Pang Yun still lives at his cousin's house.

Finally, after three days, Mrs. Yao couldn't stand it anymore and thought to herself, you are causing trouble for the head of my family just to avoid it.

She decided that she must report today.

She asked the two of them to drink tea here while she went out to buy some food and wine.

Pang Yun said: "Brothers and sisters, there is no need to be so polite."

"Cousin, look what you said. Isn't it normal for me to buy some vegetables and serve you?"

Yao left quickly.

Pang Yun smiled and said, "Cousin, you have found a good wife. It's really great."

"Yes, she is quite generous."

Yao quickly rushed to the nearby village, and then asked where the two people who had recently rented the house were.

Some villagers saw that she was familiar with her, so they told her.

Soon, she arrived at that house.

The door was open, and Sima Yi and Ouyang Fu were both basking in the sun.

Sima Yi told Ouyang Fu that if it didn't work, they would go out and look for it.

Ouyang Fu said, even if he goes out to look for it, where can he look for it?

At this moment, Yao came in.

"Two eldest brothers, are you here for Pang Fu?"

The two men immediately stood up and asked her who she was.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You must keep my secret so I can tell you where he is."

The two men agreed immediately.

They are all very excited now.

"He is in my home now."

"Oh, so where is your home?"

Yao then explained the relevant situation.

"So, you must not say it was me who said it, otherwise people will think that I want to drive the guests away."

Sima Yi nodded, but Ouyang Fu was in trouble.

"Then if we go to find him, what kind of reason should we give?"

"Hey, big brother, do you still need me to talk about this matter?"

Sima Yi glared at him, feeling that he was too stupid.

Ouyang Fu quickly said: "Okay, thank you very much."

Then, Yao left immediately.

"Remember my words, you must never betray me."

As expected, Yao bought some food and went back to serve Pang Yun.

Pang Yun asked: "Brother and sister, I have been here for several days, I won't disturb you, right?"

"Cousin, look what you said, we are very happy that you are here."

After finishing the meal, Pang Yun took out a jade pendant from his arms.

"Cousin, do you know? This one is a jade pendant from the Qin Dynasty. It is very valuable. I will keep it for you."

"Cousin, since it is so valuable, what are you doing?"

He wanted to refuse, but Pang Yun insisted on staying no matter what, so he looked at Yao.

"Take this, I have one good thing. I must repay the kindness I receive from others. You have taken care of my food and shelter these days, and I must repay you."

Yao was stunned, not expecting that he would do this.

I suddenly felt a little ashamed.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be too bad to drive people away by yourself?

And Pang Yun said that this one is definitely the real thing.

If you don’t believe it, let them try it.

My cousin felt particularly uncomfortable.

But this cousin was so enthusiastic and insisted on letting them accept it.

Ouyang Fu asked Sima Yi, should they go directly next? Do they have to think of a way?

If he went directly, wouldn't he really betray that woman?

"It's okay for us to go, but we can't find someone's home directly, so we have to find a way."

Sima Yi said confidently.

Ouyang Fu thought to himself, isn't this the same as not saying anything?

Ouyang Fu said that when he figured out a way, he would definitely go with him.

Sima Yi suddenly said: "How about this? Just rush in and steal something from a thief. I will shout loudly that there is a thief. They will chase you out. Just run out, and the couple will definitely chase you." And I went in to find Pang Fu."

But Ouyang Fu thought he had a bad idea. Why should he pretend to be a thief?

"No, I will never agree to it. This is a really bad idea."

"Okay, then tell me, what solution will you come up with?"

Ouyang Fu shook his head.

"In that case, my method will work."

"That won't work. When the couple arrested me, you ran away with Pang Fu. Then there will be nothing wrong with me."

So, the two started quarreling over this matter.

Sima Yi said: "Let's go, let's go first and talk about it later."

When the two people arrived at the village, it was already an hour later.

However, Sima Yi said that he would take action when it was dark.

Moreover, before leaving, Mrs. Yao had already told them the name of the village and her husband.

Ouyang Fu asked him why.

"As long as you listen to me, that's fine. Where are the reasons why?"

Finally, night fell, and Sima Yi saw a firewood pile in front of Yao's house.

Sima Yi told Ouyang Fu to leave together, and then find some kindling to light the firewood pile.

Anyway, the two of them must be together now.

If one person acts privately, the other person will also disagree.

Ouyang Fu also agreed to this request.

After a while, the two men came back and lit the pyre.

Sima Yi shouted: "It's on fire, it's on fire."

He wanted to lure the three people out in this way.

Yao was thinking about a problem.

Why haven't those two people come over yet?

But after getting the jade pendant, she felt that it would be good for her cousin to continue here.

He was startled when he suddenly heard the sound of fire.

Run out quickly.

His husband also ran out.

Pang Yun thought to himself, he was a guest here, and if something like this happened, he couldn't remain indifferent.

He quickly walked out.

Sima Yi and the two men had already hidden in secret.

They were very happy to see the three people coming out.

Everything went as planned.

Although they had never met Pang Yun, they could immediately tell which one it was.

So, they immediately adopted a two-pronged approach.

They all quickly ran to Pang Yun, one held his head and the other held his feet and left quickly.

But the couple kept looking at the pyre.

Yao asked her husband to get water quickly.

Fortunately, after a while, the pyre was finally extinguished.

The cousin saw that Pang Yun was missing, and he suddenly felt baffled.

And what Yao finally realized was that those two people must have done it.

"Where did my cousin go?"

"I guess your cousin is frightened and may have gone home."

"How is this possible? My cousin is not so timid, so he insisted on going out to look for it."

Yao thought, let him alone.

After Pang Yun was lifted up by two people, when he was about to shout, Ouyang Fu immediately covered his mouth.

Finally brought to a ruined temple.

They put him down.

Ouyang Fu said: "It exhausted me to death."

And Sima Yi was also out of breath from running.

Pang Yun asked angrily: "Who are you?"

"Are you Dr. Pang Yun?"

"I am, who are you?"

"We had such a hard time looking for you."

Only then did Pang Yun understand what the two of them were doing.

"Mr. Pang, you are hiding here when life is at stake. Are you being honest?"

Pang Yun pretended not to know what to do.

"I simply don't know what you are talking about. Besides, I am free to go wherever I want. Do you want to restrict it? It's really ridiculous."

The two people also realized that what they said was a little too much.

So they started saying nice things.

Because after all, they are still counting on Pang Fu.

Pang Yun said: "It's absolutely disgusting that you brought me out in this way. Send me back immediately."

Those two people would definitely not send him back.

The two of them still begged hard, but Sima Yi said that his relatives still didn't know what they would become now.

If it were a few days later, his life would probably be in danger.

Moreover, Ouyang Fu said that the actor's illness affects all people in the world, so he hoped that he would never show off his hands and watch.

Because many doctors have been invited, but all are ineffective. It is said that he has superb medical skills, so he must be allowed to pass.

"It's my freedom to go or not. You don't have to force me. It's impossible."

Pang Yun's attitude was particularly tough.

Anyway, there are two people begging him now. As long as they are not seeking wealth or death, there is no need for him to look at their faces.

Ouyang Fu looked at Sima Yi.

He has already seen that this guy is full of tricks, so why not let him give him some comfort.

Sima Yi bowed respectfully to Pang Yun. If he had any conditions, he could put them forward.

As long as it can be satisfied, try to be satisfied.

Pang Yun turned his face away angrily.

Ouyang Fu came over and said that as long as he cured the actor's illness, it would be a matter of eternal fame.

This time, you will gain both fame and fortune, so why not?

No matter how much the two of them turned a deaf ear to it, he never agreed so quickly.

Sima Yi then began to use the method of provoking generals.

"Mr. Pang, I understand why you are hiding in your relative's house and not coming out."

Pang Yun asked him: "Why do you think it is?"

"It's because you have a false reputation. There are rumors about your superb medical skills. I think they are all false."

This sentence naturally made Pang Yun very unhappy.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you say that to me? My medical skills are not something that ordinary people like you can understand."

Ouyang Fu understood what Sima Yi meant.

"Since you are so powerful, but you are still like a turtle, isn't it ridiculous?"

"It's totally unreasonable. Who said I'm a coward? I'm just visiting relatives. Let's see what you say."

The two people looked at each other and smiled, feeling that they had something to look at.

But Sima Yi had a new problem.

If he really goes to treat a disease, who should he treat first?

Pang Yun thought to himself that he was hiding here to avoid treating Xi Yu, because if he couldn't treat Xi Yu, he would waste his whole life's fame.

So he might as well leave with Sima first.

"I ask you, which one of you two came first, you must tell me the truth."

He thought it would be best if Sima Yi came first. If not, he would think of other reasons.

Sima Yi said that he was the first to come, and then asked Ouyang Fu if that was the case.

Ouyang Fu nodded.

Because he couldn't lie in front of the other party.

Pang Yun thought, if this is the case, then this matter will be easy to handle.

He said that everything comes first, then he must go with Sima Yi first.

Sima Yi was secretly proud.

Ouyang Fu said that he should actually come first.

However, we encountered a heavy rain on the way, so we arrived late.

Pang Yun waved his hand.

"It's useless to say this. If that's the case, then I'll go with you."

He pointed at Sima Yi and said that there were no names for the other two people yet.

The two men also told him their names.

Of course, Sima Yi still called himself Ma.

"But wait a moment, I have to go back and talk to my cousin."

But Sima Yi thought this was no longer necessary.

"That's not possible. I'm a guest here, how can I leave quietly? If you are afraid of me leaving, just follow me."

Reluctantly, the two of them had no choice but to follow him to Yao's home.

When Yao saw the three people, he smiled inwardly.

But he pretended not to know anything.

Pang Yun also told the truth, so now he has to follow the two people.

I hope to tell my cousin.

"Hey, he went out to look for you. When he comes back, I will just tell him."

After the three of them left, they were also very happy.

However, it was already dark, and I never saw my husband return.

She was very scared at this time, but she didn't dare to walk at night alone.

Just when she was worried, someone suddenly knocked on her door.

Who was she shouting? It turned out to be the neighbor's Aunt Wang.

Ask her to open the door quickly.

After Yao opened the door, she asked: "Aunt Wang, it's so late, what can you do?"

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

Aunt Wang said: "I told you, you must hold on."

"Aunt Wang, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Your husband has passed away."

After Yao heard this, his legs trembled.

Then ask what happened.

It was said that a hunter discovered it. Her husband walked into a jungle and encountered a tiger.

The tiger started to eat, and then it ate the person.

And when the hunter walked over and killed the tiger, he found that only the upper body and head were left.

It was determined that he was her husband.

Yao yelled.

how so?

She fainted immediately.

Aunt Wang shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming."

So they passed by several villagers and carried her into the house.

A few bold men went to find the body of Yao's husband.

On the other side, Sima Yi and Ouyang Fu took Pang Yun with them.

Sima Yi could have just let Ouyang Fu leave on his own.

But Ouyang Fu would follow whatever he said.

Because after Pang Yun cured his relatives, he had to treat Xi Yu.

However, I heard from Sima Yi that his relatives might be particularly anxious. The situation of the actor is already like this, so it doesn't matter if he comes one day earlier or one day later.

Originally, according to Pang Yun's intention, he wanted to rest and leave during the day tomorrow.

But neither of them was happy.

Because once it is late, you may have a long night and have many dreams.

Reluctantly, Pang Yun also agreed.

However, the two of them were very respectful to Pang Yun along the way, for fear of annoying him.

On the next day, Yao finally woke up.

After identifying her husband's body, she was devastated.

Many neighbors also came to help and said she was so pitiful.

She regretted it now and should have explained the situation to her husband.

If he hadn't called the two people here privately, the husband wouldn't have gone out to look for her, and nothing would have happened.

Now my intestines are turning green with regret.

The family members helped her with the funeral and felt very sorry for her.

But Pang Yun was still sitting on the carriage.

I didn't get a good sleep last night, so I got some more sleep today.

Last night, Xi Yu had some strange dreams again.

But he was very awake when he was dreaming.

However, he didn't know that he was in a dream.

In the dream, he also did many things from his previous life.

Wenxuan happened to have no class today. She heard that Xi Yu had been tied up, so she decided to come to see Xi Yu.

Xiyu yelled in the room.

Unless he shouts that he is tired, he will never stop.

When Wenxuan arrived, Xiyu happened to complain that he was tired, and sat on the chair feeling sleepy.

When Wenxuan walked in, he felt very pitiful when he saw him like this.

The dignified Xi Yu has actually become like this. Is he still the heroic and heroic actor that he admired?

She stood guard in front of the actor.

It wasn't until a while later that Xi Yu woke up.

When he saw her arriving, he frowned.

Because at this moment, Xi Yu's mind was completely unclear and he didn't recognize her at all.

"Who are you and why do you appear in front of me?"

Wenxuan suddenly cried.

She really couldn't imagine that Xi Yuxiu's illness had reached such an extent.

"Why are you crying? Get out of here right now."

He tried his best to break free from the rope, but couldn't.

"You're here to see my joke, right? Get out of here."

"Master Xiu, do you remember what happened in the past? I mean what happened in our time."

But Xiyu was still very manic.

Wenxuan realized that it was too late to say these words now.

If I could tie up Xi Yu some time ago, I might be able to wake him up.

However, the other party is now completely unconscious.

She immediately blamed herself, why didn't Ouyang Linlin come up with this method earlier?

When Xi Yu saw that he wouldn't leave, he spit on her body.

"Oh my God, you can do this. What's the difference between you and a street gangster now?"

Wenxuan said completely heartbroken.

After that, he ran out immediately.

She quickly returned to the college's single dormitory, where Xiao Cui was cleaning up her room.

Seeing her come back with a depressed look on her face, she knew that she had hit a snag with Xi Yu.

"Miss, I told you a long time ago not to care about this matter, but you just didn't listen. You must be at a disadvantage."

"Yes, I will never care about his affairs again."

Xiao Cui thought to herself, it is so easy to say, the key is that you really do it. (End of chapter)

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