And when they came back, Xi Yu didn't ask about it again.

They probably forgot about this matter, and these soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Zhao Yun finally arrived at Long Wei.

He immediately met the magistrate of Longwei County.

When the county magistrate knew his identity, he was shocked and quickly knelt down to him.

The master next to him didn't expect that the dead person was actually Xi Yu's father-in-law.

Zhao Yun said that he must close the case within two days, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

The county magistrate quickly agreed and let Zhao Yun rest again.

Once you have the first result, you must report it to him.

After Zhao Yun was settled, the county magistrate asked the master: "What should we do? This case is very difficult, and after all, it has been many days."

The master pondered for a while and said: "If it doesn't work, find a scapegoat. In short, just give Zhao Yun an explanation."

"Master, is this okay? If you offend them, they will pursue them in the future..."

"Master, but now we have no other better way."

The county magistrate thought about it, and it seemed that this was the only way to do it, so he quickly ordered someone to call the innkeeper.

Soon, the innkeeper arrived.

The magistrate asked the innkeeper to sit down and drink tea with him.

The boss felt panicked.

"Master, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

"This county heard that you have a wife and a concubine at home. And you also have a young son who is in poor health all year round."

The boss was taken aback.

Hey, how did the county magistrate know about this?

"Sir, I really didn't expect that I even know about villains."

The county magistrate looked at the master.

The master quickly took out a baggage and opened it.

Many coins were shining with golden light in front of the innkeeper.

"This county heard that your youngest son spends a lot of money on medical expenses every year, so this is a reward from me. I hope you will accept it."

"Master, what are you doing?"

The innkeeper knows that no one is kind to him without any reason. There must be a purpose for others to do so.

"Here you go, just take it."

But the boss was so frightened that he knelt down and asked the county magistrate what on earth he wanted to do?

"In that case, let me tell you the truth."

So, the county magistrate told about Zhao Yun's arrival today.

At the same time, the identity of the deceased was also specifically stated.

The innkeeper was trembling now.

"So he asked the county to close the case within two phases, but you also understand that there are many things going on in this county, and this issue is particularly difficult."

The innkeeper was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what the other party meant.

This is obviously to find a scapegoat.

And I guess I have to do this scapegoat myself, or find someone myself.

And the currency that I wanted to give to myself just now was just settlement money.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his face.

The magistrate laughed.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly, shouldn't we have tea together?"

At the same time, he looked at the master, who then helped the boss.

"Come, come and drink tea together."

When the boss sat on the stool, it was as if he had shed a layer of skin.

The master poured the tea for him, but he still didn't seem to react.

"How about it, innkeeper, do you think it was the waiter in your shop who did it?"

This has already been hinted at, just ask him to find a waiter.

The innkeeper thought about it, and it seemed that he didn't need to take his own life.

And he laughed.

"Maybe that's the case. I will check it carefully after I go back."

After drinking, the county magistrate asked him to take the currency with him.

The innkeeper accepted it with peace of mind.

He knew that if he didn't accept it, the county magistrate would probably not trust him.

However, for two consecutive days, Zhao Yun basically stayed out during the day and only returned to the guest room to rest at night.

As a result, the county magistrate couldn't figure out what he was doing.

Finally on the third day, Zhao Yun asked the county magistrate if he had found out the truth of the matter.

"Back to General Zhao, the villain has lived up to his expectations and finally found out something. And he will be promoted to court immediately."

Zhao Yun insisted that he must listen from the side this time.

The county magistrate said that he originally thought so.

So when he went up to the hall, he first brought the innkeeper with him.

The county magistrate said in a pretentious manner: "Boss Huang, the incident happened in your store. Please tell me the incident in detail."

Boss Huang said that a man went to the toilet and discovered such a scene, so he quickly reported himself to the police.

And after careful inquiry, the innkeeper provided a clue.

There was a waiter in their store named Lin Tao, who told what happened while talking drunkenly.

Therefore, it is now him who has been brought to justice.

"Yes, bring Lin Tao up quickly."

A thin shop waiter was brought up, and he knelt down with a pop.

The county magistrate asked: "Are you Lin Tao?"

"Exactly the little one."

"Did you kill Mr. Ouyang?"

Lin Tao nodded.

"Sir, it's true. I saw that the man was very rich at the time. So I wanted to ask him for money quickly, but he didn't give it to me. In the end, I strangled him to death and put him in that corner."

He said that he could have left the other party outside, but he was afraid of being discovered, so he left it there for the time being.

The county magistrate patted the wooden case.

"It is simply unreasonable that you dare to do such a crazy thing."

After that, he started to ask him to sign and pledge.

Zhao Yun said: "Wait a minute."

The county magistrate asked: "General Zhao, what's wrong?"

"Hmph, do you want to act in front of me?"

The county magistrate and the innkeeper were shocked.

I don’t know how Zhao Yun guessed it.

But they naturally denied it very much.

Zhao Yun then asked Lin Tao.

"Tell me, did they coerce you, get some handle on you or something, and make you deliberately commit perjury?"

Lin Tao wanted to tell the truth in his heart, but he still smiled lightly and said: "No, I just have a bad conscience."

He said that when he was talking in his sleep, he was overheard by a waiter in the shop.

At first I asked myself, but I didn’t admit it.

But later he decided to admit it. After all, after Ouyang Fu died, he also had nightmares every day.

"I know, I will be beheaded after I admit it, but this way, I finally feel a little more at ease, and I can be reborn in a good pregnancy after death."

The county magistrate then said: "General Zhao, he has already admitted it. Why do you think you need to plead for such a villain?"

Lin Tao quickly kowtowed.

He said that he should not kill people and hoped that after his death, the Lord of Hell would forgive him.

I also hope that my boss will spend less money on himself on his death anniversary.

The county magistrate asked Zhao Yun if he could be held in custody now to prepare for sentencing?

"General, I believe in my own judgment. He is definitely not the real murderer. Don't be so perfunctory."

Lin Tao admitted that he was definitely the murderer and hoped that he would die quickly, otherwise he would still have uneasy conscience.

Zhao Yun said: "If I say you don't, then you don't. You must come with me now. Go to the yard alone and I will talk to you."

The county magistrate said: "General Zhao, you cannot influence my handling of the case, even though you have a different identity."

"What's wrong? Are you trying to tell me that in this land of Sichuan and Sichuan, the opera master's decision doesn't count, so I'm not qualified to do this?"

"No, General Zhao, listen to me."

"I didn't listen to anything." Zhao Yun grabbed Lin Tao directly and took him to a hidden corner of the yard.

"Tell me, why did you perjure yourself?"

But Lin Tao said that he did not commit perjury.

"Did they catch your family, and if you didn't tell them you were committing perjury, something would happen to your family?"

Lin Tao was on the verge of tears, because what Zhao Yun said was completely correct.

But he must not tell the truth.

Zhao Yun continued to question him, but he still didn't speak.

He dragged it directly to a very private corner of the yard.

After that, he returned to the hall.

Before that, the county magistrate and the innkeeper were whispering. No matter what they said, they refused to admit it.

Besides, Lin Tao's family has been captured by the innkeeper.

As a hostage, how could the other party deny recognition?

Suddenly, they saw Zhao Yun arriving, and he arrived alone.

Zhao Yun looked at the two people very angrily and mingled on the seats again.

"This general has asked clearly just now. Lin Tao admitted that he did not do such a thing, but that you two deliberately framed him. It was you two who caught his family and deliberately threatened him, right? "

Zhao Yun just wanted to deceive them, and the two of them panicked.

The innkeeper said there was absolutely no such thing.

The county magistrate also said that there was absolutely no such thing.

Zhao Yun said: "This general has already investigated clearly. Aren't you two still pleading guilty?"

The innkeeper was a little panicked. Now that he was here, he couldn't send people to deal with Lin Tao's family.

I didn't expect that Lin Tao would admit it at this time. It was simply unreasonable.

He had never seen such a battle before, and he immediately knelt down.

"Yes, General Zhao, the county magistrate forced me to do all this."

He told me what he said when he was drinking that day.

The county magistrate shouted loudly: "You are talking nonsense. When did this county let you do such a thing? You should stop talking nonsense."

Zhao Yun then asked the county magistrate to confess quickly, otherwise he would be severely punished.

Sure enough, Zhao Yun started the torture himself. He took a big board from the Yamen servant's mouth and beat the county magistrate directly.

The county magistrate had no choice but to admit it in the end.

He said that because the two-day period was too short, he simply couldn't solve the case, so he had to resort to this strategy.

"You two beasts, I have come all the way here, and yet I let you do evil here. It is simply unreasonable."

The county magistrate and the innkeeper knelt down quickly, hoping that Zhao Yun could forgive them.

Zhao Yun also told them the truth, Lin Tao had been knocked unconscious by him.

He didn't say anything about it at all.

The two of them were immediately shocked.

Zhao Yun said: "But you two deserve to die."

Zhao Yun directly chopped off their two heads.

The government officials present were very surprised.

Zhao Yun then looked at the master who was shivering on the side and his face was pale with fear.

"I guess this matter is also related to you."

The master quickly knelt down, hoping that Zhao Yun would forgive him.

"The county magistrate is dead now. You will try the case on his behalf for the time being. You must give me a good result."

The master felt puzzled.

"Why, do you think I'm not qualified to give such an order?"

"No, I just feel it's too unexpected. I will try my best."

Zhao Yun said that if he was given three days to find out, his nine tribes would be wiped out immediately.

The master promised to solve the case as soon as possible.

The master will definitely bite the bullet and start working next. How can we find out this matter?

So he went to the inn again to inquire in detail.

We even learned about the people who stayed here that day.

But all the people staying there have left, where can I go to inquire?

Finally, he knew where Pang Yun's home was, so he ran to Pang Yun's village to learn about the situation.

When I learned that a gentleman named Ma was also here, I began to investigate the appearance of this person.

He finally told Zhao Yun because the man named Ma might be suspicious.

However, he didn't know who this person named Ma was.

However, he unexpectedly met a painter from that village who said he had met Mr. Ma before.

He could draw a portrait of Mr. Ma, and there might be results tomorrow.

Sure enough, it was Sima Yi's appearance, so the master began to post it all over the city, asking people to provide clues.

By the afternoon of the third day, the master still had no clues.

At this time, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He took the initiative to find Zhao Yun and knelt down to him, hoping that Zhao Yun would punish him.

"The villain is incompetent and cannot get the truth of the matter. I still hope General Zhao will kill the villain, but be sure not to harm the villain's family."

Zhao Yun knew that he had tried his best these days.

"As long as you try your best, this general will not take action against you. It's just that damn county magistrate, he is doing perfunctory work, so this general can't help him."

When the master heard what he said, he finally felt relieved.

At this time, a soldier came to report that a masked man had sent a letter.

He said he could provide a clue, but he didn't want to show up.

Zhao Yun asked the soldiers to open the letter quickly.

The content of the letter is Sima Yi's true identity. He turned out to be Sima Yi from Cao Pi's place.

And Zhao Yun quickly understood the link.

Cao Pi didn't want Xi Yu to get better, so he sent someone to do this.

"This is simply unreasonable, thief Cao, I, Zhao Zilong, are at odds with you."

He finally let the master go.

The next day, Zhao Yun and Master met a man who had stayed in that inn.

He said that he had indeed seen the person in the portrait.

And now Zhao Yun has completely confirmed that this must be what Cao Pi did behind the scenes.

In this case, he planned to write a letter to Cao Pi first, asking him to hand over Sima Yi and have an explanation.

Otherwise, move in and start an attack.

Zhao Yun finally left.

The teacher also breathed a sigh of relief.

He also knew that other county magistrates might arrive in the future, so it was more important for him to save his life.

So I quickly left this place.

On this day, Song Shuwen was about to reach Youzhou.

According to the itinerary, Xi Yu could be seen in two days.

However, one thing delayed him.

When he came to a village, he saw an old man lying injured on the roadside.

He felt compassion and took the old man to the hospital immediately for treatment.

However, when he put the old man on the horse, he suddenly discovered that the old man was still a relative of his, that was his cousin.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this?"

He quickly found a ruined temple at the entrance of the village, then got his cousin down and prepared to treat him.

He checked the other party's injuries and found that he was probably hit by a carriage.

Moreover, this cousin is physically ill. If he wants to be completely cured, he must go to the mountains to collect a very rare medicine.

He also remembered that although he and his cousin hadn't moved around each other for several years.

But it seems that the other party is childless.

Simply put him in the ruined temple first. It is estimated that no one will care about the old man.

He had to go quickly to collect medicine.

On the other side, Zhao Yun wrote a letter to be sent to Cao Pi, but he quickly left for Youzhou.

A few days later, Cao Pi received this letter, and he was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Sima Yi's matter was actually investigated.

It seems that there is really no airtight wall in the world.

He immediately asked someone to call Sima Yi.

Sima Yi arrived soon.

"Mr. Cao, what can you do?"

Cao Pi was very angry and showed Sima Yi the letter Zhao Yun wrote to him.

Sima Yi was surprised. It turned out that this matter had been investigated clearly.

"Yes, what do you think we should do next?"

Sima Yi heard what Cao Pi said, and it seemed that he had bad intentions. He was not going to betray himself, right?

Everything I did was for the good of Cao Gong.

Cao Pi said with a smile: "Don't misunderstand what I mean. I have no intention of handing you over. I just want to ask you how we can completely resolve this matter."

After thinking for a while, Sima Yi said: "It's very simple. We did go to find Pang Yun, and we asked Pang Yun to treat the lord, but our subordinates did not kill Ouyang Fu."

Because this portrait only judged that he and Ouyang Fu went to find Pang Yun.

If you say you killed them, there is no evidence.

Cao Pi thought, yes, why didn't he consider this aspect?

When I received this letter, I felt anxious.

"It's true that the authorities are obsessed with things, and bystanders know the truth. I feel much better after hearing your words."

Sima Yi smiled and said that Cao Pi could just follow what he said and reply to the letter. (End of chapter)

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