Cao Pi finally felt more relaxed and immediately replied to Zhao Yun.

And he specifically said that he was also very concerned about Xi Yu's condition.

He also said in the letter that Ouyang Fu did not reveal any of his identity on the road.

If he had known that he was here for Xi Yu, otherwise, even if he would rather not treat the disease, he would have died and Sima Yi would have asked Ouyang Fu to take Pang Yun back.

And now Pang Yun has become crazy.

Ouyang Fu was indeed with Sima Yi, but it does not mean that Sima Yi killed Ouyang Fu.

After he finished writing the letter, he asked Sima Yi to read it specifically.

"Mr. Sima, what do you think of this letter?"

After Sima Yi saw it, he was very satisfied.

"Mr. Cao, this is a great answer."

However, Cao Pi sighed immediately, naturally still thinking about Xi Shi's problem.

Sima Yi did not respond because he knew that he could not solve this problem by himself.

Cao Pi was thinking, how nice it would be if Xi Yu was very weak.

At that time, Xi Shi can be captured by clever means of robbery.

But Xiyu is so powerful.

Xiyu has been ill for a while, but basically no one dares to mess with him.

Except that it was an accident that those few thieves went to Wuhuan that day.

For Xi Yu, everything was very peaceful.

When Zhao Yun returned to Youzhou, he reported the relevant situation to Ouyang Linlin.

At this time, Ouyang Linlin's illness also improved a lot.

"General Zhao, if Cao Pi does this, will he admit it?"

"He will definitely not admit it. Now we have a reason to attack him. The actor originally said we would deal with him after the New Year, but now it seems there is no need."

While they were talking, Xi Zhicai suddenly arrived and asked Zhao Yun what was going on.

Zhao Yun also told the relevant situation.

Xi Zhicai said: "But no matter what, my brother's illness still cannot be cured."

He shed tears quickly.

Zhao Yun said: "By the way, madam, I forgot something. I met a miracle doctor named Song Shuwen on the road."

He thought that it didn't matter if he said it in front of Xi Zhicai.

After all, this is Xi Yu's biological brother.

Then he asked very puzzledly: "Didn't he come?"

Ouyang Linlin said that she had never heard of any miracle doctor coming.

"No, according to the schedule, he should have come first."

Ouyang Linlin asked anxiously: "Will there be any accidents again?"

Lately he has learned what it means to be hard-working.

But this grinding time is too long, right?

Zhao Yun stood up with a groan and suddenly felt his face turned pale.

"Is it possible that he had an accident on the way?"

Xi Zhicai shivered.

"But don't do it. Also, this Divine Doctor Song you are talking about, how superb is his medical skill?"

Zhao Yun said that he was as famous as Hua Tuo in the local area, but he was just a low-key person, so most people didn't know about it.

But Xi Zhicai and Ouyang Linlin no longer have any hope.

Especially Ouyang Linlin, I don't know how many people have heard that her medical skills are superb, but when it comes to her husband, she is a complete mess.

Ouyang Linlin asked Xi Zhicai to step back temporarily. He and Zhou Yu had something to say alone.

After Xi Zhicai resigned, Ouyang Linlin said: "Okay, you should retreat too. I am a little tired. I don't understand the matter of attacking Cao Pi. You should discuss it with Zhou Yu."

Zhao Yun immediately retreated.

A few days later, he received a letter from Cao Pi.

When he saw the letter, he tore it into pieces.

"It's actually like this. The thief Cao bullied me too much. He said it so high-sounding."

Especially he didn't believe that Pang Yun was crazy or anything like that.

Even if you are really sincere, why not let Pang Yun. Come here?

Isn’t this just telling lies with open eyes?

So no matter what, he should attack Cao Pi.

He quickly found Zhou Yu and began to figure out the matter.

Zhou Yu said: "Otherwise, we should wait until the actor wakes up. Why don't we make the decision privately?"

Zhou Yu thinks that although this is a good thing, after all, they cannot act alone without Xi Yu's order.

Zhao Yun said: "But when will the actor wake up?"

Zhao Yun almost let it slip, saying that Xi Yu might never get better.

But I was afraid of being treasonous, so I changed my words in time.

"How about this? Let's wait until after the Chinese New Year. Even if Xi Gong really doesn't get better, we can still attack him, because Xi Gong did say this before."

But Zhao Yun said that he really couldn't bear the bad breath.

"General Zhao, a little impatience will mess up the big plan. It's better to be patient for a while."

Zhao Yun had no choice but to listen to him temporarily.

But it's been a few days, why hasn't Song Shuwen arrived yet?

Zhao Yun thought to himself that Song Shuwen must have had an accident.

He had no choice but to give up any hope.

It turned out that when Song Shuwen went to collect medicine for his cousin that day, he fell down in the mountains.

Although he had cured his cousin, he still needed a good rest.

He has always been thinking about Xi Yu. He knows that the people over there have probably got the news and can't wait any longer, right?

But his body was so unsatisfactory.

Finally on this day, he felt that it was almost done, and then he finally arrived at the entrance of the theater on horseback.

When he explained his purpose, the reaction of the gatekeeper was very dull.

Because I don’t know how many people signed up, but in the end they all failed.

But let him in anyway.

He happened to meet Zhao Yun in the yard.

"General Zhao, I finally see you again."

Zhao Yun was stunned, not expecting that he could still come back alive.

Wasn't there any accident?

"Divine Doctor Song, why did it take you so long to come? Could it be that something happened on the way?"

"It's really a long story." Song Shuwen explained the relevant situation.

"I see, I've finally waited for you to come. If that's the case, then you should go and see the actor."

Song Shuwen nodded and immediately led him to Xi Yu's room.

At this moment, when Xiyu was going to the toilet, the rope was untied.

When the secret guards tied him up again, he shouted loudly.

"Let me go. If you do this again, I would rather die."

The sound was extremely loud.

Zhao Yun heard the sound and said to Song Shuwen: "I guess the actor is at the toilet, let's go and take a look."

Song Shuwen nodded.

But Xi Yu suddenly knelt down and begged the secret guard not to tie him up anymore.

At the same time, tears were shed.

At this moment, he is like a very well-behaved child begging for adult parents.

Song Shuwen finally saw Xi Yu like this.

Although he had never met Xi Yu, he could feel from what others said that Xi Yu was a very wise and powerful person.

He didn't expect that he would see the other party in such a state of embarrassment.

The secret guard had also appeared at this moment, feeling a little at a loss.

Zhao Yun immediately said: "Master Xi, the miracle doctor is here. He will definitely let you relieve your pain."

But this was said in vain.

The actor didn't realize it at all.

He was just begging for mercy.

At this time, he grabbed the picture on the ground and began to smear it on his face to harm himself.

The secret guard rushed to stop him.

Song Shuwen quickly said: "Drama Master, I know you are in pain, but I will definitely make you better. I hope you will hold on."

The secret guard thought, no matter what, he should be tied up quickly.

In the end, Xi Yu couldn't break free.

His body was eventually tied up.

The secret guard immediately carried Xi Yu back to the bed.

Zhao Yun glanced at Song Shuwen, as if to tell him, you have seen clearly what is going on.

Song Shuwen sighed.

Zhao Yun asked in a low voice: "Do you think there is any way to cure this situation? Anyway, you have already met the actor."

Song Shuwen said that on the surface, the problem seems to be very difficult.

He still needs to feel Xiyu's pulse and make a good judgment.

But now it seems that it is difficult to estimate the pulse.

Zhao Yun led Song Shuwen to Xi Yu's room.

Anger burst out from Xi Yu's eyes.

He told everyone to get out of here, otherwise he would kill himself by talking.

This time Zhao Yun was quite frightened.

Afraid that something unexpected might happen to Xiyu.

Zhao Yun then asked Song Shuwen to say: "The two of us should get out quickly."

Zhao Yun first arranged a place to stay for Song Shuwen and sent troops to protect him.

He told Song Shuwen that it would be better to wait until time calms down before talking.

In the past, doctors came to treat Xi Yu.

Although Xi Yu was irritable, it was not as bad as today.

Song Shuwen kept apologizing.

"It's all my fault. If I had come earlier, these things might not have happened."

He suddenly complained that his cousin was hit by a carriage, otherwise, his trip would not be delayed.

"Doctor Song, please don't say that. Everything is determined."

After arranging the guest room, Zhao Yun told him that if he needed anything, he could just ask him at any time. He was now a distinguished guest here.

A few days later, Cao Pi and Sima Yi were playing chess.

Cao Pi thought that Zhao Yun might have seen the letter and might be trembling with anger.

But they did not come to attack the city after all.

Sima Yi said while playing chess, Zhao Yun must be angry.

You'll probably think they're deceptive.

The reason why they didn't come to attack the city was probably because they had a lot of concerns.

"Maybe there are such concerns. Then we must be prepared."

After a while, a soldier came to the two people.

He looked as if he had something to say.

Sima Yi then said: "Mr. Cao, otherwise we should come here."

Xi Yu asked the soldier what happened.

Didn’t you see that you were playing chess with Sima Yi?

"Mr. Cao, there is indeed something I want to tell you alone."

Sima Yi quickly left.

Xi Yu then asked the soldier what was going on. The soldier spoke in a very soft voice.

Because after all, Sima Yi has not gone far yet.

Sima Yi himself wanted to eavesdrop consciously, so he walked deliberately slower.

But the soldier obviously didn't let him hear it.

He had no choice but to speed up his pace.

Cao Pi's eyes lit up.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"How can I deceive Mr. Cao? I know that Mr. Cao has been troubled during this period, so I finally found out. If Mr. Cao is fine, why not go and see it with me."

Cao Pi was overjoyed.

"In this case, I'll let you go and see it. If this thing is true, I will definitely be rewarded heavily."

"A villain does not ask for rewards, he just wants Cao Cao to be happy."

And now, Cao Pi has learned to ride a bicycle.

So he was riding a bicycle, and the soldier was slowly following behind.

After a while, I felt that the ride was too slow and unsatisfactory, so I asked the soldier to get into the car and carried it myself.

"Mr. Cao, no, I have a humble status. How can I let Gong Cao carry me?"

"What's this? Come up quickly."

The soldier immediately went up, but because the two men were too heavy, and Cao Pi was not very skilled.

So, after a while the bike turned over.

The soldier quickly knelt down and apologized, saying it was all his fault.

But now Cao Pi was in a state of excitement, so he chose not to care about the other party's fault.

"Okay, you didn't do anything wrong. It's all because of my poor skills."

Next, the soldiers still asked Cao Pi to ride the bike by himself, so he should follow behind.

After walking through several villages, we finally came to a village with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

There are many farmers working in the fields.

They saw Cao Pi riding a bicycle from a distance and felt particularly fresh.

Some people asked what it was and why it was so advanced?

I have never seen it myself.

"I think I've heard of what a bicycle is called, but I didn't expect to see it today."

"I think I've heard of bicycles, and Mr. Cao owns them. Could it be that the person riding the bicycle is Mr. Cao, or someone close to Mr. Cao?"

Many farmers put down their work and watched Cao Pi ride a bicycle.

Cao Pi felt very happy.

Finally arriving at the entrance of the village, the soldier was out of breath and said, "Mr. Cao, that's the small house in front."

Cao Pi saw a lonely small house standing next to the field.

It's like the whole village has lost its roots.

Cao Pi put the bicycle aside, and then followed the soldier to the house.

There was an old man placing some hunting equipment at the door.

It was strange to see two strangers arriving.

Cao Pi said that he was lost and wanted to come in to ask for a drink of water.

"You two, please wait a moment. I'll get you some water right away."

Soon, the old man brought water for the two of them to drink.

After Cao Pi finished drinking, he said, "Old man, why do you live here alone? Where are the other people in the family?"

The old man said that he had some conflicts with the people in the village, so he no longer wanted to live in the village, so he came here alone.

"What about your family? Do you live alone?"

"I also have a daughter who went to visit relatives today."

"Oh, I wonder when your daughter will come back?" Cao Pi asked.

The old man was stunned for a moment, wondering why Cao Pi wanted to inquire about his daughter.

And Cao Pi also felt that he had lost his composure.

"I'm just asking. I feel that you may be very lonely here alone, so I want to know when your family will come back."

The soldier was also startled just now, fearing that the old man would be unhappy.

"I see, why should I be lonely as an old man? Well, if there is nothing else, the two guests can leave, because the little old man will go hunting soon."

After that, he picked up his tools and prepared to go outside.

Cao Pi and the soldiers had no choice but to leave.

After a while, Cao Pi came to the bicycle and asked the soldier.

"Did you really see clearly? His daughter is really as beautiful as a flower?"

"Yes, although it is not exactly the same as the woman in the portrait, it is almost the same."

It turns out that one time, Cao Pi was sad.

Just looking at Xi Shi's portrait in a daze.

And he was accidentally discovered by this little soldier.

Cao Pi thought the other party was peeking and almost killed him.

But the little soldier said that it was because he saw Cao Pi sad that he became a little concerned.

Moreover, he had seen a beautiful woman before, similar to the one above, so he hoped to find her as soon as possible to relieve Cao Pi's worries.

And today, he finally arrived with Cao Pi.

Because he finally found out where the girl lived.

However, the girl was not at home, which made Cao Pi a little disappointed.

The soldier then comforted him.

"Mr. Cao, I already know this little girl's home anyway. I'll come back later."

"Okay, you can go back by yourself first. I would like to wait here for a while. It would be good to take a look at the scenery here."

The soldier had to go back first. Cao Pi was addicted to riding his bicycle, so he took a leisurely stroll.

Until evening, he saw the old man returning from hunting alone.

But the daughter never came.

He had no choice but to leave first.

Maybe it would take a few days for his daughter to visit relatives.

It's better to come here by yourself in a few days.

If what this soldier said is true.

It would be great if the woman's appearance was really as good as Xi Shi's.

By the way, you might as well ask about it yourself.

So he rode his bicycle to a house at the entrance of the village and put the bicycle down.

Just as he was about to walk in, the dog inside barked.

A middle-aged farmer immediately walked into the yard.

"Who is here?"

Seeing Cao Pi's extraordinary bearing, he thought he had gone to the wrong door.

Cao Pi's usual trick was to look for water from others.

He claimed that he had gone out to do errands and had left too late. He passed by this place and wanted to ask for a drink of water.

"You might as well just come in, as long as you don't mind that our home is dirty and messy."

"How could it be? Of course I would be very grateful to you for letting me come to your house."

Cao Pi walked in immediately.

There was also a woman in the house doing needlework.

There was a lamp burning in their room, which looked very dim.

The woman also stood up immediately and nodded to Cao Pi to express her welcome.

The man quickly brought the water.

"Sir, please drink slowly."

Cao Pi drank the water in one gulp. (End of chapter)

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