We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 305 Sun Shangxiang’s compromise, Jingzhou surrenders

"There is no movement in the house, and I don't know what the situation is inside."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they both noticed that something was not right, and their expressions became a little unnatural for a moment.

There is still a little curiosity in my heart.

In the inner courtyard at this time, various ribbons were scattered on the ground, and hundreds of maids were lying on the ground wailing, having lost the ability to move.

And Sun Shangxiang has become Lu Lingqi's defeated general.

Lu Lingqi was seen holding Sun Shangxiang's hands behind her back, tightly tied with a ribbon.

The next second, Lu Lingqi's right hand slapped Sun Shangxiang firmly on the buttocks.


After screaming, Sun Shangxiang's cheeks turned red.

"You are so presumptuous! If you dare to do this to me, I will definitely kill you! My brother will not let you go!"

"That's it? In my opinion, these little tricks of yours are no different from just playing around. They haven't been used in actual combat at first glance!"

Lu Lingqi's face was full of playfulness, just like a child playing around.

But just for a moment, her whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

This kind of momentum can only be accumulated through the baptism of war.

"What did you say? Have you experienced actual combat?"

Sun Shangxiang was stunned, trying hard to see Lu Lingqi's face clearly, but her actions were in vain.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang was more in disbelief than shock.

How could Xi Yu allow a woman to go into battle and kill the enemy?

"Is it possible that the women over there already have such rights?"

Only Sun Shangxiang himself knew that in these years in Jiangdong, he had begged his brother countless times to allow him to go into battle to kill the enemy.

But every time, he was rejected by his brother because girls couldn't wield swords or sticks.

"It's just a battlefield, what's the big deal? All these great achievements of mine were made by myself, and your strength is simply not enough to be seen on those battlefields!"

As soon as Lu Lingqi said these words, Sun Shangxiang was dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

Although he didn't believe it, Sun Shangxiang knew in his heart that it was indeed the case.

While the two were talking, Xi Yu stepped forward with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face, but seeing him like this made Sun Shangxiang feel annoyed.

"You are my husband? A coward who lets a woman take the lead, what qualifications do you have to marry me?"

Sun Shangxiang did not stop struggling, but it was all in vain.

Let alone women, there were very few men she had ever seen who were as strong as Lu Lingqi.

After hearing Sun Shangxiang's question, Xi Yu couldn't help laughing.

"That's not what you need to consider now. You just need to know that our marriage is a certainty. If you want to regret it, I advise you to carefully consider the people of Jiangdong."

"You are no longer a lonely young lady now. The lives of the people of Jiangdong and the great fortune of your Sun family now fall on you."

"If I suffer any harm in your hands, you will become a complete sinner of the Sun family."

Xi Yu said with a smile, as if he was still waiting for Sun Shangxiang to think about it.

I thought that my persuasion would be effective, but it turned out that the effect was minimal.

"Hmph, a manly man would use such means to force a marriage. My brother is also ridiculous!"

"But you'd better give up on this idea, I won't marry you!"

Sun Shangxiang struggled violently, but to no avail.

"Xi Yu, if you are a man, let me go and let us have a real sword fight!"

Upon hearing this, Xi Yu instantly understood what Sun Shangxiang had planned.

"I advise you to give up on this idea. I never do anything with a woman."

"You bastard, even if you force me, don't let me marry you. Jiang Dongerlang will never obey you. If you dare to use force on me, I will fight you to the death!"

Listening to Sun Shangxiang's insults, Xi Yu's face showed no emotion at all.

Lu Lingqi on the side was also a little at a loss and could only look at Xi Yu.

"This matter is really tricky. What should you do if she resists desperately after you bring her back? I can't always be by your side to help you restrain her. After all, sleeping together is a matter for two people!"

Hearing this, Xi Yu had a wicked smile on his face.

"How about the three of us in the same room?"

As soon as he said these words, Lu Lingqi's cheeks suddenly turned red.

"What a beautiful idea, how can anything be so cheap?"

Xi Yu was already used to this, so he didn't say much.

At this moment, Huang Yueying on the side slowly said: "I heard that there is a medicinal material called cartilage powder, which can make people obedient after taking it!"

In an instant, even Xi Yu's heart couldn't help but tremble. He was indeed a ruthless person.

"Absolutely not, I will never use that kind of harmful thing, so don't even think about it!"

Xi Yu's face was full of disgust.

"I understand, husband."

After Huang Yueying responded, she stepped aside without saying anything, and turned to look at Sun Shangxiang in front of her.

Her cold gaze made people shudder.

Even though Huang Yueying doesn't show her true face now, the cold light in the depths of her eyes cannot be blocked.

"Xi Yu, I won't marry you, please let me go!"

Sun Shangxiang couldn't help but roar.

"As the saying goes, how can a beauty not love a hero? Am I not a proper hero? Are you, Jiangdong, waiting for me to rescue you? Your disagreement seems to be of no use!"


"This is a done deal. How to handle it next is entirely up to the actor. I just hope you can treat her well in the future."

Just as Xi Yu finished speaking, an old woman's sigh suddenly came from outside the door.

"What did Madam say? Why did she treat her badly when she was asked to be the emperor's aunt after this trip?"

Hearing this, the old woman sighed again.

"Although you are far away from Jiangdong, you still live a life of fine clothing and fine food. Please tell Mrs. Wu that you must not go back on your word. Jiangdong's foundation can only be stable."

"I will!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Shangxiang's face suddenly turned pale.

How could she not recognize who the person was? This was the old lady who always accompanied her mother. She was quite dignified in the entire Jiangdong.

In other words, the old woman's words at this time represented Mrs. Wu's meaning.

It was precisely because of this that Sun Shangxiang completely understood that Xi Yu was really someone the Sun family could not afford to offend.

The last glimmer of hope vanished at this moment.

Looking at Xi Yu again, Sun Shangxiang didn't find anything surprising about this man. Except for his slightly delicate facial features, his behavior seemed to be no different from that of a bastard.

Xi Yu didn't know what Sun Shangxiang was thinking, and he didn't care at all. What he needed to do now was to completely eliminate Jiangdong's hidden dangers.

After settling the matter with Sun Shangxiang, Xi Yu stayed in Jiangzhong for a while, which could be regarded as giving the two Sun brothers more time to discuss.

Especially regarding how the Jiangdong region should develop in the future, this is the top priority.

There is still some time before the spring plowing in the Jiangdong area ends, and during this period, Xi Yu specially asked merchants from the north to bring seeds to sell here, in order to increase the food income in the Jiangdong area.

At the same time, various new agricultural tools were gradually introduced to Jiangdong.

That day, the two brothers Xi Yu and Shi had nothing to do, so they met for a walk in the countryside, which was considered a break from their busy schedule.

"Since the actor is proficient in farming, he must also know that our fertile land in the east of the Yangtze River has accumulated a lot of food and grass over the years. I wonder if you have any advice on Jingzhou?"

This problem has troubled Sun Bofu for a long time. Now his sister Sun Shangxiang and Xiyu are already in a definite relationship, and they can be regarded as in-laws.

So there is no difference in asking this question, not to mention that it is related to the future development of the entire Jiangdong region, and Xi Yu also needs the help of the Jiangdong region if he wants to send troops to Jingzhou.

Hearing Sun Bofu's question, Xi Yu showed a smile.

"Do you know why I came to Jiangdong this time?"

As soon as Xi Yu said these words, Sun Boxu couldn't help but be stunned.

"Isn't it to allow my sister?"

Sun Bofu looked at Xi Yu with doubts on his face.

"Of course, but not entirely!"

Xiyu spoke slowly while walking.

"If it's just for marriage, I don't have to come in person. General Zilong can completely take my sister back on my behalf."

"Although I am not here in person, it will definitely not weaken your reputation as Marquis Wu."

Xi Yu said calmly, and Sun Bofu behind him didn't know what he was thinking.

"You might as well think about it again, maybe you can actually guess it?"

Sun Ce frowned. He really couldn't figure out why. Even Guo Jia beside him didn't say anything.

Sun Quan, on the other hand, seemed to have thought of something after thinking for a while.

"Is it possible that you want to send Xu Yin to Jingzhou under the guise of a merchant ship so that it can be used at critical moments? And those black knights have probably infiltrated into Jingzhou as well, right?"

Once this idea came up, Sun Quan felt more and more possible.

Now that Jingzhou is in chaos, if someone is sent to infiltrate it at this time, it will become easier to control after a few years of development.

Sun Quan's words hit the mark, and Xi Yu couldn't help but nodded.

It seems that Sun Quan does live up to his name. Compared to leading troops in battle, he is indeed much better than Sun Ce in terms of resourcefulness and power.

Sun Ce's use of force was on the battlefield, where he was invincible in conquering cities and territories.

"The actor."

Zhou Gongjin, who had been silent until now, stood behind Xi Yu and shouted.

As early as a few days ago, he had already joined Xi Yu, and this was something the two Sun brothers tried their best to promote.

Because they knew in their hearts that Xi Yu's matter had been decided, and if they were lucky enough, it would undoubtedly bring disaster to Jiangdong.

Even if Jiangdong puts all his strength into it, there doesn't seem to be much possibility of victory.

And Xi Yu relied on the favorable terrain of Qingzhou and Xuzhou, so he could last for a long time.

As for Cao Wei, he has not dared to attack Xi Yu for a long time.

Apart from being able to take troops to Xiliang to train troops, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

It's just that Ma Teng from Xiliang is not an ordinary person, so the battle situation there has always been anxious.

The most interesting one is Ma Mengqi. He has accumulated enough prestige in his own way. He can gather the defeated armies together in a short time.

With just one order, even nomads and local farmers are willing to cooperate with him.

Therefore, he can use these advantages to harass and charge repeatedly.

Since ancient times, soldiers in the north and the south have been unwilling to fight too many nomads, just because they fight if they can, and run away if they can't, which is very troublesome.

But it happened that Ma Mengqi had mastered such a cavalry.

In the battle report sent back not long ago, Ma Mengqi used a strategy to trap the enemy's troops, making it impossible for the opponent's soldiers and horses to move, and then separated them and defeated them one by one.

Xiahou Dun, who originally planned to send troops for reinforcements, suffered a complete loss and had no choice but to withdraw his troops again.

Because of this, it can be said that De Xiyu now has no worries.

There is nothing wrong with Zhou Gongjin taking refuge in him. If he had not held military power in Jiangdong, he would have been suppressed by the nobles long ago.

If the Jiangdong soldiers were defeated, it would mean that the nobles would be out of the control of the Sun family. In this way, the Sun family would have no control but Chaisang and Jian'an.

"Master Xi, since I have chosen to surrender, let me make a bold guess. If my prediction is correct, the black knights may not be the only ones who have sneaked into Jingzhou City, right?"

As soon as Zhou Gongjin said these words, Xi Yu felt more and more interesting.

"Yes, Baiqi is naturally indispensable. You might as well guess how big they are now?"

"I'm afraid it starts at ten thousand, right?"

Zhou Yu looked like he had seen through it all.

"No, maybe I underestimated the ten thousand, and I'm afraid twenty thousand is out of the question."

At this time, Zhou Yu was calmer than ever before, carefully analyzing Xi Yu's situation.

"In addition, there are naval forces chasing the moon and stars. But from my point of view, these naval forces of yours do not seem to want to fight us Jiangdong. Could it be that they are waiting for the river to rise to open up the inland and participate in the north? war?"

Zhou Yu never understood this.

"What you said before is correct. The white knight and the black knight are indeed exactly the same as you guessed. However, I have another purpose for chasing the moon and stepping on the stars. Have you ever thought that my purpose is to reach the other end of this boundless water? ?"

Xi Yu's words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to the person in front of him.

As early as the Western Han Dynasty, envoys from foreign lands came to China, but after so many years, they were no longer what they were back then.

Whenever I think of this, not only the generals, but also the civil servants feel extremely depressed.

As the saying goes, a tiger is bullied by a dog when it falls in peace. Now the strong man is no longer there, otherwise how could he be bullied by a foreign country.

Originally, this had always been Zhou Yu's heart, but after witnessing Xi Yu's pursuit of the moon and stars, his blood suddenly boiled.

Zhou Yu is confident that when it comes to fighting on the water, he is not afraid of anyone, but only if the leader can give him such an opportunity.

And the Xiyu in front of him was undoubtedly a capable person.

His talents are not only reflected in agriculture and commerce, but also in the development of industry on a large scale, not to mention the military aspect.

In just a few decades of life, it was Zhou Gongjin's lifelong pursuit to be able to make achievements and expand his territory.

"You are right. My Chasing the Moon and Tapping the Stars is indeed not aimed at your Jiangdong navy, but you will understand its specific purpose in the future."

When Xi Yu said such words, Sun Ce and Sun Quan couldn't say much. After looking at each other, they seemed to have guessed what the other was thinking.

The most important thing for them right now is to find a way to conquer Jingzhou to express their sincerity.

"What should we do to capture Jingzhou?"

During this period of time, the two Sun brothers have been thinking about this matter all the time. Only in this way can they truly let Xi Yu see their sincerity.

If not, who can guarantee that Xi Yu will not be dissatisfied with him soon.

If things really develop to this point, it will be a big loss.

"Don't worry, haven't Bai Qi already sneaked into Jingzhou? Their purpose is to find out the situation in Jingzhou and make a detailed map. Judging from the time, it should be about the same. Haven't you discovered Huang Xu during this period? Not here?"

Hearing what Xi Yu said, the Sun brothers suddenly realized.

Then I remembered that I hadn't seen Huang Xu for a long time.

Logically speaking, as long as Xi Yu is there, Huang Xu will never leave him.

Could it be that Xi Yu had sent him to personally sneak into Jingzhou to prepare the map?

However, Huang Xu's ability seems not enough to take on this important task!

"Although Huang Xu has extraordinary skills, he is also a good hand in leading troops and fighting, and now he is the commander of the White Cavalry, but..."

Sun Boxu didn't finish his words, but looked at Xi Yu with some concern.

"Haha, you don't know this. Huang Xu used only 3,000 cavalry to block Xiahou Dun's 100,000 troops. As for what you saw, I only modified the battle report, so you don't Know Huang Xu’s true ability!”

"What? It's actually like this!"

Sun Quan and Sun Ce exclaimed, they never expected that there would be so many crises lurking around them before.

"Don't be surprised, you two. Since we are now married, some things will naturally not be hidden from you."

Guo Fengxiao stood up slowly on the side.

"All the spies in Qingzhou and Xuzhou are now under my control, and as for internal affairs, they are all handed over to Kong Ming."

"I don't need to elaborate too much on Kong Ming's abilities. His talents are more than enough to handle internal affairs."

"Since I took over the secret service, I have begun to deploy personnel to the nine counties of Jingxiang."

"It's just that the situation dictated it at that time and it was not easy for us to act rashly. It is precisely because of this that after so many years of dormancy, we have gained a lot."

"Now in your Jiangdong area, we have 350 spies, and there are 1,500 in Jingzhou. They have been slightly reduced over the years, but if there is any trouble here, we can still be the first to do so. Time controls it.”

Guo Fengxiao was talking to himself, but the two Sun brothers had already been stunned.

Recalling the foolish actions of the two of them who vowed to live and die with Jiangdong, I couldn't help but feel a chill running down my back.

Fortunately, he has successfully joined forces with Xi Yu, otherwise he would definitely become a piece of cake on the chopping board.

Merely mobilizing troops, horses, and supplies may not escape the eyes of these spies.

It would be a fantasy to completely eliminate these spies.

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