We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 303 The Sun brothers’ compromise, Zhou Yu’s future

Could it be said that as long as he gets his tricks, the folks in Jiangdong will be able to grow food from blanched seeds this year?

Or is it that as long as he wins, he can prevent Shenghuang and Taxing from attacking Jiangdong?

"Since there is little chance of winning, let's ask Gong Jin to come back. I have other plans!"


Lu Su, Zhang Zhao, Sun Quan and others immediately stood up and bent down. They did not stand up until the sound of Sun Ce's footsteps completely disappeared.

Why! Things are going to change, and what is coming will never be escaped...

In fact, Zhou Yu didn't agree with Xi Yu's coming to Jiangdong from the beginning, and he also didn't like many envoys from the north.

Because in his opinion, these people are trying to plot Jiangdong's land under the guise of marriage!

Sun Ce also knew that he was unwilling to give up, so he specially sent him to the Chibi Camp to serve as a supervisor. It was not until now that everything was resolved that he planned to call him back.

Anyway, the two of them had agreed when they separated that they would contact him again after the matter came to an end.

If there is a deadlock and the two sides are still unable to negotiate a peace, then don't call him.

Because under such circumstances, it would be somewhat bad if he got close to the other party.

After all, the two sides are in a relationship where war may begin at any time.

Therefore, if Sun Ce chose to call Zhou Yu back at this time, he should have been mentally prepared and had finally made a final decision on Xi Yu's proposal.

Calling Zhou Yu back at this time was also because of his extremely high status in Jiangdong's army. It was obviously impossible not to discuss this matter with him.

It is said that although Zhou Gongjin's status in Jiangdong is lofty, it is also relatively embarrassing.

The main reason is that the reason why he has the qualifications to make great achievements is indispensable for "treachery". If he had not betrayed the clan class and handed everything he owned to Sun Ce, he would not have received Danyang soldiers and horses.

Not to mention that after receiving the benefits, he would continue to work hard, betray others several times, and finally team up with Sun Ce to suppress and kill the clan against all opinions.

Back then, he betrayed so many people for his own benefit, but today, Sun Ce actually chose to surrender to the big man. Doesn't that mean that all the things he did before were in vain and became a joke?

If Jiangdong is controlled by Xiyu in the future, who will look at him seriously after he is arranged to join the clan from other places?

Moreover, at that time, he and the Han clan were all colleagues and could not draw their swords.

A general without a sword in his hand is surrounded by a bunch of clans that harbor ill intentions toward him. How can he protect himself in such a situation?

In recent years, Zhou Yu has always liked to stay in the military camp for a long time, for this reason.

In addition to his own army, he would feel uneasy whether he was living in the inner city mansion or visiting friends.

In order to allow himself to sleep well, he could only sleep in the army for a long time.

After all, in this military camp, there is a loyal Lu Meng who will guard the tent for him and will not let go of even a slightly "threatening" mosquito.

But now...

Sure enough, when the news reached the army, Zhou Yu couldn't sit still and hurried back from the camp. Finally, late at night the next day, Sun Shangxiang had just prepared the dowry, put on the wedding dress, and finished her makeup. return.

As soon as Zhou Yu entered the door, he saw the Wuhou Mansion, which was full of red and decorated with lanterns. Coupled with the faint light emitted by the lanterns late at night, the whole mansion became gorgeous and warm.

Sun Ce, who was always paying attention to the door, waved to Zhou Yu the moment he entered.

"Gongjin, you are finally here."

"Bo Fu, why do you have to make such a hasty decision?"

Zhou Yu was full of anger, and his words were a bit angry.

"Do you know that I never forget to train my troops, just so that I can fight openly and honestly with the princes of the world? Now we can completely attack eastward. Even if Guan Yunchang and Zhang Yide are mighty, they will never be able to compete with my thousands of soldiers. We have thousands of troops to contend with!”

"When Jingzhou is leveled, all the nine counties of Jingzhou and Xiang will be within easy reach. What's the point of surrendering to the Han? As long as we can conquer Sichuan and Shu, we can be the masters of this world ourselves!"

"Why is there any need for my little sister to marry far away?"

I can't blame him for being so angry. He had spent almost everything he had for Sun Ce and his future. In addition to his own power and economy, he also betrayed and destroyed those famous families.

But who would have thought that now, he would be stabbed in the back by someone, and the person who stabbed him in the back would be the Sun brother who wanted to make a big gamble at all costs!

By the way, isn't that what you said when you called me a companion?

Where is that person from the past who promised to achieve great things?

You must know that in order to make those clans surrender, he, Zhou Yu, played a bad role, but the one who really carried out the murder, intimidated many clans and controlled them all, was you, the Sun family, who played a good role and a bad face. brother!

If this drama continues, no clan in Jiangdong will dare to act rashly. Then, apart from external enemies, Jiangdong will not have any major internal threats.

If things go on like this, if the people in Jiangdong live and work peacefully and live in peace, Jiangdong will have a steady stream of development prospects for its people, soldiers, and food, and they can take advantage of the opportunity to seek hegemony.

But at the most critical moment, you two brothers suddenly stood up and said that this play can't be sung and won't be sung. How can I, a bad actor, stand on the stage?

If the drama is gone, what use are the actors?

Who am I?

Sun Ce knew the uneasiness in his heart and allowed the other party to vent before holding his hand tightly and saying, "Gong Jin, don't panic. There is another hidden story behind this matter. Come with me to the house to discuss it in detail!"

After that, the two of them walked towards the long corridor not far away, passed the cloister path, and did not let go of each other's hand until they entered the inner courtyard.

At this time, they stayed away from the laughter and lively scenes outside, and only hurriedly walked towards the study not far away.

The lights in the study were brightly lit, and it was obvious that someone had been waiting here.

As soon as the door opened, Sun Quan, Lu Su, Zhang Zhao and others were revealed.

Looking at the food and drinks on the table, it was obvious that everyone had been here for a while.

In addition to Sun Ce, who was sitting in the first place, there was an empty chair in the middle, which was specially reserved for Zhou Yu.

When they saw Zhou Yu, Sun Quan, Lu Su and others then stood up and saluted him. Only Zhang Zhao, because Zhou Yu had a grudge, has been sitting alone without saying a word.

"Brother Gongjin, you may not know something. We have negotiated with Duke Sheng as early as two days ago. It is true that we cannot fight him, so we have to choose to surrender!"

Sun Bofu poured wine for Zhou Yu and spoke earnestly.

"Don't worry, even if Jiangdong surrenders to the Han Dynasty, your status will not change in any way. You will still be the governor of Jiangdong. As for the eastward expedition against Liu Bei, your will will still be the main one!"

"In addition, when the attack on Jingzhou begins, Duke Sheng Guo will also send troops. If we attack from both inside and outside, we will definitely destroy those ambitious villains!"

"Once Jingzhou is captured, I, who was named the Marquis of Wu, will be given the fiefdom of Jiangdong for my repeated military exploits! From then on, my Sun family will be hereditary and guard Jiangdong for generations!"

"As for the north, when there is no war, they will not interfere in the internal affairs of Jiangdong. But if there is a war, you must lead your troops and go to support after receiving the imperial edict!"

"At the same time, Duke Sheng Guo will give free lessons and even give our army some of the world's most advanced and top-notch weapons and equipment as well as military supplies!"

"With these things, it will be more convenient for us to guard Jiangdong, and it will also bring certain benefits to the stable development of Jiangdong!"

Xi Yu had negotiated these with him in advance. Even Zhou Yu's whereabouts had been discussed by the two in the past two days and they had a good idea.

"What, Bo Fu, are you planning to cross the river and burn the bridge? Do you still remember the righteousness of our compatriots back then?"

"Where are you talking about?"

Sun Ce's temples were already graying, and his face looked a bit old-fashioned, but his eyes were deep and resolute, and his gaze was as bright as a torch.

"Do you know how powerful the big Han is in the hands of Xi Yu? Not to mention restoring Sheng Han, in our opinion, even surpassing Sheng Han is not impossible. Therefore, it is also important for us to submit to him earlier. What a blessing!”

"It is precisely because I know of your silent help to my Sun family over the years, and the camaraderie between you and me, that I specifically asked Duke Sheng Guo to arrange your whereabouts!"

"In my opinion, you should follow Duke Sheng. With your unparalleled talent and knowledge, it would be a pity not to make a name for yourself in this troubled world."

"But as long as you follow Duke Sheng Guo, you will definitely be qualified to be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister. In the future, maybe even I will have to salute you. This is a favor that I have thought about for a long time and specially asked for from Duke Sheng Guo!"

Zhou Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was greatly shocked.

What happened in the past few days when I was away? Why did Bo Fu's attitude change so drastically?

What? Are you tired or exhausted? You actually don’t even want to pursue the hegemony that you promised to do together?

"Bo Fu, tell me honestly, what happened recently? Did you have any clues that fell into the hands of Xi Yu?"

Zhou Yu stared closely at Sun Ce's eyes, and glanced at the other people from time to time.

Because in his understanding, even though Bo Fu was disabled, he was a mentally resolute person who would never shrink back from the battle or surrender after encountering something.

Especially in the current situation, although they have decided to go to war with Jingzhou and have even made all preparations, if they encounter other problems at this time, with Bo Fu's character, even if they compromise, they must go first Try one or two.

What if?

What if there is a better solution?

What if there is not only one way to compromise on those problems, but if you just be tougher, you can get better results?

You must know that long before Xi Yu came to Jiangdong, the two Sun brothers told him that the purpose of the northern envoy coming this time was peace talks, but it would not affect his attack on Jingzhou.

But the result...is this a peace negotiation?

This is obviously surrender!

He agreed to let himself go and attack, but what about the two brothers behind him?

Sun Ce sat behind the wine table, his eyes flashed slightly, and his melancholy disappeared instantly. He looked into the distance through the door and window, looking at the faintly visible river flowing slowly through the inner city outside the court, silently.

Although this place is a bit far from the main hall, it is remote and quiet. It can be said that it is one of the few good places for those in power in Jiangdong to think alone.

"Gongjin, please treat me like a brother. I won't harm you, brother!"

"In the future, we two brothers will focus on governing Jiangdong, while you will follow Sheng Guogong and only focus on the Han Dynasty. Remember not to hesitate in the slightest, let alone make enemies of those people!"

"You must know that you are in charge of all the naval forces in our Jiangdong territory. Based on this alone, you can be reused in front of Duke Sheng. It should be noted that although their navy is powerful, when it comes to the commander, I really can't think of anyone other than you. Suitable candidates."

"This is your chance! As long as you are loyal to the Han Dynasty, you may have the opportunity to become the commander of the Han Dynasty Navy. In the future, not to mention the endless glory and wealth, even the grand hegemony we promised before, maybe also It may come true in your hands!”

"In addition to these, you also have the biggest reliance, that is, the Jiangdong clan does not dare to touch you!"

"Yes, Gong Jin, we think so too, so don't hesitate. We had already thought about it before you arrived. Do you still remember what we said back then?"

Lu Su couldn't help but interject at this time and said seriously.

Speaking of which, he and Zhou Gongjin had known each other for a long time. As early as decades ago, the two young people who hit it off had been working hand in hand for a while.

At that time, Zhou Yu led his troops to pass by Lu Su's home. Not only was he warmly treated by Lu Su, but he was also given a lot of food and grass. This also made the relationship between the two more stable and strong.

It is also because of this that Zhou Yu once told Lu Su that whenever it involves the military, both parties must discuss it and deal with it after the discussion is over.

Just to make the people in Jiangdong peaceful and stable, and to avoid destroying Jiangdong and ruining the great cause due to a temporary mistake!

"I will never forget this, but Zijing, have you...have you thought about it?"

"I don't understand what's so magical about Xi Yu. In just a few days, you all changed your minds. Do you know that if we choose to surrender to the big man, we will never have a chance to look back?"

"Especially for me, I only focus on the bright moon. If I follow Sheng Guogong in the future, I will only follow his orders. The relationship between you and me will never be restored to the past. You, even you... ··Have you already thought about it?”

Zhou Yu looked at the people in front of him with a cold expression, his eyes showing expectation.

However, Sun Ce turned around decisively when he heard this, not daring to look at him.

Sun Quan stood up, slowly raised his hands, bent down deeply, and bowed three times to Zhou Gongjin.

This move was not only for the sake of morality and intention, but also meant to show that the two people in charge of the Jiangdong Sun family had completed the transfer of power.

From then on, all matters in Jiangdong, large and small, were handed over to Sun Quan.

Of course, Sun Quan had already begun to deal with government affairs long before this.

Now it's just a clear path.

"That's all. Since you are so kind to me and you expect so much from me, I won't say anything more. I will just say that I will always be by Duke Sheng's side when I go to the north and be loyal to the great man."

"At the same time, I will not forget that I am from Jiangdong, and I will never do anything to embarrass you. I also hope that you can leave me a room in Jiangdong. When the world is unified in the future, I will be lucky enough to be promoted to a noble position and return to my hometown with honor. I will travel to Jiangdong with you all later!"

For a moment, Zhou Yu, who didn't know what else to say, also bent down.

It has been many years since I left, and when I return one day, things and people will no longer be the same.

Suddenly feeling a little emotional, he suppressed the complexity in his heart and looked at everyone indifferently.

He knew that as long as he left Jiangdong, he would be in danger, and the only one who could save him was Xi Yu. Therefore, when he went to the north, the only thing he could do was to hug Xi Yu's lap tightly and make contributions to him. , to protect him from wind and rain.

I just hope that time will not waste his life, and that Duke Sheng will not waste his passion like the brothers of the Zhou family!

On this day, Zhou Yu arrived in a hurry and left decisively.

He walked in a hurry, as fast as the wind, and in just a few breaths, he had already left Wuhou's residence.

As soon as he stepped forward, Xi Yu was invited into the high banquet seat in the courtyard.

In the backyard, Miss Shang Xiang, the daughter of the Sun family, is gathering at least three hundred maids in her boudoir. Some of them are carrying knives, some are not wearing swords, and some are playing with poisonous snakes in their hands...

All in all, it seems that no one is easy to mess with!

Miss Shangxiang's husband must be a great hero who is famous all over the world and has extraordinary skills. This is a well-known fact to the people of Jiangdong.

However, the elder brother in the family, who was good at making decisions, married off without her permission. How could this be tolerated?

Although Xi Yu's reputation is famous all over the world and his extraordinary skills do meet the requirements of being her husband, she must value it herself. How can she allow others to interfere?

Not even his biological brother!

However, Mrs. Wu is not a vegetarian.

A woman who can follow Sun Jian, the late lord of Jiangdong, to fight in all directions is naturally not someone who only succumbs to the backyard of the palace and only knows self-pity and self-pity every day.

After learning that this marriage was something that neither of her sons could change or even refuse, and that there must be no mistakes, Mrs. Wu, a woman who did not give in to men, took action.

She knew her daughter's temperament well, and in addition, it was indeed the two brothers Sun Quan and Sun Ce who did something wrong. Therefore, she approved of her daughter's mischief when the situation allowed.

As for the two Sun Ce brothers, they are not getting a good look from either their mother or their sister, so there is nothing they can do to help.

Everything can only be done by Xiyu himself.

By the time Sun Ce and Sun Quan walked out of the secluded study, the lanterns under the moon had already lit up the lights of thousands of houses.

In recent days, because Jiangdong wanted to marry a daughter, and she was marrying the well-known Sheng Guogong, and the Sun family's exclusive preference for Shang Xiang's daughter, the entire mansion and even the entire city were lit with red candles.

The cold moonlight, against the backdrop of the lights and red flowers, lost the coldness of the past and added a bit of rare warmth.

Looking at the festive mansion, and listening to the joyous songs and laughter coming from time to time and the guests everywhere, the two looked at each other, somewhat dumbfounded.

At this time, Xi Yu had already walked towards Sun Shangxiang's boudoir under the leadership of the old servant.

"I heard that Duke Sheng Guo is very skilled. You shouldn't be injured tonight, right?" (End of Chapter)

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