Sima Yi was sitting on the carriage and had been thinking about a problem. He didn't really want Pang Yun to treat his illness, but wanted to hide him.

But what should we do if we have a follower like Ouyang Fu following us?

Is there any way to get rid of him?

If it didn't work, he would kill Ouyang Fu.

Although he is Xi Yu's father-in-law, so what?

If Pang Yun is not allowed to pass, Xi Yu will definitely never get better.

There is no need to worry about Xi Yu retaliating against them.

So at this time, something started brewing in his heart.

Ouyang Fu must die. Who told him to fight for this doctor with him?

But we can't take action now. It's not too late to do it when we have to reach our destination soon.

Because after all, they are also their own people there.

Cao Pi has been in a trance these past few days.

He kept looking at the picture, and he missed Xi Shi even more.

And that night, he came to a lady's room.

When the lady was preparing to go to bed, he suddenly took out this portrait.

"Husband, who is this?"

Cao Pi said: "She is really stunning in the world. You rouge fans can't compare with others."

The lady felt very unhappy after hearing this.

But after seeing the portrait, I did feel a little ashamed of myself.

But he directly said that although the portrait is beautiful, it does not mean that the real person is also beautiful.

Cao Pi said angrily: "What do you know? It is said that the real person is more beautiful than the portrait."

But the woman still refused to accept it.

Cao Pi slapped her suddenly.

"Asshole, what do you mean? Do you think my judgment is wrong?"

The woman quickly knelt down and claimed that she did not dare.

"You keep saying you don't dare, but I think you are dissatisfied on the inside."

Next, Cao Pi killed the woman directly.

This incident also caused great shock in Cao Pi's harem.

Why did Cao Pi suddenly become so angry? The other ladies had no choice but to add their tails to their behavior.

On the second night, Cao Pi became even more psychopathic.

When he had sex with a lady, he directly put Xi Shi's portrait on the lady's face to get a sense of satisfaction.

Cao Pi's trance slowly spread to Xi Zhicai's mouth.

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that Xi Yu's illness was now so serious.

He came to Cao Pi, hoping to go to Youzhou to see Xi Yu.

Of course, Cao Pi and the Western Regions are completely different.

Cao Pi only becomes like this when he misses Xi Shi.

So when Xi Zhicai arrived, he was naturally very sober.

"What, is it useful for you to go to Youzhou? I have heard about it. Now the actor doesn't recognize anyone, not even his wife. Can he recognize you as my brother?"

Xi Zhicai said with tears that no matter what, he was his brother and he needed to see him.

Seeing him so sad, Cao Pi couldn't bear it, so he agreed to let him leave.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Cao."

Moreover, Xi Zhicai also really wanted to see what Xi Shi looked like and brought disaster to the country and the people.

So much so that both of them became like this.

Soon, he packed his things and set off immediately.

On this day, Ouyang Fu, three people and the carriage driver came to an inn to take shelter from the rain.

They came to this place, which was very remote and surrounded by mountains.

Sima Yi thought that Ouyang Fu must be dealt with now.

Otherwise, add some poison to the tea.

But as Pang Yun is a doctor, he must know how to read, so he has to be avoided. How can he avoid it?

Therefore, when the food was served later, he kept acting distracted.

Pang Yun felt incredible.

"Mr. Ma, what are you thinking about? Aren't you going to eat quickly?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

Sima Yi finally gave up the idea.

He planned to talk about it when he went to bed at night.

This way you can do it without anyone noticing.

We can’t get there today anyway.

Ouyang Fu was still counting the time. I was afraid it would take several days to arrive.

But he also asked Pang Yun on the way.

In a situation like Xi Gong's, is there any way to save it?

He also talked about the relevant situation of Ji Xiyu.

Pang Yun said that just saying this is not enough. You must go to the scene to see what is going on before talking.

Sima Yi thought to himself, your idea is good, but you may not be able to live back.

Finally, night came.

They live in an inn.

There were four people in total, and Sima Yi specifically proposed to let Ouyang Fu and Pang Yun share a room.

He shared a room with the coachman.

Ouyang Fu was overjoyed.

Because he had also considered how to live at night?

Regarding Sima Yi, he definitely asked to be with Pang Yun.

Maybe he will be dumped by then.

He never thought that Sima Yi would actually put forward such a condition.

Sima Yi said: "Ouyang Fu, I know you must be thinking about being with Dr. Pang, so I really want to satisfy you."

Ouyang Fu smiled, feeling that he had a villain's heart and was trying to judge a gentleman's heart.

At night, all four of them lay down to rest, but Sima Yi did not fall asleep.

Finally staying up until the latter half of the night, Sima Yi decided to take action.

So he quietly came to the door of Ouyang Fu's room and knocked on the door.

The two people inside were fast asleep, so no one heard it.

So he had to knock a little faster.

Ouyang Fu finally woke up and asked him who he was.

Sima Yi said: "It's me. Open the door quickly. I have something important to do."

Ouyang Fu immediately put on his shoes and opened the door without suspecting anything.

"Hey, Brother Ma, what are you doing?"

But Sima Yi quickly pinched his neck with one hand and covered Ouyang Fu's mouth with the other hand.

Ouyang Fu stared, not knowing what the other party was going to do.

But Sima Yi's face already showed a ferocious expression.

Ouyang Fu understood that the other party was trying to kill him.

But he didn't understand why the other party did this.

But he could only express his inquiry with his eyes.

Sima Yi immediately stepped up his efforts.

In the end, Ouyang Fu lost his breath and then knocked his body down.

I checked his breathing and found that he was finally dead.

This time, I finally felt happy.

As for Pang Yun, he slept deeply and never realized it.

Sima Yi then quickly dragged Ouyang Fu's body to the backyard.

He directly found a secret place and put it there.

Soon, he returned to the room and fetched pen and ink.

I wrote a line of words at random and placed it at the door of the room before getting ready to sleep.

However, this was the first time he had harmed someone, so he seemed a little uncomfortable.

But in order to be loyal to Duke Cao, he could only do this.

Early the next morning, Pang Yun and the carriage lady got up and prepared to eat and hit the road, but found that Ouyang Fu was not there.

Sima Yi "accidentally" found a note from the door.

"It's strange, Brother Ouyang has already left."

Pang Yun asked him what was going on, so he explained the note he wrote.

It was written in the name of Ouyang Fu, saying that he was going to take the first step now.

Wait until when Pang Yun is needed.

Pang Yun was very angry. How could this man leave without saying goodbye?

But on the surface, he was very happy.

Sima Yi also said: "Yes, this person is too ungrateful."

So, after eating, the three of them walked forward together.

In fact, according to Sima Yi's idea, he still has to go to the inn to make trouble.

If someone lost it, they would have to pay for it, but after thinking about it later, I decided not to make matters worse.

It would be bad if things came to light.

This time, he was full of joy along the way, and he was even humming a tune.

But I’m afraid of doing it too obviously.

After a while, it became a little more normal again.

He also saw that Pang Yun was actually very happy.

He probably understood that Pang Yun didn't want to treat Xi Yu.

I am just afraid that my reputation will be damaged.

In this way, their purpose is the same.

So they should have reached a deal a long time ago.

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang are still on their way to Qingzhou.

There were a lot of scenery along the way, but the two of them were not in the mood to enjoy them.

In the process of taking action, Ouyang Linlin suddenly felt someone hit her chest.

Xiao Hong quickly asked: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I suddenly felt such pain in the pit of my heart. Could something have happened to my father?"

"Miss, please stop thinking so wildly. How is this possible?"

But Ouyang Linlin said that the pain was too real, as if a hammer had really hit her body.

Something will definitely happen to her dad.

She suddenly felt pain.

Sun Shangxiang, who was in another sedan, also asked people to stop quickly.

"Sister, what happened?"

Ouyang Linlin then told her story.

Sun Shangxiang thought to herself that she had had similar experiences before. Maybe something happened to the person closest to her that made her feel this way.

But she didn't say this out loud to prevent the other party from being particularly painful.

So he laughed.

"How can this happen? It's just that you are too concerned about yourself."

"Is this really the case? Is it really me who has the problem?"

"Yes, it must be your own problem."

So, they continued on the road.

But Sun Shangxiang was also thinking, what would happen if something happened to Ouyang Fu?

First of all, Hua Tuo is dead. If Ouyang Fu is gone, there may not be any miracle cure.

Xiyu still cannot be cured by then.

Doesn't it seem like the more you grind, the more you grind?

After a while, Ouyang Linlin felt a little tired, so she lay down in the sedan and fell asleep.

She couldn't help but fell into Xiaohong's arms.

Xiaohong hugged her until Ouyang Linlin was awakened by a nightmare.

"Miss, are you having a nightmare?"

"I dreamed that my dad was pushed off a cliff."

"Miss, you must be particularly concerned about me to be so concerned about gains and losses. Don't worry, I will be fine."

"Is this true? Is it my own problem?" She suddenly became worried about gain and loss, and quickly grabbed the other person's clothes.

"Yes, that must be the case."

At night, they settled in an inn.

The innkeeper was very happy to see so many people coming.

The inn itself is very small, and there are usually not so many people to take care of his business.

That sentence really came true this time.

If it doesn't open for a year, it will eat for one year if it opens.

Therefore, he also worked hard to please these customers.

The entire inn was filled in an instant.

After another hour, Xi Zhicai led the horse and came to the inn.

When he came to the counter, the innkeeper felt a sigh of relief.

What's going on today? Why do we keep having guests here?

"Sir, I'm sorry, we are already full."

Xi Zhicai asked him if there were any inns around here.

The other party shook his head. He was the only one within a few dozen miles.

"Hey, what should I do?"

"Sir, I'm really sorry. Normally no one comes to my place, but today a large army suddenly came."

Xi Zhicai had no choice but to wander around here for one night. If that didn't work, he would stay at a farmer's house.

The innkeeper was unwilling to give up an opportunity to make money.

"Sir, how about this? There is also a south room, which is a grocery store. If you don't mind, I will clean it up a little, and I will charge you half of the cost."

Xi Zhicai was overjoyed and agreed to him, so the boss hurried to clean up.

Xi Zhicai asked him, are there no boys here?

"No, business is usually very bad, so we don't dare to hire anyone here."

But I don’t know why so many people came today.

Xi Zhicai said, this is a good thing.

Finally the place was packed up and he stayed here for the night.

At night, Xi Zhicai couldn't sleep.

After meeting Xi Yu, I still don’t know what will happen next.

Similarly, Ouyang Linlin could not sleep that night. She once again told Xiaohong that her premonition was true.

"Miss, please stop thinking so wildly, okay?"

"What I told you is true, I'm not just imagining it."

After a while, Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to go to the toilet with her.

When the two people went to the toilet, they heard crying in the yard.

Strange, what's going on?

They found that the crying sound was in the south room, and Ouyang Linlin wanted to go and have a look.

Xiaohong thought it was still unnecessary.

The matter has nothing to do with them, so they'd better not get over it.

Ouyang Lingli also felt that what he said was reasonable, so he finally let it go.

The next day, she told the innkeeper about it.

The innkeeper thought to himself, why would anyone cry? Isn't it haunted?

Then I remembered, maybe it was Xi Zhicai who lived there, right?

But why is a grown man crying?

So he came to Xi Zhicai's room and saw Xi Zhicai getting up.

So he asked: "Did you cry here yesterday?"

Xi Zhicai nodded.

He said he was doing it for his younger brother, but he didn't say he was an actor, lest others wouldn't believe him.

"A woman asked me before I knew what was going on. Did something sad happen to her?"

But Xi Zhicai just sighed and didn't speak at all.

"You don't have to tell me. Everyone has sad things anyway."

Xi Zhicai was almost finished eating when he saw many people arriving in the living room.

But he didn't know Ouyang Linlin at all, and everyone didn't know him either.

Just think he is just an ordinary person.

But Xi Zhicai had discovered that she seemed to be a woman disguised as a man. But he didn't reveal it either.

Ouyang Linlin suddenly felt strange.

She saw how Xi Zhicai looked similar to Xi Yu?

So she quietly said a few words to Xiaohong.

Of course, when he appeared, Xiaohong already knew that he was probably the man who cried last night.

At this moment, the young lady asked herself whether this man knew Xi Yu.

Xiao Hong thinks that this young lady has become worried about gains and losses now.

So I didn't want to ask.

Ouyang Linlin glared at her.

She said: "Miss, it is simply too presumptuous to ask someone like this."

Sun Shangxiang asked them what they were mumbling about.

Ouyang Linlin then told him this in a low voice.

Sun Shangxiang said: "I think Xiaohong is right. How can you ask people casually? There are so many people who look alike in the world, so what does it mean?"

Therefore, Ouyang Linlin had to give up the idea.

But she still felt strange.

At first, Sun Shangxiang didn't notice it, but now he realized that this person was really similar to Xi Yu.

She couldn't help but become curious.

So he said to Xiaohong: "Otherwise, why don't you go and ask?"

Xiao Hong pouted, but had no choice but to act.

Xi Zhicai finished eating and was about to leave, but Xiaohong stopped him.

"Sir, stay."

"Oh, lady, are you calling me?"

"Yes, I want to ask you a question."

"Miss, what do you want to ask?"

"My little lady would like to ask, are you acquainted with the world-famous actor?"

Xi Zhicai was shocked.

"Girl, why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"I just saw that you and Xi Gong look alike."

Xi Zhicai was stunned for a moment, and finally asked: "So, you have met Xi Gong?"

"Of course, my young lady is one of the opera's wives."

Xi Zhicai was stunned again and saw two women. It seemed that they were his brother's wives.

Having already talked to this point, she was too embarrassed to hide her identity.

So, he talked about the relevant situation.

"Oh my god, it turns out you are the actor's brother."

Xiaohong hurriedly ran to the two ladies and told the matter.

The two people quickly came out to salute Xi Zhicai.

"It turns out it's the uncle. The two of us are actually blind. I hope the uncle won't be offended."

Xi Zhicai quickly told them not to be polite.

"I didn't expect that we would meet today."

After understanding each other's purpose, everyone felt very warm.

"Then you might as well go to Qin Qingzhou." (End of Chapter)

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