Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong immediately arrived at the door of Xi Shi's room.

Xi Shi's door is open.

She was holding a fan with landscape patterns on it and was fanning it.

There was a little girl next to her, serving her.

She seemed to be in a daze, showing a profile of Ouyang Linlin.

But they were stunned just by looking at this side.

Although the two women had already made preparations when they arrived.

They knew that since Xi Shi was a beautiful woman in ancient times, her appearance must be particularly outstanding.

But I didn't expect such an outstanding method.

They seemed to have stopped breathing.

Unknowingly, the two people also came to the door, but never entered.

The little girl thought it was a thief and turned around to see it was them.

"It turns out that Mrs. Ouyang is here, and the little girl is polite."

The little girl blessed her body with them.

Xi Shi quickly looked outside.

The little girl then said: "This is Mrs. Ouyang of Xi Gong."

Xi Shi then stood up and smiled at them both.

This smile looks even more beautiful.

But Ouyang Linlin felt a deep sense of crisis.

What does it mean that the Western Regions brought Xi Shi here?

Will he take her as a concubine in the future?

If this is the case, how can you not create a crisis for yourself?

After a while, Xiaohong pulled Ouyang Linlin's clothes.

He signaled his lady not to be too embarrassed.

Ouyang Linlin said quickly: "Sit down quickly. I have long heard that Miss Xi Shi is as beautiful as a flower. When I saw her today, she was indeed well-deserved. It's just that it's great to see her again after hundreds of years."

Xi Shi also asked them to sit down quickly.

Ouyang Linlin asked, is she the real Xi Tzu?

"Mrs. Ouyang, what do you mean?"

"I just feel that the resurrection of the dead is a very strange thing."

Xi Shi corrected her, saying that she was not dead. It's just been sleeping for hundreds of years.

"Sorry, it was my mistake."

Next, let her talk about the specific process of the matter.

It was found that she was exactly what Xi Yu said.

This proves that Xi Yu did not lie.

"By the way, the actor asked you to live here. Do you want to live here permanently or temporarily?"

Of course Xi Shi understood what the other party meant, but she was afraid that she would become a threat to the other party.

"I don't know about this either. After all, I am helpless now. The actor has become my only relative. I will listen to him whatever she wants."

After a while, after the master and servant left, Xiaohong asked Ouyang Linlin to go find Sun Shangxiang and others to discuss how to deal with Xi Shi's problem.

But Ouyang Linlin shook her head. She said that this was somewhat inappropriate. After all, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

If you discuss it yourself, wouldn't it prove that you are a jealous woman?

This is a big no-no.

"But miss, if she becomes a madam, you will have no status."

Of course Ouyang Linlin knew this, but she comforted the other party.

Before he came, Xiyu already had a wife. Will he win their favor after he comes?

But Xiaohong thinks that she doesn't care about those things. She just wants to think about her young lady anyway.

Xi Yu yawned in the room.

He suddenly found that after returning from Qingzhou, he seemed to be a little tired and felt particularly sleepy.

But he did not forget about business. He sent someone to call Guan Yu.

He lay on the bed and slept.

After a while, Lu Su arrived and woke him up.

"It turns out that the actor is taking a break. It seems that he came down at the wrong time."

"Zijing, if you have anything to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

Lu Su then said that the college was almost completed and asked the actor to give it a name.

And perform a capping ceremony.

"Let's call it Youzhou College. There's no need to give it a name, because naming it is a waste of brains."

Lu Su wanted to snicker, but Xi Yu was too lazy.

But it might as well be called Youzhou College.

Anyway, it's relatively high-end.

In Youzhou, if it wasn’t called Youzhou College, what would it be called?

Lu Su said that it will be capped in a few days and then officially launched.

Xi Yu also said that some well-respected people from Youzhou’s business community and the private sector would be invited to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Lu Su asked Xi Yu to inspect it first.

Xi Yu doesn't think it's necessary and can just attend the ceremony when the time comes.

And now he still has to wait for Guan Yu to arrive.

Lu Susu retreated temporarily.

Xi Yu was very happy because this was a major event that benefited the country and the people.

Guan Yu practices calligraphy at home.

He was originally a man who wielded swords and guns, so he felt a little embarrassed when he was asked to practice calligraphy.

When someone came to call him, he asked that person, what did Xi Yu ask him to do?

"This little one doesn't know."

Guan Yu seemed a little nervous.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

And he also knew about Zhang Fei's current whereabouts.

The three brothers have already found a good home.

Soon, he tidied up his clothes and went to see Xi Yu.

When he saw Xi Yu, Xi Yu was lying on the bed and chair with his eyes closed to relax.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xi Yu woke up immediately.

"I don't know what happened if the actor asked me to come down."

Xi Yu then told what happened in Qingzhou.

There are so many outsiders who want to go there, but their resources are squeezed out.

Now he wants to issue an order in Youzhou, Pizhou and other territories.

Anyone coming from other places must have a local household registration.

If not, it cannot exceed a certain period.

The same applies to recruitment work. First, we should focus on local people. If we can't find local people, we can look for people from other places.

Guan Yu was overjoyed after hearing this, because he had really been exposed to similar things like this a few days ago.

There was a coffin shop owner who fired a local man.

The labor force from other places is very cheap, so he can be put to work.

The result was that the resigned man committed suicide.

Guan Yu thought that it was indeed very good for Xi Yu to come up with this point.

Qingzhou has already implemented it, and the next step is to implement it in Youzhou.

After a while, it will be implemented in other places.

"You should hurry up and handle this matter now."

Guan Yu is about to retire.

However, he immediately told Xi Yu that he would like to thank him for the arrangements he made for Zhang Fei.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. You three brothers have a very good relationship with each other. If you dare to take photos of each other, as long as you are loyal to me, I will naturally not treat you badly."

Guan Yu finally retreated.

But Xi Yu thinks Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are good.

But Liu Bei is unrealistic at every turn.

Next, Xi Yu began to feel sleepy again, and he actually slept until dusk.

He really didn't understand why he was so sleepy.

When it was time for dinner, Xi Yu was eating when he suddenly felt that the food was so unpalatable, so he shouted loudly: "Here comes someone."

Several soldiers nearby hurried over and asked Xi Yu if he had any orders.

"Who cooked this food? Call me quickly. It's too unpalatable."

Several soldiers immediately went to the kitchen to call for someone.

After a while, a very fat chef came over.

He usually doesn't have much chance to see Xi Yu, but he didn't expect that he would be able to see him this time.

And seeing Xi Yu looking so angry, Xi Yu's eyes became particularly scary.

"I want to ask you, did you cook this meal?"

Xi Yu pointed at the food he had dropped on the ground.

"Yes, that's what villains do."

"Why did you do so poorly today? Why is it different from usual? Could it be that another person did it normally?"

The man said that he had always cooked for Xiyu himself.

In the past, Xiyu ate well, but now he shouldn't change his appetite.

"You bastard, are you saying that I am deliberately making things difficult for you?"

The man said he didn't dare.

Xi Yu asked the soldiers to take it out quickly.

Hit him twenty times.

The man then knelt down and begged for mercy.

He said that his cooking skills have not decreased and are exactly the same as usual.

"It's unreasonable. Even now, you are still talking nonsense like this. Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and fight?"

Several soldiers had no choice but to take the chef out and beat him up.

However, several soldiers also felt that Xi Yu had gone too far today.

But they didn't dare to disobey Xi Yu's order, so screams were heard in the yard.

By chance, Zhou Yu came to Xi Yu to report on his work and heard this scene.

After the chef was taken away, he finally entered Xi Yu's room.

Before leaving, I asked him specifically, who was the person who was beaten just now, and how did he offend the actor?

Xi Yu then said that these servants are becoming more and more unruly and can't even cook well.

Xi Yu suddenly got angry, which made Zhou Yu feel very puzzled.

He seemed to have never seen Xi Yu look like this.

After Zhou Yu left, he was still thinking about it.

Why did Xiyu suddenly look like a different person?

While he was thinking, he was unaware that someone was enjoying the shade under the vines in front of him.

It was Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong.

And because he was thinking about the problem, he almost bumped into the grape trellis.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "General Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did he realize his special gaffe.

"It turns out to be Madam. I wonder if the young one alerted Madam."

"I'm not surprised, but what are you thinking about?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing."

But Ouyang Linlin became nervous.

"General Zhou, you should have come out of my husband's room. Can you tell me something?"

Zhou Yu paused for a moment and finally said: "I just felt that the opera master had changed into a different person."

When she heard this, she shuddered because she felt the same way.

"General Zhou, please tell me carefully what is going on. To be honest, I feel the same way."

"Miss, how do you feel? Could it be that the actor has changed into a different person? You won't scare me, will you?" Xiaohong was so frightened that she trembled.

Zhou Yu then told him about the beating of the chef just now.

Ouyang Linlin and her two daughters had just arrived here and had never heard the sound of the chef being beaten.

"What? There is such a thing?"

"This is absolutely true. Normally, the actor loves the people like his own children. Why did he suddenly hit the chef today? And I also heard about it just now. The chef claimed that the food he cooked was the same as usual."

So Zhou Yu hopes that Ouyang Linlin will get closer to the actor more often to see what's going on here.

Zhou Yu thought it might be because Xi Yu was under a lot of pressure. So there is this character of worrying about gains and losses.

"Okay, thank you General Zhou, I know it well."

Soon, it was late at night.

Tonight, Xi Yu will rest in Sun Shangxiang's room.

Sun Shangxiang was already ready and waiting for him in the house.

However, when Xi Yu walked in, he put his hands behind his back and stared angrily.

Sun Shangxiang quickly walked over and took off his coat.

Xi Yu glanced at Sun Shangxiang and then turned pale.

"Husband, what happened to you today?"

"Look at you, you're dressed like a vixen. What are you doing? Are you trying to seduce men?"

Sun Shangxiang was stunned. Wasn't he dressing up like this just to make Xi Yu look at her more?

There is nothing wrong with myself.

How could you insult yourself like this?

The tears flowed out immediately.

"What? How dare you cry? I didn't say anything to you. What do you want to do?"

Xi Yu raised a slap and hit Sun Shangxiang.

And he was so angry that he went back immediately.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

However, when she went out to chase him, Xi Yu had already left angrily.

Xi Yu finally came to Ouyang Linlin's room.

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong were eating oranges when they suddenly saw Xi Yu coming and felt very strange.

"Why haven't you two rested yet?"

They said they couldn't sleep, so they got up to eat these things.

"Husband, shouldn't you go to Mrs. Sun's room? How come you are here?"

Xi Yu then explained what happened just now.

Ouyang Linlin thought that the reason why people did this must be for him.

How could Xi Yu be thinking like this?

She glanced at Xiaohong again. What Zhou Yu said about Xi Yu seeming to be a different person was indeed true.

Xi Yu immediately took off his clothes, and it was obvious that he was going to stay here tonight.

So Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to leave quickly.

But Xiaohong didn't want to leave. If Xiyu really changed, wouldn't her own lady be the same?

"What are you still doing there? Aren't you leaving immediately?"

Xi Yu sneered, and Ouyang Linlin also advised Xiaohong to leave quickly.

Having no choice but to leave, Xiaohong had no choice but to leave.

When she went out, she prayed to God and prayed to the Buddha, hoping that nothing would happen to the lady.

The more he felt, Xi Yu seemed to have become a person.

And Ouyang Linlin seemed to be trembling a little.

Xi Yu asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you trembling suddenly?"

"Nothing, husband, have you been particularly tired in the past few days?"

Xi Yu frowned.

"How do you know? I feel very sleepy. I slept for a long time during the day, and now I can't sleep."

Ouyang Linlin fell into thinking.

Then, he asked Xi Yu how he should treat Xi Shi next, and whether he would marry her in the future?

"Let's talk about this later, don't worry."

Xi Yu waved his hand casually, and Ouyang Linlin already understood what he meant.

It seems that Xi Yu really has such an idea.

Although she said she didn't care on the surface, how could she be calm in her heart?

Next, although she felt a little sleepy, Xiyu couldn't sleep at all, so she asked the two of them to chat together.

It wasn't until she was so sleepy that she was let go.

Sun Shangxiang shed tears that night.

Soon, her girl investigated and Xi Yu arrived at Ouyang Linlin's room.

So the next day, Sun Shangxiang came to see Ouyang Linlin.

Ask her what kind of vixen trick she used to bring Xi Yu here.

And how could I feel sorry for Xi Yu?

She came to the room angrily.

Xiao Hong was startled by her appearance.

Ouyang Linlin received her immediately.

She naturally understood why Sun Shangxiang came to her.

"Mrs. Sun, I was planning to go to your room to find you."

"Really? Are you so kind? You wish you could occupy your husband every day, right?"

Ouyang Linlin asked her to calm down first and sit down before talking.

Xiaohong felt aggrieved.

This woman was looking for trouble with her young lady so early in the morning. Could it be that what happened last night was what the young lady wanted?

I came to the young lady's room early this morning and was relieved to see that nothing happened to the young lady.

Ouyang Linlin knew that he was unhappy, but she winked at her and said there was no need to let her take care of the master's affairs.

"You also said you wanted to go to my room. I feel you are lying. You wish your husband was always in your room." Sun Shangxiang sat down and asked aggressively.

Although Ouyang Linlin was also angry, she forced herself to calm down.

"Mrs. Sun, things are not what you think. I feel very sorry for what happened last night, but it was not caused by me."

She tried her best to say nice things, and finally made Sun Shangxiang calm down a little.

Sun Shangxiang thought about it carefully and realized that this was also the case.

"Mrs. Sun, it's true when I say I'm going to find you. I was planning to discuss a problem with you, but my husband seems to have changed."

Sun Shangxiang frowned, feeling that these words were very strange.

Ouyang Linlin told the relevant situation.

Sun Shangxiang frowned.

"What? There is such a thing?"

She also felt very strange, why would her husband beat up the chef? This has never happened before.

"So now, we must investigate what exactly happened to our husband. There must be something on his mind."

Hearing what Ouyang Linlin said, Sun Shangxiang also felt that there was some truth in it.

From this point of view, she cannot be blamed for this matter.

But, even so, why does Xi Yu still like her and not himself?

A feeling of jealousy still came to mind.

Sun Shangxiang understood what she meant.

"There should be no barriers between us, but we should work together to find out this matter. Mrs. Sun, do you think I am right?"

"But how do we know what he is thinking now? If he is in a bad mood, he probably won't tell us." (End of Chapter)

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