Ouyang Linlin said it would be better to check again secretly.

Sun Shangxiang finally solved the troubles in his heart, so he felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, in that case, I won't disturb you anymore."

Guan Yu returned to his mansion and began to arrange the orders Xi Yu said.

He immediately began to find several subordinates to spread the news.

They are also posted in every street and alley.

At the same time, some shops must also pay attention, especially when they hire people, they must do what Xi Yu said.

Anyone who disobeys must be punished by law.

Gradually, the news spread throughout Youzhou City.

At noon, many people were discussing these things in the inn and teahouse.

Some locals felt very happy.

Because Xi Yu did all this for their sake.

Some outsiders were indignant.

It seems that they will have to go back to where they belong in the future.

But in this case, wouldn’t they be able to live a good life?

Some people also smelled some meaning in it.

Xi Yu also wanted to make other princes envious of his territory.

The common people must have complaints, which will make other princes unpopular.

All this also protects the local people, so Xi Yu's approach can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Guan Yu also heard everyone's discussion and felt very happy.

Soon, he reported it to Xi Yu.

However, Guan Yu found that Xi Yu did not show any joy, and his expression was very dull.

He felt very strange.

"Master Xi, shouldn't you be very happy to hear this news?"

"It's not bad, right?"

Xiyu's answer seemed a little perfunctory.

When Guan Yu wanted to say something again, Xi Yu seemed a little impatient and finally let Guan Yu leave.

After Guan Yu returned, he still felt strange.

Why does Xiyu look so unhappy?

Who provoked him?

He really felt that he couldn't figure it out, and then he simply stopped thinking about it.

The next day, he went to the street to inspect the work, and happened to meet Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong on the road.

Although Ouyang Linlin is married to Xi Yu, she still maintains the habit of going to the temple to burn incense.

Guan Yu immediately saluted her.

"It turns out to be General Guan, no need to be polite."

"Madam, I have something to report to you. It's great to see you today."

Ouyang Linlin asked him what happened.

Guan Yu told him what happened to Xi Yu yesterday.

Ouyang Linlin was shocked. It seemed that Xi Yu had more than ordinary problems.

What is going on?

Seeing Ouyang Linlin in a daze, Guan Yu thought she didn't hear him.

So, I said it again.

Xiaohong said: "Okay, my wife has heard it."

"Strange, really weird."

Ouyang Linlin kept nagging.

And from what Guan Yu said, it seemed that Xi Yu was getting worse.

"Okay, General Guan, I will pay attention. If nothing happens, you can leave first."

The two parted ways, and Ouyang Linlin happened to be going to the temple, so she might as well beg for Xi Yu properly.

When they left the temple, Ouyang Linlin still felt puzzled.

Xiaohong said: "I heard that Zhuge Kongming has special interests, why don't we go ask him."

Ouyang Linlin thought this was a good idea and asked Xiaohong to invite Zhuge Liang quickly.

Soon, Zhuge Liang arrived with a feather fan.

"I wonder why Mrs. Ouyang called me here?"

Ouyang Linlin sighed and explained all the current situation.

Zhuge Liang frowned, he really didn't know this matter yet.

He has been studying the art of war recently and has not heard of this matter.

But then he came to a conclusion.

Could it be related to Xi Shi?

Because Xi Yu has been acting so strangely since Xi Shi arrived.

It's not like Ouyang Linlin has never thought about it this way.

But she couldn't confirm it at all now.

"Mr. Zhuge, no matter what the reason is, what should we do now?"

Zhuge Liang thought it would be better to find a doctor to take a look.

"Mr. Zhuge, is this method okay? My husband is not sick. Besides, if the doctor has been doubting since he came, what should we say?"

Zhuge Liang fanned himself while stroking the beard on his chin.

He said that ordinary doctors might not be able to do anything, so it would be better to invite Hua Tuo.

After all, Hua Tuo was extremely skilled in medicine.

But Ouyang Linlin denied this idea.

"It is said that most people do not know the whereabouts of this Chinese miracle doctor. Although my husband knows, how could he possibly tell?"

Zhuge Liang sighed. If this is really the case, it will be a real trouble.

But Zhuge Liang said that he could go out and inquire about it.

See if this is crazy or something like that.

Find a drug store and ask.

"In that case, it's up to you to trouble Mr. Zhuge."

"Madam, you're welcome. If the actor really turns out to be like this, it would be a bad thing. However, this matter must be kept secret for the time being and must not be known to outsiders, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous."

Ouyang Linlin naturally understood that if other people, especially other princes, knew about this matter, they might take advantage of it.

Zhuge Kongming said that he would come here again in a few hours.

A few hours later, they met again.

However, Zhuge Kongming asked many doctors, but they didn't know what was going on.

So now it is important to find out where Hua Tuo is.

Tonight, as usual, Xi Yu will rest in Ouyang Linlin's room again.

But Ouyang Linlin was not sure whether he would come again.

Because after all, he should have been at Sun Shangxiang's place yesterday, but instead he came to his place.

Xiyu finally arrived at night.

"Husband, it's so nice of you to come. I've been feeling a little uncomfortable lately and I keep having nightmares. Is this a disease? And I have a dull pain in my lower abdomen. I want Hua Tuo to take a look at it. Can you do it? "

Xi Yu said angrily: "With this minor illness, do you still need to trouble Doctor Hua? Just find any doctor."

Ouyang Linlin felt a little aggrieved.

Of course she was not really ill, just to find out Hua Tuo's address.

She also knew that if she was really sick, Xi Yu would comfort her and not talk to her in this tone.

She no longer blames Xi Yu because she knows that there must be something wrong with Xi Yu.

Zhuge Liang said that it might be related to Xi Shi.

But the timing is indeed a coincidence.

However, how could a little girl cause Xiyu to get a disease?

Seeing her aggrieved look, he said jokingly: "You are so annoying. You have to suffer for even a minor illness. Is there anyone like you?"

"Okay, husband, just pretend I didn't say anything. I'll just find a doctor to take a look at it tomorrow."

Next, she began to help Xiyu rest.

Ouyang Linlin wanted to know where Hua Tuo was.

But now I feel powerless.

Apart from Xi Yu, is there really no one who knows?

The next day, she went to the street to inquire.

Especially after arriving at many drug stores, no one could tell where Hua Tuo was.

Counting on Xi Yu is absolutely unsuccessful.

She had no choice but to start asking where there were any powerful charlatans, and maybe they could find out what kind of disease Xi Yu had.

And this matter has to be done secretly.

This matter really bothered her.

At this moment, Hua Tuo, whom she was thinking about, was riding in a carriage to a remote village.

There was an important patient there, and he was slightly related to him.

But the journey is a bit long, and we have to cross mountains and ridges.

Originally the coachman was unwilling to go, but Hua Tuo said that human life was at stake and was willing to give him more money, so he was willing to take him.

Although Hua Tuo also knew that he was taking this opportunity to ask for more money, he had no choice.

On the carriage, he kept looking at the road. He felt that this road was really difficult to walk.

In this case, the coachman did not blackmail him.

"Coach driver, could you please go faster?"

"Your Majesty, this horse will get tired sometimes. This is already our best effort, so I hope you can bear with it for a while. When it comes, just let nature take its course."

Hua Tuo thought to himself that he could wait, but he was afraid that the patient would not be able to wait.

A few days ago, when I was going to the market, I accidentally met a relative.

He told people his address.

It happened that on this day, a relative fell ill, and a neighbor happened to go to the city.

So I sent a message to let myself go.

What Hua Tuo never expected was that some bandits suddenly blocked their way.

"Stop the car quickly."

The coachman stopped the car in time, and when he saw the menacing looks of several people, he immediately knew that he was being robbed.

He especially hated Hua Tuo, so why did he have to seek treatment?

Otherwise, there is no need for me to come to this barren mountain.

But he also had to pretend to be very calm.

"Brothers, what do you want? Do you want to take a taxi? There are already guests in my car."

"Stop pretending to be confused here. You should know what we are going to do. We are robbers. Take your money out quickly, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Hua Tuo was also frightened and quickly opened the curtain and said to them: "Please let us go quickly. I am still in a hurry to get treatment."

The coachman scolded him in his heart.

At this time, the more we tell the truth, wouldn’t it make it easier for people to have their own ideas?

"Oh, it turns out it's for treating illnesses, so I won't let you leave. You must leave money to buy the way."

The coachman said that he had just taken on such a business today and didn't have much money on him, so he begged everyone to let him go.

Tomorrow, he will definitely bring it to everyone.

"You bastard, do you think we are easy to play? Will you still take this road tomorrow?"

The coachman said that even if he didn't take this route tomorrow, he could tell them a location and they could just go to the town to find him.

He will be there anyway.

Several kidnappers were still not happy, saying that they couldn't wait any longer and had to leave money to buy the trip.

The coachman looked sad and said that he really didn't have it.

One of the kidnappers grabbed the coachman by the neck.

If you can't get it out today, don't let him go.

At this moment, the horse was frightened, and then began to neigh and shake.

The horse even hit the kidnapper with its hooves.

The kidnappers were very angry, so they attacked the horse.

As a result, during this process, Hua Tuo also immediately rolled off the car.

One of the kidnappers punched and kicked him and kicked him to the side of the road.

He immediately rolled down to the low-lying area below.

In addition, after all, he was a little old, so he knocked his head on a stone and died.

The coachman shouted loudly: "Don't fight anymore, people are already dead now."

When the kidnappers saw that Hua Tuo was really dead, they were frightened and left immediately.

But the coachman complained endlessly. Now he no longer hated Hua Tuo, but had some sympathy for him.

"I said, old man, you said you had to treat someone else today. If someone else's illness doesn't get better, your own life will also be in danger."

But he couldn't just leave the other person here, so he had to put him into the carriage again and find a place to bury him.

He was buried like this. He can't put up another coffin.

"Old man, you can rest assured." He bowed slightly and left immediately.

Regarding today's matter, he did not dare to report it to the official.

Because of fear of retaliation.

In short, I didn't suffer any losses, so I just let the matter go.

On this day, Ouyang Linlin returned to Ouyang Mansion.

She thought to herself that luckily Xi Yu had an order so that the ladies didn't have to say hello when they returned to their parents' home.

If you say hello, Xiyu doesn't seem to be sober now, so he probably won't agree.

She returned home and immediately met Ouyang Fu and told her about the matter.

"What did you say? The actor has become delirious now?"

"That's not entirely true, but my temper is much worse than before."

And citing a few examples, Ouyang Fu felt that there were indeed some problems.

How could a person undergo this change for no reason?

And when he heard about Xi Shi, he felt even more incredible.

"Dad, I have also seen the girl Xi Tzu. I also asked my husband, and he said that she is indeed Xi Tzu."

Ouyang Fu touched the beard on his chin.

"No matter who he is. Maybe you are right. He is indeed related to this woman."

Father Ouyang even came up with a conspiracy theory.

He thought that this woman might be Xi Yu's enemy just to get close to Xi Yu.

"It's impossible, dad. They were digging for treasure in the cave at that time, and few people know about this place. How could that woman be lying in the crystal coffin waiting for him?"

After hearing his daughter's explanation, Ouyang Fu also found that his own thoughts were a little too whimsical.

Ouyang Fu decided to meet Xi Yu.

"Dad, why did you go to see him?"

"This is also a problem." Ouyang Fu pondered.

It occurred to him immediately.

"That's right. I can go with Sun Zhongmou in the name of the Business Association."

Ouyang Linlin thinks this is a good idea.

But at the same time, I became worried.

"Dad, it's better that few people know about this matter. If Sun Zhongmou also finds out..."

"Don't worry, dad just asked him to go with him, but that doesn't mean he wants to tell the matter."

Ouyang Linlin was relieved, and she was ready to go back.

Ouyang Fu told her that since it was such a special situation now, it would be better for her to stay away from Xi Yu.

"Okay, Dad, I remember."

Ouyang Fu naturally understood that his daughter was particularly homesick.

Normally, when I come back, I should stay at home for a few days, but my daughter loves to play Yu.

She is also very worried about Xiyu's condition, so she won't stay here any longer.

Ouyang Fu immediately went to the Business Association to find Sun Zhongmou.

Sun Zhongmou was looking at the financial statements at the time.

"Oh, Mr. Ouyang, you are here."

"President Sun, I hope you will come with me to meet the actor."

"Oh, I wonder what happened to Mr. Ouyang? Why do you want to see the actor? And why did you ask me to go with you?"

Of course Ouyang Fu had already figured out how to lie.

He said that his daughter had not been back for a long time and he wanted to see her.

After all, I haven’t seen you for a long time and I miss you a little.

"Mr. Ouyang, if that's the case, then you can just go and see it, but why do you have to follow me?"

But Ouyang Fu said that if he just went to see his daughter, he might make the actor laugh.

With Sun Zhongmou, you can go in the name of reporting work to the association.

Sun Zhongmou immediately understood what he meant.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Ouyang Fu was overjoyed.

When the two of them went to see Xi Yu, they happened to encounter Xi Yu resting.

There were two soldiers guarding the door, saying that they would not see anyone who came.

The two people suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The soldier said that this was Xi Yu's order and he had to obey it. He just asked the two of them to wait outside for a while.

The two of them had no choice but to rest at the pavilion in the yard.

After waiting for a full hour, Xi Yu finished resting, then opened the door and went outside to get some air.

However, when he saw that the sky was getting cloudy, he immediately cursed.

He also cursed some words from his previous life, which made the two soldiers feel confused and didn't know what language he was cursing.

Sun Zhongmou and Sun Zhongmou, who were in the pavilion, came over immediately.

When they were about to salute, Xi Yu was particularly impatient.

"What are you two doing here?"

The two of them discovered that Xi Yu was really different from before, and there seemed to be a violent energy in him.

"Master Xi, I want to talk to you about the business association."

Xiyu waved his hand.

"What can happen? Let's talk about it later. I don't have time now."

Xi Yu's face looked particularly impatient.

What kind of pain does Ouyang Fu feel? What his daughter said is true, but how should he solve it?

"Didn't I already say it? There is no time now, so you should leave quickly."

Xi Yu started to walk outside, and Sun Zhongmou asked him where he was going.

"Bastard, where am I going? Do I still need to report to you?" (End of Chapter)

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