None of the so-called miracle doctors brought from Qingzhou could make Xi Yu get better.

But it made Xi Yu even more irritable.

On this day, Xi Zhicai finally arrived.

Just last night, Ouyang Linlin was still counting the days.

They have already made a round trip from Qingzhou, so it stands to reason that Xi Zhicai should have arrived, right?

But Xi Zhicai was very miserable because he often encountered continuous rain along the way.

I always stop and go, so I didn’t get there until today.

When Xi Zhicai saw Xi Yu like this, he felt particularly sad.

"Brother, do you still remember me? It's been so long since we last met. How did you become like this?"

Only then did Xi Zhi feel countless hammers hitting him.

How did this brother become like a beast, even worse than what he heard?

Xi Yu cursed directly at him.

After a while, Ouyang Linlin came to his side.

"Uncle, he has become like this now. He doesn't recognize his relatives, so you don't have to worry about him."

Xi Zhicai sighed, he planned to stay here.

Ouyang Linlin said, let him go to a place to rest, as there is no use staying here.

Xi Zhicai finally nodded and followed Ouyang Linlin away.

Later, Xi Yu's curses came again.

On the other side, Sima Yi finally brought Pang Yun to Cao Pi.

When he was about to enter the main hall, Pang Yun was surprised again.

"Mr. Ma, what does your relative do? Is he so rich? Why does he actually live here?"

"You'll find out soon."

When Sima Yi actually saw Cao Pi, he immediately saluted and called him Duke Cao.

Pang Yun was shocked, he just realized something was wrong.

Is this person in front of me Cao Pi?

Could it be that he is sick?

But looking at him, it's completely normal.

After all, Cao Pi was not thinking about Xi Shi at this moment, so he couldn't see anything on his face.

"Mr. Cao, this is the miracle doctor Pang Yun."

Cao Pi looked at Pang Yun carefully.

"Are you Dr. Pang, who is known as the miracle doctor?"

Pang Yun bowed slightly.

"I don't dare. This is just flattery from others. In fact, my medical skills are limited."

"Now that you're here, let's stay here temporarily. If you need anything, just let me know. Just treat this place as your home."

Pang Yun saw Cao Pi smiling, but this smile seemed to have some evil intentions.

"May I ask Mr. Cao, Mr. Ma, who is sick?"

Sima Yi laughed.

"Actually, I am not Mr. Ma, my name is Sima Yi."

Pang Yun looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"Actually, none of us are sick. We invite you here just as a guest."

Pang Yun said: "Didn't you ask me to treat illnesses?"

Sima Yi nodded, as if he had been insulted, but he quickly understood the link.

It was just to prevent Xi Yu from treating his illness. In that case, just say so.

Sima Yi smiled slightly.

"Mr. Pang, I believe you understand what I mean."

"Young man, I understand, but you should make it clear."

Cao Pi said that he was not allowed to say it, so he asked the other party not to mind it anymore.

"Okay, Mr. Pang, you'd better settle down for the time being."

Sima Yi said.

He also understood that this guy didn't want to treat Xi Yu, and now he was really getting an advantage and acting like a good boy.

Cao Pi quickly nodded to Sima Yi and asked him to quickly arrange accommodation.

Fortunately, there are many guest rooms here, and Sima Yi quickly arranged a very luxurious one.

And also sent several maids here.

If Pang Yun needs anything, feel free to come and serve him.

Sima Yi smiled evilly at Pang Yun.

"Mr. Pang, you can do whatever you want."

This time finally made Pang Yun feel elated.

After Pang Yun settled down, he quickly asked a few girls to squeeze his shoulders.

The skills of those little girls were particularly good, which made him very happy.

But he suddenly thought about a problem, and that was Ouyang Fu's matter.

Ouyang Fu was probably killed, even though the note said he left privately.

He suddenly sighed, feeling a little uneasy about his conscience.

It is true that he cannot cure Xi Yu's illness and he is afraid. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

He suddenly shed tears.

A little girl asked him what was going on.

"There are many people who are sick but cannot be cured. I feel very worried."

That night, Pang Yun had a dream, in which he met Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Fu came to his bed dripping with blood, and he quickly got up from the bed.

"Hey, Mr. Ouyang, what are you doing?"

Ouyang Fu was able to strangle him quickly.

"I died unjustly, and you must avenge me."

After that, Pang Yun screamed and woke up soon.

He immediately got up from the bed, feeling particularly scared.

He found that his body was sweating.

He thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night. It was precisely because he was thinking about the death of the other party that this scene occurred.

He seemed to hear the other party complaining to him in reality.

After a while, I suddenly found that I couldn't sleep either.

Tossing and turning, it was extremely uncomfortable, and it was almost dawn before I finally fell asleep.

However, this time, he dreamed of Ouyang Fu again.

Ouyang Fu didn't grab his neck this time, but put him on the cliff.

"You must avenge me, otherwise, I won't let you feel better."

"Hey, what are you doing? Who beat you to death? Who are you going to find? Why are you treating me like this?"

"I don't care, I have to attack you now."

"Then tell me if Mr. Ma killed you?"

"Yes, this is an old beast."

The dream soon woke up, and Pang Yun felt very painful.

He suddenly felt that it was wrong to associate with Sima Yi and Cao Pi?

What ability do I have to avenge Ouyang Fu?

Otherwise, just run away quickly.

But even so, will he continue to dream?

When he closed his eyes and fell asleep again, he didn't dare to sleep again.

Just like that, he was troubled by the dream. When he woke up, a girl brought him breakfast.

Cao Pi treated him with extra courtesy, so he prepared a lot of meat and fish for him.

However, when he saw the fish, he suddenly remembered the scene of eating with Ouyang Fu.

This made him miss Ouyang Fu even more.

Ouyang Fu's shadow seemed to have appeared on the plate.

He yelled, stood up quickly, and took several steps back.

The girls who delivered the meals felt particularly baffled.

"Mr. Pang, what happened? Why are you like this?"

"I don't know. It wasn't me who caused it. It wasn't me. Don't come looking for me."

He yelled again.

Several maids were shocked and quickly reported the news to Sima Yi.

When Sima Yi learned about this, he was also shocked.

So he quickly came to Pang Yun.

He thought to himself, was Pang Yun pretending to be crazy?

At this moment, Pang Yun had disheveled hair and looked very scary.

"Mr. Pang, what's wrong with you?"

That doctor Pang didn't recognize Sima Yi at all, and his eyes were red and swollen.

Suddenly he picked up a plate and was about to hit Sima Yi.

"Don't come over here. If you do, I'll kill you."

Sima Yi was so frightened that he hid quickly.

The plate was finally thrown down by the other party.

Sima Yi asked several girls what was going on.

Several girls said that they had just served him food and that was it.

It really made them feel very baffled.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Yun began to harm himself.

He tore his shirt, and then started grabbing his upper body.

Soon, a lot of blood marks appeared on his body.

Sima Yi thought to himself, what is going on? Why is this man so good and so crazy?

So he ordered a few soldiers to come over quickly and knock him out.

After a while, several soldiers finally came to Pang Yun.

Pang Yun continued to yell and throw the plate, but fortunately he was picked up by a few people.

After he fainted, several soldiers carried him to the bed.

Sima Yi thought to himself, no matter he was real or pretending, just leave him here anyway.

It would be better if he was really crazy, and he would not be able to treat Xi Yu.

Soon, he also told Cao Pi the news.

After hearing this, Cao Pi burst out laughing.

"God is really helping me. Let's observe whether he is really crazy or a fake. If he is fake, just send him out in a few days. Don't let him waste food here."

"My subordinates think it's better to keep him here. When we know that Xi Yu's illness is out of control and he dies, it won't be too late to release him."

Sima Yi believed that it did not matter if food was wasted.

If the other party is pretending to be crazy, after he is released, it will be bad if he goes to Xi Yu's place.

"So do you think he is really crazy or fake?"

"My subordinates analyzed that he is not pretending, because he himself does not like to go to Xi Yu's place. It is not that he wanted to go and was controlled by us, but everything must be prepared for eventuality."

"Okay, then do as you say."

Then, Cao Pi sighed.

Sima Yi knew that he was still sad about Xi Shi.

"Quickly think of a way for me, how can I get Xi Shi quickly?"

Sima Yi shook his head.

Cao Pi was very angry, so he waved his hand and told Sima Yi to retreat quickly.

On the other side, after Ouyang Fusuo was killed, his body was placed in a corner of the inn.

One day a guest appeared. He was anxious but unwilling to go to the toilet.

It felt very dirty there, so I wanted to find a remote location by myself.

When he was about to take action, he suddenly found a body.

He screamed loudly, and the body already smelled bad.

He immediately told the innkeeper the news.

The shopkeeper was shocked.

What? There are actually corpses?

So I immediately went here with a few waiters to check it out.

Found that to be the case.

Several people covered their noses.

"Oh my God, when did this happen?" the shopkeeper asked.

A waiter in the shop said that he had some impression of this customer because the body was not decomposed yet and he could still see clearly.

The shopkeeper asked the waiter to report to the official immediately.

Otherwise, wouldn't it make the government think that they did it?

After the officials received the report, they saw that Ouyang Fu's clothes were unusual, so they ordered people to draw portraits and post them everywhere.

It happened that in the afternoon of that day, a wealthy businessman returned to his hometown Youzhou in a carriage.

Suddenly he saw a portrait posted on a certain wall. He immediately paid attention and got off his horse.

"Strange, why does this man look so much like Ouyang Fu?"

There was also a lady in the car who asked, "Are you talking about the Ouyang Fu who sells bicycles?"

"Yes, he has become the father-in-law of the actor now."

When the wealthy businessman knew that Ouyang Fu had been killed, he felt very painful.

"Husband. Maybe it's just a person who looks very similar. It doesn't mean he is Ouyang Fu."

However, the wealthy businessman believes that no matter what, it is better to believe that he has it than to believe that he has nothing.

He decided to tear the portrait apart and take it back to Youzhou immediately.

It was late at night before he returned to Ouyang Mansion.

Then he asked the servants of Ouyang Mansion if Mr. Ouyang was at home?

Someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night, and the concierge himself was a little unhappy.

But he recognized it. This was Long Lin, who was in the clothing business.

"Master Long, my master has been out for a long time and hasn't come back yet. Do you have anything to do with him?"

Long Lin even more believed that that person must be Ouyang Fu.

He then told the concierge the true situation.

"What did you say? My master was killed. What happened?"

The other party quickly took out the portrait.

The porter immediately burst into tears.

"What's going on? How could my master be harmed by bad guys?"

The crying in the middle of the night is particularly sad.

Long Lin then said that he should tell Ouyang Linlin about this matter immediately.

Therefore, he is going to Xi Yu's house now.

The few servants who followed thought it was already too late and they might as well talk about it tomorrow.

"Asshole, this is a matter of life and death, how can you think it's too late? Let's go find him quickly."

Ouyang Linlin was not asleep at the moment. Seeing Xiaohong making herself a pot of tea, sadness appeared on her face.

Xiao Hong said very sadly: "Miss, I see that you are quite haggard now, as if you have aged several years."

"Then what can be done? Isn't it all caused by my husband?"

Ouyang Linlin stood up and came to the window. She saw the bright moon outside and everything was very quiet.

But there were psychological disturbances in him.

"Don't worry, miss, it will be fine as long as the master comes back."

"But even if dad comes back, can he really invite a miracle doctor to come over?"

Moreover, according to Cheng Yu, there are many doctors brought from Qingzhou who are quite famous.

But no one can make the husband get better.

"Miss, you have to be prepared. If Xi Yu's illness really doesn't get better, do you think it's time to remarry?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Since I have already married my husband, we can marry anyone we want. Don't say such words again in the future."

Xiaohong agreed.

At this moment, soldiers suddenly came to deliver a message. A wealthy businessman named Long Lin came to tell the news about Ouyang Fu.

Ouyang Linlin made a sound.

What does it mean?

Xiaohong also realized that something was wrong.

Why are you coming so late to deliver news about the master?

She saw that Ouyang Linlin seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and then she quickly grabbed Ouyang Linlin's arm.

Ouyang Linlin asked the soldiers to wake up Long Lin quickly.

Speaking of Long Lin, Ouyang Linlin had an impression.

It seems that he once did business with his father.

When Long Lin saw Ouyang Linlin again, he felt that he seemed to be a different person.

When he was about to salute, Ouyang Linlin waved her hand.

"Uncle Long, you said there is news about my father. What is going on?"

"Miss Long, after you hear this, you must support it. This is not good news."

Ouyang Linlin's arms trembled.

Xiaohong then said: "Okay, don't say anything anymore, you'd better say it quickly."

Long Lin had no choice but to tell what happened.

And quickly took out the picture.

Ouyang Linlin screamed.

"What did you say? How could something happen to my father?"

"Ms. Long, I know you may not be able to accept this news for a while, but we still need to check it quickly."

Ouyang Linlin grabbed Xiaohong's hand.

"I told you that something might happen to dad, and now it's true."

"Miss, don't be sad yet, maybe this is just a person who looks very similar to the master."

Xiaohong started to cry as she spoke.

He knew that this was just to comfort the young lady.

Long Lin said that it was getting late and he had to go back quickly.

Ouyang Linlin nodded, not in the mood to send him off at the moment.

For Ouyang Linlin, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

According to Long Lin's explanation. The place where the inn is located is a small county town called Longwei. It also falls within the jurisdiction of Zhang Lu.

This night, Xiaohong continued to comfort Ouyang Linlin.

Until Ouyang Linlin was sleepy.

By the next day, Ouyang Linlin was ready to turn her grief into strength.

We must make things clear about our father.

But at this time, he found that there was no one left to discuss.

In desperation, Xiaohong called Jia Xu over immediately.

After a while, Jia Xu arrived.

"I don't know what's going on when Madam asked her subordinates to come?"

As soon as Ouyang Linlin told the story, Jia Xu was very surprised.

"Mr. Jia, you are very resourceful. I am so distraught now that I don't know what to do. I hope you can come up with an idea."

Jia Xu advised her not to panic, he would definitely think of a way.

It's better to send someone to Zhang Lu's side to negotiate.

If the case cannot be solved within a short period of time, the only option is to send troops to attack.

"Send troops to attack? Have you already had this idea and want to use this as an excuse?"

Ouyang Linlin was very angry.

Jia Xu immediately denied it. (End of chapter)

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