For Ouyang Fu, he must live in this house and can discuss it with the resident.

Because only in this way can we stay by the doctor's side.

He had just seen that the village was particularly small, so there were no vacant houses, which was as it should be.

As for Sima Yi, he wandered outside for a while. He knew that Ouyang Fu would definitely return without success, so he had to go back later.

To avoid being very embarrassed after seeing you.

After a few hours, Sima Yi returned to the rented house.

By chance, Ouyang Fu was hiding in a corner and was peeing.

Sima Yi was about to open the door.

Ouyang Fu happened to come over.

Ouyang Fu and Sima Yi were both stunned.

They were silent for a long time.

Finally, Ouyang Fu spoke first.

"What, do you live here?"

Sima Yi wanted to say that he was here to see relatives, but he knew that this statement probably didn't make sense.

Because the door was originally closed and he opened the lock.

He then said: "Yes, this house is rented by me."

Ouyang Fu was very angry. It seemed that this guy was not telling the truth at all.

So I exposed him on the spot.

"I heard that you also came to see Mr. Pang, so you rented this house."

Sima Yi couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth.

I really don’t know what’s going on with these villagers, why are they talking nonsense?

"Yes, a relative of mine is seriously ill, that's why he's like this, please come in quickly."

Ouyang Fu walked in with a look of displeasure on his face.

Why didn't he tell himself the truth when he was in the tea room?

Sima Yi's mind naturally moved very quickly.

"You can't blame me so much, Brother Ouyang. This is the first time we've met each other. Who do you think can understand you so well, so I can't say too much about certain things."

Ouyang Fu thought about it carefully and realized that it was the same thing. He was overthinking it.

"So that's it. Brother Sima is very cautious. But if this doctor comes back, can you let me take him away first? After all, the identity of an actor is very precious."

Sima Yi smiled, then let him enter the room and sat down on a bench.

"Brother Ouyang, what you said is wrong. Everything must come first, first served. Since a theater actor has a noble status, shouldn't my relative's illness be treated? My relative is also a human being."

Ouyang Fu suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Also, I am the actor who has said that he cares about the people. In his eyes, the people are heaven. If the people are delayed in order to treat him, do you think the Opera Association will agree?"

Ouyang Fu found that the other party's eloquence was still so good, so he asked where the other party's relatives were.

"He is in the Luoyang area of ​​Chang'an."

Sima Yi said, but basically it was along the way, and they were all heading north anyway.

So it shouldn't take long.

Sima Yi said: "No matter what, you must let me take the person away first."

Ouyang Fu said: "It's better to wait until the person arrives and see what the doctor means."

Sima Yi insisted that he must take it away, after all, he was the one who came first.

Sima Yi yawned.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Ouyang, I'm a little tired, so why don't you leave first."

"Brother Ma, I have a crush on you. I also want to live here and have a relationship with you. What do you think? Of course, I will be responsible for half of the rent."

Sima Yi didn't expect that he would actually have such an idea.

"As you can see, this place is also very small. There is only one bed. How can I live with you?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll just lay the floor."

Sima Yi also didn't expect that Ouyang Fu would be so persistent.

If you don't agree, does it seem a little unreasonable?

He finally agreed, saying that the south room could be tidied up.

You can borrow a bed from a villager, it would be best if you can borrow it.

If you really can't borrow it, it's not too late to build a floor.

"In that case, thank you very much, Brother Sima."

Sima Yi went out to borrow a bed, but in the end he couldn't borrow a bed, so he had to let Ouyang Fu make a bed on the floor as he had originally said.

Ouyang Fu thinks this is a very satisfying thing.

Anyway, I can see Dr. Pang soon.

Sima Yi was thinking that he should kill this guy.

Otherwise, if the doctor left with him, wouldn't it be like returning in vain?

I just didn't expect how things could be such a coincidence.

But he still said with a smile: "Brother Ma, you seem to be quite young. I don't know about your relationship with the actor."

When Ouyang Fu saw the other party's smile, he didn't know the other party's insidiousness.

So he patted his chest and said, "I am his father-in-law."

As he spoke, he was particularly proud.

"Oh, that's what happened."

Sima Yi thought, no wonder he could come like this and still have such a relationship.

Then he asked other questions indirectly.

Sima Yi also pretended to be in great pain.

He said that although he had never met the actor, he had heard of him.

Knowing that he loved his people as his own son, he never expected that something like this would happen.

This God is so unfair.

Sima Yi said: "I can give you the rest, but my relative's illness is also very strange, and he is also in critical condition."

After that, he shouted loudly.

"God, why do you have to do this and make good people suffer so much."

His acting was so lifelike that he immediately moved Ouyang Fugui.

"Okay, Brother Ma, don't say any more. Life and death are determined by fate. Wealth and honor are in heaven. None of us can control these things of God."

On the other side, Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong went to pray again today.

When they came back, they met Wenxuan again.

Wenxuan asked them what was going on.

"My father has already gone to invite me, but I don't know whether he is here or not."

Moreover, Ouyang Linlin specifically said that she almost fell down when she returned from the temple.

Fortunately, Xiao Hongkai supported her.

She thought this was a bad sign and that it was possible that this time the incident was unsuccessful.

Wenxuan laughed.

"I didn't expect you to still believe this. Don't worry, I think it's fine."

Although Wenxuan said this, he actually had no confidence in his heart.

But on this day, Xi Yu came to Xi Shi's room, making Xi Shi tremble.

Xi Yu asked the little girl to leave quickly and have a few words with Xi Shi alone.

The little girl did not stay this time, but was so frightened that she hurriedly hid.

Xi Shi asked, "I wonder what the actor has to do?"

Xi Yu sat down and said nothing.

Xi Shi said: "Recently, I have been a little ashamed of being cared for by the opera master, so I hope to leave as soon as possible and hope that the opera master can help me."

"Asshole, if you leave, where are you going? You are not from this world. Can you adapt to this era?"

"I believe I can adapt slowly."

Xi Yu grabbed her neck angrily.

"Don't you want to stay here?"

"Drama Master, can you please forgive me? I do hope to be free and live a normal life."

Xi Yu slapped him suddenly.

"You mean that it's not normal here. It's really unreasonable."

Xi Shi didn't expect that he would hit herself. Don't you know how to be compassionate? Moreover, Xi Yu was so gentle to herself when she rescued herself, but now...

Although she knew that the actor was ill, she still couldn't bear it.

Of course, until now, she was still wondering why Xi Yu was in such a situation. Could it have something to do with herself?

You were with other people, so why didn't anything happen?

She originally thought that Xi Yu might be strong on her.

However, what I didn't expect was that Xi Yu left after a while, and now he really didn't follow the routine.

After a while, Xi Shi went to Ouyang Linlin and told her about the scene just now.

"Mrs. Ouyang, I live in fear every day, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, my father has already hired a doctor. As long as the doctor comes, everything will be fine."

"But what if we can't be invited? Also, the doctor who is invited must say that he has superb medical skills and can definitely restore Xi Yu to normal?"

Xishi asked a series of questions, but could not answer her.

Ouyang Linlin comforted her: "No matter what, there is always some hope. I hope you will wait patiently. Is there any better way besides this, right?"

Xi Shi nodded, and she began to scold the secret guard again.

She knew that comfort was definitely by her side, even though she couldn't see it.

"You are just a dog slave. In this situation, you do not stand up for justice and are rigid and dogmatic. It is really abominable."

Although she didn't mention her by name, Ouyang Linlin also knew that she was blaming the secret guard.

The secret guard also knew that he must carry out the order.

After Xiyu returned to the room, he felt itchy in his heart.

In fact, he had hoped to have Xi Tzu just now.

But I don’t know why, but when I really saw Xi Shi, I seemed to have changed my mind.

Forget it, don't rush this matter, it will be yours sooner or later anyway.

Xi Shi still wanted to escape, but it was simply impossible.

He planned to find an auspicious day to chat and marry Xi Shi.

At this moment, his eyes became even colder.

He suddenly remembered that the college should have started. The last time Lu Su came to see him, he didn't have time.

He should have gone over to take a look now, but when he planned to go to the academy, Ouyang Linlin was even more panicked.

What if he scares the students like this?

So he rode his bicycle quickly to the college.

I met Lu Su and Wenxuan and told them about this matter.

Lu Su said: "The opera master is coming, no one can stop him."

Wenxuan said: "Since we can't stop him, why don't we tell the news to all the teachers now and let them inform the students. If the actor comes and something abnormal happens, don't mind."

Lu Su sighed, originally planning to hide this matter.

Wenxuan said: "Mr. Lu, this matter has been widely circulated outside. Even if it is hidden, can it be hidden?"

Lu Su thought about it and realized that this was also the case.

He said that what was supposed to come would still come.

So everyone hurriedly went to tell the students. Some students were very young after all, and they were particularly scared.

If Xiyu goes crazy, will he eat people or act like a monster?

Countless pictures also flash in the minds of many children.

But Lu Su and Wenxuan said they would do their best to protect students.

But the two of them had no confidence in their hearts. If the others really went crazy, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

They now feel that Xi Yu is a monster.

These little kids are right.

Ouyang Linlin said: "I have to go back immediately. If he knows that I tipped you off, he will definitely kill me."

Ouyang Linlin left immediately, and Wenxuan stamped his feet.

But after a while, I thought that Xiyu's arrival might be a good thing. I wanted to see him and talk to him about the past life.

I didn't have a chance before, but now I finally have it.

Of course, it wouldn't matter if Lu Su and other teachers knew the secret of this time travel.

As long as Xiyu can get better, that's better than anything else.

Lu Su had already been brought to the gate to greet him.

Wenxuan quickly came to his side and said: "Lu Su, there is actually something that I have been hiding from you. It is about me and the actor."

Lu Su thought wrongly

"What's going on between you and the actor? Isn't it because your relationship between men and women is abnormal?"

Lu Su found that his mouth was too fast. How could he say such words?

I really just say whatever is on my mind.

"Oh, where did you go? I mean...forget it, I won't tell you."

Wenxuan thought for a while and decided not to say it. Once he said it, others wouldn't be able to understand it.

The two of them were waiting anxiously here.

These days, Wenxuan feels that he has gained value, and he must work hard to teach these children well and let them become talents.

And she also lost no time in inculcating the thoughts of her previous life so that these children could accept better values.

It would be great if everything was normal in Xiyu, but it's a pity that he is in such a state now.

After a while, Xiyu finally arrived leisurely.

The two of them quickly saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu asked: "How did you know that I would come and stay here?"

Wenxuan immediately shook his head.

"No, we just want to take a rest here, and I also discuss the next teaching plan with Lu Su."

Xi Yu's face looked a little better. He said that he was too busy that day and did not attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Lu Su had worked hard for everything.

"Master Xiu, you have gone too far. All this is what I should do. Do you want to inspect some colleges now?" Lu Su said.

Xiyu nodded.

"Of course it is, otherwise what are you doing here? Why do you ask such nonsense?"

Then he scolded Lu Su face to face.

Naturally, Lu Su could only accept all this.

"Okay, take me in."

The two of them moved forward cautiously with Xi Yu.

But Xi Yu felt why the two of them were a little afraid?

So he asked: "What's going on with you two? Am I a man-eating tiger?"

The two of them thought that you are more terrifying than a man-eating tiger. Lu Su said that Xi Yu was a little nervous because it was his first time coming to school.

"Nervous? Then how can you be a manager here? Believe it or not, I will remove you from your position."

Lu Su was too frightened to answer the question. He originally wanted to use those words to deal with it, but it seemed that he couldn't.

Soon, Xi Yu came to a classroom.

The two of them were even more frightened.

Finally, Xi Yu left, and the teacher who entered also stood up, trembling in his heart.

The students had various expressions because they had been instructed.

However, Xi Yu didn't seem to see them, but kept looking at the entire classroom.

Then I looked at the teaching materials on the podium again.

Finally, he nodded.

"Students, you must study hard. Do you hear me?"

The children said in unison that they heard it.

Xi Yu also expressed his relief, and finally walked out, preparing to enter the next classroom.

Wenxuan and Lu Su took a look, but fortunately there was no trouble, which was good.

Next, Xi Yu inspected several classrooms and all gave the same instructions.

Just like a routine.

Then I went to Lu Su's office to take a look.

"Zijing, I will call you Dean Lu from now on."

"As long as the actor is happy, you can call him whatever you want."

Next, Xi Yu actually said some very logical words.

If it weren't for the expression on his face, I would have thought he was extremely normal.

When Xi Yu was about to leave, Wenxuan said that he wanted to have a good chat with Xi Yu in the yard.

"If you have anything to talk about, just say it directly in the office."

"But I still want to be alone with you."

Lu Su felt very puzzled. Could it be that there was really something ambiguous between the two of them?

In this case, everyone regarded Xi Yu as a scourge and wanted to stay away from him.

But she insisted on staying with him.

"I don't have that much time, get out of here."

Xi Yu waved his hand and walked out.

Wenxuan sent him to the door and deliberately said some words from his previous life in front of him.

"You bastard, what are you talking about? It's incoherent."

Wenxuan was immediately confused.

Has Xiyu actually forgotten something from his previous life?

"As a teacher, how can you educate students if you talk crazy?"

Wenxuan had no choice but to lower his head.

"Okay, go back quickly, there's no need to send me off."

Wenxuan watched Xi Yu leave.

After a while, she started to stay still.

After entering the office, Lu Su said: "Today was pretty good. He didn't lose his composure in front of the students. So I think this is a good thing."

"But I feel like he's getting more serious."

Wenxuan thought to himself that he couldn't even remember any names from his previous life, as if he had lost a lot of memories.

Wenxuan suddenly shed tears silently. Because she regards Xi Yu as her fellow countryman.

When Xi Yu was in such a state, she felt particularly isolated and helpless.

The students in the college were relieved now, as it seemed that it was not as scary as Lu Su said. (End of chapter)

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