The next day, before dawn, a secret guard went back to report the news to Xi Yu.

Because he knew that Xiyu got up very early recently.

Xi Yu now wants to exercise. Recently I have noticed that my body has become bloated.

Then I did morning exercises, brisk walking and jogging according to the method in my previous life.

While he was running, the secret guard came to him and startled him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xi, for frightening you."

"If you have any news about Ouyang Linlin, please tell me quickly."

The secret guard told the relevant situation.

"You have done a good job. You must comfort Miss Ouyang. In addition, just find out the case as soon as possible and report the news to me."

The secret guard also retreated.

Meng An, who had slept in the corner for the whole night, finally woke up.

He was shivering with cold. The top priority was to find Xi Yu as soon as possible.

When he arrived at Xi Yu's residence, he was naturally stopped by soldiers.

"Who are you? This is not a place where you just come."

Although the soldiers listened to Xi Yu's instructions, they must also be friendly to strangers.

Although they tried to be calm, the majesty on their faces was still there.

Meng An bowed respectfully and said that he had important things to report to Xi Yu.

"The actor is so busy, how can he meet people casually? If you have anything to say, you can just tell us."

"It's about someone kidnapping Miss Ouyang last night. I hope to tell the actor in person."

Although the two soldiers didn't know what happened at night, they were stunned. This girl Ouyang was the future wife.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Meng An nodded.

One of the soldiers said, hurry up and report.

If what the other party tells is a lie, you will be responsible for the consequences.

"Don't worry, the villain definitely didn't lie."

At this moment, Xi Yu is looking at the map.

In recent times, even in Youzhou, it is time to move on and conquer other territories.

The only thing that I can't let go of is Ganmei. How about waiting until she gives birth to a baby?

But once you wait, half a year has passed. Isn’t it a bit long?

So he was hesitant.

Suddenly a soldier came and said there was someone at the door asking to see him.

There are clues about what happened last night.

"Oh, there is such a thing? Then let him in."

In this way, Meng An finally met Xi Yu smoothly.

Although he and Xi Yu were about the same age, he was a little nervous after all their identities were placed here.

When I saw him, I didn't know how to salute.

There also seemed to be sweat on his face.

Xi Yu said: "Don't be nervous, and you don't have to salute me. If you have anything to say, just sit down and say it slowly."

Xi Yu pointed to a bench.

Meng An said oh and quickly finished.

But because of the nervousness, I couldn't say anything.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't be nervous. Tell me, where are you from?"

Meng An just said it. After opening the topic, his nervousness finally became less tense.

Tell me everything your brother did last night.

"Oh, you mean that person is your biological brother?"

"Yes, the actor. He insisted on recruiting me to join him in assassinating the actor, but I felt that this was a road of no return, so I reported the news to Miss Ouyang in advance."

He also said that his brother also committed a serious crime, but he hoped that for the sake of delivering the letter, he would be spared.

If someone had to be punished, he would be willing to die in his brother's place. He said it with great sincerity.

Xiyu laughed.

"So that's what happened. I'm still wondering why a letter suddenly appeared?"

And Meng An immediately knelt down.

"I beg the opera master to forgive my brother."

He said that he and his brother had been dependent on each other since childhood, which was extremely difficult.

"I am willing to die on behalf of my brother. I hope the actor will let my brother go."

"Get up first and tell me, why did your brother want to harm me?"

"It's all because of Fang Jun's incident. My brother admires Mao Dacheng so much."

Specifically, Mao Dacheng was once kind to the two brothers.

I originally lived in a remote village.

That year, bullies robbed me of the few acres of land I had.

The bully said that he had read Feng Shui and found that the place was suitable for his ancestral grave, so he took it forcibly without paying any money.

Moreover, he also robbed his sister to use as a side wife. As a result, the sister could not bear the humiliation and hit her head on a stone pillar and died.

And that day, it rained heavily.

It happened that Mao Dacheng was marching to fight and went to his home to take shelter from the rain.

Although his family is small, Mao Dacheng doesn't seem to have many people.

Because most of the people died in the war, the brothers took them in.

Minister Mao also accidentally learned about them and was very angry at this time.

So he sent people to find the bully, and the bully naturally refused to accept it.

When Mao Dacheng revealed his identity, the bully was startled and surrendered on the spot.

Then, Mao Dacheng sent people to kill the evil man at that time, and gave his land and house to the two brothers.

"Oh, I heard you say that, then Mao Dacheng did one good thing."

Meng An sighed.

He said that in fact, the emperor makes decisions for the people, which is a duty in itself.

But his brother regarded him as his life-saving lover.

He didn't think so, but this time Mao Dacheng was forced to abdicate by Xi Yu, and his brother had always been aggrieved.

And Mao Dacheng is indeed to blame. He was simply too bad to the people.

The actor liberated Fangjun, which was a good thing.

"Although we two brothers share the same mother, our personalities are different."

He is more rational than his brother.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "I finally understand that sentence. No matter how bad Qin Hui is, he still has three good friends."

Meng An was stunned.

"Master Xi, who is Qin Hui?"

Xiyu laughed and told him about the past life again.

"That's a very bad person, and it's normal that you don't know."

Xi Yu said that for his sake, his brother could be treated leniently.

But it is absolutely undesirable for the younger brother to suffer on his elder brother's behalf.

"I dare to ask the actor, what should I do with my brother? He won't be beheaded, right?"

"If he has a particularly good attitude, he can be given a lighter sentence, but if he is just on the edge, it's hard to say."

Xi Yu said that since he is here, he should arrange for him to rest for a while until the outcome of the trial comes out.

Meng An wanted to speak, and Xi Yu glared.

"I have already said what needs to be said. If you dare to say one more word, the result may be even worse."

Meng An had no choice but to rest for the time being.

Ouyang Linlin didn't sleep well last night. She woke up several times since the assassin incident.

So when I got up, my eyes were still a little red.

At that time, Xiaohong was in the same bed with her, but she knew nothing about it. When she learned about this situation in the early morning, Xiaohong was so frightened that she quickly knelt down.

"Damn it, slave. You're sleeping so deeply and you don't even know about this."

"Okay, get up, so what if you know, is it possible that you can still defeat those assassins?"

And knowing that the assassin had been taken care of by the secret guards, Xiao Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And soon Ouyang Fu also came to the door of the room, daughter, have you gotten up yet? Did anything happen last night?

Ouyang Linlin asked her father to wait outside, and she would go out soon.

After a while, two girls appeared at the door, and the secret guard also appeared next to Ouyang Fu, and told them what happened last night.

Ouyang Fu was taken aback. Fortunately, someone sent a letter. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Since I started business, I have been worried about my family. I am afraid that if I have money, my family will be targeted by others.

However, nothing like this has ever happened in business, and I never imagined that it would be like this after dealing with an actor.

The secret guard told them not to worry, as he was about to judge Meng Ping.

The secret guard's methods were naturally very tough. Meng Ting was originally very tough, but in the end she couldn't help but tell the truth.

But he believed that his brother must have escaped for his life, and he was relieved.

In fact, he also had some regrets. Ordinarily, he should do this by himself and not let his younger brother get involved.

He said: "Since this is the case, then just kill me."

The secret guard ignored him. After a while, another secret guard arrived. After some discussion, the two decided to take him to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu put the map away and went to Gan Mei's room to take a look.

Ganmei seemed to have a connection with him, and said: "Don't worry about me. I know you are a person who can do great things. If you go to expand the territory, I can stay here. Anyway, there is someone to protect me. Don't delay me because of my existence." Your plan."

Xi Yu was particularly excited, not expecting that the other party actually understood what he was thinking.

"The one who knows me is Ganmei. But don't worry, I will have my own plan."

Xi Yu said that he had indeed considered this, but it was getting cold now.

Therefore, let’s talk about anything after the Chinese New Year.

After saying a few words here, Xi Yu returned to the room.

Two secret guards appeared at the door of the room openly, and there was still a person lying on the ground, it was Meng Ping who looked like a dead pig.

Xi Yu understood everything when he saw that his appearance was somewhat similar to Meng An.

The two secret guards also told the truth of the matter, and the result of the trial was completely similar to what Meng An said.

"Okay, now that the trial result is out, let's lock him in the room first."

The two secret guards imprisoned Meng Ping in the woodshed.

Meng An stayed in the guest room, and he was provided with three meals a day, and the food was not bad, but he was always uneasy in his heart.

So far, he had not received any news from his brother, so he decided to go to Xiyu's room to ask.

Xi Yu had already expected Meng An to come to his room.

"May I ask the actor, how is my brother doing now?"

Xi Yu told him the truth, and he was shocked. He felt heartbroken when he learned that his brother had been tortured.

His tears also fell down.

"You don't have to be sad. Your brother is to blame for this. My secret guards must take certain measures, otherwise they will not be able to get the actual truth."

Meng An nodded. Although he told his truth, it was not the same thing as admitting it personally to his brother.

He asked to see his brother.

"You can go see him, but you can't talk." Xi Yu said.

This moment made Meng An feel very confused.

Xi Yu then proposed that he would talk to the other party in person, while Meng An could only wait outside and must not make any noise.

"Player, if you want to see my brother in person, will you kill him?"

"Don't worry. If I really want the execution to be simple, why should I tell you? I want to reform him."

He said that he would do some ideological work for Meng Ping.

But whether the other party can listen to him or not is beyond his control, but he still has to do his best.

Meng An's tears flowed out again, but this time they were tears of excitement.

He felt that Xi Yu's personality charm was simply too great, and he was very honored to be able to meet her.

And Mao Dacheng is simply incomparable to Xi Yu.

Mao Dacheng was very kind to the two brothers back then, and he should be very grateful.

But he made the entire Fangjun a mess.

But as for Xi Yu, I heard that he would be welcomed by the people wherever he went, and even good people looked forward to Xi Yu coming to them.

He himself also understands history. Many emperors, including great princes, would not receive such treatment.

So, he bowed respectfully to Xi Yu.

"Okay, since you are here, I will go and meet him in person now. Remember my words, don't let him see it, and don't say anything."

Meng An nodded.

Meng Ping has woken up now, and he is particularly depressed.

Suddenly, he saw the door open and Xi Yu appeared in front of him.

But he didn't know Xi Yu, so he quickly asked: "Who are you?"

He saw something strange. This soldier seemed to have a particularly strong aura.

Xi Yu reported his family status directly.

He was shocked, not expecting that Xi Yu would come in person.

"You've been trying to kill me, but you don't know who I am?"

In Meng Ping's view, if the other party comes to him in person, it means announcing his death.

He was also very calm, as long as his brother could survive anyway.

But I hope my brother will not take away this old path of his.

"It turned out that the actor himself came to visit me, a little person. I feel very honored."

Xi Yu said with a smile: "Do you want to die? Don't you just miss your brother?"

Meng An watched secretly from outside, but he didn't dare to speak at all.

Meng Ping was surprised.

"What did you say?"

He thought to himself, has his brother been caught too?

Xi Yu said, "Don't get excited. I know you have a younger brother, but we didn't catch him."

After hearing this, Meng Ping finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And Xi Yu said that he was not here to kill him today, but to talk some sense to him.

"I have nothing to argue with you."

"Really? You're not even afraid of death anymore. Are you still afraid of listening to me?"

Meng Ping snorted and said no more.

And Xi Yu talked about a conversation he had with Cao Cao, that is, what is a prosperous age?

While he was talking, Meng Ping became excited.

Meng Ping originally wanted to refute his words, but these words made his blood boil.

He looked at Xi Yu with careful eyes.

Xi Yu's eyes were particularly clear.

He really didn't know why Xi Yu had such avant-garde ideas, and Meng An was stunned when he heard it outside.

Originally, it was said that Mao Dacheng could not be compared with Xi Yu, but now it seems that comparing Mao Dacheng with Xi Yu is an insult to Xi Yu.

He couldn't help but rush in.

"Master Xiu, you are absolutely right."

Meng Ping was surprised.

"Brother, why are you here?"

And Xi Yu also laughed.

"Didn't I tell you not to show up?"

But Meng An said that he was too excited.

This generous speech really touched me.

Meng Ping asked why Meng An was here?

Meng An told him the real truth.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I was the one who told the secret, but you have to know that if you make a big mistake, the consequences will be disastrous."

"What? Are you still my biological brother? How could you do such a thing?"

Meng Ping said fiercely.

And Meng An kept reasoning with him.

Even if he hadn't snitched, Meng Ping wouldn't have been able to succeed.

Meng Ping thought of the two secret guards yesterday.

He had to admit that his brother was right.

But now, he has calmed down and found that his prejudice against Xi Yu was wrong.

Xi Yu left and let the two brothers have a good chat.

Meng An quickly squatted in front of his brother, feeling very heartbroken for his injuries.

"Brother, I'm sorry, please beat me to death."

Meng Ping suddenly hugged him and said that his brother was also doing it for his own good.

"Brother, don't be enemies with him anymore. The actor is really a good person."

"Yes, I also think he is pretty good after what he said just now."

Meng Ping murmured.

The key is that he also heard the people's appreciation for Xi Yu.

This proves that Xi Yu is not a hypocrite.

The two brothers talked for more than an hour. Meng An returned to Xi Yu and said that his brother had regretted it.

"Okay, if that's the case, let him stay here to recuperate. After he recovers, you can leave."

Meng An said that he hoped the two brothers could stay and serve Xi Yu.

"What can you two do if you stay?" Xi Yu asked.

Meng An didn't know what to say. Both of them were weak scholars and it seemed that they really couldn't do anything.

Xi Yu seemed to have noticed his thoughts, and then said: "If you have literary talent, I can stay and let you teach in the college."

Meng An was overjoyed. He seemed to have vaguely heard that Xi Yu was going to build a college.

"If so, thank you so much, Mr. Xi."

Meng An returned to Meng Ping and told the matter.

Meng Ping really didn't expect that Xi Yu would repay evil with kindness.

He suddenly felt that he was nothing.

"Brother, thank you for impressing the actor. Otherwise, he would not be so kind to us two brothers." (End of Chapter)

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