We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 310 Make a decision before taking action and implement the plan

After Xu Shu listened, his heart moved, and he seemed to have some ideas. His blood surged, and he hesitantly held Guo Jia's hand and said.

"Although I have this wish in my heart, I can't violate loyalty after all. If I do this, I will get an unjust reputation. It's better to make plans again."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he gave Guo Jia a look, and Guo Jia followed him upstairs.

The two of them came to the wing upstairs. The waiter and the shopkeeper moved things into the room. As soon as they sat down, Huang Xu also came to the door, listening to the goings on inside and eating a few dishes. Eat and stuff yourself all over the place.

Xu Shu had let down his guard against Uncle Fengxiao, so it seemed that it wouldn't be a bad thing to leave them alone in a room. Besides, Uncle Fengxiao is such a smart person, Xu Yuanzhi will not do anything to him.

As soon as they sat down and drank two glasses of wine, the two of them opened their minds and Guo Jia asked.

"I wonder what Mr. Liu thinks? I hope Brother Yuanzhi can tell me something."

"Liu Gong sent me here to recruit troops, but he repeatedly told me not to harm Liu Jingzhou's relationship, so I cooperated with the local wealthy family to recruit troops."

Xu Shu drank a bowl of wine and talked more. This matter was not an important matter. Now that he had lowered his guard, it would not be a big deal to speak out. Besides, the lord's benevolence and righteousness were evident from this matter.

And that Liu Jingzhou is Jingzhou Mu, Liu Qi.

"My lord is really righteous. He comes from the same sect as Liu Jingzhou, and he has benevolence and righteousness in his heart. But my lord is righteous, but he doesn't know how deep the water is. Who knows that the situation in Jiangxia is different now. My lord may not know these things in Xiangyang. .”

Guo Jia analyzed the situation.

"The wealthy families in Jiangxia have long had evil intentions. Although Jingzhou Mu has always been in charge of Jiangxia, in fact, those wealthy families have long ignored Jingzhou Mu. They occupy the people privately and ignore the national law. These uninformed people think that Jingzhou Mu is Mu Xu's behavior has completely ruined his reputation. Now Brother Yuanzhi is seeking justice for the people of Jiangxia and for Duke Liu."

There is nothing wrong with what he said, but he clearly meant something.

In that sentence, Mr. Liu did not mention whether it was the Xiangyang person or the current Jingzhou Mu.

The more ambiguous this statement is, the more it makes people think.

Xu Shu knew whose territory the Xiangyang area belonged to without him reminding him. It's just that some people among those wealthy families are unwilling to admit it. But there is still an east wind, and the fire will soon start.

Xu Shu was still thinking about it, and the glass of wine was already bottoming out as he drank it. He didn't know what he was thinking about in his heart.

Guo Jia said while striking while the iron was hot.

"Although you and I are like duckweeds in troubled times, we are each our own masters. Whether it is for the world or for others, we should stand up at this time."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Xu Shu already understood in his heart. After a glass of wine, his face turned pale. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he thought that he was preaching Liu Gong's righteousness just now.

What those people admired was Liu Gong's virtue, and they didn't know how much bloodshed was behind everything. The curtain between the two of them had been opened by Guo Jia, and Xu Shu didn't know how to continue.

"Brother Fengxiao, I know this well, so there's no need to talk about it anymore." Xu Shu shook his head and drank another glass of wine, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Brother Yuan Zhi said he knew what he knew, but how could he just sit back and do nothing if he knew what he knew? Even though I am a scholar, I can't bear to see the people suffer. The man is ambitious in all directions, and when the road is rough, he draws his sword. Just then I saw Brother Yuan Zhi drinking alone. I must have made a calculation in my mind, why should I still hesitate, is this still brother Yuan Zhi? Is this still a man?"

Seeing that Xu Shu really didn't respond, Guo Jia said: "In that case, how can you get this sword? This sword is supposed to eliminate demons, defend the law, and find justice for the people of the world! If you don't want it, I'll have to do it myself. , Although Fengxiao has no ability and no martial arts, fortunately his blood is not cold yet, he is willing to stand up for the people of Ming Dynasty and kill those wealthy families with the sword!"

Guo Jia stepped forward angrily, drew his sword, and was furious. Xu Shu took a few steps forward and tried to stop him, but was unable to stop him. Guo Jia dragged him forward a few steps. This shows that Guo Jia was really angry. .

"Wait! Brother Fengxiao, don't be excited! We will discuss this matter in the long term..." Xu Shu said, going to grab the sword in his hand. Unexpectedly, Guo Jia was so stubborn, so he had to agree first, "Okay... okay, okay, okay. , I, Xu Shu, am so inspired by you! This is to serve my brother as a filial piety and for the common people in the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Jia's expression changed, and the sword in his hand was taken away by Xu Shu. He immediately said, "If Brother Yuanzhi is interested, I have a plan. I don't know if Brother Yuanzhi is interested."

Guo Jia whispered in his ear. After hearing this, Xu Shu's eyes lit up. He patted Guo Jia's shoulder and praised him repeatedly: "This is a brilliant plan! Brother Fengxiao, please rest here for a while until I make arrangements." Let me know."

After the matter was settled, the two had a few more glasses of wine. The conversation was no longer about the war. The atmosphere between the two relaxed a lot. After eating the wine, Xu Shu hurriedly left.

Guo Jia took a long breath and looked in the direction of Xi Yu with deep eyes and a happy smile on his lips. Seeing Xu Shu leave, Huang Xu walked in.

"Why do you want to go around in such a big circle with him?" Huang Xu originally wanted to ask, but looking at Guo Jia's eyes, he knew that the matter was almost certain.

If it were him, he would have rushed into the homes of those wealthy families with a sword and killed them all. He would never do this to Uncle Fengxiao, drinking and drawing his sword at the same time.

Although he didn't know why Uncle Fengxiao went around in such a big circle, he knew that a good show would start soon, and he just had to wait.

This good show will definitely make the whole Jiangxia lively. A touch of joy appeared on his blushing face. What he likes most is watching the excitement.

After Xu Shu left, Huang Xu walked to Xu Shu's seat and had a few drinks with Guo Jia, but he didn't dare to be greedy. The two of them still had business to discuss.

Guo Jia went through the ins and outs of this matter, fearing that there would be some clue left for Xu Shu to catch, so this matter could not be allowed to become dirty.

Regardless of whether Xu Shu did it because of his friendship with him, to stabilize Liu Bei's position, or because he was really driven by righteousness and passion, he would become the enemy of Jiangxia's wealthy family.

Anyway, this step has been taken, and Xu Shu cannot turn back even if he wants to.

Besides, Xu Yuanzhi is as upright as his name suggests. He feels honored to be able to draw his sword for him.

Because what Xu Yuanzhi values ​​​​is loyalty and trustworthiness, even if the matter fails, he will never regret it halfway.

No one knows better than Guo Jia what kind of person Xu Shu is. It was precisely for this reason that Guo Jia chose to provoke him.

Guo Jia squinted his eyes and calculated the rest. He knew in his heart that there would be enough time.

"Ling Xiao, go to the city and see how many people are left in the city."

Guo Jia and Huang Xu drank another glass of wine and suddenly said.

Huang Xu was stunned, and immediately became anxious. He looked at Guo Jia, pulled his sleeve, and said like a child.

"Uncle Fengxiao, how can you stay alone in the city? Those Jiangxia nobles all regard you as a thorn in their flesh and they want to kill you and then be quick. What will you do if I leave? Won't you become theirs... …”

Before he finished speaking those few words, Guo Jia smiled indifferently and looked at Huang Xu.

"Ling Xiao, you are no longer a child. You need to think for yourself. You can no longer be reckless when things happen. You also need to calm down."

Huang Xu didn't know how to speak with these words, and the next sentence sealed Huang Xu's mouth.

"You are so reckless and brainless, you cannot survive in this troubled world."

Huang Xu's face twitched and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After he left the tavern, he recalled what Uncle Fengxiao said, "Am I really brainless?" He didn't think so.

After Huang Xu left for a long time, Guo Jia made a gesture in the air, and there was a noise in the darkness, and then a figure appeared in the shadow.

This man was completely covered in darkness. He was wearing night clothes and it was hard to see where he came from. It was as if his whole body was melted into the darkness.

His face also blended into the night, and only his eyes were still bright, letting people know that he was still a human being.

He is the secret guard, Guo Jia's one-in-a-hundred-to-one expert according to Xi Yu's wishes.

Orphans rescued from the war have lost their parents and relatives. Children who grow up in such an environment are more cold-blooded and easier to cultivate.

Over the years, secret guards have spread all over the place. The entire Central Plains is a force of Xi Yu, an airtight network.

In fact, from the moment Guo Jia entered the city gate, the spies in Dawu City had already noticed his movements and gathered in the center to form a siege.

Therefore, the dangers encountered along the way have long been quietly eliminated by this group of spies.

This is why Guo Jia can pass through without any hindrance. This is not only the confidence that Xi Yu can win such a big game under Zhongyuan, but also the backing that Guo Jia can go to Dawu City alone without fear.

Since entering the city, he had been inspecting people's livelihood while looking for traces of shadows, so his journey was very slow. Fortunately, these shadows gave him a great surprise. The person standing in front of him was a reassurance.

"Sir, I can see you again. I have no regrets about my humble duty. You finally think of us and we can finally meet again."

When he said this, his voice trembled involuntarily, with a hint of crying.

It seemed like I had been waiting in that dark corner for many years, just waiting for the master.

In their hearts, besides their lord, Guo Jia is their belief.

The secret guard did not expect to meet again and see this legendary figure again, and the excitement in his heart was evident.

However, Guo Jia's face was not good, but rather cold. He stared at the secret guard, his eyes seemed to be quenched with ice.

"As a secret guard, you need to hide your emotions at all times. Even if I come, you should not be moved at all. Even if the lord comes, you should not change your expression even if the mountain collapses."

Seeing that there was no movement from the secret guard, he continued.

"Move like the wind and be still like water. This is something in the secret guard's general outline. How could you forget it so completely? Who taught you this?"

The secret guard knelt down with a plop, his expression stern, and his face returned to calmness.

"I'm just too excited to see my lord. I won't do it next time. It's none of the teacher's business. I hope my lord can forgive me."

Guo Jia glanced at him lightly. His face was as calm as water and his reaction was quite quick.

This is the result of years of training. Even if the mountain collapses, they can still keep their expressions unchanged. This is their ability to save their lives.

Each secret guard goes through layers of selection and undergoes several years of training before he can become a real secret guard. This process is so painful that it is so painful.

Those who can pass the selection are all those who can put aside all emotions.

This kind of person can endure loneliness and the despair of not being able to see his companions. Even if he is caught, he will let the information rot in his stomach. This kind of person is resolute and frightening.

The way Guo Jia looked at him finally fit the image of a secret guard in his mind, and he smiled happily.

"One of the news here is sent back to Huangpi and handed over to Zhou Yu and Governor Zhou, and the other is sent back to Xiapi and handed over to the lord. Deliver it as soon as possible."

After speaking, Guo Jia took out the two notes from his pocket. After the secret guard took the notes, he hid in the darkness and disappeared without knowing where he was going.

They always come and go without a trace in the dark night. No one knows when they will appear, and no one cares about their existence, but there is always a place that needs them.

Guo Jia didn't see anything clearly, just knew that he would deliver it in time.

These secret guards have grown a lot after raising them for so many years.

A plan formed in his mind.

The secret guards are already able to take care of themselves, so why not let them do more meaningful things.

The night was dark, Huang Xu had not returned yet, Guo Jia was not worried about him, not to mention the group of secret guards secretly protecting the boy, they would never let him hurt a hair.

This kid Huang Xu is very capable. Anyone who dares to mess with him in this city will probably not want his head.

After eating, Guo Jia went out for a walk. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Huang Xu at the corner, leaning against the corner and watching a child pinch mud.

This kid is no different from a child. He is pointing at him and is eager to try it himself.

Guo Jia felt it was too embarrassing and took him away together.

For several days, the two of them waited for news about Xu Shu in the tavern, going out for a walk from time to time without attracting anyone else's attention, until the news finally came on the third day.

The scouts sent by Xu Shu handed them the bamboo slips with a big word "proper" written on them, and it said that they wanted to invite Guo Jia to come to the army to talk.

The spring rain finally stopped, and the morning sun poured down. Guo Jia tied up a turban, looking clean and tidy, not sloppy, but solemn. After tidying up, he went to Xu Shu's tent.

Huang Xu followed Guo Jia in casual clothes.

Xu Shu's camp was set up about two miles west of Dawu City. During this period, strong men poured in continuously.

It only takes a few more days to train outside the city. It is absolutely impossible for these new recruits to go to fight. It is already good if they don't die.

Moreover, there is a shortage of soldiers and frontline soldiers. This group of new recruits must hurry up.

Xu Shu saw a pair of men and horses rushing towards the camp from a distance, and felt a little confused.

What Xu Shu arranged was to invite the wealthy families around Dawu and the local leaders of Xinyang Anlu, Yingcheng, and Luoshan counties to come over and let them perform a big show together.

It will definitely be much more lively now.

It seems that what Xu Shu decided to do was much bolder than he imagined.

Although Dawu is the center of Jiangxia, the distances between places are still long and short. Moreover, each of them sets out at a different time, so what Xu Shu saw was that the teams were rushing towards the camp one after another.

The same thing is that the leaders of each wealthy family do not come alone. They bring many people with them, the least is a few hundred people, and the most is thousands.

It seems that they are not very relieved about Xu Shu, but Liu Bei's power here is too great, and they have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Xu Shu deliberately slowed down and went through all these things in his mind.

After seeing the situation clearly, Xu Shu and Huang Xu followed the scouts and walked into the tent. They came to Xu Shu's main tent. Xu Shu's daily life was here, so there was no banquet.

"Brother Fengxiao, you're here." Xu Shu immediately pulled him to sit down enthusiastically.

"You have also seen that although the wealthy families are here, they do not trust us. They bring hundreds of people, and we are not necessarily their opponents."

His tone was a little irritable.

"Brother Yuanzhi, are you trying to escape at this stage? We are just one step away from the enemy. Although there are many people in this group of wealthy people, they are just leaderless, so they can't do anything. We only need to take down the leaders of the group, and the rest Let’s discuss it again. By then a group of stragglers won’t be able to cause much trouble.”

Guo Jia raised his eyes slightly and stared at Xu Shu. There was no fear in his bright eyes, but there was ambition in them.

Xu Shu was stunned for a moment, then realized something and smiled: "Hahahahahaha, you are worthy of being Brother Fengxiao, no one who knows me better."

After leaving the camp, various families had already taken their seats. The big families were sitting in the front, and the small families were sitting in the back. As for the unpopular families, they were not invited. They all knew it tacitly, but they saw that the chief was sitting with a fair-skinned man. The scholar Jing was slightly startled.

The forces in Jiangxia were intricately connected and everyone knew each other. However, the moment they saw the scholar, doubts emerged in everyone's hearts.

They didn't know where the scholar came from. After bowing one by one, they saw that the scholar didn't even stand up, and they were even more confused.

And behind the scholar stood a person like a guard, that was Huang Xu.

He disguised himself as Guo Jia's bodyguard. If it had been anyone else, he would have left in disgrace.

As for Xu Shu, he was like a local bully. He didn't even give a gift in return. He just stood there in a daze, watching the major families finish their rituals and sit down. He held up a glass of wine and said.

"I, Xu Shu, give you a drink!"

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp and poured himself a full glass as soon as he finished. Drink like you don't need money.

"Pour the wine! Serve the food!"

With another glass full of wine, Xu Shu raised the glass. Everyone looked at him in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

The atmosphere around them was a bit dull, and a chilling air came to their faces. Anyone with a discerning eye could already see that this was an attempt to intimidate them.

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