Zhao Zilong thought to himself, after he left here, what would this guy do if he took revenge on the two old men?

It's better to just tell him who he is.

He took out a token.

"I tell you who I am."

Bai Mingyuan was not a fool. When he saw this token, he immediately knew who Zhao Yun was.

He was startled.

"So you are General Zhao."

"It's your special knowledge. Let me tell you the truth, this girl is my cousin, and her father is my uncle. After I leave, if you dare to attack them, the consequences will be disastrous, and now I want to Take my cousin away."

Bai Mingyuan suddenly became suspicious.

is this real? Why didn't you hear what the old man said?

If there really are such interested relatives. The old man should tell himself that.

"What's wrong? Do you still have any doubts?"

"No, no, I have no doubt. In this case, this is indeed a misunderstanding."

Zhao Yun didn't say anything nonsense and quickly picked up the girl.

Bai Mingyuan was helpless.

He also knew that Zhao Yun's ability to come in like no one else proved that his power was truly extraordinary.

I really feel helpless.

Zhao Yun quickly brought the girl onto the horse, and then rode more slowly on the horse.

The old man in the inn felt uneasy.

Just after Zhao Yun left. Two more guests came, they seemed to be two brothers.

When they first arrived, they happened to see Zhao Yun leaving on horseback.

They asked the old man what was going on.

Why is this customer not here anymore? Is there something wrong with their store?

The old man quickly explained to them what the man was doing.

At this time, the two people started talking.

"Old man, you shouldn't trust this person. Maybe he will take your daughter away directly."

"Your daughter was actually spotted by that bully. She must be as beautiful as a flower."

The old man thought to himself that maybe it was possible, no wonder the man was so active.

There is no free lunch in this world. Why should people help themselves?


The old man only believed what he believed, and the two guests tried their best to exaggerate.

The old man was even more miserable.

The old man was anxious and wanted to run out quickly.

The two men said, what's the use of running out now?

The old man finally ran away, and the two men smiled at each other. It turned out that they were thieves.

That's when the stealing started. But later I discovered that there really wasn’t anything valuable here.

Fortunately, I finally found some money and left quickly.

Naturally, the old man couldn't find Zhao Yun, and he didn't dare to go to Bai's house, so he could only come back slowly.

He saw the mess in the hall and realized that he had encountered a thief.

Oh my god, they are all thieves, I really shouldn’t believe what they say.

But now it's too late to regret it. It's true that misfortunes never come singly.

Could it be that what they said was false and that Zhao Yun had no problem at all?

If there is a problem, it is really bad. My daughter was taken away and this thing was lost. Why is it so sad?

He cried for a long time, and finally heard the sound of footsteps. It was Zhao Yun arriving with his horse.

When he saw Zhao Yun again, he was very surprised.

And he saw a woman lying immediately, who was his daughter.

"My daughter. Have you really saved her?"

Zhao Yun said: "I have lived up to your hope. Look, is this your daughter?"

The old man was very excited and quickly carried his daughter to the bed.

Zhao Yun put the horses together again.

The old man quickly expressed his gratitude to Zhao Yun and felt very ashamed?

Because just now I thought he might not come back.

"Old man, how could you think so? Of course I want to come back."

The old man explained what just happened.

I was deceived by those two bastards.

My daughter was taken away and her things were lost.

"What, there is such a thing."

Zhao Yun wanted to go look for it.

The old man said that they had gone far, forget it, this incident was also a lesson for him.

And now that my daughter is back, it is better than anything else.

"Okay, old man, since that's the case, I'll go back and rest quickly. By the way, I told the bully that you are my uncle and she is my cousin. I guess he won't bully you anymore."

Zhao Yun immediately came to the guest room.

Of course he also understood that the bully might still cause trouble for the old man in the future.

The old man can only ask for his own blessings.

It's impossible for me to stay here every day.

The old man was very grateful.

And tonight, he kept guarding his daughter, fearing that her daughter would be snatched away at any time.

His daughter was lying on the bed, and he found a bench and slept on it.

On the second day, people in the theater discovered that Xiaohong was injured and still unconscious.

He quickly took her to Ouyang Linlin's room and found that Ouyang Linlin was also unconscious at the same time.

Several maids sighed with emotion. Recently, the theater has simply changed, just like the earth on earth.

So several girls hurriedly went to invite the doctor.

But everyone also heard something exciting, that is, the actor who had been taken away had been rescued.

No one knows who rescued him, but it seems to be the work of the secret guards.

The doctor boiled some medicine for Ouyang Linlin and the two of them, and a maid took it for them.

An hour later, Xiaohong woke up first. After learning the situation, she felt extremely painful.

It turns out that something like that actually happened yesterday.

Then, she looked at Ouyang Linlin.

"Miss, haven't you gotten up yet?"

"Miss Xiaohong, the doctor has already said that the young lady is very angry and may have to wake up later."

Xiao Hong sighed.

And several maids said that Xi Yu had been rescued by the secret guards.

Xiaohong was stunned, but the news didn't particularly appeal to her.

All she wants now is that her young lady is intact.

On the other side, Zhao Zilong also got up, and the old man had already prepared meals for him.

He asked: "Sir, why is my daughter still unconscious?"

Zhao Yun yawned and said, "He must have been drugged by that bully. It's all my fault. I just rescued him, but I forgot to ask him for the antidote."

But the old man said there was no need to worry. He knew a doctor who might be able to solve the problem.

But the location is a bit far away.

He just wanted Zhao Yun to wait here to look after the house, and he wanted to invite the doctor.

I don’t know if it will delay the guest officer’s affairs.

"Why don't I go and invite you? After all, I'm riding a horse. Just tell me the address."

"Sir, I troubled you last night, why are you embarrassed today?"

"What's the point of being embarrassed? If you go by yourself and let me wait here, you'll be wasting your time and delaying my schedule."

The old man had no choice but to agree and told him the address.

Zhao Yun rode forward quickly.

The place Zhao Yun is going to is in a very remote mountain village.

Nine out of ten rooms here are empty, and some of the houses are particularly dilapidated.

It is said that there was a plague many years ago, and the locals ran to death.

Now there are only a few old people left.

The doctor the old man was talking about was called Song Shuwen.

He is in his sixties and is actually the youngest in the village.

His ancestral home was not in this village, but he fell in love with this village and settled here.

Zhao Yun finally found Song Shuwen.

He was a very kind old man, but he was wearing commoner clothes and was still farming at that time.

Zhao Yun even wondered if he had found the wrong person.

Song Shuwen said that he had not found fault, and Zhao Yun told the old man's story.

"It turns out she's his daughter. If that's the case, let's go."

Song Shuwen also had a horse, and Zhao Yun rode the horse to lead the way quickly.

He felt that Song Shuwen had no airs.

Song Shuwen arrived soon.

The old man took him to his daughter's room.

Song Shuwen prescribed some medicine and said he would bring it to them soon.

The old man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Zhao Yun where he was going and not to delay him.

Zhao Yun said: "I am going to Longwei."

"That seems to be a small town in Sichuan."

"Yes, I didn't expect that the old man actually knew."

The old man said that he only opened the inn when he was old, and he also traveled extensively when he was young.

"I would like to ask, what is the purpose of your visit?"

Zhao Yun sighed and revealed his true identity.

"Oh, it turns out that you are from Xi Gong. I have heard of Xi Gong."

When he learned that Xi Yu was now ill, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, Song Shuwen's medical skills are particularly superb. Why not let him treat him?"

Zhao Yun was stunned.

Yes, why didn't you think of this?

But then he shook his head.

I have looked for countless miracle doctors, but there is no solution. It would be great if Hua Tuo was reincarnated.

The old man suddenly burst out laughing.

"Old man, what happened? Why are you smiling like that?"

"Let me tell you the truth, Song Shuwen and Hua Tuo are brothers, and his medical skills are no less than Hua Tuo's."

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, there was such a thing?

But why have I never heard of it?

I’m afraid not only have I not heard of it, but most people have also not heard of it, right?

"His fame is indeed not as great as that of Hua Tuo, because he doesn't like publicity and prefers to live in seclusion in a small mountain village. Therefore, his reputation did not spread in the end, but he and Hua Tuo are brothers. This is an indisputable fact."

Zhao Yun was quite excited. If this was the case, maybe he really had superb medical skills. After all, it was normal for the people to have experts.

"At that moment, I really need to ask for advice."

Song Shuwen brought the medicine and asked the old man to fry it.

Zhao Yun came to Song Shuwen respectfully.

"May I ask whether Divine Doctor Song and Divine Doctor Hua Tuo are brothers?"

Song Shuwen was stunned.

"Hey, this old guy actually told you all this. I usually don't want to say this to others, lest anyone think that I have Hua Tuo's reputation."

Saying this is tantamount to admitting it.

Zhao Yun bowed again.

I hope to ask him to heal Xi Yu.

"What did you say? Heal the actor?"

And Song Shuwen didn't know what happened to Xi Yu at all.

Zhao Yun talked about the relevant things and also recruited famous doctors from all over the world.

It turned out that Dr. Song had never heard of this matter, so no wonder he didn't apply.

"I live in seclusion in that small place, and I really don't know anything. If there is such a thing, I am willing to go, of course not for my personal reputation, nor for money, but for the sake of the world."

These words were so passionate that Zhao Yun was very moved.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally stayed in this inn and got to know this doctor because he saved the innkeeper's daughter.

He felt that God's arrangement was really wonderful.

And he was somewhat grateful to the bully Bai Mingyuan.

If it weren't for the evil things he did, he wouldn't have had the chance to come into contact with the boss's daughter.

There is no chance to come into contact with this miracle doctor Song.

"Divine Doctor Song, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, as long as you recognize my medical skills, it's fine, but I can't guarantee that I can definitely make the actor recover."

He said that based on what the other party said, it was only theoretical.

But you still need to see for yourself what exactly is going on.

The biggest fear is not to look for those rare medicinal materials. If this is the case, it will be very troublesome.

However, this time, Zhao Yun was in trouble. On the one hand, he wanted to go to Longwei.

On the other hand, they have to take the other party to Youzhou, which in itself is completely opposite.

Seeing the hesitation on his face, Song Shuwen said, "What's wrong, General Zhao, do you think there's anything wrong?"

Zhao Yun then expressed his concerns.

Song Shuwen laughed.

"General Zhao, just go to Longwei. Old man, I can ride to Youzhou by myself."

Zhao Yun was overjoyed, it would be best if that were the case.

Zhao Yun also took out a jade pendant and asked him to use it as a token when he went to Youzhou.

"Of course, even if there is no jade pendant, as long as it is a doctor, I will let him in, because now I wish all the miracle doctors in the world would pass by."

"Okay, General Zhao, just don't worry. In addition, Divine Doctor Song, I also know that you don't like publicity, so you should not reveal your identity along the way, otherwise you may be harmed."

Because Zhao Yun has analyzed it, the reason why Ouyang Fu was killed was probably because of the miracle doctor.

Some people don’t want their illness to get better.

"General Zhao, the old man understands what you mean. Just rest assured."

And what he said was so upright and awe-inspiring made Zhao Yun feel very moved.

If ordinary doctors heard about this, they would probably be too scared to go there.

But he still moved forward bravely.

"In that case, thank you very much."

Zhao Yun bowed to Song Shuwen.

Song Shuwen quickly helped him up.

"General Zhao, what are you doing? I have heard that the actor is a good man. God will bless such a man."

Zhao Yun sighed with emotion. Fortunately, Xi Yu loved the people like his own son. If he were an evil official and he got sick, everyone in the world would be very happy.

After half an hour, the old man cooked the medicine and fed it to his daughter.

After another half an hour, my daughter finally woke up.

She found that she had returned home and quickly asked what was going on.

The old man then told the relevant things and quickly took her out to thank Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun said: "You don't need to thank me. Instead, I want to thank you because I got to know Divine Doctor Song."

When I learned that Dr. Song was willing to treat Xi Yu. The old man was also very happy.

Ask Divine Doctor Song to save the opera master.

Because the actor is a rare good person in the world.

Zhao Yun thought that as long as he was good to the people, even the people he didn't know would remember him. This was really the actor's blessing.

Song Shuwen said that he had to get on the road quickly now.

Zhao Yun immediately divided some pan tremors and gave them to Song Shuwen.

Song Shuwen said it was not necessary.

It doesn’t take much along the way.

But Zhao Yun insisted on giving it to him.

The old men said: "Old Song, since this guest insists on giving it to you, you might as well keep it."

"In this case, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Song Shuwen finally rode away, and Zhao Yun also bid farewell to the innkeeper.

The girl took out some hawthorns, put them in a box, and asked Zhao Yun to take them away.

You can eat if you feel thirsty along the way.

"We don't have anything at home to repay our benefactor, so you must keep it."

Zhao Yun didn't show any pretense, so he accepted it and told the girl that he had already told Bai Mingyuan that the girl was his cousin.

If he dared to bully her again in the future, he would just tell her by name.

If he dares to do evil, his Bai family will be destroyed directly.

"Little girl, thank your benefactor very much, and you will definitely repay your kindness if you have the opportunity in the future."

The father and daughter sent Zhao Yun away for a long distance. They didn't go back until the figure of one person and one horse completely disappeared.

"Daughter, it's like I had a dream."

"Dad, the same is true for me. So good people are rewarded. Dad, you are always so kind. God will send someone to protect me at critical times."

Xiaohong has been guarding Ouyang Linlin.

It wasn't until two hours later that Ouyang Linlin finally got up.

"Miss, you are awake, but you scared this slave."

At this moment, Ouyang Linlin seemed to be several years older.

"Tell me, how is your husband?"

Xiaohong felt very painful.

The young lady had just woken up and still asked Xi Yu questions, and she also told the real situation.

"That's great. This puts me at ease. I know that the secret guards can't be freeloaders."

She asked again who attacked Xi Yu.

Xiaohong shook her head.

"Miss, you'd better not worry about these problems."

After Xi Yu had breakfast, he shouted loudly: "Here comes someone."

Several soldiers immediately came to him.

"Quickly investigate who attacked me last night."

Several soldiers felt that this sentence was somewhat normal, but when they raised their heads and saw Xi Yu, he was still the same.

"What are you still doing? Aren't you going to investigate immediately?"

Several soldiers left quickly.

Next, Xi Yu cursed loudly.

Although several soldiers went to investigate, they didn't have any information. (End of chapter)

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