The little eunuch read out the contents of the imperial edict.

Several soldiers were very happy after hearing this.

They also believed that Xi Shi was a harmful person and it would be a good idea to send this woman away.

But they were worried, would Xi Yu be able to agree to it under such circumstances?

After all, Xi Yu doesn't act according to common sense now.

Sure enough, after Xi Yu heard this imperial edict, he immediately opened the door, which was red and swollen.

The two little eunuchs were shocked.

The little eunuch who read the imperial edict was so beaten that he started to tremble.

Xi Yu sneered: "Read it to me again, what's going on?"

He walked towards the little eunuch, who took several steps back, finally lost his footing and fell to the ground immediately.

The imperial edict was immediately put aside.

Xi Yu took the imperial edict, looked at the content on it, and became furious.

The imperial edict was torn up on the spot.

And several young eunuchs quickly knelt down.

"Master Xiu, you have committed the grave crime of beheading."

"In that case, let your Majesty come and kill my head."

The little eunuch didn't dare to answer the call.

Xi Yu grabbed the young eunuch's neck.

"Come on, let him come and kill my head. Why doesn't he come? It doesn't make sense. Since you are all thinking about Xi Shi, I will fight with you."

Xi Yu started beating several young eunuchs, and they all complained incessantly.

Xi Yu sneered, not to mention it was just an imperial edict issued by an emperor, even if the Jade Emperor came, I would not agree with it.

The few young eunuchs left quickly. They had better go back and report the news to the emperor.

As for what the emperor thinks, that is really beyond their control.

Xi Yu quickly returned to the room. He immediately slammed the table and cursed at Liu Xie.

This matter eventually reached Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin was worried. Although Xi Yu's power was getting stronger and stronger, and the emperor might not do anything bad, it was not a good thing.

Regarding Xi Yu's situation, word also reached Liu Bei at this moment.

When Liu Bei was thinking about the problem, someone suddenly reported that Zhang Fei had arrived.

"Third brother, you are not in Wuhuan, how come you are here?"

"Brother, I'm here to tell you, have you heard about the actor going crazy?"

"I just heard it from someone else. I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly."

Zhang Fei believes that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. It's not surprising that such things spread quickly.

Liu Bei asked all his servants to leave, and he wanted to talk to Zhang Fei alone.

"Tell me the truth, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Fei also told the truth. He thought Xi Yu was crazy now. This is a good opportunity, why not contact a few princes and eradicate Xi Yu.

Then Zhang Fei joined forces with Guan Yu and Liu Bei to make a comeback again.

"Nonsense, I will never agree to it."

"Brother, this is a good opportunity, why don't you do it?"

"Third brother, you are confused. Let me ask you, there is a lot of buzz about the actor now. But why is no one attacking him? Why is no one fighting for his territory?"

Zhang Fei said that those people were scared, so they didn't dare to take action at all.

"Third brother, you are wrong. Even if he is crazy alone, his strength is still extraordinary, but there are still many good generals around him."

"Secondly, although you and I now know that he is crazy, none of us have actually seen him. Even if we have really seen him, who knows whether it is real or just a pretense?"

Zhang Fei frowned and listened to Liu Bei continue to speak, and the major princes were also considering such an issue.

Is Xi Yu pretending to be someone else and inviting you into the urn?

"Brother, you are still thoughtful."

Zhang Fei slapped his head and suddenly felt that his IQ was too low.

And Liu Bei also said the most important thing.

"And now I'm pretty disheartened. I don't plan to make any more achievements. It's good to just guard this country and work seriously for the people."

Zhang Fei looked at Liu Bei in surprise. He knew that Liu Bei would not tell lies in front of him.

"Brother, it seems that you no longer have the ambition you had in the past."

"You're right to say that. In fact, we finally got a little bit. If we don't cherish it, we may lose it all. In fact, the actor is pretty good to the three of us."

Zhang Fei sighed. Of course he knew what his elder brother said was reasonable, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Okay, you go to meet us again, why don't you stay and have a drink."

Then, Liu Bei ordered his troops to hurry up and prepare the food and wine. At the same time, he asked Wei Yan to come over and drink with Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei said that since the last time he had trouble drinking, he really rarely drinks alcohol now.

It is impossible to quit completely.

But he can drink a little, and Liu Bei said that he can let him have a meeting today and drink as much as he wants. It won't be too late to return to Wuhuan when he sobers up.

"However, third brother, there are some barbarians on the Wuhuan side. It may be particularly difficult to manage, so you must change your bad temper."

"Brother, don't worry, my bad temper has improved a lot now."

"Very good. If that's the case, then brother can rest assured."

A few hours later, the three of them were drinking happily.

Cao Pi finally rode back to the base camp.

Not long after sitting down, I suddenly received a letter from Fei Ge, which was sent by Zhao Haiming.

It is said that Xiyu tore up the imperial edict immediately after receiving it, and even beat the eunuch.

Cao Pi was shocked, Xi Yu was so bold?

But what I'm saying is that he is no longer a normal person, and we really can't look at him with normal people's thinking.

Soon, Cao Pi summoned Sima Yi and told him about the matter.

Sima Yi did not show surprise because he had already expected that Xi Yu would probably do this.

In fact, it was all Cao Pi's fault. He just came up with a bad idea. In order to get that beauty, his IQ also became lower.

"Mr. Cao, what are you going to do?"

Cao Pi believed that breaking the imperial edict should be punished, so he wanted to send troops to attack Xi Yu.

"Mr. Cao, your idea is very good, but the question is, can it be realized?"

It might cause serious damage to the vitality of the entire Cao Wei camp.

"This is exactly what I am worried about, so I still ask you to discuss it?"

But Sima Yi is really helpless now.

Cao Pi was immediately disappointed and waved his hand to let Sima Yi leave.

Sima Yi said: "My lord, I just have something to report to you."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Sima Yi heard that there was a very famous miracle doctor in Sichuan and Shu named Pang Yuan.

He was worried that he would be poached by people from Xiyu's place, so the top priority now was to find this person and control him.

Or he was bribed with a lot of money, and he must not be allowed to treat Xi Yu.

"Oh, there is such a number one person? I heard that Hua Tuo is dead. Is this person more powerful than Hua Tuo?"

Sima Yi said that when he went to Sichuan and Sichuan to find Zhang Lu, he heard someone say this.

But even if you are just trying to make a fool of yourself, it may not be groundless. I hope I can go there and check it out.

"In that case, you can set off now. You are so loyal to me, and I am naturally very pleased."

On the other side, several young eunuchs met Liu Xie and told them what Xi Yu had done.

They also cried one after another, saying that they had suffered a lot during this trip and had never been so humiliated before.

If Xi Yu hadn't run so fast, he would have killed them long ago.

Liu Xie sighed.

"I didn't expect my uncle's illness to be so serious."

When the young eunuchs heard this, their hearts suddenly became cold. It turned out that Liu Xie was not angry because of the imperial edict.

Therefore, he won't make decisions for them anymore, and he is still worried about Xi Yu's illness.

"Okay, you all go down, I won't blame you."

Several people were indignant after going down.

Just don't blame them?

What they need is justice for them.

But Liu Xie was obviously looking towards Xi Yu. It seemed that not only Xi Yu was crazy, but the emperor was also crazy.

Of course Liu Xie also knew that someone would definitely make a fuss about this next step, especially Cao Pi.

He thinks that tearing up the imperial edict is a serious sin, and he will definitely deal with Xi Yu.

Youzhou College has officially started to open, and students have also enrolled.

Wenxuan was already teaching. After all, Xiyu had promised her, so Lu Su also hired her.

Although Xiyu's current situation is special, the task of teaching cannot be stopped.

Moreover, this college does not have classes on weekends, and this day happens to be the weekend.

While Wenxuan was eating outside, she found out that there was a famous miracle doctor named Pang Yun in Sichuan, so she immediately entered Xi Yu's house and told Ouyang Linlin about it.

Maybe you can ask him to treat Xi Yu's illness.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll send someone to invite you immediately."

But Ouyang Linlin decided that it would be better to tell her father about the matter. If it was handed over to other people, what if these people had their own intentions?

He quickly returned to his mansion and told Ouyang Fu about the incident.

Ouyang Fu was so happy that he decided to take a trip himself.

Regardless of whether this time is successful or not.

Ouyang Linlin learned that the last time Ouyang Fu went there, he was riding a horse, which was very hard.

But this time, it would be better to find a carriage to pull him, and bring a few servants to wait on him along the way.

"Daughter, your father's body and bones are still good. He is not old yet, so why does he need someone to take care of him? That might make the journey even slower."

When Ouyang Linlin heard what he said, she stopped insisting.

Ouyang Fu did not hesitate and immediately rode forward.

At this moment, Sima Yi had already brought many gifts to Sichuan and Shu to find Zhang Lu.

Since I met Zhang Lu last time, I didn’t put much effort into seeing him again this time.

When he saw Sima Yi, Zhang Lu laughed loudly and hugged Sima Yi.

"You came just in time. I have been preaching outside every day recently, and I only have some time today."

"It seems that we are destined to be together."

Zhang Lu was particularly polite to Sima Yi and immediately asked his servants to make tea.

Sima Yi thought to himself, don't rush to get down to business, just drink tea for a while when you come.

After a while, Zhang Lu asked: "Mr. Sima, are you here because Mr. Cao has something to explain?"

Sima Yi then told the relevant situation.

"It's not Duke Cao who told me, but I'm here to find a doctor named Pang Yun."

"To be honest, I've also heard about Xi Yu's situation. It's so serious. Is this true or just an act?"

Sima Yi said he didn't know, so he probably thought it was true.

So he must avoid meeting this doctor.

Zhang Lu said with emotion: "I have never heard of such a miraculous doctor in Sichuan and Sichuan."

Sima Yi thought to himself, you devote your time to preaching every day, you are simply out of touch with the world. How come you have never heard of this?

"General Zhang has a lot of things to do every day. It's normal that he hasn't heard about some small things."

And Zhang Lu said that it was not easy to see him today, and it would not be too late to have a drink first and then go.

Sima Yi agreed.

Zhang Lu asked Sima Yi if he knew where the doctor was.

Do you want to send troops to investigate by yourself?

"No need, I'd better go on my own. I believe many civilians know this."

After hearing what he said, the other party no longer forced himself.

After eating, Sima Yi went to the people to find out where Pang Yuan was.

After many twists and turns, I finally found out.

Peng Yuan lived in a place called Tianxi Lake.

Sima Yi immediately went to that place. There was a small village near the lake, where the people were simple.

When Sima Yi arrived there, he found many villagers chatting under a willow tree. Sima Yi explained his intention very politely.

"Look for Dr. Pang. He is not at home now. It is said that he has been traveling for several days."

"Then do you know where he went?"

"We really don't know yet."

Sima Yi was immediately disappointed. He was worried that these people were deliberately deceiving him?

So I asked around in another place and found that this was indeed the case.

Did he run away in vain?

But then I thought about it, it wasn’t all in vain.

Since he can't find it himself, Xiyu's people will definitely not be able to find it either.

So he might as well come over when the time comes, and there happens to be an empty house here, so he can rent it temporarily.

Suddenly I felt a little hungry, so I looked around for a small tea shop.

The tea shop was just outside the village. It was a small shed built by an old man.

But the environment here is very good. Drinking tea here can see the beauty of the mountains and rivers.

As soon as Sima Yi sat down, Ouyang Fu also arrived on horseback.

He also found out that Pang Yuan lived nearby.

Ouyang Fu sat down and ordered tea.

Ouyang Fu heard his voice and felt that he seemed to be from Youzhou, so he asked, "Are you from Youzhou?"

Didn't he think that Xi Yu might also come to see this doctor? Could it be that this person is a playful person, so I would like to ask patiently.

"I am from Youzhou. Do you dare to ask your Excellency what you call me?"

Sima Yi took the horse character in his surname.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ma. It's a great pleasure to see him here. My surname is Ouyang."

"Oh, in that case, why don't we sit down and drink tea together."

Ouyang Fu also felt very good about him, so he agreed.

So next, Sima Yi asked him insinuatingly.

"Since you are from Youzhou, why don't you come here?"

"To tell you the truth, this trip of mine is really ridiculous."

"What's going on? You might as well explain it carefully."

"I wonder if you have heard about the actor going crazy now?"

Sima Yi had no choice but to say that he had heard something about it, and Ouyang Fu also told the truth. He had no idea what the man in front of him was up to.

"By the way, Brother Sima, do you know this miracle doctor?"

"To be honest, I am not a local. I came here for fun. I just like to climb mountains and travel around."

Ouyang Fu was a little disappointed. He said he heard news from others that the miracle doctor lived in this place.

You can take a good look at it after you finish drinking tea.

Sima Yi thought to himself, it would be in vain if he went.

But he thought that he actually met Xi Yu in the same place. What should he do now?

How should I stop the other party? He also had to think of a way for good.

He then said with a smile: "It turns out that the actor's illness is so abnormal, but brother Ouyang, what if you can't find this miracle doctor?"

"What did you say?"

"They are not at home or have gone to other places to practice medicine or something like that..."

Sima Yi waved his hand and said that he must find it this time.

If you can't find it, find a place to live by yourself.

Sima Yi thought to himself, it seemed that he was in conflict with him.

I absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

He was thinking about the problem, so he was in a daze.

"Brother Ma, what are you considering?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing. Come on, let's continue drinking tea."

After drinking tea for a while, Ouyang Fu hurried to the village.

When he inquired about others, naturally some people still said the same thing, and said that others had inquired before he came.

"Oh, can you tell me what kind of person that person is? Did he invite Mr. Lang?"

"No, I guess he is from out of town just like you."

Ouyang Fu sighed, it was hard work.

Although I knew when I came here that this time it would probably be unsuccessful, I was still a little unhappy when I actually got the result.

But again, no matter what, he must stay.

Moreover, he also heard that the doctor was expected to go there for several days, and there were no inns around.

It's better to find a place to live in this village.

Because he had to stay here and get the news from the doctor as soon as possible, he asked the villagers where there was a house for rent nearby.

Someone once again said that the person who had inquired earlier had also rented a house.

"The only house in our village is gone now."

"Oh, that's the case. I wonder if I can see where that person lives?"

The villagers also pointed the direction to him. (End of chapter)

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