We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 299 Huang Xu lets go, the literary test is about to begin

Looking at the carriage approaching from a distance, Sun Ce smiled and didn't take it seriously.

It took more than half an hour to get here. I think Huang Xu and Zhang Liao had to suffer a lot in the outer city...

Before he could finish thinking about it, he couldn't say any more. He was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do.

Because he saw something extremely angry but embarrassing - a flag!

It is said that this flag was designed and built by him and Gong Jin back then. This flag is a battle flag and a general's flag. It is also the embodiment of his ambition to compete in the world and dominate the Central Plains!

No way...

"How is this going?"

Looking at the dilapidated flag stuck on the roof of the car, Sun Ce's originally calm face suddenly turned ugly.

Xi Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw this, thinking that this was the gift prepared by that old boy Zhang Liao for the Jiangdong people?

As early as on the way here, he heard Huang Xu say that Wenyuan had prepared a big gift for the Jiangdong people. He knew that it was definitely not a real gift, but he didn't say much and just let it go.

After all, coming to Jiangdong is bound to involve some provocation from the other party. If Wen Yuan and others had prepared something in advance, they would be able to win back a victory when encountering challenges!

But who would have thought that this is what he prepared.

No need to guess, just by looking at Sun Ce's uncertain face, he could tell that this flag should be the trophy from the Battle of Hefei!

I really can't tell that this old boy Wenyuan is quite quiet on weekdays, but he also has such a wild side outside of war.

Could it be that he was influenced by Huang Xu? It's quite interesting depending on the situation.

"Wu Hou, don't be angry. Maybe this is just a small game between the two parties?"

While talking, the carriage slowly stopped in front of the two of them.

Eight peerless horses and eight "superior" carriages stopped in front of them.

All the betrothal gifts were delivered in the car. To Xi Yu, these things were just a drop in the bucket.

But for everyone in Jiangdong, they are all rare treasures.

There are rare treasures, delicacies, pearls and gems, gold and silver heads and noodles...

There are topographic maps of the world, as well as ordnance designs, business strategies, and political strategies...

A total of eight carriages, almost collecting the best treasures from all over the world.

This does not include the national governance policies written by Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others, and the plan that focuses on how to capture Jingzhou!

These things are basically not available in Jiangdong, and they are what Sun Ce, as the Marquis of Wu, needs most!

"Wu Hou, don't be angry. Just treat it like a child's play. I've been a wild child since I was a child. I don't act in any order. Please bear with me."


Is this a play among children? This was clearly a step on Sun Ce's face!

You know, I lost my legs in that battle!

If he didn't run fast, he might even be dead!

"Don't worry, I will punish him severely when I get back!"

Seeing the other party limping around, Xi Yu suddenly felt a little sympathy and said something about going back to educate him.

Sun Ce didn't know what to say when he saw this.

Although the anger in my heart is difficult to extinguish for a while, at least the demeanor must be maintained.

Furthermore, the other party had taken so many rare treasures that Jiangdong did not have. No matter how angry he was, he would not be willing to give these treasures away.

"In that case, forget it, Duke Sheng, please take a seat!"

"Today, all the literati and scholars in Jiangdong are waiting for you at the banquet. I hope that we can talk to the world tonight and speak freely!"


Xi Yu raised his hand.

One of them was leading the way, and the other was pacing behind. Seeing that the expressions of both parties were quite harmonious, the originally tense atmosphere gradually dissipated along the way.

Soon, the two came to the front of the hall.

As early as when he saw the carriages and horses parked in the city, Xi Yu had expected that there would be many people at the banquet today.

But when he actually arrived in front of the temple, looking at the dense crowd around him, it was still a bit beyond his expectation.

In fact, as early as they knew that he was coming to Jiangdong, countless people in the city had been eagerly looking forward to catching a glimpse of Sheng Guogong!

He single-handedly changed the situation of the Han Dynasty. This man was not only the savior of the Han Dynasty, but also the hope of most people in the world.

Because of him, the differences between the north and the south were revealed. The bank successfully broke the difficult dilemma of commerce between the north and the south through commercial transportation.

Specialties and common items from the north can be transported to the south, and things from the south can also be transported to the north.

From Jizhou in the north to Jingzhou in the south, people all over the world used many items they had never seen before.

However, not everyone can see the famous Sheng Guogong.

If Jiangdong misses this opportunity, I'm afraid no one will have the chance to see Xi Yu again.

Therefore, after learning that Duke Sheng Guo was about to arrive in Danyang today, all men and women veterans from the inner city came to greet him with their families.

The banquet was held in the palace office.

After walking into the main hall and passing through a winding corridor, we came to the main gate of the government office.

There are two huge black stone lion statues standing outside the door. Their images are very similar to the talisman seals in the hands of the generals. They are as black as ink. Under the sunlight, they even have some reflections, making the stone lions even more majestic. Awesome, majestic and domineering.

Walk into the gate from the middle of the stone lions, cross the threshold and see a wide bluestone road extending to the house in the distance.

Keep walking along the bluestone road until you reach the deepest point and arrive at your destination - the main hall!

The main hall was originally the Zhengqi Hall, and many people had been waiting inside for a long time.

Among them are hundreds of civil and military officials from Jiangdong, as well as famous literati and poets in the territory.

Sun Ce only focused on observing Xi Yu along the way. Even the smallest expressions and body movements could be magnified countless times by his eyes.

Under such circumstances, it was natural that he could not survive the people who had been waiting on both sides for a long time.

Instead, Xi Yu smiled at everyone around him, and Shi Shiran followed Sun Ce into the hall.

At this time, Huang Xu and Zhang Liao, who were following the team, also entered Xi Yu's camp. As for Ling Tong and Gan Ning, they quietly lowered their heads and followed the others at the end.

None of them could win against Huang Xu, let alone seize the flag from him.

He was defeated in both battles, and was completely defeated. He was almost beaten and had no power to fight back.

How can they be happy under such circumstances?

Huang Xu knocked the two of them down, not to mention Zhang Liao who never took action and was willing to act as a groom.

You know, the person everyone wanted to provoke at the beginning was Zhang Liao, but this guy was good. He quietly did not participate in any struggle, and instead allowed Huang Xu to make a name for himself.

I don’t know whether to call him treacherous or stupid!

But for Ling Tong, no matter which answer he gave, he couldn't match the people's increasingly fierce praise and respect.

Because in the eyes of the people in Jiangdong, the most fundamental reason for Ling Tong's failure in capturing the flag was bad luck, not his own lack of strength.

After all, he is the only person in the world who can knock the Qingzhi Sword out of his hand!

Being able to knock Cao Cao's sword away is as significant as recapturing the banner.

The face that many of their Jiangdong heroes lost due to being defeated by Huang Xu was somewhat restored.

Even if word of today's incident spreads, they in Jiangdong can still be considered to have the power to attack, and they have not been annihilated by the entire army.

"General, subordinate..."

Ling Tong came up behind Sun Quan silently, his cheeks puffed out, his eyes slightly red, and his expression quite depressed.

The unfinished meaning is self-evident.

To be honest, if it weren't for the general's special request, he wouldn't even want to come right now.

Rather than following in the queue and being watched by everyone, like a light on your back, it is better to go home early and be free and at ease.

After entering the hall for some time, Sun Quan learned the entire process of the battle between several people.

It is said that he initially stood in the corner of the second floor and watched Huang Xu's great power. He thought that no matter how miserable the defeat was, with Gan Ning and Ling Tong taking care of it, the outcome would not be too disastrous.

But who would have thought that none of the many heroes in Jiangdong could win, and all of them suffered defeats.

In fact, if he were not afraid of the northern forces and Xi Yu, he could have chosen to stab people in the dark. In this way, Huang Xu would definitely be injured even if he did not die.

But if we really do that, I'm afraid this banquet won't be held now.

Soon after, what was waiting for Jiangdong was the northern army pressing down on the territory, and all life in the territory was in ruins!

"What's going on here? That Huang Xu was able to easily gain the qualification to enter the inner city? He even took out the banner of the Battle of Hefei!"

"Do you know how many pairs of eyes are watching today? The news of today's defeat will be spread throughout the world by the people of Jiangdong and even the soldiers in less than half a day!"

"By then, the names of Qingxu and Qingxu will be even more resounding, and the momentum of the soldiers will be even higher, and even if we are unwilling to do so, we can only become a foil."

"Especially you, you have no use except being a stepping stone for others!"

Sun Quan was extremely rude when he said this.

Because he never thought that his careful design would eventually end like this.

Instead of dealing a fatal blow to Zhang Liao, Huang Xu, a little-known boy, became the biggest winner.

I heard that Huang Xu is Xi Yu's adopted son, but Xi Yu is just great. Why are the children he teaches so brave?

With his own strength, he was able to defeat Gan Ning and Ling Tong, two well-known heroes in Jiangdong, and also defeated so many knights from all over the country, which was unbelievable in front of him.

"so what?"

Ling Tong always liked to be direct, and although he was not satisfied with this matter, because of his good relationship with Sun Quan and his understanding of Huang Xu, he always spoke in a way that was different from others. Easier.

"That Huang Xu is not worthy of fighting just anyone! He is extremely strong and has extraordinary martial arts skills, both in swordsmanship and marksmanship. There are very few people in the world who can match him."

"If he hadn't been merciful and let go deliberately today, it would have been impossible for me to knock that green sword away with my strength alone!"

"What? You mean, he made the green sword fly away on purpose?"

Sun Quan looked surprised and suddenly blushed at what he had just said.

At the same time, I felt ashamed of the little dark thoughts in my heart.

It's a good thing that I didn't disregard my face and ordered someone to kill me secretly, otherwise...

He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, his face turned green and red, and he didn't know what to say.

When Ling Tong saw this, he immediately described all the scenes and details of his fight with Huang Xu.

Even the words Huang Xu whispered in his ear at that time were not forgotten.

When Sun Quan heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

He never thought that in his careful plan, no one could resist Huang Xu. If he hadn't been merciful, Jiang Dong would have been humiliated at his grandma's house today.

Of course, thanks to his mercy, Jiangdong was left with the last fig leaf.

It seems... This person's strength is far more unfathomable than I imagined!

"It turns out... that's the case, but so what? We were only targeting Zhang Liao at the beginning, and Huang Xu took the initiative to ask for help, wasn't it just to give me a blow?"

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, he has some courage!"

At first, Sun Quan was a little uneasy when he said this, because compared to his hatred and fear of Zhang Liao, his sense of Huang Xu was quite acceptable.

The reason why he became so angry was because the other party had defeated his entire plan by just one person. This was probably what he meant by defeating all methods with one force.

However, after learning that Huang Xu had let the water go at the last moment, he suddenly felt that he had wrongly blamed the other party, so he felt a little embarrassed.

But in the end, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was right.

Then Huang Xu was such an unknown person before, why did he jump out and take the lead today? Isn't it just to give them a show of strength?

In order to humiliate them, they even resorted to such a conspiracy. The people of Qingxu and Xu are really worthless!

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Ling Tong frowned slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said with disapproval: "I think they are sincere in their treatment of me."

"After all, if you really want all the soldiers and people in Jiangdong to surrender, Huang Xu should go all out and humiliate us as much as possible instead of letting go!"

"Furthermore, we have already planned to join the big man, and even the common people know a little bit about it. There is really no need to cause trouble at this juncture."

Sun Quan did not answer this, but he still felt a little reluctant in his heart.

He actually understood that Ling Tong's words were true, but he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

If they really surrender to the Han Dynasty, the two brothers will not have to care about Zhang Liao in this life, and they will no longer have to worry about things like the Battle of Hefei happening.

But after all, he has lost the reputation of his ancestors, and I am afraid that he will inevitably live with the title of an unworthy descendant for the rest of his life.

Looking back on those days, my father Sun Jian dared to confront Dong Zhuo head-on alone and even won several battles.

It's a pity that my teammates were really incompetent in the end. They didn't say anything about how much they could help, and they still held us back.

Eventually, my father was outnumbered and defeated by Dong Zhuo.

But even so, his father Sun Jian is very famous in the whole world. The reason why his brother was able to conquer Wu with the thousand soldiers given by Yuan Shu was because of the prestige left by his father!

But to this day, he and his brother have not avenged their grievances, so they have to live in Soochow without any achievements.

The world is uncertain, and if this continues, they will be annexed by other forces sooner or later.

At that time, I wanted to go north to Hefei, but who would have thought that I would meet Zhang Liao and be beaten to a pulp.

Going east to Jingzhou, I thought that even if I could win a few games, I would definitely not be able to escape a single loss in the end.

As for going south to fight against the alien races who were quite united and united in fighting against the outside world, the two brothers said they were under a lot of pressure.

Not because it’s difficult to fight, but because it’s too unfulfilling.

For people from the foreign race, if they win, they won't win with force, and they have nothing to show off, but if they lose... I'm afraid they will be embarrassed to death.

Of course, considering the many heroes currently in the territory of the Han Dynasty, any one of them has the confidence to eliminate the aliens!

After all, they are also heroes who have been separatist in this land for several years. The soldiers under their command have experienced the baptism of war, which is far beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

Therefore, Sun Quan was somewhat confident in defeating the surrounding foreign races.

But this does not mean that he will choose to fight those foreign races and use them to expand his territory and dominate the world.

Because this is too unrealistic, it will also be ridiculed by other princely states.

Therefore, as far as the current situation in Soochow is concerned, the most appropriate solution for the two brothers at the moment is to submit to the Han Dynasty and obey Xi Yu.

"Actually... I don't think we should act in private. We can just listen to the master. He will never harm us!"

Seeing the other party's silence, Ling Tongcheng spoke hotly.

Sun Quan took a deep breath and temporarily forgot all his subsequent plans.

There is some truth in what Ling Tong said. In addition, things have already reached this point. Even if he wants to turn things around, it will be very difficult. He has to do it today. Therefore, he might as well endure it for a while.

However, even though he said this, his eyes looking at Zhang Liao were still full of fire. As for Huang Xu, who was wearing a white robe, he was also within his sight!

But compared to Zhang Liao's silence and Huang Xu's refreshment, the thing that most struck him as opaque and unfathomable was Xi Yu.

From the first time they met to this day, things that seemed miraculous or extremely difficult in the eyes of everyone, fell into his mouth and became a sentence - "As long as you have the hand!"

Are these things simply a matter of having hands on? Those are rare objects that have never been seen in Jiangdong.

And that’s not even including the inspiration I received while chatting with him.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Xiyu's behavior and thinking mode are different from most people in this world.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he does not have too many emotional fluctuations when facing anything.

And this is the fundamental reason why everyone thinks he is unpredictable.

By this time, the sky had already darkened unconsciously, and most of the people at the banquet already knew the outcome of the battle in the outer city.

When they learned that all the disciples in Jiangdong had been defeated by Huang Xu, everyone was shocked, and their eyes looking at Huang Xu became extremely frightening.

It seemed that Huang Xu had won the battle with everyone, and Zhongmou's plan... was completely defeated. (End of chapter)

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