The news that Zhang Lu killed Liu Zhang has slowly spread. Liu Bei, who was now near Sichuan and Shu, also heard the news, and his mood was particularly complicated. According to the news he received, it was Cao Wei's army that sent troops together.

In this case, wouldn't he have no chance at all?

Although he is called Uncle Liu Huang, what is the use of this title?

Now that the world is in chaos, virtuous people will live there.

On this day, Liu Bei kept drinking wine in the hotel.

At night, while staying in the inn, he was thinking about his next plan.

Suddenly, the sky became gloomy and the wind suddenly blew.

When he went to close the window, a gust of wind blew suddenly, causing his body to sway and almost fall.

Then, a lot of raindrops also fell.

He finally closed the window.

He felt that his current situation was like this ghost weather, full of wind and rain.

Lying in bed, he couldn't sleep. He suddenly thought of Guan Yu.

It is said that Guan Yu has now taken root in Youzhou, and he is still worried about it.

Is Guan Yu just being perfunctory with Xi Yu for the time being, or is he really tempted by the high-ranking official Houlu?

He suddenly wanted to see Guan Yu. He would go to Youzhou tomorrow to have a good talk with him.

On the other side, Wenxuan, who lives in the inn, has been thinking about how to get close to Xiyu.

If that doesn't work, use the most primitive method, which is to write a letter.

He told Xi Yu that he was also a time traveler, but after thinking about it, something felt wrong.

Just today when having dinner, Wen Xiaocui asked specifically, why did he have to meet Xi Yu?

I just want to test what the lady thinks.

Are you really interested in Xi Yu in terms of the relationship between a man and a woman?

But Wenxuan did not answer directly.

Early the next morning, Wenxuan got up.

Wen Xiaocui asked: "Miss, do you want to play outside for a while today?"

"You girl, haven't you always disliked playing outside? Why did you take the initiative to go outside today?"

"Because I saw that the people in Youzhou live and work in peace and contentment, which is very good, so I have the desire to visit."

"Okay, let's just stroll around casually."

While the two were strolling around, there were two old women walking in front of them.

"I heard that the Buddha there is particularly efficacious at the Longhua Temple in front of me. I want to go there and pay my respects. I hope my old man's illness will get better soon."

"Yeah, you were right to go there."

The two people walked quickly.

Wen Xiaocui then said: "Master, why don't we go and see him too."

Wenxuan nodded. Before he traveled through time, he had always believed in Buddhism.

When the two women arrived at Longhua Temple, they happened to see Ouyang Linlin coming with Xiaohong on a bicycle.

Wen Xiaocui felt particularly envious.

"Sir, I never thought this young lady could ride a bicycle so well."

Wenxuan nodded and said nothing.

But she was thinking, if it were me riding, I would ride better than her.

And soon, the four people walked into the temple together.

This temple is very big.

And there are several futons, so four people can kneel down without being affected in any way.

And the strange thing is that when they finished worshiping the Buddha, they also stood up at the same time, as if they came together.

Xiaohong suddenly became vigilant.

Could these two men be targeting them?

Therefore, she looked at the two people with very unfriendly eyes.

Ouyang Linlin didn't pay attention at first, but suddenly saw the look in her eyes and understood what was going on, so she motioned for her not to mind her own business.

The four people walked out together and suddenly saw two soldiers standing guard at the door of the temple.

Strangely, there were no soldiers here when we first arrived.

But just as two dignitaries entered the temple, the two soldiers asked them to pay.

"Why should we pay? We usually worship Buddha here. Is there any way to pay?"

"It used to be the past, but now we have to pay. We collect it for the opera. Recently, the Western Workers are going to war, and they have to increase military expenditures, so those who come to worship Buddha must donate."

The dignitaries who came looked at each other, why hadn't they heard of such a thing?

"When did this happen?" one person asked.

"Just this morning, the opera master just issued an order. Do you have any doubts?"

Moreover, the soldier specifically mentioned a certain amount, and the dignitary didn't care about the money, so he paid it in the end.

Wen Xiaocui said to Wenxuan in a low voice: "I didn't expect that Xiyu is also a blackmailer. Miss, it's useless for you to think so highly of him."

Wenxuan did not speak.

But Ouyang Linlin said: "How come I don't know about this?"

The two soldiers turned their heads and immediately saw her.

One of them said: "Fortunately, you came early. Our brothers were just standing guard here. If you came a little later, you would naturally have to pay."

Ouyang Linlin put her hands on her waist and asked, when was this order given? Why didn't she know?

"You little girl? What do you mean by what you said? Does the actor have to tell you even if he gives an order?"

Those dignitaries felt grateful when they saw Ouyang Linlin upholding justice for them.

However, she advised Ouyang Linlin not to say anything.

They can still afford this small amount of money.

The soldiers said that not only do temples charge fees, but other local public places also charge fees.

All this is to increase military spending.

Xi Yu was very kind to the people, so it was normal for the people to repay him a little.

At the same time, they accused Ouyang Linlin of being so heartless.

"It seems that you are also a young lady from a rich family. If the actor hadn't conquered the country, you might have been beaten away by others, and your property might have become someone else's. Don't you have any gratitude to the actor?"

Ouyang Linlin shivered with anger, actually giving herself such a big label.

Wen Xuan was also very curious and stood aside, although Wen Xiaocui hoped that she would leave quickly.

"Don't talk nonsense here. Everyone has seen the contribution the actor has made to everyone, but the little girl believes that the actor will never be such a person. He will not send people to collect people's money without permission."

Ouyang Linlin fought to the death, and he didn't know when to start, since she trusted Xi Yu so much.

Xi Yu's image in her heart has become bigger and bigger.

"Stinky girl, it seems you want to die." The two soldiers were about to take action.

Ouyang Linlin said: "You try to touch me. If the actor finds out, I will be careful to skin you."

The two soldiers immediately took their hands back. From what this girl meant, did she know Xi Yu?

"Stinky girl, what do you mean by that?"

"Why, don't you dare?"

"What do you mean? Do you really know the actor?" A soldier asked tentatively.

Before Ouyang Linlin could speak, Xiaohong pointed at the bicycle and said, "You should know what this is, right?"

"Of course we know each other, this is a bicycle."

"It's good to know that bicycles are produced in our Ouyang family, and she is the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family."

After hearing this, the two soldiers were a little frightened.

But Wenxuan felt very happy.

I originally planned to meet Xi Yu, but now I passed the Miss Ouyang family, didn't it come naturally?

"So I want to ask, is this really what the actor meant?"

In fact, Ouyang Linlin couldn't confirm whether this was what Xi Yu meant.

But she just saw the unnatural look in the eyes of the two soldiers, so she had such doubts.

"Of course this is what the actor means. Since you are familiar with the actor, you should be able to find out."

After a soldier finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head.

At this moment, Ouyang Linlin was even more convinced that they were lying and charging privately.

Even their soldier's identity is probably fake.

"Xiaohong, if that's the case, then you go back and ask the actor. If you are of such a low status that you can't see the actor, why don't you go back and tell my father and ask my father to find a way to inform the actor. I want to ask clearly, what exactly is going on? what's going on".

Xiaohong didn't know what happened to the lady today, so why did she have to care about it?

In fact, she also saw that there was something wrong with these two soldiers.

In fact, Ouyang Linlin felt a little happy in her heart.

She hoped that in this way, she could get closer to Xi Yu.

Xiaohong didn't ask anything and was about to leave, but the two soldiers panicked.

"Miss Ouyang, what are you doing? Why do you have to fight against us?"

"It's so strange. Why can't I get along with you? I just want to send my maid to ask the actor."

The two soldiers looked at each other and then prepared to leave quickly.

Ouyang Linlin shouted: "Where to run?"

Xiaohong thought, let's forget it, they have already run away, how can they, two weak women, be their opponents?

And at this time, two monks rushed out of the temple and beat the two soldiers with wooden sticks.

"Okay, you are causing trouble in this pure place of Buddhism, and you are also using the name of an actor. It is simply unreasonable."

After the two people were beaten, they immediately woke up and said that the monk was compassionate, how could he beat people casually?

"Although we are compassionate, we cannot allow you to act recklessly here."

There was no choice but to beat each other. Ouyang Linlin snorted and left with Xiao Hong.

Xiaohong pushed the bicycle over, and when Ouyang Linlin was about to get on the bike, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Miss Ouyang, please stay."

It was exactly what Wenxuan sent out.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "Master, are you okay?"

She suddenly wondered, was this person a deceiver?

"Girl, you know the actor, is this true?"

Although it was basically confirmed, she still had to ask.

"Of course we know each other, do you have any questions?" Xiaohong spoke first.

Wen Xiaocui was very dissatisfied.

"My young master is talking to your young lady, what are you talking nonsense about?"

On the other side, Xi Yu is very concerned about Gan Mei's problem.

On this day, write something on the paper.

He had read in books about what pregnant women should pay attention to during pregnancy, but he didn't remember everything.

After a while, he handed it over to the maids and asked them to take a good look at it.

Especially pregnant women may have some emotional instability during pregnancy, so everyone must work hard to control them.

Although the other party is the master, they will be accommodating on the surface, but what Xiyu needs is their inner accommodation.

After a while, Ganmei got the paper.

She was very surprised.

How could Xiyu know so much? It was as if she had been a pregnant woman before.

Xi Yu had just finished writing and was preparing to rest when a secret guard suddenly appeared beside him.

"What, is there something important?"

"Back to Xi Gong, someone used your name to charge arbitrarily in many public places, saying it was to be used as military expenses."

"What? Such a thing actually exists"?

Xi Yu stood up immediately.

It is simply unreasonable that someone would do such a nasty thing.

He asked the secret guard again for details.

Some people paid the money almost without saying a word as soon as they heard that Xiyu wanted to use it.

Although some people had disputes, it was settled in the end.

However, they encountered an obstacle at Hualong Temple. Two people pretending to be soldiers were beaten.

"Hurry up and send someone to bring all these people to me, and immediately find someone to spread the news. This matter has nothing to do with me."

The secret guard left immediately.

Xi Yu thought to himself, in broad daylight, these little cat thieves are really brave.

This is certainly an organized act.

On the other side, Wenxuan told Ouyang Linlin very politely that he was from out of town and had admired the actor for a long time, so he hoped to meet him.

Seeing her being so polite, Ouyang Linlin seemed to give up her guard against her, but shook her head.

What kind of person the actor is, how can he be seen by others casually?

Let her give up.

"Miss Ouyang, before I met you, I really thought that I was not worthy of meeting the actor, but God allowed me to meet the young lady, so I got a chance."

But Xiaohong still looked at the two people with suspicion, always feeling that they had bad intentions.

"I am indeed sincere. I hope to meet the actor, and I hope that I can help the young lady to set up a connection."

Ouyang Linlin thought for a moment and nodded.

Xiaohong felt that what the young lady did was too hasty, but the young lady had already agreed, so she couldn't say anything else.

"In that case, thank you, Miss. Please come back, Miss. I will definitely pay you a visit the next day."

Ouyang Linlin nodded, and finally left with Xiao Hong.

After walking a few meters, Xiaohong had some complaints.

"Miss, why did you agree to those two people? I saw that these two people are not good people at all."

"Okay, stop making random guesses."

And now, the phenomenon of random recapture on the streets is still going on.

And every store requires fees.

Some stores have complained.

"We are doing business well and pay taxes normally, so why do we need to pay extra?"

"Okay, stop complaining. The actor works so hard too. Isn't he doing all this for the people?"

"That's true, and it's said that the opera master is going to open a school so that many poor children can go to school for free."

"That's right, and what's wrong with any of these things that don't require spending money for us people to share some of it?"

While everyone was discussing, soldiers suddenly arrived, and then asked where the person who had just charged illegally was.

"Master Jun, what are you talking about? Unreasonable charges"?

"Yes, tell us quickly, where have they gone?"

"They went south."

Several soldiers hurriedly chased him, which confused several people in the shop.

Could it be that those people just charged randomly? Didn't they give Xi Yu an order at all?

But after learning about this, several people quickly started to curse.

"It's simply unreasonable. How dare you trap us like this."

Several people pretending to be soldiers had gone to another street to collect money.

Suddenly, soldiers surrounded them. They suddenly felt a little panicked and wanted to leave quickly.

"In broad daylight, you are too courageous, and now you actually want to leave."

They went in the opposite direction, and as a result, soldiers also came over.

Similarly, criminals were also arrested on several other streets.

Half an hour later, all the criminals appeared in front of Xi Yu.

The soldiers made them kneel.

They were all trembling, lowering their heads, not daring to say a word.

"You are so brave. You actually pretended to be in my name and charged money outside. What on earth is going on?"

But still no one spoke.

Xi Yu called the soldiers over and slapped them.

This time, several people finally became honest.

Xi Yu said that if they still didn't tell the truth, they would be tortured.

The man closest to Xi Yu said: "Xi Yu, to be honest, we don't know who asked us to do it."

Xi Yu then nodded to the soldiers, hoping that they would continue to slap him.

"Drama Master, what you are telling the truth is true." The man immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Xi Yu asked the soldiers not to move for the time being.

Listen to the man continue to finish.

The man said that they used to work in a wine room.

Suddenly one day, a man in black broke in and beat the wine owner half to death.

And it was a masked man. When several workers didn't understand what was going on, the masked man whistled.

Soon, several more masked people walked in outside, and they also brought several people with ropes tied all over their bodies.

At this time, the workers could no longer calm down, because these people tied with ropes were all their relatives.

The man in black who took the lead said coldly, asking everyone to do something for him, otherwise, they would never be able to reunite with their families.

Naturally, what they are asked to do is to charge arbitrarily.

"We also know that it is wrong to do this and we have lost our conscience, but we have to do it because our family is still in their hands."

Who on earth has the guts to do such a thing?

Xiyu frowned.

"Drama Master, everything I said is true." (End of chapter)

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