After Cao Pi finished drinking the water, he asked, "I passed by the field today and found a hunter living alone."

I don’t know what this is about. Can the farmer explain it to him?

"Hey, that old guy didn't have a good relationship with the people in our village. He had a bad temper, so he set up his own business."

"Oh, I heard that he has a daughter who is as beautiful as a flower. If you live there, aren't you afraid that someone will harass his daughter?"

The man said that his daughter knew martial arts, and the old man also knew a few moves.

So there is no fear of bad guys attacking them.

Cao Pi said oh.

But a woman can actually do martial arts, so what should I do?

I thought I could propose marriage, but I thought that a woman from such a small family wouldn't be able to become my wife.

So he planned to steal this woman by clever tricks, but if he knew martial arts, he really had to be careful.

"But I heard that this woman is very beautiful, maybe she's a bit bragging." Cao Pi still deliberately asked tentatively.

The farmer didn't know what to say, so he looked at his wife.

His wife spoke.

That girl was indeed as beautiful as a flower. The fairies in the sky would probably be overshadowed by her when they saw her.

"What? There is such a beauty?" As a result, Cao Pi felt even more itchy.

After saying a few more words, he quickly found a reason to leave.

After he left, the woman asked: "Husband, do you think he really came to drink water?"

"If he's not here to drink water, what is he here for?"

"He just came to inquire about that woman. He probably heard that the girl is as beautiful as a flower, so he wanted to find someone to propose marriage to her."

"Madam, what you said seems to make sense."

Soon, the next morning came, and Ouyang Linlin felt a little uncomfortable again.

I originally planned to go to worship Buddha with Xiaohong today, but I felt that I couldn't go, so I asked Xiaohong to go instead.

"Miss, why don't you go today? When you feel better, we can go together."

"No, you must be pious towards the Buddha."

Xiaohong had no choice but to go. A few hours later, Xiaohong came back.

"Miss, do you know what happened to me today? There are two things."

Xiaohong's face was still full of smiles.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "What good thing is going on? You'd better tell me quickly."

Xiaohong said that now more and more people know that Xi Yu's illness is getting more and more serious.

They came to the temple gate to pray together, hoping that Xiyu would get well soon.

"It's great. There are so many people thinking about my husband. I hope God will bless my husband and get better soon."

Xiao Hong continued to smile: "Tell me quickly, what is the second thing?"

Xiaohong said that she met a juggler. He was performing on a stage, and many things disappeared in front of him.

"Is there such a thing? A thing that everyone can see will be gone after you say no?"

Xiaohong said it was absolutely true and she had seen it with her own eyes. It was a pity that the young lady was not in good health and could not see it in person.

"Miss, this juggler said that if he changes places one day, he may not come tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter. If you can't see it, you can't see it."

And this day happens to be the weekend. Wenxuan felt bored and wandered outside.

In fact, she was worried because of Xi Yu's situation, but she had no choice but to relax, so she wanted to relax.

And she felt very strange when she saw many people running towards the same place.

So I asked Xiaocui to ask, what happened?

Xiaocui then stopped an old man.

"Old man, where are you all running to?"

"Girl, don't you know? There was a juggler in front of me who said it was fun. If you go late, they might leave."

After the old man said this, he left quickly. Wenxuan thought to himself, what? It's a magic trick, why not go and see it.

Anyway, today is just boring to kill time.

So she had to hurry over.

Xiaocui asked her.

"Shall we run for a while?"

"It's better not to do it. It's very tiring to run. Just go there whenever you want."

At this moment, there was a man performing in an open space. Many people were watching, and the man said that everything was free to watch.

When Wenxuan arrived here, it was basically packed.

Suddenly, Wenxuan saw a tree behind him with a high platform on it, and the two women stood on it. Although his view was not very clear, at least they were not blocked by anyone.

Many people also burst out with a burst of warm applause.

Xiaocui said, "Miss, don't you think it's amazing?"

But Wenxuan's reaction was very dull.

"Miss, isn't it good?"

Wenxuan said it was okay, but in fact it was just a magic trick from the previous life.

But are there people in this world who can do magic?

Could this person have traveled through time? This was what Wenxuan was interested in. He planned to get close to him after the other party finished his performance.

See if you can come up with anything.

Next, the magician asked if anyone wanted to come up and experience it with him, so the children quickly signed up, but the magician said he wanted to do it alone.

Finally, the magician chose a child, who was particularly excited.

The magician took two empty small paper boxes and showed everyone that they were indeed empty. Then he poured a little water and asked him and the children to put the small paper boxes on their heads. And don't leave the head.

The magician then asks the child to spin five times with his eyes closed.

And demonstrated it to the children.

"Little brother, do you understand what I mean?"

"I already understand. As long as you speak, I will start spinning."

"That's good. I'll start preparing now. Just close your eyes and start spinning."

The child also closed his eyes, and the magician told everyone that no matter what they saw next, no one should be surprised, and no one should start howling on the spot.

After that, he began to direct the children to start spinning in circles.

When the child turned around for a while, the magician took out the water above his head and drank it directly in his mouth. Then he looked at everyone and smiled.

Since he had already said that no one should be surprised or make any noise, no one said anything.

When the child finished spinning, he asked the child to show the paper box to everyone, and found that the water inside was empty. At this moment, everyone burst into warm applause again.

Xiaocui quickly asked: "Miss, what's going on? How on earth is this done? Why can't I understand?"

"I also do not understand."

At this moment, Wenxuan's eyes suddenly became very sharp, and she felt that there was something wrong with this magician.

Why is he performing here for free? Is there no purpose?

What does he do?

And just now he saw something cunning in the other person's eyes.

Although the other person's eyes were fleeting.

Next, the magician has almost received it, and now everyone sees a more amazing magic trick.

So he took out a talisman and said it was a gift from a Taoist priest.

After that, the talisman transformed into more than a dozen or twenty talismans.

Everyone applauded again, and the magician said: "There is actually a reason why I came to Youzhou this time. I heard that the opera master is ill."

When he said this, he immediately aroused the atmosphere of the whole place.

Many people felt a little desolate, and some had sadness written all over their faces.

The magician said that everyone has seen his magical power, so now he wants to sell these charms.

As long as you stick these talismans on your doorstep and pray for blessings day and night, Xi Yu's illness will be cured after forty-nine days.

"Master, are you telling the truth?" an old man shouted loudly.

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you?"

Wenxuan was very angry. This guy was really here to cheat money.

What he prepared was free at the beginning, which is really impressive.

Now the fox's tail is finally revealed.

She felt more and more that this person might have traveled through time, because this kind of promotional method seemed to happen often in his previous life.

So Wenxuan's face was full of disgust.

While Xiaocui was talking, she suddenly saw the unhappiness on Wenxuan's face.

She asked in a low voice: "Is there something wrong with that talisman? Miss."

Wenxuan said painfully that Xi Yu's illness worried many people, and everyone was worried about Xi Yu.

But now this criminal has started to use him to make money, which is really unreasonable.

"What? Miss, do you think this person is a liar?"

Wenxuan nodded, feeling that his judgment should be correct.

"Miss, if he is a liar, should we expose it?"

Wenxuan nodded.

At this time, some people began to prepare to buy the talisman.

Wenxuan shouted: "Don't buy it."

At this time, all eyes were turned to Wenxuan, but the magician was surprised and then frowned.

It's unreasonable that some people would meddle in other people's business.

Wenxuan hoped that everyone would get out of the way, and many people accused her of being rude to the magician.

"I hope none of you will be fooled by him."

The magician was very angry.

"Miss, what are you talking about?"

Wenxuan ignored him and whispered to Xiaocui to go to the theater to report the news.

Xiaocui also left immediately.

Wenxuan said: "Do you dare to confront me face to face?"

The magician said: "Why don't you dare? Everyone, please step aside."

At this moment,. Everyone moved aside, but one man suddenly recognized him.

"Hey, you seem to be Teacher Wenxuan, are you from Youzhou College?"

"Yes, it's me."

The man said that his child went to Youzhou College, so no wonder he had some impressions.

So this Wenxuan should not be a bad person, so don't blame her.

After hearing what this man said, everyone's impression of Wenxuan became slightly better.

Wenxuan finally stood opposite the magician. She said that she didn't recognize the use of this talisman at all. Now he took the money and left. If the actor doesn't get better in the future, who will he turn to?

At this moment, many people also feel that there is some truth. Yes, what if they are really deceived?

It doesn't matter if you spend a little money, but the key point is that if the actors don't get better, won't they be fooled?

Finally someone said it.

"That's right. What evidence is there to prove that this talisman is useful?"

Wenxuan tells everyone that she can also do magic.

This is the trick this person did just now.

The magician laughed.

"What? You can do it too?"

"What will happen to me? Is it weird?"

Wenxuan asked him if he dared to let him perform.

The magician said yes.

Because Wenxuan did learn magic in his previous life, although he was not very good at it.

On the other side, Xiaocui came to the theater and reported the news to Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong.

"Are you two talking about the same thing?"

Xiaohong listened to the location Xiaocui mentioned and found that it was a person.

"What? Did Miss Wenxuan say that was a liar?" Xiaohong asked.

"Yes, that's what my lady said."

Ouyang Linlin said that she was inconvenient now, so she might as well let Jia Xu go and take a look.

"Forget it, let's send a general there."

Ouyang Linlin decided to let Zhou Yu or Zhao Yun go alone.

In the end, Zhao Yun accompanied Xiaocui there.

Wenxuan also performed some simple magic tricks at the scene.

Everyone also burst into warm applause.

Wenxuan said: "Well, although this one looks amazing, he is not the only one who can do it."

Everyone seemed to believe Wenxuan's words, and the magician looked very ugly.

I didn't expect that the other party could actually do magic.

Then he came to Wenxuan and asked in a low voice: "Where are you from?"

Wenxuan understood what he meant and was even more sure that he also came from time-travel.

"I'm from the 21st century, what about you?"

The other party was immediately shocked.

"What did you say? Is it true?"

Many people saw the two people on the stage whispering, and the man was very excited. They really didn't know what was going on.

Wenxuan originally wanted to ask him this, and was very excited at the time, but when he saw him lying, he became very disgusted.

But at this moment, the excitement seemed to have returned.

"Since we come from the same era, I hope you won't lie to others." Wenxuan finally said.

At this time, Zhao Yun and Xiaocui also arrived.

Zhao Yun shouted loudly: "Who is cheating here?"

Everyone looked towards Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun told him his identity, so everyone quickly moved out of the way.

Zhao Yun looked at the magician coldly and asked, "Were you deceiving just now?"

Wenxuan took Xiaocui's hand and said, "Xiaocui, you just missed my wonderful performance. I also performed magic."

Xiaocui's eyes were bigger than copper bells.

"What, miss, you can do magic too?"

Wenxuan nodded, and the magician originally planned to defend himself, but at this moment, because of Wenxuan, he lowered his head.

"By the way, just now you said you were Changshan Zhao Zilong? Did you know? In fact, you are my idol. I didn't expect that we would meet today."

The magician immediately stretched out his hand, ready to touch Zhao Yun's hand.

"Get your dirty hands off". Zhao Yun was particularly disgusted.

The magician had no choice but to take his hand back.

Only then did he realize that he was being too abrupt.

He immediately shouted loudly: "Yes, I am a liar."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt incredible. They didn't expect him to admit it so quickly.

Only Wenxuan knew the reason, but Zhao Yun found it incredible.

I have a lot of words that I haven't used yet, but the other party admits them.

The magician said honestly that he had been particularly poor recently, so he wanted to use this method to deceive people.

After all, there was something wrong with him using Xi Yu as a cover.

He planned to use this to make a lot of money, and he also planned to change places every day, but he didn't expect that he would fail in the first battle today.

However, he was very happy because he met Wenxuan, and he had a vague feeling that Xi Yu might have also traveled through time.

He even wanted to meet.

He then asked everyone to bow, hoping that everyone could forgive him. After all, everyone did not buy their own house, and they were not fooled.

However, his magic show is real.

So many people started to insult me.

And everyone began to thank Wenxuan. Fortunately, she exposed the matter.

The magician smiled and said to Wenxuan and Zhao Zilong that he was willing to find a place to sit down and treat the two of them to dinner. I wonder if the two of them would be happy.

However, Zhao Zilong believed that it was his arrival that made the other party admit his mistake. He didn't know about time travel.

So he was also a little proud.

"For the sake of your admission, I will forgive you. But this will not happen again. If you let me know that you are making money in the name of an actor again, I will not let you go."

"Don't worry, General Zhao, I will never do it again, but what happened today is also a good thing, because I got to know Miss Wenxuan."

He looked at Wenxuan with admiring eyes, which made Xiaocui feel a little uncomfortable.

Isn't this person a deceitful person?

Wenxuan said: "Since you want to treat us, I will naturally go."

Zhao Yun asked Wenxuan to act cautiously.

Xiaocui also said: "That's right, miss, let's go back."

"Don't look at him like that, think he is a bad person. He has admitted his mistake. And I still want to ask him for advice on magic."

Xiaocui also knew that others could not change what Wenxuan decided.

Zhao Yun then left and asked Wenxuan to be more careful.

The magician began to pack up the props and prepared to take Wenxuan and the two to eat.

Wenxuan asked him what his name was.

"My name is Dongfanghong. If not, how would you call me?"

Wenxuan also told him his name.

After a while, the three of them came to a teahouse, and Wenxuan felt that it was a little inconvenient to talk with Xiao Cuicui here.

"Xiao Cui, I'll order some food for you. You can eat it aside. We have something important to talk about."

Xiao Cui suddenly felt speechless. The young lady had just met someone, would she have so many important words to say? (End of chapter)

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