We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 311 Started to take action, encountered obstacles midway

After Xu Shu gave the order, he heard an earth-shattering sound of stepping on the ground from outside the tent, from far to near, which shocked many people present.

After a while, a group of soldiers came in from outside carrying a roasted whole pig and placed it in the middle of the camp.

These soldiers were brought by Xu Shu from Xiangyang and carefully selected after many layers of selection. Judging from the equipment, they were far superior to the soldiers brought by the powerful clan leaders.

They all lowered their heads and said nothing, and walked slowly into the camp. After Xu Shu gave the order, the soldiers took out the daggers from their waists. The sharp and shiny tip of the dagger stabbed the white flesh and made a choking sound. A sound.

The pork was cut into pieces and placed neatly on the table. All the wealthy people stared at them blankly, wondering where they came from, but the power behind them made everyone feel cold.

It seems that this is a Hongmen Banquet.

Without waiting for Xu Shu to give the second order, the soldiers raised their daggers and stabbed the pig's head. Their sharp and violent movements were not sloppy at all, which shocked everyone present. Their training definitely did not happen overnight. I'm afraid Liu Bei's power is far more powerful than they thought.

Unexpectedly, Xu Shu did not do anything even though he had been here for so long.

No one spoke, everyone was staring at the soldiers in black.

For a moment, there was only the sound of knives slicing around.

The murderous aura made everyone feel cold.

Guo Jia looked at all this with satisfaction, knowing that the matter was half successful.

There was no expression on his face. Xu Shu sat upright and looked at everything in front of him. Thinking of Guo Jia's plan, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The tip of the knife is sharp, and you can only keep it if it is useful to you.

After cutting off the soldiers, they left as quietly as when they came. No one gave an order. In this dead atmosphere, everyone smelled a hint of chilling.

Xu Shu stood up, toasted to everyone present, took the opportunity to glance around, looked at the seat in the front and said.

"Why didn't Huang Zu come? Do you look down on me? Do you look down on me, Xu Shu, or do you look down on my lord? All the wealthy families in Jiangxia are the best among men. It seems that Xu Shu is no longer qualified to come to you?"

What he said was really heart-wrenching.

All the wealthy Jiangxia people present lowered their heads and chewed the rotten pork bit by bit. Only Huang Long, who had a beard on his face, ate with relish and was not affected at all.

The Huang family is a prominent figure among Jiangxia's wealthy families. Huang Zu did not come. This was expected by Xu Shu, but Huang Long's mental endurance was indeed beyond his expectation.

Having seen strong winds and waves, you will naturally not abandon your armor so quickly.

"My brother has been infected with cold disease recently and it is inconvenient to come here. Does it make any difference to send me here? Xu Yuanzhi, you are so anxious to have my brother come. Do you have any other intentions?"

After saying this, everyone felt a little reassured and looked at Xu Yuanzhi.

"Since Brother Yuanzhi asked me a question, then I will also ask Brother Yuanzhi a question."

Huang Long spoke straightforwardly and did not notice that Xu Yuanzhi's face was tense.

"I don't know who this person is. He is sitting at the head of the family. I have never seen him. I have never seen him. Is it because I am ignorant or..."

He was talking about the bookish Guo Jia. Guo Jia smiled slightly in his heart and had no expression on his face, but Huang Xu behind him could no longer sit still. He drew his sword and was about to kill the country man. Under the knife.

"I'm just a scholar, there's nothing special about me, and I'm not the head of any family."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Long burst out laughing, unable to hide the mocking look on his face.

"Xu Shu, Xu Shu, didn't you say that I am not qualified to participate in the Patriarchs' Conference? Then does he, a scholar, have the qualifications to participate in the conference? Hahahahaha I thought he was some kind of saint, but it turns out he is just a nerd."

The status of the Huang family in Jiangxia is just like that of Liu Bei in Xiangyang. Everyone has acquiesced in the status of the eldest brother of the Huang family. The Huang family is rooted in this land and has been followed for countless generations.

As the saying goes, strong dragons do not suppress local cowards. Whether it is Liu Biao, Liu Qi or anyone in the future, if they want to do things, have a reputation, and make a living in this place, they must get the permission of the Huang family.

Everyone has acquiesced to this rule and abided by it tacitly.

Without the permission of the Huang family, the instructions they issued would be nothing more than a piece of paper.

The biggest characteristic of wealthy families is that they can influence the decisions of central agencies. The power here has long been out of control.

Xu Shu's face began to turn a little pale, and his fingers turned slightly white from pressing the hilt of the sword.

He was rarely provoked so blatantly and rarely humiliated in public.

But Guo Jia's eyes convinced him that now was not the time to explode, they had to wait for an opportunity.

He smiled calmly on the surface.

"Why do you think I asked you to come here today? It's precisely because you are a scholar."

Everyone looked at Guo Jia, their eyes wandering around him. From his simple headscarf to his clean white clothes, it seemed that they could see a hole in his face, and every corner of his body was visible. All gone.

Guo Jia has not experienced this feeling before.

"Although he is just a scholar in Jiangxia, do you know why he can sit at the top? He is not a clan leader, and he does not have any earth-shaking abilities."

Xu Shu looked around, his tone paused, as if he was considering something.

"But he is the chief person I arranged, precisely because he does not belong to any family or any faction. There is nothing behind him, and behind him stands the largest family in Jiangxia, which is the Liming people. "

After Xu Shu finished speaking, all the wealthy leaders present were stunned.

Are ordinary people also a family?

There was no Internet or TV in this era. These people had never heard of Guo Jia, and had never seen him in person. Now no one could recognize that this was Guo Jia, so everyone was attracted by Xu Shu's impassioned speech. passed.

Someone laughed, Huang Long looked at Guo Jia coldly and said.

"Hahahahaha, when did the common people of Liming become a family? Let me tell you, the first family of this generation in Jiangxia is my Huang family. You, Xu Yuanzhi, are just telling the truth, do you want us to follow you and call a deer a horse?"

Huang Long felt that it was not enough and cursed fiercely.

"This group of unscrupulous people can be considered a family. If they are considered a family, then our Jiangxia wealthy family will have no place to stand."

Huang Long didn't take Xu Shu's words seriously at all and kept choking Xu Shu with his words.

The Liming people in Xu Shu's mouth became the untouchables in Huang Long's mouth. He would never acknowledge the existence of this family, and he would never allow these Liming people to form gangs.

From ancient times to the present, wealthy families from all over the world like to raise slaves. Apart from these slaves coming from other places to escape famine, many of them are actually common people snatched from the local area.

The land was reclaimed, and many people without means of production or production tools became cheap labor for this group of wealthy people.

Some volunteered, others were forced.

The children born by these domestic slaves are domestic slaves and are treated as private property by the wealthy people. In their eyes, these slaves are like cats and dogs.

In their eyes, the common people are not considered a family at all, but resources that they can buy with a little money.

They didn't understand what Xu Shu was thinking at all. From the beginning, the banquet was just playing the piano to others.

Xu Shu was already a little anxious when he heard this, and suddenly stood up in anger.

"I came to Jiangxia this time to recruit troops under the orders of my lord. My lord asked me to treat the local people well. My lord is such a benevolent and righteous man. I didn't expect that you would trample on the people under the banner of Xuande Gong. Of course I want to rectify the troops and horses. Help the lord to win the world, so that everyone in the world can live in a harmonious society. But you are really bullying others, and you have lost any kindness. You treat these people of Dawn like untouchables, but do you still have any conscience in your heart? good?"

Xu Shu was really angry.

Xiao Zhi's use of reason and emotion is more of a threat. This actually means that you disobedient people, when the day comes when the heroes compete, you will be the target of the sword.

We are all human beings, how could we not understand what he said? Everyone's expressions changed, but some people reacted.

"But the world has already decided that Xi Gong's troops will enter Jingzhou sooner or later. If Xuande Gong continues to struggle to his death, I am afraid that more people will die. At that time, all living beings will be in ruins, and benevolence will not be necessary. Say it again."

This sentence makes sense. The person who spoke is the team leader of the Zhang family, an older man.

Although the Zhang family is not as good as the Huang family, Mr. Zhang has a high reputation and is a well-known figure in various families. He is upright.

As soon as he spoke, everyone's expressions changed, and the fearful look before was gone.

The Xi Gong he calls is Xi Yu.

In fact, the team leaders had already heard the news behind their backs and knew that the actor would soon enter Jingzhou.

They were not willing to let Xi Yu occupy Jingzhou, but doing so would definitely make Xu Shu disgusted.

Guo Jia was stunned when he heard the name and had been watching silently. Only then did he feel as if he was actually involved.

Unexpectedly, the lord is still young, but now he is so famous that everyone in the world knows it. It seems that everyone also has the lord in their hearts, and it will definitely not be a problem to dominate the world.

He had another idea in mind.

"Yuanzhi, you asked a question just now, and I will ask you another."

Mr. Zhang narrowed his eyes, with a hint of golden light shining in his eyes. Although he was so old, he was full of bad intentions.

"Where are Liu Qi and Liu Jingzhou now? How is your health recently?"

Before Xu Shu got really angry, he wiped the fire and asked.

Xu Shu's face darkened and he showed no expression, but his tone was already three points colder.

"Now Liu Jingzhou is naturally in Xiangyang, and his health is naturally good."

"But I heard that Liu Jingzhou has not shown up for many days and has been in the bedroom. Is this possible?"

This old man Zhang is indeed an old figure who mediates among various families, and he speaks aggressively.

Everyone looked at Xu Shu again.

Liu Biao has occupied Jingzhou for so many years and has gotten along well with the local wealthy families. They have also enjoyed dividends from it, which can be regarded as a win-win situation for both parties.

Therefore, the wealthy family was quite polite to Liu Biao's lineage, and they became even more curious when they heard about Liu Qi.

"Liu Jingzhou is fine, but he has been infected with cold recently. You don't have to worry anymore. You just need to rest for a while. I wonder if you are so anxious. Do you want to rush to Jingzhou to take care of him immediately?"

Xu Shu wanted to change the topic, but he accidentally saw Guo Jia. Guo Jia was still as motionless as before, as if he was used to this kind of scene.

Guo Jia gave him great encouragement and nodded at Wei Kecha.

"I heard that Mr. Liu Qi, who used to be so lively and lively, suddenly contracted the cold. It's no joke that he contracted the cold as soon as he arrived in Xiangyang. In the past, he might have spent all his time reciting poems and painting every day. It’s no big deal, why did you become so seriously ill just after you moved to another place?”

Mr. Zhang kept asking this question with such an aggressive tone that Xu Shu couldn't resist.

After a few questions, everyone seemed to be observing Xu Shu's reaction, wanting to see if what he said was true or false.

Each of these problems is more tricky and more dangerous than the last.

Xu Shu could only remain silent, not knowing what to say. Although he knew Liu Qi's situation, what should he say in front of everyone.

If you really say it, wouldn't it really slap yourself in the face?

But he is not good at lying. Once he lies, it can be seen that all these people are human beings. They must ask something from his mouth.

He looked at Guo Jia again.

He knew that Guo Jia must have a way.

Guo Jia had been in the camp, listening to their conversation, and was already prepared. Among this group of people, Mr. Zhang was the most difficult to deal with.

He bowed and nodded to Xu Shu, as if to indicate something.

Everyone stared at Xu Shu and waited for his reply. In fact, they didn't care whether Liu Qi lived or died. It had nothing to do with them whether Liu Qi's life was good or not. They just wanted to get through this, whether it was Liu Qi, Liu Biao or Liu Bei. , now as long as they can take it out to block Xu Shu's mouth, they have achieved their goal.

Xu Shu's mind was in a mess. He was a martial artist. He didn't have the brains of Guo Jia, and he couldn't come up with a perfect solution in this situation.

But the more panicked he became, the more excited this group of wealthy people became.

Some people looked at Guo Jia, wanting to see how the invited scholar could help him regain his place.

Everyone was exchanging words in low voices, which were harsh to the ears.

"I wonder if all of you here still remember what happened back then."

The poor scholar slowly stood up from his seat, his eyes calm. The posture looked like thousands of troops.

"Liu Xuande entered Jingzhou and conspired with Liu Jingsheng. At that time, Liu Jinsheng made a statement and everyone outside had heard about it. But when Cao Cao's army went south, Liu Xuande relied on the ambush and shield strategy to defeat Cao's army, and his reputation suddenly rose."

He talked about that past event leisurely and analyzed it in detail.

"You may wish to think about it. At that time, the people of Jingzhou were very grateful to Xuande Gong. They wished that Liu Xuande could stay in the Xiangyang area of ​​Jingzhou. At this time, what the people want is that if Liu Jingzhou died of illness quietly now, who would be the biggest gainer? Woolen cloth?"

After saying this, everyone couldn't help but think of Liu Xuande. His well-founded analysis is much more believable than that guy Xu Shu's secretive words without knowing whether they are true or false.

Even if he didn't explain Liu Bei's thoughts, everyone could guess what Liu Bei wanted to do.

These team leaders are all smart people, and they have already understood what he meant.

Liu Bei wanted to kill Liu Jingzhou and steal Jingzhou.

And what Liu Xuande, the big-eared thief, wanted was not to win over the nobles but to win over the hearts of the people. He had long known that the people everywhere were now complaining, and the war had damaged them beyond recognition.

Spreading benevolence and righteousness at this time will only make more people follow Liu Bei.

And his fundamental purpose is to uproot Haozu.

They are not here to recruit soldiers at all. They are here to grab resources from the wealthy families in Jiangxia, which is tantamount to killing them.

These team leaders understood the key point and their expressions changed drastically.

Xu Shu looked confused. He originally hoped that Guo Jia could help him, but he didn't expect that he would switch sides now.

Now he has not only cheated himself, but also cheated the man above him.

Hearing this, Xu Shu's face turned cold. Looking at Guo Jia's expressionless face, he realized that he had been deceived.

"Guo Jia, you treacherous liar, how can I, Xu Yuanzhi, ever be sorry for you? For the sake of brotherhood between us, and for the sake of the common people, I drew my sword for you, but you actually..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought that the relationship between the two should not be known to others, and he immediately stopped talking.

If the matter reaches Liu Bei, he may be charged with conspiracy.

He trusted Guo Jia so much, but he didn't expect that he was actually cheated.

But the most important thing now is to find a reason to kill all these nobles. If he cannot find his factory, this matter will directly escalate the conflict between Liu Xuande and the local wealthy families.

At that time, even ten of his heads would not be enough to kill.

What he and Guo Jia discussed at that time was to use the common people's righteousness to force the wealthy leaders to admit their mistakes. Unexpectedly, this move could not arouse the guilt and righteousness in their hearts.

This group of people are used to killing people like crazy and don't regard the people as human beings at all. There is no such thing as the people's righteousness.

Guo Jia's current provocation has disrupted all Xu Shu's plans.

He said immediately in a moment of urgency.

"This is just the scholar's words. Don't believe it. What a benevolent and righteous person Mr. Xuande is. Don't think so."

He grabbed the sword at hand and suddenly said in a deep voice.

"This is not Xuande Gong's original intention, but Yuan Zhi hopes that everyone can understand that after returning the civilians captured recently, any arrests of young men must not be taken by force. The consent of both parties must be obtained."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he drew his sword, and the intention was not too obvious.

"Anyone who dares to do unkind and unjust things outside under the banner of Xuande Gong is just like this glass of wine." (End of Chapter)

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