We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 300 Spring and Autumn vegetation, nothing harvested!

Since there is no chance of winning in the martial arts competition, will the literary test begin next?

When it comes to martial arts competitions, among the younger generation, only Huang Xu from Qingxu and Qingxu can win.

But in terms of talent, apart from Zhuge Liang and other well-known veteran counselors, the other party does not seem to have any young and talented advisers.

Maybe we can win this battle!

As Xi Yu and Sun Ce walked up to the high platform step by step, the banquet was almost about to begin.

The seats extend from the hall to the stairs, from top to bottom, corresponding to the official positions of the civil and military officials in Jiangdong.

It is said that the literati like Xiang always like to hug together for warmth, including a certain small group among each clan.

Now, before they even took their seats, everyone looked at each other and started whispering to each other.

As for the leaders, Sun Boxu and Xi Yu, they had already exchanged greetings. When they were having fun, they smiled at each other and sat down slowly.

It is said that Xi Yu only came to Jiangdong as a guest, but Sun Ce still prepared for him a seat of honor as high as his own, but one was to the right and the other to the left.

The officials who followed them also took their seats.

Guo Jia sat in the first seat on the right side of Xi Yu. As for the person sitting opposite him, it was Lu Su whom he had just met some time ago.

The two looked at each other from a distance, cupped their hands at the same time, smiled, and seemed to have a good relationship.

But except for him, everyone else looked solemn, feeling somewhat competitive.

Xi Yu just took a closer look and understood it clearly.

It seems that today’s banquet will probably involve the flash of swords and shadows...

"Have a banquet!"

Sun Ce, who no longer knew what to play with General Yu, decided to order someone to serve the food as soon as he saw everyone had arrived.

Along with the appearance of tables of delicious food, groups of dancing girls with light bodies and different expressions also came to the center of the hall.

At this moment, many officials stood up together to congratulate and give blessings. After the roar of the mountain and the tsunami sounded, the banquet officially began.

The music player only started playing after Xi Yu and Sun Ce raised their hands to appease everyone.

The musicians played the harp and sheng, and the dancers danced like giants.

For a time, the tense situation seemed to disappear, and the atmosphere became quite harmonious.

Regardless of the ministers or generals, they were all in their own camp, whispering to each other and laughing constantly.

Among them, the Yu family, Lu family and Lu family are the most prestigious among the Jiangdong clan.

As the host, and because his status was far inferior to that of Xi Yu, and the highest officer was just a marquis, no one dared to neglect him. On the contrary, the whole banquet was very lively and full of people drinking and drinking.

As the Marquis of Wu, Sun Ce did not dare to slack off. Apart from chatting with Xi Yu, there was nothing else to do at the banquet.

After a while, he finally found a nutritious topic and began to discuss it with Xi Yu.

"It is said that Duke Sheng Guo's military power is boundless. He was able to conquer General Wenyuan because of his good martial arts. He rode alone for thousands of miles and fought to the death with Lu Bu. In the end, he was superior in skill and killed him and hung his head on the city wall. Is it possible to show it to the public?"

Looking at Xi Yu's slightly red cheeks and slightly confused extension, Sun Ce couldn't help but feel complacent.

He thought Xiyu couldn't drink enough, but he didn't know...some people were like that.

When he drank, he would get sick, his face would turn red, and his body would swing from side to side uncontrollably, as if he was about to fall over, but he would not fall over, and his consciousness was as clear as ever.

Even if you were on the side to persuade him to drink, and you even drank a few large bowls yourself, making you slightly drunk, the other person was still in the same state as when he first drank.

When you feel that you are not very drunk, or you have already crawled on the table, or you are about to go crazy with alcohol, the other person's eyes are still blurry as always, shaking left and right, but they just don't fall.

At most, I will laugh unconsciously when I see you drunk and crazy.

Unfortunately, Xi Yu falls into this category of people.

Although it hurts his face when he drinks, it is obviously not that simple to get drunk.

What's more, compared with the Erguotou of later generations, the alcohol content of these grain-based brews is not high.

Especially in Jiangdong, a place where everyone is friendly and gentle as jade, even an ordinary woman from the north can drink the wine without getting drunk.

Therefore, Sun Ce, who thought he could easily drink the opponent down, was taking it for granted.

When he realized that many people below him were looking at him because of Sun Ce's words, Xi Yu smiled, especially happily.

"It is said that there are many talented people in Jiangdong. Confucian clans and even military generals are in full bloom. They are not inferior to other places."

"Among them, the ones with outstanding literary talents are undoubtedly Yu Fan, Lu Xun, Lu Su and the clans behind them. As for the military generals... Lu Meng, Zhou Yu, Gan Ning and others, although they are old, they are all incomparable Great talent!”

As soon as Xi Yu opened his mouth, there was no other sound in the entire banquet except the soft and gentle music in his ears.

For a time, the empty hall and the sweet music made people feel happy and comfortable.

Especially when Sun Ce heard these words, he felt an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart.

Except for the years when he first conquered Wu, many men of letters and contemporary talents were snatched away by Xi Yu, leaving him a little alone and stretched thin. However, he has been able to save some face in recent years.

Not only has it retained many talents within Jiangdong, but it has also attracted many people with lofty ideals to join from outside.

"As the saying goes, a river has spring water and a river has waves, and every mountain is higher than the other. The land of Jiangdong is rich in talents, far beyond what other places can match!"

After saying that, he sighed and shook his head, but he never thought that everyone around him would open their eyes in surprise.

The first half of the sentence is already impressive. A simple sentence can evoke a wonderful illusion in people's minds.

But when they heard the second half of the sentence, every Confucian scholar present became excited.

Even those generals who were not very interested in literature felt inexplicably excited and enthusiastic.

good words! Good sentence!

I just don’t know if this is a complete poem or a single sentence.

Lu Su closed his eyes and meditated. Every time he recalled this poem, his heart became more and more clear.

Isn't this the true portrayal of Jiangdong Jian'an?

It is said that Jian'an has a developed water system. This is no longer a joke.

The water network in the Jiangdong area is densely crisscrossed and is a multi-layered defense system relying on the Yangtze River and Huaihe River: in the north are the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, Tongbai Mountain, and Dabie Mountain; in the east and south are the sea; in the west are the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Bashu and Jingchu area.

He thought about the blue sea, blue sky, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and pleasant scenery that can be seen everywhere every day. Just like this, it gave him a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Coupled with the second half of the sentence "A mountain is higher than a mountain", as Xi Yu said, there are many capable people in this world. If they are really complacent because they have a little ability, they will definitely be thrown away by others. back.

Therefore, in order to make yourself better, you can only continue to enrich yourself with a clear understanding of yourself!

And combining it with the previous sentence, doesn't it describe the current situation in Jiangdong?

Because we live in a place where the scenery is like a picture scroll and we live peacefully, no matter how big our ambitions or pursuits are, we will gradually lose ourselves because of the quiet and peaceful life.

At this time, it must be difficult for everyone to have a clear understanding of themselves, let alone continue to achieve their ambitions.

Xi Yu revealed their current situation in Jiangdong with just one sentence. It was really unbelievable!

This sentence can be regarded as a warning by everyone, telling everyone that even if they live in a peaceful area, they must never forget their original intentions.

Otherwise, once war breaks out, these peaceful and peaceful lives will be destroyed in an instant and become a purgatory.

"I wonder if you know why so many literati have loved to miss autumn since ancient times? And why do Confucian scholars and saints always admire late spring?"

Xi Yu's question was very abrupt and strange.

Before today, Guo Jia had never heard of this matter, and now he looked confused, let alone Lu Su and others.

As for Zhang Zhao, although his status was higher than that of Lu Su, because it was Lu Su who went to Xiapi as a guest before, he was more familiar with the people in the north who were going to Jiangdong this time, so he arranged the seat of the counselor at the top of the list. Give it to the other party.

This may have something to do with Lu Su's single-handedly promoting the marriage between the two parties.

Seeing that the scene was getting quieter, Zhang Zhao stroked his beard, pondered for a moment, and then smiled: "Late autumn is the harvest season. People harvesting food means they will not starve to death in the winter."

"And late spring is when the earth revives and everything wakes up. When spring flowers bloom, it is the starting point of life. In addition, the weather is cool and suitable for going out, so it has become the most favorite season."

"With surplus food in hand, even if the world is in chaos, the people will not panic too much. In the spring, growing food can be regarded as a new life for everyone!"

"A season that can bring harvest and rebirth to people all over the world is naturally loved by literati and writers all over the world."

Zhang Zhao caressed his beard gently and smiled. Although he was old, he was energetic and energetic, and he felt a bit like a worldly master.

Historically, he was a person who allowed Sun Ce to leave him alone before his death. He was responsible for handling government affairs for Sun Quan, leading a group of officials to help establish a new leader, appeasing the people, defeating the rebels, and assisting Sun Quan to stabilize the situation with Zhou Yu and others. His ability is beyond words. And metaphor.

Otherwise, Sun Quan would not have left Zhang Zhao to guard the rear and lead the shogunate affairs every time he went on an expedition. Later, he was even honored as "Zhang Gong".

After hearing his words, everyone around them showed expressions of sudden realization, but Xi Yu couldn't help but laugh.

"What Mr. Zhang said is reasonable, but it is too one-sided. You need to know... plants and trees have feelings, and spring and autumn are filled with tears!"

He spoke in a serious manner, with deep meaning in his words.

Everyone present was naturally not a fool, and they understood what he meant after just a moment of thinking.

In the eyes of most people in the world, autumn is both a harvest season and a bleak season. Apart from the feelings of the people all over the world, the poet pays more attention to his own emotional sustenance.

Autumn has a sad and solemn atmosphere, which can better set off the author's sadness and depression!

The same goes for spring. In addition to being affected by the natural climate, poets like spring and believe that spring also represents sowing, hope, youth, and life. It also naturally contains the poet's emotional connotation.

"Poets express their sentimental feelings by describing the seasonal changes and typical scenery of Spring and Autumn. This is a unique cultural behavior of a group of literary giants, but it has nothing to do with you!"

"To be precise, it has nothing to do with everyone present!"

"Because the poet can still take advantage of the changes in spring and autumn, when the changes are obvious, and take advantage of his leisure time to relax his emotions, release himself, and look at the surrounding mountains and rivers, the beautiful scenery, and so on... "

"How many years has it been since you felt lazy, free and comfortable?"

"Being able to relax and relieve inner emotions in your free time may seem like it has nothing to do with others, but in Qingxu... this is just a simple matter!"

"I think Mr. Zhang knows this better."

At the end of the fight, Xi Yu's eyes were fixed on Zhang Zhao, and the other person's face became extremely ugly the moment he finished speaking.

Talking about the changes of the Spring and Autumn Period, and raising issues of mentality, it turns out that the ultimate goal is all here.

The spring equinox has just passed, and the grain is still sprouting in the soil. If the other party mentions harvest and rebirth at this time, he is afraid that the drunkard's intention is not to drink.

It's a pity that I don't understand the other party's purpose at the moment.

"I wonder who can live leisurely in a year when Jiangdong has no harvest?"

Xi Yu didn't bother to talk in circles anymore. Anyway, everyone present was a fluent person in Jiangdong. It was unnecessary for him to hide it at this time.

It would be better to put the matter on the table for discussion. After this problem is resolved, Sun Shangxiang can leave Jiangdong and return to Xiapi with him to take care of him.

As a result, he and the Sun Ce brothers from Jiangdong will become better masters and servants.

In the future, the Jiangdong Sun family will be the largest clan under him.

At that time, the two brothers had no other option but to rely on Xiyu.

After Jiangdong is captured, half of the world will be unified and completely stable.

"No harvest? I wonder what Duke Sheng Guo means by his words? Could it be that there is something wrong with the food grown in Jiangdong?"

When faced with the issue of food, even a prudent person like Zhang Zhao couldn't help but change his face and looked at Xi Yu in surprise.



You know, spring plowing had just ended. As the head of Jiangdong's civil servants, he and Lu Su purchased a large number of seeds from Xiapi and sprinkled them all into the soil throughout Jiangdong.

Now we are waiting for the seeds to take root, sprout, and show their teeth. How can there be any problems?

Whether it is wheat, rice or other crops, it takes time to germinate in the soil. Xi Yu just came today, so how did he see that there was a problem with the food from the endless "empty fields"?

Could he be doing this on purpose, to be alarmist?

Sun Ce took a sip and suppressed the trembling in his heart, and his face became calm again.

The slightly raised corners of his mouth made everyone who knew him understand that he was quite proud at this moment, perhaps... because he had already understood the secret behind Xi Yu's remarks.

Negotiations between the two parties focus on the heart!

The other party just wanted to make the civil and military officials in their territory in Jiangdong panic by saying some alarmist words. They were panicking and really thought that there would be something wrong with the food planted in the soil.

As a result, they lose their inherent advantages in negotiations and then give up some of the benefits they deserve.

He didn't even dare to say his true thoughts during the negotiation. Didn't this just give Xi Yu an advantage and give Qing and Xu an opportunity to take advantage of?

"Mr. Sheng Guo, this is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? All the food in my Jiangdong territory was planted by the army and the people working together, going to the fields early in the morning and coming back late at the time of spring plowing. They put all the effort in the territory to complete the planting. There will definitely be no problems!"

"I, Sun Bofu, may be physically disabled, but in terms of management, although I can't guarantee how wise and powerful I am, I am somewhat confident that there will be no mistakes in spring plowing!"

Seeing Sun Ce's solemn words, Zhang Zhao and Lu Su, who were still a little panicked, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But after hearing this, Xi Yu showed a surprised expression, looked at the other party and said bluntly: "How come? Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

"Nonsense? What does this mean?"

Sun Ce and Zhang Zhao looked at each other, but their brains that were down did not react for a while.

The word "nonsense" began after the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which means that the people of the Central Plains cannot understand the words spoken by the barbarians.

Hu is the ancient name for the ethnic minorities in the northwest.

But at present, it has not been popularized, so those who hear this word are a little confused.

Of course, even if they know the meaning of these two words, they will definitely be surprised when they think about it.

Who could have imagined that a Confucian scholar, such a dignified Duke, would actually speak such straightforward words?

Although they are not vulgar words, even an illiterate young general in the army would not say such words.

Doesn’t this make you look uneducated?

"Nonsense means that everything I say is true and not a single word is alarmist. It's up to you to believe it or not!"

"You need to know where your food seeds come from..."

"Where does the grain come from? Isn't it all brought back from your Xiapi——"

etc! Xiapi! ?

Sun Ce's face, which he hadn't taken seriously at all, froze. I... this, I... I really deserve to die!

"Mr. Sheng Guo, what exactly did you want to say? What did you do?"

There was a vague feeling in his heart, and Sun Ce stood up suddenly, extremely excited and uneasy.

Upon seeing this, Xi Yu raised his hand to signal him to be quiet, and then smiled and said: "Bo Fu, don't be anxious, lest you lose your etiquette and propriety. I have already informed you about the seed problem. Prevent or remedy it early. How many will Jiangdong have this year?" There will still be some good harvest!”

"Isn't this better than finding out on your own a few months later? You know, at that time Jiangdong was probably going to be in a huge crisis with no food to eat!"

"It should be noted...the grains have been stir-fried before being sold to Jiangdong. They are cooked seeds!"

"As a businessman, I will never do such ridiculous things as deceiving superiors and inferiors, and shoddy goods. Therefore, I will send someone to hand over the grain I sold to Jiangdong and compensate you in full!"

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