Next, both women started crying.

They said that they had really suffered a series of grievances recently, and now that they met their eldest brother, they had to tell them all about it.

And many of the servants around also felt very helpless.

After Xi Zhicai heard this, he felt very sad.

Unexpectedly, it has reached this point. Could it be that God is deliberately punishing his younger brother?

The boss didn't know everyone's true identity but now he understands.

"It turns out that since you are relatives of the actor, then in that case, please accept my bow."

He bowed respectfully to several people.

Xi Zhicai told him that there was no need.

Soon, Xi Zhicai said to the two women: "In that case, you should go to Qingzhou quickly so that you can find out the reason. I am going to see my brother."

Ouyang Linlin said that Xi Yu now disowns all his relatives and is completely unconscious.

He probably wouldn't even recognize Xi Zhicai.

But Sun Shangxiang thought that even if he went, Xi Yu might see him and be able to remember the past of Seagull.

But Ouyang Linlin didn't hold out any hope at all.

Next, everyone started to go their separate ways.

On the other side, in Xi Shi's room, Xi Shi told the little girl that she still hoped to leave quickly.

She believes that among the public, there are probably many people talking about her.

And I heard from the little girl before that Xiyu is better in everyone's mind.

If he really stayed here, it would probably really affect Xi Yu's reputation.

The little girl said: "Miss Xi Shi, I understand all these principles, but you have to be able to walk."

Xi Shi then turned to the secret guard and said, "Can you please come out and have a word with me?"

She then knelt down and said how pitiful she was, hoping that the secret guard would take her out.

He will definitely repay the favor if given the opportunity in the future.

She cried while talking, and what she said was really touching.

However, the secret guards were professionally trained and would not be moved by his words at all.

The little girl said: "Miss Xi Shi, please get up quickly. Since the opera master has given such an order, no one can make him change his mind."

Xishi said that if she couldn't leave, she would go on a hunger strike from now on.

If it doesn't work, just destroy your face.

In that case, no one would say that beauty is a curse, and no one would confuse Xi Yu.

"I am not a person of this era at all. Why should I stay here? Is this a kind of torture and punishment for me?"

The secret guard kept listening to her saying such words, and was actually a little moved.

But he still absolutely cannot let the other person go.

After a while, the secret guard finally appeared.

He said: "Miss Xi Shi, please don't make things difficult for me. Anyway, I won't let you go, so I hope you give up this idea."

"I'm not threatening you. I just want to go on a hunger strike or have my face disfigured."

Of course, she thought about it and decided to go on a hunger strike first. After all, if she wanted to be disfigured, she might still feel a little sad.

The secret guard tried to persuade him a bit, but expressed his helplessness, so he had no choice but to hide in secret.

On the other side, Ouyang Linlin's large army finally arrived in Qingzhou.

As soon as they arrived at the city tower in Qingzhou, they saw that the people here lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Many small vendors are active here.

They knew that all this was due to Xi Yu.

It's a pity that Xi Yu has become like this now.

And I also heard many people talking about Xi Yu, saying that they can live such a good life today.

But it's all because of Xi Yu.

But the people here still don't know what happened to Xiyu.

They immediately went to the governor's mansion.

Finally arriving at the Governor's Mansion, the guard felt very nervous when he saw so many people arriving.

So he asked them who they were.

Sun Shangxiang reported their identities directly.

"It turns out to be the opera master's wife. Please wait here for a moment."

He immediately told Cheng Yu about the matter.

When Cheng Yu heard that the two ladies had arrived, he felt very confused.

So I asked the servants if they were passing by or came here on purpose.

"Looking at their outfits, it looks like they came here specially."

"That's strange. What are they doing here?"

But since Xi Yu's person was here, he had to welcome him, so he quickly went out to greet him.

"Which one is the opera master's wife?"

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang stepped forward.

So, Cheng Yu hurriedly paid homage to them and asked them to enter the mansion quickly.

And asked the servants to serve tea quickly.

Then he directly asked, what are they here to do?

Ouyang Linlin said: "What happened to the actor? It seems you don't know yet, right?"

"What? Something happened to the actor?"

Cheng Yu was very nervous and quickly stood up again, and then quickly asked what was going on.

Sun Shangxiang said: "It seems that you have very little information. You don't even know that something happened to Mr. Daofu."

"Madams, please stop being pretentious and tell me what's going on?"

When the two people talked about the matter, Cheng Yu was immediately stunned.

He didn't expect it to be like this at all.

The two ladies said that it all started from Xi Shi.

So they wondered if there was something wrong with the cave.

Cheng Yu shook his head and said that this should not be the case.

Because many people had entered the cave, including many soldiers, including myself, everyone was fine.

But the two ladies decided to check out the cave.

They must get to the root of the matter.

"Okay, in that case, I will accompany the two ladies."

So, everyone followed Cheng Yu to the cave where the treasure was dug.

But when he entered this time, Cheng Yu suddenly had a psychological barrier. After all, something happened to Xi Yu here.

He asked the soldiers to check some floors, walls, and the old crystal coffin.

But no problem was found.

The two ladies also walked in and saw nothing.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Maybe it's not that there is no problem, but that we don't understand it at all. It's better to find some doctors or something."

Cheng Yu said that he was already prepared, and it was estimated that several doctors would arrive.

After a while, several doctors arrived and they also checked the scene.

But they didn't find any problem.

Cheng Yu scolded them, saying that they were all trash. Normally he wouldn't get angry, but this time it really made him particularly angry.

Several men were dissatisfied, but they did not dare to say it. They believed that their professional standards were also very strong.

There is clearly no problem here.

After they all left, Ouyang Linlin sighed.

In fact, on the way, Sun Shangxiang also said that this trip might be in vain.

Although she knew this was the case, she still came. After arriving, she found that it was indeed the case.

Cheng Yu told the two ladies not to be anxious.

He will definitely check this place again regularly and will notify them directly if there are any problems here.

Now just let the two ladies go back to their homes and wait.

And when they just got home, it suddenly started raining continuously.

And Cheng Yu was particularly worried. If the other princes found out about the situation of Xi Gong, would they resist?

And then go fight for the actor's territory?

The two ladies said that they had also thought about this issue, but many people were also in a wait-and-see state, so it would not be a big problem.

"Even so, we have to be careful. Of course, the top priority now is to get the actor better as soon as possible."

Suddenly, he thought of Hua Tuo's problem. It was Hua Tuo who made Xi Shi get better.

"Madame, why don't you go find Hua Tuo?"

When he learned that Hua Tuo was dead, he collapsed again.

He suddenly said: "Is there any conspiracy here? Could someone be responsible for Hua Tuo's death?"

Ouyang Linlin's mood was particularly complicated.

She said that this might be the case, although they investigated that Hua Tuo was killed by bandits.

And now Ouyang Fu has also gone to see a miracle doctor. I don't know if he is up now?

"Ladies, please don't be sad. The actor will definitely get better. Good luck has its own destiny."

But the two of them couldn't hear such words at all, because they heard too many such words.

That night, they stayed, but the rain was still very heavy.

Xiaohong asked Ouyang Linlin if she would leave tomorrow?

Ouyang Linlin said: "Of course, do you want to live here for a long time?"

This rain is like my own sorrow.

Xiaohong also said that in fact, we really shouldn’t be here.

"You can't say that. I feel relieved after coming here. Otherwise, I would always be thinking about this matter."

"Yes, Miss, what you said makes sense."

This night, Cheng Yu couldn't sleep.

He has already sent his people to recruit famous doctors.

He plans to find some miracle doctors tomorrow and then follow the two ladies. As for the expenses, he will pay for them himself.

On the second day, the rain stopped and the weather was sunny.

It's as if the rain didn't appear.

Ouyang Linlin felt very happy when she learned that so many miracle doctors were following them.

But Sun Shangxiang still had no hope.

But something is better than nothing.

"Madams, please hurry up and get on your way. If it weren't for the busy business here, my subordinates would follow."

"Okay, Governor Cheng, please don't say that, we will cause you trouble too."

"You're welcome, madam. What happened to the actor happened to me, and I feel very sad."

In this way, Ouyang Linlin and the two left with a large army and the miracle doctors.

On the other side, Liu Xie also began to pay attention to Xi Yu's problem.

Ever since Xi Yu took over Fang Guo, changed it to Fang County, and then took over Wuhuan, he had been complacent.

Because Xiyu brought him more territory.

But later I realized something was wrong.

Xi Yu will definitely become bigger in the future, and may even overthrow himself, and then become his own king, or even emperor.

But if he really did this, he would be stronger than if Cao Pi did it, so he still hopes that Xi Yu can become stronger.

He also thought about it, if one day, Xi Yu became the emperor, what would he do?

Will Xi Yu keep him alive or kill him? Although he thinks he shouldn't kill himself, human nature is complicated.

Even people change.

But the current situation is not under my control at all.

Fortunately, he still has a few confidants around him, and those little eunuchs accompany him to practice cycling every day.

In the past few days, I finally learned how to ride a bicycle.

A young eunuch said that he had been to Youzhou and learned about Xiyu's situation, and he really became more and more powerful.

Liu Xie suddenly felt very sad.

He asked everyone to step back and he wanted to have some quiet time.

What should I do now?

Finally he decided to issue an edict to express his condolences to Xi Yu.

Moreover, famous doctors are selected, and whoever can make Xi Yu get better will also be rewarded.

And the next day, he did exactly that, and this incident slowly caused a sensation.

Liu Xie just wanted to tell the world that he was thinking about the hero.

Cao Pi naturally heard about this, and he felt that Liu Xie should have done this long ago.

If he were in this position, he would do the same thing.

And some people told him to take advantage of the good opportunity to go play Xi Yu.

In the past few days, several confidants came to him and told him about this matter again.

But there were also voices of opposition, just like the Huns attacked Wuhuan, but were they not destroyed in the end?

So the matter was dropped.

After everyone left, Cao Pi stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

If Xi Yu destroys himself in the future, then what will happen? He wants to destroy Xi Yu, but his strength may not allow it.

In fact, the current situation is the best. Everyone has their own territory, but can this situation continue?

He could even send someone to discuss with Xi Yu and let everyone maintain this situation. He would never take action against Xi Yu.

But is he willing to do so? Of course, this is a fanciful idea.

On the other side, Xishi has indeed started a hunger strike. It has been three days and she has not eaten anything, but she can still drink some water.

The secret guard couldn't stand it anymore, so he appeared and told her that Xiyu was not normal at all.

"You won't do anything this way."

"I don't care whether he is normal or not, but I just want to leave as soon as possible. I hope you won't stop me anymore."

Xi Shi seemed to have almost run out of energy to speak.

And the secret guard said: "I'm sorry, then I can only knock you out now."

In the end, he knocked the opponent unconscious.

When the little girl saw the secret guard, she put Xi Shi on the bed.

The little girl said: "Why are you doing this? Do you have to torture her?"

"It's not that I want to torture her. Although the actor has become abnormal, we must still listen to him, because he is our god."

The little girl knew that she couldn't reason with him, so she had no choice but to report the matter to Sun Shangxiang and Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang heard about this incident just after they came back. They didn't expect that Xi Shi would go on a hunger strike, which was considered particularly strong.

There was nothing the two of them could do, because the secret guards were not subject to their instructions.

The little girl was helpless and went back temporarily.

Next, Wenxuan started looking for the two ladies.

She came here on special leave and asked what was going on.

"We feel uneasy if we don't go to Qingzhou. In fact, we feel that way after we go there."

Ouyang Linlin told what happened, but there was one gain. She brought many doctors with her, and she didn't know if they could make Xi Yu get better.

At this time, a doctor named Lin from Qingzhou asked to see the two ladies.

"So it's Dr. Lin. I wonder what he has to say?" Ouyang Linlin asked. Dr. Lin was in his fifties and had a face with Chinese characters.

He was polite and polite. He first saluted the two ladies and finally also saluted Wenxuan.

Apparently she regarded Wenxuan as his wife.

"Okay, Dr. Lin, you don't have to be polite, let's get down to business."

Doctor Lin said that he had just observed Xi Yu and said that he had a formula at home that he could use.

He can also get it by gathering herbs.

But there is no guarantee that Xi Yu will recover.

Wenxuan was very angry.

"If you can't guarantee it, then what's the use of saying all this?"

"Ma'am, please listen to me."

"I'm sorry, I'm not a madam. Please think carefully before speaking."

Dr. Lin suddenly felt very embarrassed.

Ouyang Linlin asked him why he couldn't guarantee it, so why did he say that again?

"There's only half hope. Do you think you want to give it a try?"

Dr. Lin said that after taking that medicine, Xi Yu would fall into a coma, and he might be in coma for about half a month.

After half a month, you will either wake up and become a normal person, or die forever, so this is too risky.

"So I'm here to ask the deputy Lei for instructions. If you are willing, we will do it. If you are not willing, forget it."

At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang looked at each other.

Wenxuan was very angry.

"Why do you two madams still look at each other? Do you still need to discuss it? There is nothing to discuss. You must be able to wake up completely."

She said that this is a matter of life and death, and this probability must not be a bet.

Ouyang Linlin nodded.

"Yes, I think so too. I must make my husband 100% better."

Dr. Lin said that in this case, he really had no choice but to leave temporarily.

"But can you get this medicine so we can use it as a backup?"

Sun Shangxiang suddenly said.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "What do you mean?"

"I'm thinking that if we are really at the end of our rope, maybe we can use it. Half a hope is better than nothing."

But Ouyang Linlin immediately rejected it. If she didn't have 100% hope, they would never try it.

"Okay then, please come back, Dr. Lin." (End of chapter)

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