperor, Cao Pi, the commander-in-chief, was obviously more important in their eyes and more worthy of protecting with his life.

This means that there are not many guards around the emperor.

good chance!

Huang Xu spotted this gap and quietly gathered all the white knights, planning to rush to the emperor's side before the enemy could react!

This was his only chance and the main reason why he just shot the arrow at Cao Pi.

Since you don't intend to fight, the best way is to divert the enemy's attention, and rush to the emperor as quickly as possible while the opponent is not paying attention.

Just trying to divert the opponent's attention is not a simple matter. At the very least, there is no chance at all before the arrow is shot.

My adoptive father once said that if you can't find opportunities, you must learn to create them.

Obviously, he did it, and Bai Qi rushed to the area around the Emperor's car as quickly as possible.

This battle looked chaotic, but it came and went away very quickly.

Before Cao Pi could react, the white cavalry that was originally like a wall of copper and iron began to scatter in all directions like goose feathers of snow falling from the sky.

Although there were soldiers chasing them behind them, compared to their riding skills, the disparity between the two sides was not the slightest bit.

Therefore, he could only watch Huang Xu running wildly with a young man who was almost the same age as him, and gradually disappeared in front of him.

Regardless of how angry Cao Pi was, the young man who was brought out by Huang Xu was not having a good time at the moment.

Because he hadn't ridden a horse for a long time, and he hadn't learned martial arts since he was a child, he didn't feel safe at all while sitting on a horse and running wildly. Even if there was someone behind him, his body was shaking like chaff.

Nonsense, what makes him feel most insecure is the person behind him.

Who knows whether he is friend or foe?

You know, even if he is the emperor, even if the Cao family does not treat him harshly, he seems to be well taken care of and pampered by the Cao family after staying in the palace for a long time, but they never give him half of what he deserves. freedom of.

He had never felt a strong wind before. Although he was somewhat curious and happy, he was more afraid and confused about the unknown.

Therefore, he subconsciously curled up and lay on the horse's back, like a cooked shrimp.

"Hey, cousin, this is our first time meeting."

Looking at the emperor in front of him who was crouching like a shrimp, Huang Xu showed off his big white teeth while riding his horse wildly.


Liu Xie, who was originally silent, suddenly trembled when he heard this.

"My adoptive father is Mr. Xi Yu. If you call him uncle, he will naturally be my cousin!"

"Oh I got it······"

Hearing what he said, Liu Xie's originally worried heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

In this case, these people must have come to save him on his uncle's orders!

Uncle, uncle, you are really my good uncle!

Although life in the Cao family was okay, it was just as comfortable as living next to my uncle!

After all, that is the uncle he has called for more than ten years!

Today, Liu Xie has begun to grow a beard. He hates it when he thinks that as the emperor, he is manipulated like a puppet by the Cao family, Cao Cao and his son Cao Pi, and has never been out of the house for half his life!

Although on the way from Xuchang to Yecheng, and then from Yecheng to Chang'an, I could open the curtain and look at the outside world, but other than that, I had never experienced fireworks in the world.

He never knew what family fun was, what a bustling market was, and what warmth felt like.

Once upon a time, I woke up from my dreams countless times, and the pillows were soaked with tears. It was ridiculous to say that since I became the emperor, this man's country had nothing to do with him.

I think that for half of his life, Liu Xie was just a showman with the title of emperor but no power of emperor.

"That's true, cousin, thank you very much this time!"

Knowing this in his heart, Liu Xie stopped bowing and relaxed a little.

Speaking of which, this is the first time for me to gallop on a horse, so I have to feel it.

Just when he adjusted his sitting posture to look more powerful, Huang Xu's big palm covered his head and whispered: "Don't get up, be careful of the sack!"

"Sack? Where did the sack come from?"

Liu Xie looked confused, Huang Xu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "The sack refers to the head on our neck. There are some of our habitual names that you will understand when you return to the camp."

"From now on, we have to hurry up and hurry up. If everything goes well, we will travel day and night. Maybe we can catch up with the New Year when we go back!"

"I'll go out and play with you then!"

Although Huang Xu knew that the other party was the emperor and there was a huge difference in status, in the final analysis, the only person he could truly respect was his adoptive father. As for Liu Xie, they were all of the same age, so why should he stick to these false etiquettes?

Therefore, there is no condescension in his speech. Perhaps this has something to do with his youth, frivolousness and high-spiritedness.

But Liu Xie doesn't think so.

Play with me...

What simple words this is!

But in half my life, this was the first time I heard it.

In his opinion, this was Huang Xu's innocent heart, which shocked and deeply moved him.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about Xi Yu.

What kind of person is this that can take such a young and talented general as his own?

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