Cao Pi said that no one should mention such unhappy things again.

Next, everyone talks about some happy topics.

Fortunately, Xi Zhicai quickly said some happy topics and turned the situation around.

The next day, Sima Yi brought Zhang Lu to see Cao Pi.

Cao Pi warmly received Zhang Lu.

"General Zhang Lu has now become the Lord of Sichuan and Shu. And you can also preach in Sichuan and Shu at any time."

This sentence touched Zhang Lu's heart.

He said that being able to destroy Liu Zhang this time was naturally the result of Sima Yi and Liu Weidong.

Sima Yi smiled slightly.

"General Zhang, you are too polite. I am just a weak scholar. How dare I take credit like this?"

Cao Pi said: "Okay, don't be polite anymore. We are all a family now. I have prepared wine, food, singing and dancing."

After that, Cao Pi clapped his hands, and several graceful women immediately started dancing.

Cao Pi invited Zhang Lu to his superiors, and immediately ordered people to serve wine and food.

At the same time, he talked to Zhang Lu about the great development in the future.

But Zhang Lu didn't seem to care. He was only concerned about the missionary issue.

However, Sima Yi felt a little uneasy. With so many things going on, he wondered if Xi Yu already knew about it.

If he knew, why didn't he take any action?

Or whether Sichuan and Shu fell into whose hands Xi Yu might have dismissed it.

Maybe Xiyu will want this place in the future.

If you say this, doesn't it mean that Cao Wei is fighting for Xi Yu's territory?

He really wanted to tell Cao Pi about this, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

It will only make Cao Pi particularly unhappy, and it is not too late to wait until the situation really develops to that extent.

On Xi Yu's side, there was nothing else going on these days.

He suddenly remembered what Ouyang Fu said about asking him to propose marriage.

The second concern is the construction of schools.

However, Lu Su ran away first in this matter and stopped asking about it for the time being.

But I thought in my heart that it would be easy for me to propose marriage, but I had to make sure that Ouyang Linlin really liked me.

Of course, by virtue of his status, if he proposes marriage, Ouyang Linlin may agree because of face.

But he really hopes that the other person can really like him.

No, my guess may not be correct. Did they really agree because of face?

When this woman becomes strong-willed, she may not buy anyone's fault.

Forget it, there is no need to rush this matter, anyway, there are three ladies accompanying him now.

He also had to create an opportunity to be alone with Ouyang Linlin.

See if the other person really likes you.

Since Ouyang Fu said those things, he has been waiting for Xiyu to propose marriage.

But in the blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Xi Yu has not taken any action.

Ouyang Fu called the housekeeper out.

"Butler, please analyze for me what Xi Yu is thinking?"

"Sir, I don't dare to speculate on the drama's affairs."

"It's just the two of us here, and you can be considered my confidant, so what if you just give me your suggestions?"

The housekeeper said: "Actually, I can see it too. The young lady was a little resistant at first, but now she seems to be able to accept it."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Even a rough guy like me can see it. It's for this reason that I made such a request to the actor."

The housekeeper continued: "The younger one thinks there are two things. The first is that the actor has too many things to deal with and has no time to deal with the personal relationship between his children. The second is that maybe he wants to find out whether the young lady really likes him."

Ouyang Fu nodded.

He actually felt that Xi Yu liked his daughter.

I was still thinking about whether Xiyu disliked her daughter.

But listening to the butler's words, it seems to make sense.

"The younger one thinks that if the actor shows his official power and proposes marriage directly, our family may be able to accept it, but the actor may hope that the lady can marry him willingly."

Ouyang Fu touched the beard on his chin.

"What you said seems to make some sense. It seems that we need to create an opportunity for them to meet alone."

"Yes, sir, if there is nothing else, I will retreat for the time being."

Ouyang Fu waved his hand.

At this moment, in an inn in Youzhou, two young master-like people sat down.

Based on their clothes, they were obviously one master and one servant.

After they finished ordering, the servant whispered: "Miss, how can we meet the actor?"

The master glared at him.

"We are now disguised as men. You don't want to pretend to be a girl. What if we accidentally let something slip?"

The servant immediately changed his tune.

"I'm sorry, sir, I was wrong."

The young lady nodded: "If you want to see her, there will always be a way."

Suddenly, they heard people at the table next to them talking.

"I bought a bicycle yesterday. This thing is indeed very new, but I can't learn it, and I don't know how many times I have fallen."

"Really? You're like you, and you haven't ruined a new bicycle? You're such a person, you don't do anything carefully."

"Hey, don't talk about me either. If it were you, you might also fall down."

The young lady was stunned for a moment, and then came to the front of the two people.

"Brothers, what were you talking about just now? Bicycle, what kind of thing is that?"

"Brother, it seems that you are from out of town. In Youzhou, the actor has invented a new type of transportation called a bicycle."

Then, the man gave the young lady a rough description of his appearance.

The lady looked very excited and finally asked where she could buy the bicycle.

"Ouyang Mansion, Ouyang Fu, the master of Ouyang Mansion, is particularly favored by the opera master, and his family has turned into a bicycle business."

The young lady thanked them both and then sat down again.

The maid asked in a low voice: "Miss, what is that bicycle?"

"Okay, don't ask anything else."

Just at this time, the food was served, and the two of them started eating.

This young lady’s name is Wenxuan. This girl's original name is no longer used, and she has adopted the lady's surname of Wen, and is called Wen Xiaocui.

But this time they disguised themselves as men.

Wenxuan still uses his real name. As for Wen Xiaocui, if asked by others, he will say Wen Xiao.

Wen Xuan has a problem. Although she is a rich girl, she likes to travel and play. This makes Wen Xiaocui very distressed.

I have to follow the lady around everywhere every day.

I was very happy at first, but then I became a little tired.

She really didn't understand that other women liked to spend time at home doing embroidery and other tasks for their husbands and children, but this young lady was so restless.

Wenxuan's heart skipped a beat, and she also learned about Xi Yu accidentally.

There was also one time when she heard other people talking about it. She heard that Xiyu invented Quyuan pear, which gave the people a bumper harvest. She was very shocked at the time.

Isn't this thing only available in the Tang Dynasty? Why does it exist now?

It turns out that Wenxuan also traveled here. When she first came to this world, she felt particularly lonely. Although she became a rich girl, she was not happy at all.

Her parents thought she was sick.

When she learned about this, she felt that Xi Yu might have traveled here as well, and she hoped to meet him as soon as possible.

But then something happened that made her forget.

And her home is not far from Youzhou.

Knowing that Xi Yu had arrived in Youzhou, she really wanted to find a chance to meet him.

Unexpectedly, she heard about the bicycle again just now. She was now completely sure that Xi Yu had definitely traveled through time.

That is equivalent to being a fellow countryman.

But no one knew about this, not even Wen Xiaocui.

After finishing the meal, Wen Xiaocui saw a smile on her face.

"Miss, why are you so happy? Is that bike really fun?"

"Of course, I'll teach you how to buy one later."

"What, sir, can you play with this new thing?"

Wenxuan immediately realized that he had let something slip.

"I think this kind of stuff is easy to learn."

Similarly, Xi Yu also wanted to find an opportunity to be alone with Ouyang Linlin. What kind of opportunity should he find?

If the other person doesn't know how to ride a bicycle, he can teach her alone, but now everyone has learned how to do it.

Forget it, let's talk about it later. Suddenly a maid came over and said that the three ladies wanted Xiyu to go over and play cards. They didn't know if Xiyu was busy.

Xi Yu also nodded, feeling a little addicted himself.

After only a few blows, Ganmei suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Don't ask to leave.

Sun Shangxiang was a little unhappy, and he hadn't had enough fun yet.

But the eldest lady has already said so, and she can't continue to demand shamelessly.

Xi Yu personally helped Gan Mei into the room. A maid came over, but Xi Yu said he would do it himself.

Let Ganmei feel a little flattered.

Ganmei asked Xiyu not to support her. After all, there were many servants.

"Well, I'm different from my servants. I've been busy with official duties recently and rarely care about you."

Gan Mei suddenly felt particularly surprised, because in ancient society, men were superior to women after all, and she didn't expect Xi Yu to speak like this.

After returning to the room, Xi Yu planned to hire a doctor for him, but suddenly saw Gan Mei vomiting.

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment, and then asked Gan Mei, "Are you pregnant?"

This time it was Ganmei's turn to be stunned.

But Xi Yu said that she looked like she was pregnant, so he should quickly go to the doctor to take a look.

After he left, Ganmei was a little elated.

Are you pregnant?

Xi Yu was also very happy. He felt that his judgment should be correct.

He was going to be a father and he finally had a baby. He felt so excited.

How could I not be excited to have my own child in such a world?

Soon, the doctor came over and quickly felt her pulse. Xi Yu's heart was pounding, but Ganmei was a little shy. After a while, the doctor really laughed and said that the lady was happy.

Xi Yu grabbed Gan Mei's hand.

"How's it going? Let me just say, I didn't guess wrong."

Finally, he gave some rewards to the doctor. The doctor felt very excited. He had never treated so many people so generously.

This actor is different.

Xi Yu said to Gan Mei that from now on, she must have a good rest and must not overwork herself. At the same time, the girls must serve her well and must not make any mistakes.

Otherwise, he will never be lenient.

The girls agreed. Seeing their nervous looks, Ganmei asked Xiyu if she was a little nervous.

What he said now frightened the maids.

"But you must serve me well."

Xi Yu quickly fetched pen and ink, and at the same time talked about the issues of nutrition, sleeping posture, etc., and wrote a lot eloquently.

Gan Mei was shocked, how could Xi Yu know so much?

At the same time, Xi Yu told Zhou Yu about the matter and asked Zhou Yu to send troops to protect her day and night, and the news should not be spread out for the time being. If anyone knew that Xi Yu had a child, they might attack his wife.

Zhou Yu said that he would complete the task and not even a fly would fly in.

Of course, this is only a superficial job. Xi Yu also hired secret guards to protect Gan Mei. In short, Gan Mei is now as precious as a giant panda.

A few days later, Sun Shangxiang also knew the news. She was particularly envious of Ganmei for being so protected by Xi Yu.

I don’t know when I can get pregnant.

She wanted to see Ganmei, but was turned away.

So she came to Xiyu and went to see her eldest sister herself, why couldn't she?

"Yes, she is under special protection right now. Don't try to get her idea."

"But I'm not a bad person."

"That's not okay. Anyway, she can't see people casually without my permission."

Sun Shangxiang was about to leave, then walked a few steps and turned around again.

"I hope to be pregnant one day and be protected by you like her."

"Of course, it depends on whether your stomach is angry or not."

On this night, Sun Shangxiang was dressed very seductively, hoping to spend the night with Xi Yu, and Xi Yu naturally satisfied her.

Xi Yu discovered that Sun Shangxiang had changed a lot. In the past, she was a rebellious rich lady, but now in her mind, she was a docile lamb.

Although there was no news about Gan Mei's pregnancy to the outside world, at least the soldiers knew the news. Zhou Yu also strictly told everyone that no one could spread the news outside.

Moreover, after Wenxuan finished eating that day, he suddenly saw a place with particularly beautiful scenery, so he took Wen Xiaocui to play there.

After a few days, Wenxuan remembered and hurried to Ouyang Mansion to look for the bicycle.

A shop opened next door to Ouyang's house, and anyone who wanted to buy a bicycle came here to register.

If everyone who buys bicycles enters Ouyang Mansion casually, they will naturally be surrounded.

Soon after Wenxuan registered, one of Liu Xiaoer's brothers placed a bicycle in front of her.

Wenxuan was very excited when he saw the bicycle. It was exactly the same as the bicycle in his previous life.

She seemed to have returned to the realm where she lived.

She almost shed tears, which made Wen Xiaocui feel very baffled.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Wenxuan immediately realized that he had lost his composure, quickly wiped his tears and said, "A little bug got into my eye just now."

At the same time, the staff said that the bicycle looked very good, but it was not easy to learn how to use it.

Wenxuan felt stimulated and wanted to ride it for him to see, but he thought that would reveal his identity.

"By the way, I heard that this bicycle was invented by an actor. Is that true?"

"Yes, this actor not only loves the people like a son, but he is also good at doing business."

After that, when the staff talked about Xi Yu's arrival, they felt a little excited.

In short, he admired Xi Yu very much in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Wenxuan suddenly felt very funny.

She was even more curious about Xi Yu and hoped to meet him soon.

"Then, little brother, tell me, how can I meet the actor?"

The young man laughed and said that many people had made such a request.

But Xiyu is so busy, how can he possibly meet everyone?

So this is impossible to achieve.

If you want to buy a bike, buy it. If you don't, just leave.

"But I really want to see him. Can you please contact me? I have a lot of money."

After that, he rewarded this little brother. Although the little brother was a little moved, he didn't dare to ask for it.

"Sir, it's not that I won't help. I don't have the ability to let you see the actor. You'd better take it back."

Wen Xiaocui also persuaded her young lady to keep the money, as there was nothing she could do to help.

She didn't understand why her young lady was so persistent and insisted on seeing Xi Yu?

Could it be that she wants to marry Xi Yu?

Wenxuan was very angry.

"Is there no other way? Doesn't he usually come?"

"My eldest brother Liu Xiaoer works in Ouyang Mansion, specializing in making bicycles. Actors come occasionally, but when exactly happens, how can I tell with my humble status?"

Helpless, Wenxuan left temporarily.

The young man asked: "Do you still want this bike?"

Wenxuan did not speak.

She just wanted to confirm what the bike looked like.

While walking on the street, she was still thinking about how to meet Xi Yu.

Wen Xiaocui said: "Sir, should we pretend to apply for a job as a soldier and take this opportunity to meet him?"

It's not that Wenxuan has never thought of this method, but she thinks it is very inappropriate.

Even if you go to serve as a soldier, you may not have the chance to see him.

It's better to think of other ways. (End of chapter)

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