Sun Quan pulled the red lantern hanging on the tree, feeling both sour and uneasy in his heart.

"By the way, if he is injured, will everything we have discussed come to nothing? If Jiangdong's upcoming new life is scratched by my little sister's paw, we will..."

"That's not necessarily true. On the contrary, I think Duke Sheng Guo can win. If he can really subdue the little girl, our troubled life over the years will be over."

Sun Ce's words were somewhat joking, but they could also explain a lot of problems.

This sister, who has disliked red clothes since she was little, loves armed weapons, and wields knives and guns all day long, has frightened the two of them for nearly twenty years.

You know, the name Gong Yao Ji is not for nothing. Not only does my little sister like martial arts, she is also good at archery!

He can bend a bow and shoot arrows from atop a war horse without missing a beat from thousands of miles away. He may not be as good as Sun Zhongmou, but compared to Sun Ce, it is self-evident who is worse.

As for her skills, because she has practiced martial arts since she was a child, no one in Jiangdong can compete with her.

Xi Yu, who already knew about this matter in advance, didn't care at all.

After all, there are two women coming with him today - Mrs. Huwei Lu Lingqi and Mrs. Shenzhi Huang Yueying!

Before leading the three people to the lady's boudoir, the old woman who led the way stopped with a smile, saluted the three of them respectfully, and said: "My new uncle, entering from this door is the lady's boudoir. The lady has said in advance that as long as you pass by After this, you can marry her!"

"I just hope that my new uncle will pay attention to the time. If it is past the auspicious time for worship, it will not be wonderful."

"Okay, now that you're done, we'll walk the rest of the way on our own."


The old woman nodded and slowly retreated into the distance.

Xi Yu and the two ladies pushed open the door and walked straight inside.

At this time, most people had already learned about this matter, and they all came to watch the excitement.

Those who can gather here are the female relatives, in-laws and clan relatives of the Sun family.

Compared with other people who only heard about Shang Xiang's reputation, they have a deep understanding of Miss Shang Xiang's skills. She is a little lunatic who fights to the death!

Xi Yu naturally knew that there were many people around him looking at him, but he still didn't care.

"How are you, madams? I won't take action in this battle, so as not to be accused of bullying the weak or bullying the weak."

As he spoke, he glanced at the tall walls and the silent vegetation around him, then stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

He has already observed this place, and there is no great danger.

In addition, it was just a formation, so for Lu Lingqi, who had been to the battlefield and killed enemies, it was not challenging at all.

It’s a small formation, not surprising.

The three of them stepped over the threshold and continued deeper.

Until they encountered a door again, the two women stepped forward first and pushed the door open.

This time, it was no longer a silent environment, but a strange layout with red ribbons floating all over the courtyard.

The ribbon was fluttering in the breeze, and many vague figures could be seen vaguely under the moonlight.

They may be floating left and right, climbing up or down, or looming...

If he hadn't known that this was a formation, Xi Yu would have thought he was in a haunted house.

"This formation is a bit interesting, but it's nothing to be afraid of!"

Lu Lingqi is wearing a long white dress, and she looks like a fairy, but this cumbersome dress will not affect her performance.

With her high nose, tall figure, and specially tied up jet-black ponytail, she looked so heroic.

He just took a few steps forward and then slowly calmed down, causing all the maids in the red silk to be stunned.

"We set up this formation to test my new uncle. I wonder who the girl is? What happened?"

A maid who looked equally grand asked in a deep voice from inside the red silk.

Not only her, but many of the maids present and even the onlookers outside were a little confused.

Didn't we agree that Xiyu would join the battle?

Why is it a woman? It doesn't look like Xi Yu is a person who is seeking fame? Why hide behind a woman?

"Who am I? If your lady marries into Xiapi, then she will have to call me sister. Who do you think I am? As for why I am here... Madam of the Inner Court is here, why don't you be a bride? Come out to meet me?"

"It is said that Jiangdong always pays attention to etiquette. Is this really true?"

Xi Yu stood behind her, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, saying that Lu Lingqi, this little daughter-in-law, was really good and won his heart!

She doesn't seem to be very talkative on weekdays. Of course, that may be because the sisters in the inner courtyard are too fierce and she can't say it. But who would have thought that today, when she comes out, she is quite sharp-tongued when she is alone.

In just a few words, she established herself on a high moral level. From this point of view, the other party could not suppress her with just one formation.

"Bah! Who has a sister like you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a clear and charming voice came from the courtyard.

Maybe he was a little angry from embarrassment, so his voice sounded a little naive and angry.

"You act like this before I get married. If I enter the inner courtyard, won't you become even more arrogant?"

"As for my sisters and so on, I'll wait until I win! Anyway, you came to fight me on behalf of Xiyu. If you lose, I won't marry you!"


As she finished speaking, an arrow shot out from the attic opposite.

The speed was so fast that Lu Lingqi couldn't help but feel stunned.

Although it is a hollow light-feathered arrow and has no lethality, judging from its strength and speed, if it really hits the body, the entire arrow will burst directly, causing great pain.

Being able to use the arrow feathers that are just used to persuade others to retreat to such an extreme shows that the opponent's strength cannot be underestimated.

After Lu Lingqi was surprised for a moment, she decisively took half a step back. Then she turned sideways, and the arrow feathers that came quickly flew past her shoulder.

However, although Lu Lingqi successfully dodged the arrow, she never noticed her clothes.

When the arrow fell to the ground with a muffled sound, her peripheral vision glanced at the brushed clothes on her shoulders, and her originally calm expression suddenly changed.

"My clothes!"

Lu Lingqi let out a sweet cry, with a bit of anger on her face.

This dress was specially bought for her by Xi Yu. She was so happy that she even gave it a nice name, called Bai Jiao Sha Xia Skirt!

It was originally meant for collection, but it was just a special day that I wore it out. But who would have thought that the "skin" would be scratched.

How could she not be angry?

He raised his hand and pulled out a long sword from his waist.

Today, she did not want to use weapons, so she did not bring Fang Tian's painted halberd with her. As for the spear, it was not necessary since it was not the best choice.

Furthermore, her sword skills are not bad, not to mention the Heavenly Sword she is holding in her hand!

This is Cao Cao's other sword after the Qing Zhi sword.

But unlike the Qingzhi Sword that was given to ministers as a symbol of status, this Yitian Sword was a treasure that Cao Cao wore close to his body all day long, and it even more symbolizes his power and status!

After Cao Cao passed away, Xi Yu traveled to many places before finding the sword from the dark place, and gave it to Lu Lingqi, and now it has become the sword she carries with her.

"You bastard, how dare you ruin my clothes!"

While she was coquettishly angry, her figure was like an arrow leaving the string, rushing out at a speed that was no weaker than that of the arrow just now.


There was a loud noise, and a waitress was caught off guard and was hit hard on the head by her, and then fell heavily to the ground, unable to fight back.

Fortunately, Lu Lingqi didn't kill him, so the other party had a moment to breathe. After rolling on the ground several times, he managed to get up.

Then he looked at the hands that hit him with a surprised look on his face, and asked in surprise: "Why is your power——"

However, before she could finish speaking, Lu Lingqi's second wave of attacks struck again.

With a sweep of the long sword, there was a "clang" sound, and the waitress, who had only time to raise her weapon to block, flew out heavily with the spear that was broken in two.

"My sister is well-educated. It's just that she doesn't show up to say hello when she sees her. How dare she be so arrogant? There has never been such a thing in the world!"

This time, Lu Lingqi didn't give the opponent any chance and rushed forward with her sword.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding waitresses hurriedly stepped forward to resist.

Lu Lingqi was a woman whose stature was even weaker than some of the maids, but she wielded a long sword that was so powerful that she could attack with such force that all the maids on the opposite side were unable to resist.

In just a few breaths, he defeated many maids.

For a moment, not to mention the big formation, even the guests watching the excitement outside couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This... this woman looked beautiful with a beautiful figure and good looks. I thought she was a gentle woman, but who would have thought she could be so powerful.

Look at her fighting style, she is not inferior to the little sister of the Sun family!

Looking at the many maids lying on the floor, some with broken hands, some with broken legs, some with vomiting blood... I wonder how Sun Shangxiang feels, Xi Yu doesn't have any feelings anyway.

He strolled into the depths of the courtyard, neither looking at the wailing there nor at Lu Lingqi.

This is not to say that he is ruthless, but mainly because he knows the opponent's skills too well.

This girl herself was good at martial arts. After marrying into the inner court, she often competed with her in various ways, and her martial arts skills improved again.

To this day, she can definitely be called the number one female general in the world today!

Even compared to Huang Xu, Huang Zhong and others, she is no less generous. As for Dian Wei, Zhao Zilong and others, she is also qualified to compete with them.

Sun Shangxiang, a mere Gong Yao Ji, what can he do to her?

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

"As expected of Mrs. Xi Yu, she is amazing!"

The attic door slowly opened, and a woman in red walked out of the door. She clapped her hands and said.

However, while she was talking about being powerful, her eyes were full of anger.

Can you not be angry?

The maids that he had carefully trained for many years were actually defeated by none of them. Wasn't this a slap in Sun Shangxiang's face?

"It's not that I'm very powerful, it's mainly that your formation is too weak."

Looking at the woman in front of her who was wrapped in light armor and had a bow on her back, Lu Lingqi's expression did not soften at all.

After saying this, he decisively turned around and walked towards the weapons rack on the side.

There is a long spear in the shape of a crescent sickle placed here. Although it is slightly inferior to the Yitian Sword, it is still a rare and good weapon here.

It can give the enemy a fatal blow in a short period of time, and its lethality is extremely powerful.

But again, this spear feels heavy just by looking at it, and it will be even heavier when you hold it, far from being usable by anyone.

"What? Do you want to change weapons?"

Seeing her behavior, Sun Shangxiang was very curious, but also a little unbelievable.

She couldn't understand why the other party suddenly switched to using a gun when he was using the long sword just now.

And it’s such a heavy gun!

What is this for? Demonstration? Or...?

"Come on, sister, although you ruined my new clothes, as a sister, I still have to do my duty and teach you how to write the word price!"

hiss! fear!

Xi Yu looked at Lu Lingqi and took a decisive step back.

Because he clearly felt that Lu Lingqi's anger and hostility tended to be restrained, which did not mean that her mood had improved.

You know, compared to her fiery temper in the past, this girl is much better now. When she was in the hot spring, she lost several pounds!

Today, although this girl's temper seems to have improved a lot, people who know her well know that the angrier she is, the calmer she acts.

It seemed that Sun Shangxiang, a little girl, was probably going to be beaten for the first time in her life today.

"Hmph! Do you want to teach me how to use it? Let's agree first. This gun is called Crescent Moon. It is the weapon my father used during the war. It weighs one hundred and twenty kilograms. It is not just a girl like yours -"

Before she finished speaking, she froze.

Because the woman in front of him had easily raised the spear and even performed a few tricks effortlessly.

What the hell is going on with this woman?

Where in the world is there such a powerful woman?

You know, even if you want to lift the spear, it is quite difficult, but the other party...

"You woman——"

"what is this?"

Lu Lingqi waved her hand and shook out a spear. She didn't give the other party a chance to speak. She held the spear behind her with one hand and said coldly: "Have you ever seen a pure steel gilt spear made by Bailiang Steel? There are only three of them. If it weighs a hundred pounds, my husband can lift it with one hand."

"And this crescent gun is nothing to me, and it's even less worth mentioning to him!"

"Of course, it's more than enough for me to use it to kill you!"


Sun Shangxiang was so angry that she wanted to yell, but when she saw the other person's eyes that were so cold and emotionless, she suddenly felt fear and did not dare to step forward rashly.

"Okay! As long as you can beat me, I will recognize you as my sister!"

After saying that, as if facing a formidable enemy, she stepped forward vigilantly, holding the long bow on her back with one hand, and placing the Han Dao hanging on her hip with the other hand, and walked towards the opponent with twisting steps.

The moment the two people's eyes met again, both sides used their legs fiercely and rushed toward each other crazily.

In just the blink of an eye, they were entangled.


After the first blow, although Sun Shangxiang successfully blocked the opponent's crescent gun with his long bow, he had to retreat due to the irresistible gravity.

This force is powerful enough!

Sun Shangxiang was horrified. She knew that the other party was strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

For a moment, she couldn't control her expression well. She was shocked and showed a bit of fear.

"Sister, you have to be careful next time, sister, I'm going to use my strength!"

After saying that, Lu Lingqi rushed out again like a tiger descending from the mountain. Mrs. Huwei really lived up to her name!

She rushed forward, then waved the crescent gun towards Sun Shangxiang and swung it towards him.

Under her attack like a violent storm, Sun Shangxiang quickly lost the ability to resist.





Hearing the sound of bursts of weapons erupting from the depths of the high-walled courtyard, everyone watching the excitement outside was a little surprised.

Because of their identities, even though they were kicked out to the outer courtyard when they were peeping through the door just now, they still kept their heads down and ears straightened to listen to what was going on inside.

But the more they listened, the more surprised they became.

"At this should be the uncle and the young lady who are fighting, right?"

"Well! It's possible that although the woman in white looked very powerful, she was somewhat inferior to the lady's tigress posture. On the contrary, Sheng Guogong has a great reputation and should be able to compete with the lady!"

"No, compared to Miss, she is just a tigress! She..."

The waitresses who had to leave the courtyard after being beaten opened their eyes wide and began to explain.

To be honest, even they themselves still don’t know how they lost and where they lost?

"What? How is this possible? That beautiful woman actually has such strong martial arts?"

"Go! Do you know how to grasp the key points? Is that woman really one of Sheng Guogong's wives? Then who does our lady count?"

"It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. What can I say? On the contrary, this lady is a bit fierce. She can actually fight as well as the young lady? I really don't know what it will be like if the young lady loses?"

The person who said this was someone who had been bullied by Sun Shangxiang before.

As a general, Sun Shangxiang, who has always been favored, naturally lives an extremely chic life. No one in Jiangdong dares to provoke her!

What a coincidence, although this woman and Sun Shangxiang are from the same clan, due to the difference in status, she is always unintentionally compared to each other. If things go on like this, she will naturally become jealous.

Later, he was taught a lesson by Sun Shangxiang, and he became more honest.

But this does not mean that both parties can shake hands and make peace and sit at the same table to eat.

For this reason, even if she was humiliated, she had to compromise and follow the other person in despair.

There are many people like her in Jiangdong.

It's just that the reasons for being targeted by Sun Shangxiang are different.

"According to what you say, that lady is really amazing. Not only is she beautiful, she is also so skilled. She can make such a woman willingly submit to the inner court. This shows how great our new uncle, Sheng Guogong, is. It’s awesome!”

"That's right. There are few men in the world who can match such an outstanding woman. It's really amazing that Duke Sheng Guo can capture her heart!"

"That's wrong. It should be that Duke Sheng's martial arts skills are unparalleled and he is a hero in the world. This is what makes that lady's heart so full of love!"

"Yes, yes, that makes sense, it's that Duke Sheng Guo - later, why is there no sound of fighting inside?" (End of Chapter)

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