"Madam, I didn't mean that. I hope you won't misunderstand me."

Xiao Hong also felt that Ouyang Linlin was really sensitive.

Ouyang Linlin said: "In that case, who does Mr. Jia think is more suitable?"

Jia Xu thought about it for a while, and finally felt that it was not as good as it was, so he sent Zhao Zilong over.

"That's fine, just ask Mr. Jia to make arrangements."

When Jia Xu found Zhao Zilong and told him about this matter, Zhao Zilong was also very surprised.

"Zilong, if you don't want to go, I can tell my wife."

Because he knew that if he said this, Zhao Zilong would definitely go.

Zhao Zilong said that this is what he should do to share his wife's worries.

And now I am also sharing my worries for the actor.

Ever since something happened to the actor, he has been in a state of panic.

But I felt like I couldn't do anything.

"In that case, then follow me to find Mrs. Ouyang."

The two met Ouyang Linlin again.

Ouyang Linlin was very moved when she learned that Zhao Zilong could agree.

"General Zhao, in this case, I leave this matter to you."

"Ma'am, please don't be polite. I feel very honored to be able to do this for you."

Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to prepare many gifts for Zhao Zilong, as well as some things for horse feeding, for him to use on the road.

"Ma'am, you're so polite. Madam is in a bad mood right now, so it's better not to worry about these things."

Zhao Zilong thought that it was not too late, so he hurried over.

Gradually, another day of darkness came.

Xiyu fell asleep sitting on the chair.

Suddenly, the voice of "There is an assassin, protecting the actor" came from the yard.

Several soldiers were startled and took it seriously.

Suddenly, several men in black seemed to fall from the sky and appeared in the yard, holding broadswords, and several soldiers went to deal with them.

However, these few people who came here are extremely powerful.

In the blink of an eye, several soldiers were injured.

Suddenly, the secret guard also appeared quickly.

Several masked men sprinkled some medicinal powder into the air, and several secret guards were suddenly attacked by the powder.

Their bodies immediately fell down.

After a while, several soldiers also appeared in the same situation as them.

Several masked men immediately came to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu opened his eyes immediately. His gaze was so terrifying that the masked men seemed surprised.

Some of them even took a few steps back.

But then several people took a look, why should they be afraid?

Xiyu has become abnormal now.

So, several people started to come towards Xiyu.

One of them quickly untied Xiyu's rope.

But one person said there was no need to untie it, just take the person away.

The man thought about it, so he stopped doing it.

Anyway, they had already taken care of the secret guards, and there was no one left to protect Xi Yu.

Xiyu cursed loudly.

"You beasts, what do you want to do?"

One of them quickly stuffed Xi Yu's mouth with a cloth.

Xiyu struggled desperately, but to no avail.

In the end, Xi Yu was taken away by several people.

Ouyang Linlin didn't know about this. She originally sent someone to keep an eye on her, but now she was in a bad mood and had already fallen into bed early.

But despite this, the sound of catching the assassin still faintly reached her ears.

She originally thought she had an auditory hallucination, so she quickly asked Xiaohong if she heard the sound.

Xiaohong listened carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

"Xiao Hong, go out and open it quickly. What is going on?"

Xiao Hong also walked out quickly, and when she came to Xi Yu's room, she saw many soldiers lying on the ground.

She ate a pound, and then quickly looked towards Xi Yu's chair. No one was there anymore.

He then quickly shook the bodies of several soldiers, hoping that they would quickly tell what was going on.

However, no matter how hard they shook these people, they remained in a coma.

What kind of master took Xi Yu away?

She yelled, and then quickly came to Ouyang Linlin and told her about it.

"What, there is such a thing?"

At this moment, Ouyang Linlin wanted to get up quickly, but Xiaohong said that even if she went, it would be useless, because the person had already been taken away.

And even a few secret guards were involved, which proves that those people's methods are really very high.

"Why is this happening? Why?"

Suddenly, Ouyang Linlin spit out a mouthful of blood.

She was really anxious these days, and then she fell into a coma.

Xiao Hong shouted loudly, and then quickly went to invite the doctor.

Xiaohong started crying as she walked.

A good actor has now become like a living hell.

Ouyang Linlin originally told herself that Xi Yu might unify the Central Plains after the New Year.

Everyone will live a good life then, but now it seems that Xi Yu may even risk his own life.

She knew that she should tell more people about Xiyu's accident at this time.

But what she was worried about now was her young lady, so she decided to get medicine first.

Xi Yu's mouth was covered and put into a carriage.

Soon we arrived at the entrance of a cave.

A masked man put Xi Yu down.

One of them said: "Aren't you very powerful? You just rely on someone to protect you, but what other abilities do you have now?"

The cloth from Xi Yu's mouth was taken away.

He continued to curse.

"The dignified actor has now become a madman."

At this moment, a man walked out of the cave with a sinister face.

When he saw Xi Yu, he felt very happy.

However, several people bowed to him respectfully and called him boss.

"I really want to torture him, but when I see this madman, I can't bear it, so you just throw him into the river."

Because there is a river outside this cave.

Several people then raised their heads and prepared to throw themselves into the river.

Xiyu was still cursing.

"You beasts, you will not end well. I will destroy you sooner or later."

"Xi Yu, you have reached this point now and you still dare to talk nonsense to us. It really makes us laugh."

"That's right, Mr. Xi, you'd better save your energy. It won't be too late to scold you again when you get to the underworld soon."

The man called the boss stood at the entrance of the cave, with an angry look on his face.

"Xi Yu, I'll just let you die like this. I won't torture you. You should just feel my kindness."

Next, Xi Yu actually cursed some words from his past life.

Many people find it strange.

They had never heard it, but they knew it wasn't a good thing.

So a man was going to slap Xiyu.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, a man suddenly appeared from the dark and immediately kicked him to the ground.

And quickly took Xi Yu from his hand.

This is exactly a secret guard.

The man was shocked. He didn't expect that a secret guard would appear at this time.

Several men immediately started to take out the medicine bag from their arms, but the secret guard moved very quickly.

His body spun around and quickly knocked several men to the ground.

After that, he quickly took out a medicine bag from a man's cuff.

Then he threw it towards them suddenly.

At this moment, several people fell down.

The boss was taken aback and immediately wanted to hide in the cave.

The secret guard immediately chased him.

"Where are you running? You beast, who are you? Tell me quickly, maybe your grandfather and I can let you go."

As soon as the boss ran a few meters away from the entrance of the cave, the secret guard had already grabbed his neck.

"Do you also have medicine? If you have the ability, come to me."

The boss was cursing.

"How do they do things? There is still a secret guard."

"Tell me, who is he?"

At this moment, the boss suddenly foamed at the mouth.

There is a poison in his mouth. He must commit suicide at the critical moment and must not be killed by others.

The secret guard immediately put him down, and then looked out of the cave to see if there was anyone else, but found no one.

At this time, the secret guard immediately came to Xi Yu, then picked him up and prepared to leave.

Xi Yu also cursed loudly.

The secret guard knew that the other party was unconscious, so he would not argue with him.

But after a while, Xiyu was still shouting.

The secret guard was a little unhappy, and then he tapped his acupuncture points to put him into a quiet state.

On the other side, Xiaohong finally got up as a doctor.

The doctor immediately felt Ouyang Linlin's pulse, while Xiaohong kept crying beside her.

The doctor advised her not to cry, otherwise it would affect her diagnosis.

Xiao Hong was standing guard at the door for the time being.

The secret guard quickly sent Xi Yu back to the room.

Then he looked at the injured soldiers and secret guards. He felt heartbroken. There was no cure for these poisons, so he could only watch everyone die sadly.

Although he has not yet found out what those people do, they must have a deep grudge against Xi Yu.

And their power is still so powerful.

He is the secret guard sent by Xi Yu to protect Xi Shi.

He came out immediately after hearing the sound.

Then he realized that Xi Yu had been taken away, and then he checked the poisons on several brothers.

He understood what was going on, so he quickly chased after him secretly.

He sighed, and finally returned to Xi Shi's side.

The doctor prescribed some medicine for Ouyang Linlin, and then asked Xiaohong to take the medicine with him.

Late at night, Xiaohong was still making medicine. Although the weather was a bit cold, she felt a little warm by the fire and kept fanning herself.

After a while, the strong smell of medicine began to hit her nose.

However, her tears almost touched the lid of the pot.

Fortunately, he escaped in time.

The moon looked brightly at the earth, in a state of calm.

Xiao Hong finally finished frying the medicine, and then carried her to the bed, ready to help Ouyang Linlin get up.

However, because she was so nervous, she touched the medicine and spilled it all over the floor.

She was particularly distressed because the fruits of her hard work were actually damaged.

The question is, isn’t the lady in trouble now?

So, she wanted to continue to cook more medicine.

Suddenly I found that there was not much water in the house.

Still have to find some water.

When she opened the door, she found that it had started to drizzle without her realizing it.

It's really strange. There was a bright moon just now, but I didn't expect it to change at any time.

She went to get water, but because she was so anxious, she suddenly fell down.

Her head happened to hit a stone, and she passed out.

On the other side, Zhao Zilong hurriedly headed to Sichuan and Shu.

But he knew that tonight, no matter what, he wouldn't be able to get there.

He sighed and had no choice but to find an inn and rest.

When he entered the inn, he found an old man crying in front of the counter.

"Old man, what's going on?"

Only then did the old man realize that a guest had arrived.

"Sir, you are here to stay in the hotel. There is no one here today. You can just choose any of these rooms."

But Zhao Zilong still wanted to ask what happened.

It's worth an old man crying here.

"Sir, you'd better stop asking. You can't solve the problem."

But this made Zhao Zilong even more curious. He hoped to know quickly what was going on?

"Honey, I am very curious, so I hope you can tell me."

The old man sighed and said that he should prepare the room for Zhao Zilong first and then tell him slowly.

Zhao Zilong also agreed.

He picked a room at random, and then asked the old man to feed his horse for a while.

The old man agreed, and then told Zhao Zilong what happened.

It turns out that a bully took a fancy to his own daughter.

So I came to propose marriage. The bully was almost fifty years old, so naturally he would not agree.

His own daughter would not agree, so the bully came to harass her twice in three days.

And this time he directly kidnapped his daughter.

Being an old man yourself, there is nothing you can do.

So I can only worry here.

"It's totally unreasonable that there is such a thing. Uncle, I will make the decision for you."

The old man was surprised. He didn't expect this man to be nosy.

"Old man, what I told you is true. Tell me quickly, where is the bully?"

The old man was very happy. In this case, he told the address.

But at the same time, he was particularly worried. What would happen to the other party once he left?

"Don't worry, old man, my hands are itchy too. I really want to hit someone now. Since I have this opportunity, why don't I cherish it?"

Of course the old man knew that people were just deceiving him because they wanted to help him.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'd like to thank you, sir, and I don't want the rent."

Zhao Zilong didn't waste any time and ran out immediately.

The bully was in a town ten miles away.

Zhao Zilong arrived here quickly and found a Baifu.

He immediately knocked on the door.

After a while, a man opened the door, very domineering.

"Hey, what do you do? You're not here to beg. We don't welcome beggars here."

Zhao Yun became angry and knocked on the door just to be polite. Could it be that he couldn't get in?

"Get out of my way quickly, I want to go in."

"What did you say? I have to get out of your way quickly. Who do you think you are?"

The concierge started to insult him, but Zhao Yun didn't tolerate him and slapped him in the face.

After that, he directly lifted his body up and threw him heavily to the ground.

Until the concierge slowly passed out.

He went on a rampage and saw two people walking in the yard, probably two servants.

"Tell me, where is that bully Bai Mingyuan?"

Bai Mingyuan is exactly what the old man said. The person who snatched his daughter is the eldest young master here.

The two servants were a little scared.

Although Zhao Zilong looked extremely handsome, his face was extremely cold at the moment.

And if a stranger suddenly appears here, he probably has some tricks up his sleeve.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Let me tell you, the guy watching the door has been knocked to the ground by me and passed out. If you don't want to be like him, tell me quickly."

The two people then told him that Zhao Yun walked through a circular arch.

He saw a light on in a room.

Suddenly a man's voice came.

"Why are you working so hard? Isn't it time yet?"

This is exactly Bai Mingyuan's voice.

Immediately afterwards, a servant's voice appeared.

"Young Master, the old woman said that if the time is not right, there will be a bloody disaster."

"But I really can't wait any longer. I can't enjoy having such a beauty here."

"Master, you'd better wait a little while. Anyway, it's not too late."

"It's so frustrating."

After listening to their conversation, Zhao Yun understood what was going on.

It seems that the old man's daughter has not lost her virginity yet.

It turns out that when they do this kind of thing, they have to check the time and the day.

But this is good, as it ensures that the girl is safe for the time being.

I can rescue her myself.

He rushed into the inner room and saw two masters and servants standing there, and a beautiful woman on the bed next to them.

The two men were startled when they saw him.

Bai Mingyuan shouted: "Who are you and why did you break into my room?"

"Beast, I'm here to kill you today."

The servant quickly shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming."

And Zhao Yun immediately grabbed his neck.

"Beast, since you want to die, let me kill you first."

His foot kicked the opponent's knee.

The servant was quickly forced to kneel down, and Zhao Yun kicked him away.

When Bai Mingyuan wanted to use some weapon, Zhao Zilong took action faster.

Soon, it struck his chest.

Then she also strangled his neck.

Bai Mingyuan immediately raised his hands.

"Hero, what do you want to do? Do you want money?"

"You are very honest. As long as you cooperate with me, I won't kill you."

After Bai Mingyuan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhao Yun looked at the bed again.

This girl is really very beautiful. No wonder it attracts this beast! (End of chapter)

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