After several days of long journey, Fang Zhongyuan finally arrived at the place where the old man lived in seclusion.

It was a very remote mountain village. The old doctor originally lived in the mountains, but later on, he got older and had some physical inconveniences, so he came to such a place.

He is currently being cared for by his nephew, as he has never been married.

His nephew is also sixty years old.

I was very unhappy when I learned that someone was looking for me.

"My uncle is not at home, you'd better go back quickly."

Fang Zhongyuan also noticed it, and he probably was often harassed by people, so he was frightened.

He brought a lot of gifts and said that he was really sincere and hoped that the other party would let him meet.

But the man said nothing to let him see it, and threw his things outside.

There is no choice but to leave temporarily, but he will not really leave.

He said: "I have already brought the things, how can I take them back?"

After he walked away, he saw a woman coming out. Then she muttered a few words, and finally packed up her things and took them back to the house.

He was still not sure whether the old doctor was really not at home, so he asked someone to inquire.

It is said that the old doctor really has the habit of not being at home.

Although he was older, he was obsessed with medicine, so he often went to collect medicines and usually didn't come back until dark, so he waited here.

He is very persistent in order to accomplish great things.

And on the other side, in Youzhou.

On this day, Liao Youcai was particularly depressed.

Since receipts were issued, items could only be sold by placing an order, which made him feel very inappropriate.

He felt as if someone was holding his neck, which was extremely uncomfortable.

No, he definitely couldn't just let it go. He had to come up with an idea.

On the same street, there was a cloth seller named Yan Laosan.

The relationship between the two of them is particularly good.

He planned to discuss it with Yan Laosan, and soon came to Yan Laosan's shop.

"Old Liao, why are you here?"

Liao Youcai then looked at the servant.

Yan Laosan said: "You all should retreat."

The family members all retreated.

Liao Youcai also said straight to the point: "Old Yan, I guess you are feeling uncomfortable just like me, right?"

Yan Laosan said, why not?

At first, I listened to Liao Youcai's words and thought I could do some tricks when buying things, but now it seems impossible.

"Hmph, this Xiyu is simply stretching his hand too far. What do we sell, what price do we set, and what does it have to do with him?"

Yan Laosan was startled and told him not to speak, lest the walls have ears.

And now Xiyu has also established a system where people can report.

If you are reported, you will lose more than you gain.

Yan Laosan said, if it really doesn't work, why not withdraw from this business association.

Liao Youcai's eyes were very cold.

"Not only will I not withdraw, but I will take advantage."

Yan Laosan was very surprised. In this case, what advantage could there be?

Liao Youcai then explained his plan.

Yan Laosan was stunned.

"Will this plan work?"

"Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. Some things will suffocate the bold and starve the timid, don't you think?"

Yan Laosan weighed the pros and cons and still seemed a little hesitant.

"Yan Laosan, when did you become so timid? If I had known, I shouldn't have discussed it with you."

Just as Liao Youcai was about to leave, Yan Laosan quickly grabbed his arm.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I didn't say I didn't agree with it. If that's the case, then you can get some for me too."

"Just don't worry."

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

Since winter is coming soon, Xi Yu plans not to go to the open territory for the time being this winter, but also to let the soldiers have a good rest and recuperate with the people.

However, on this day, someone came to report that Mrs. Ganmei was seriously ill.

He was startled and hurried to Gan Mei's room. Several maids cried and said that Mrs. Gan felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up this morning.

But now his face is sallow and his whole body is lack of energy.

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on?"

Xi Yu hurried to call Gan Mei and found that Gan Mei had passed out. The maid told him not to worry and that she had already gone to see the doctor.

After a while, a doctor came over quickly and started to feel Ganmei's pulse.

The old doctor originally thought that he would put up a curtain and check his wife's pulse through the curtain, but Xi Yu said that it wasn't that important and he could just do it.

Xi Yu originally thought that there might be human factors involved. For example, if someone wanted to harm Ganmei, was there something wrong with the food or something else?

Now his heart was pounding.

He was not afraid of a bloody battle on the battlefield, but now he was afraid that the doctor would say some bad words.

He also knew that he should not speak when someone was checking their pulse, but he still couldn't help but ask: "Mr. doctor, what's going on?"

The old doctor signaled him not to speak. After a while, he finally let go of his hand.

"If I'm correct in my judgment, my wife had a disease when she was young. It can be said that this has left sequelae."

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Then I asked the old doctor if there was any way to treat it, as long as it was confirmed that it was not artificial poisoning.

The old doctor said that he could prescribe some medicine, but there was one kind of medicine that was particularly rare and he didn’t have it at all. Not only did he not have it, but it was not available for hundreds of miles around.

Xi Yu quickly asked what kind of drug it was?

"The name of this medicine is Qixicao. But it has been lost for a long time."

Xi Yu asked anxiously: "Without this medicine, is it true that my wife cannot wake up?"

Xi Yu finally had a child. What would happen if something happened to this lady?

Of course, even if he didn't want children, he still had to see Ganmei intact.

The old doctor said that if this medicine is missing, the wife may wake up, but it can only last for a month. After a month, the condition may become more serious, and she may die.

Xi Yu felt his arms trembling. Why was this happening?

The old doctor asked Xiyu if he wanted to continue prescribing medicine.

Xiyu didn't answer.

The old doctor asked again.

Xi Yu said: "You go back first. If I need to prescribe medicine, I will come to you."

After the old doctor left, Xi Yu asked other doctors to come over, and found that the same situation was the same. Does it mean that he must prescribe medicine?

But a month later?

Several maids started to cry.

Xi Yu angrily scolded: "Don't cry anymore."

The maids had no choice but to stop crying.

Xi Yu suddenly felt that there was nothing he could do. No matter how powerful he was, people were so powerless in the face of disease.

But suddenly he had an idea, why not find the miracle doctor Hua Tuo?

When he thought of this, he rushed out quickly.

Hua Tuo must have a solution.

Soon, he ordered someone to call Zhou Yu.

When Zhou Yu first walked in, he saw that Xi Yu seemed to be a different person, much older, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.

"Master Xiu, I don't know what happened."

"Hurry up and ride your horse to find Hua Tuo. I want him to come as soon as possible."

Zhou Yu had heard of Hua Tuo's name, but he didn't know where Hua Tuo was.

Xi Yu said: "I know the address, I have already written it for you."

After that, I took a piece of paper.

"Please be sure to tell him that Mrs. Gan is very ill now."

Zhou Yu was also very surprised to hear that Gan Mei was ill.

"Don't ask about the specific disease. In short, you must get Hua Tuo."

Zhou Yu accepted the order and immediately rode away.

Xi Yu felt that his heart was about to empty out.

I immediately began to pray to gods and worship Buddha, although I never believed in ghosts and gods.

After a while, Sun Shangxiang also heard about this and immediately came to his room.

Because Sun Shangxiang's days of confinement have now been lifted, he said he was willing to go to the temple to pray for Mrs. Gan.

Xi Yu saw the sincerity in his eyes and nodded.

"In that case, I'll go with you."

Sun Shangxiang understood that Xi Yu never believed in ghosts and gods, so this time he was really improvising, which also proved that he loved Gan Mei very much.

He was even thinking, if something like this happened to him, would his husband be so anxious and angry about him?

So for a moment, he was in a daze.

Xiyu became angry.

"Why are you still here? Why don't you pack your things quickly and let's go?"

Sun Shangxiang said oh, knowing that now was not the time to think about this issue.

She quickly went to clean it up.

Xi Yu immediately sent chariots and horses to take them to the temple.

And in the temple, they unexpectedly met Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong.

The two of them have always had the habit of burning incense, and they were very surprised when they met Xi Yu here.

After learning about the situation, they also began to pray seriously.

And Xi Yu said that Gan Mei's disease was also a secret and asked the two girls not to tell it.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Don't worry, Mr. Xi, you have such trust in us, how could we fail you?"

Sun Shangxiang also met Ouyang Linlin for the first time. I found that she was really as beautiful as a flower.

The key point is that she is very cute. Not to mention Xi Yu, even a woman likes her very much.

On the other side, Fang Zhongyuan was still waiting persistently. Finally, as night fell, he saw an old man with a cane and a fairy spirit appearing in the village, and he was also holding a medicine box.

He thought that this was the old man, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"Excuse me, are you Dr. Zhuge?"

The old doctor was stunned.

Then he realized that someone was looking for him again, so he felt particularly disgusted.

"I'm not."

Fang Zhongyuan thought he must be, so he hurried to catch up with him.

"Mr. Zhong, I am looking for you here sincerely. I hope you can meet me. I have been here since morning."

But the old doctor still ignored him.

There are many people coming to see him. He is old now and doesn't want to be disturbed at all.

Fang Zhongyuan suddenly remembered a saying, it is better to dispatch a general than to provoke him, so he deliberately said: "You hang a pot to help people, and you often go to collect medicine, but someone comes to you, but you are so arrogant, how can a person like you bring benefit?" Where is Yu Min?"

Doctor Zhuge was stunned immediately. For him, this sentence was a slap in the face.

It seems that what the other party said makes sense.

He then turned to look at the other person.

After a while, his face looked better.

"I see you are not sick. Is it your family?"

Fang Zhongyuan thought to himself, these words are really effective.

He said that he actually came here for a bet.

Doctor Zhuge was stunned. How could he give this poison so casually?

"In that case, let's go."

Doctor Zhuge waved his hand.

But Fang Zhongyuan knelt down with a plop.

He said that he did all this not for his own sake, but for the sake of the entire Fangjun.

After all, this place is also Fangjun's territory, so I want to use this kind of words to impress the old man.

"Old doctor, a man will not kneel down casually for others, but this villain is indeed kneeling down for the sake of the entire Fang County and the people in the world."

The old doctor was shocked and asked him quickly what was going on.

He then told the real situation.

It happened that this old doctor, like Fang Zhongyuan, had a sense of loyalty at work. He also believed that no matter how bad the emperor was, he could not be overthrown casually.

Even if the worst option is to establish a new king, he must come from the royal family.

And what happens when outsiders intervene?

"So that's what happened. I also heard about it, and I was very angry. What does he mean by teasing Yu? Can he do whatever he wants just because he has the ability?"

Fang Zhongyuan was very happy after hearing this, which proved that there was still a way.

The old doctor gave him the medicine box.

"This is a precious medicine I picked today, called Qixicao. Please hold it for me. I'm a little tired. Let's talk about it at my house."

Fang Zhongyuan was very happy and immediately stood up and took it.

He doesn't care whether Qixi Cao is expensive or not, as long as he can please the old doctor.

When Zhuge Langzhong showed up at home with him, his nephew Zhuge Xin felt very incredible.

"Uncle, what's going on?"

Usually it is the uncle who asks him to kick people out.

Normally no visitors are seen behind closed doors, but why did uncle take the initiative to bring people in now?

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it. I want this guest to come to my room to talk."

Fang Zhongyuan arrived at Dr. Zhuge's room and saw that it was very clean.

Although an old man lives here, it is not sleazy at all.

"I can give you this medicine, but I don't want more people to be poisoned." Dr. Zhuge said solemnly.

Fang Zhongyuan felt resentful in his heart.

This old guy actually woke up at the critical moment.

If he looked forward and backward, he would not be able to accomplish this.

"The old man once said that if you don't want to give up your children, you can't trap the wolf. If you don't use ruthless measures, it will be unsuccessful. No matter how good the people are, they are just ordinary people and ants after all. How can they compete with the emperor? How about comparing it?"

Dr. Zhuge hesitated for a while and sighed again.

"What you said makes some sense. In that case, you can wait outside first. When I prepare the medicine, you can come in."

Fang Zhongyuan was overjoyed.

It was now evening.

Xi Yu was still muttering that although Hua Tuo had superb medical skills, humans were not gods.

There are probably diseases that he can't cure. Can he really do it?

Also, is this rare herb still available in the world?

If there is, he will look for it even if the whole earth is turned upside down.

Of course, today he also sent someone to inquire about the location of this herb.

If not, with Hua Tuo's medical skills, can Ganmei return to normal?

He also went to Ganmei's room several times today, and Ganmei was unconscious all the time.

I'm taking some temporary medicine for now.

But he also felt that no matter if Ganmei was in a coma, wouldn't it be more painful if he woke up?

Coupled with knowing that one's time is short and suffering from mental pain, that is such a worrying thing.

The whole day passed, and Xi Yu seemed to have lost weight.

At first, I married Ganmei because of her beauty.

But after a long time, I now have deep feelings.

He doesn't want to lose any of these ladies, including his future wives.

He had never been so flustered as he was today, and he kept moving around the house.

He even planned to recruit famous doctors from all over the world, offer silver rewards, and even offer rewards to princes.

If anyone can save his wife, he would rather sacrifice several cities.

Forget it, let’s wait until Hua Tuo comes.

He could only place his hope on Hua Tuo.

I went to the temple to pray for blessings today. Although I got some temporary psychological comfort, I am still worried.

He also constantly enlightened himself that people who have done great things since ancient times have gone through ups and downs. God will never let a person have smooth sailing. Sooner or later, he will cause some ups and downs for him.

"Qixicao, what kind of medicine is this?"

And he suddenly came to the residence of an old doctor and asked him if there was any record of this medicine in ancient books and what it looked like.

After the old doctor knew his identity, he quickly went to look up medical classics.

I found a thick book, started flipping through it, and found Qixi Cao.

It's something like ginseng.

Moreover, this old doctor had never seen it before, but he only said that it was recorded in the book that this medicine was particularly miraculous.

The most recent case was from the Spring and Autumn Period. That is to say, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the present, almost no one has heard of the existence of this herbal medicine, and there are no examples of this herbal medicine curing diseases.

The old doctor said: "Master Xi, the medical skills recorded in this book are very complete, especially those rare diseases. It seems that this kind of herbal medicine is really not easy to get."

Xi Yu said thank you and left the pharmacy.

It's getting later and later, and the voice of "Be careful of candles in the middle of the night" has already come to mind on the streets.

Xi Yu's stalwart figure slowly blended into the space between heaven and earth.

When he returned to his residence, he could not sleep and kept tossing and turning. (End of chapter)

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