Xiaocui immediately expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Miss, I just like to be with you, and what if someone harms you?"

At the same time, he glared at Dongfang Hong.

Wenxuan said: "He won't harm me. Besides, even if he harms me, do you think you can protect me?"

Xiaocui thought to herself that even though she had said this, the lady still wanted to drive her away. This was simply too inhumane.

"Okay then, I'll just hide in a corner and I won't eat anything."

Xiaocui took the initiative and came to the corner.

Wenxuan smiled at Dongfanghong and said that she was so willful and told him not to mind.

After that, she ordered some dishes from the waiter.

Send it to Xiaocui in a moment.

Xiaocui put her arms on the table angrily, and put her ears and hands on her chin.

Dongfanghong immediately apologized, saying that it was all because of his own fault, which resulted in a rift between their master and servant.

"Don't say that, I spoil him rotten."

Wenxuan said that because he had new ideas, he did not educate this maid properly.

"Okay, let's not worry about him, let's just have a good conversation."

Dongfanghong said: "I'm really excited. We all come from the same era."

Dongfanghong gushed about what happened. When he talked about the emotional point, he even shed tears.

He was so thirsty that he kept talking even when the waiter came to serve the food.

The waiter in the shop thought that he had some mental problems.

Although Xiaocui said she would ignore the lady, how could she really ignore her?

So after a while, he kept looking down this side.

Seeing two people chatting so happily.

She was really confused and angry, how could the young lady have such a good conversation with such a stranger?

Is it because a young lady also knows a little magic?

She really couldn't figure it out.

After a while, the waiter also served her food.

Although she said she didn't want to eat, she was really hungry, so she wolfed down the food.

Wenxuan became emotional after hearing what Dongfanghong said.

Although I don’t know why I traveled here in the first place, I can’t go back now even if I want to.

So I can only consider this place as my home.

Next, the two of them talked about Xi Yu together.

Wenxuan also talked about the process of getting to know Xiyu.

Dongfang Hong said: "Actually, I also really want to meet Xi Yu."

"You'd better not see him anymore, he has become crazy now."

Dongfanghong also heard about this, and he felt very sorry.

"You don't have to feel sorry. I believe the actor will get better."

The two people just talked here for a while, without realizing that Xiao Cui had finished eating, and then immediately came to the two people's side.

Wenxuan was shocked.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"Miss, are the dishes already cold if you just talk?"

Only then did the two of them realize that this was indeed the case, so they began to eat quickly.

Xiaocui said: "I'm a little confused. Let me go outside for a walk. I've already finished eating anyway."

The two of them looked at her plate, and sure enough it was empty.

Wenxuan then asked the other party what his plans were. Just performing magic here might not make money.

"Actually, I have performed magic before, but it was free. Once I asked them for money, they left, so I couldn't make much money."

Wenxuan said: "If you know how to fight, you can go to the military camp, but I think you are just a weak scholar."

"By the way, didn't they say you were at Youzhou College? Why don't you let me teach too? I believe I can handle it."

Wenxuan thought, this is a good idea.

But he shook his head again.

"But now that Xiyu has become crazy, I can't possibly stuff people in again."

Dongfanghong was a little disappointed and said, "That's right."

"But you don't have to be too anxious. Is this okay? You can find a place to settle down first. The actor is ready. Maybe I can suggest him to let you go.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. Why should I have such a reason to lie to you?"

"Then it's settled. I'll find a place to settle down first. Why don't you and I find a job later?"

Dongfanghong said that in fact, many stores need people, but she has high ambitions and low abilities, and she really doesn't want to be a low-class person.

Now that I'm talking to Wenxuan, I think about it. It's already like this, and fate can't be changed.

After a few days, it rained heavily in Youzhou.

Xiyu's illness became more severe than before. No one could get close to him, and he even stopped eating.

When delivering food to him, he threw the plate away, leaving the secret guard helpless.

Song Shuwen had been staying in the guest room for several days, but he felt a little ashamed that he could not cure Xi Yu's illness.

On this day, he found Zhao Yun.

"General Zhao, can you just knock the actor unconscious and let me treat him?"

Zhao Yun was stunned.

Yes, this is an idea. Why haven’t you thought about this before?

Is it because the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear?

It was already night now, there was lightning and thunder, and the wind outside was extremely strong.

Many trees in the yard were swaying constantly.

Zhao Yun said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

But tonight, Zhao Yun couldn't sleep.

He thought of Sima Yi's scam again. This Cao Pi was simply too irritating, but Zhou Yu didn't feel at ease to attack the leader Cao Pi now.

I really couldn't bear it anymore, otherwise I would secretly assassinate him.

Yes, that's it. When the weather is fine tomorrow, he will kill Sima Yi.

Even if we can't attack the city, there shouldn't be any objection to resolving personal grievances, right?

The next day, the weather finally cleared up.

Zhao Yun brought Song Shuwen to Ouyang Linlin's room and told him that he wanted to knock Xi Yu out.

Ouyang Linlin said: "I have thought about this question, but is it effective in treatment?"

Song Shuwen said that it is absolutely possible.

Ouyang Linlin said: "In that case, you should be more careful."

When the two people arrived at the door of Xiyu's room.

I heard Xi Yu making a fuss again.

Zhao Yun shouted loudly: "Secret Guard, we need to knock the actor unconscious now and then treat him. I hope you can do this."

The secret guard came out immediately and asked Zhao Yun.

Is this approach feasible?

There's no problem in knocking Xi Yu out.

Song Shuwen said it would definitely be possible.

The secret guard then said to Xi Yu: "Xi Gong, I'm sorry."

He hit Xi Yu on the back with one palm.

While Xi Yu was still furious, the secret guard hit him in the back of the head with his other fist.

Finally Xiyu fainted.

The secret guard said that in this situation, he would not be able to wake up even one day.

Let Song Shuwen hurry up and seize the time.

Zhao Yun said to Song Shuwen: "If you have any questions, just tell Mrs. Ouyang. I have to go out for a few days now."

Zhao Yun didn't ask him what he was going out for.

Zhao Yun rode his horse forward quickly, and when he came to the door, he saw Xi Zhicai.

He also explained the situation of Song Shuwen's immediate treatment.

Xi Zhicai said: "That's great. I hope my brother gets better so I can go back as soon as possible."

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that he couldn't please both ends.

In Cao Pi's place, many people thought that they were joking people.

Some important questions eluded him.

After coming here, many people knew that he was Cao Pi's man.

He also ignored him.

He now feels very psychologically broken.

"General Zhao, why are you riding a horse and not knowing where you are going?"

"You don't have to worry about where I'm going."

Zhao Yun rode his horse and left quickly.

At this moment, in the south of Sichuan and Shu, there is a place called Nanzhong, which also belongs to the territory of Sichuan and Shu.

There are some primitive tribes people living here.

They have a primitive tribal lifestyle.

Most people are also illiterate.

Among them was a tribal leader named Meng Huo.

On this day, he was drunk. I got lost while riding a horse and came to a small village.

Seeing that there were several girls here who were as beautiful as flowers, he was overjoyed, and then dismounted and chased after those girls.

Several girls were so frightened that they started to run away quickly.

However, a girl who ran at the end was successfully caught by Meng Huo.

Then he immediately took her on horseback and rode off.

The girl shouted, but no one could save her.

The girls who ran away quickly returned to the village to report the news.

When the person was called, Meng Huo had already led him away.

Several girls burst into tears.

Meng Huo rode his horse in one breath and walked towards a cave.

He immediately carried the girl into the cave.

The girl said: "Can you let me go?"

But he had completely lost his mind at this time, and it was impossible to let the other party go.

Next, what happened naturally happened, and the girl was humiliated, which was particularly painful.

At this moment, several people suddenly broke in.

It turned out that they finally tracked and found out that Meng Huo was here.

They rescued the girl.

But the girl was insane.

Several people fought with Meng Huo and were eventually injured.

However, there was one person who knew Meng Huo, so he quickly reported it to the official.

The local county magistrate arrested Po Meng.

Soon, several of Meng Huo's men bribed him and Meng Huo was released.

This incident made Meng Huo very angry.

It is simply unreasonable for him to be the leader of a primitive tribe and yet to be controlled by the law.

He decided to rebel against Sichuan and Shu.

From then on, it was no longer under the jurisdiction of Sichuan and Shu.

So on this day, he summoned his people.

After all, we have soldiers ourselves, so why should we be controlled by others?

Several of his subordinates were also excited, thinking that his idea was right and that everyone should rise up and resist.

On this day, Cao Pi once again rode his bicycle to the wilderness.

Want to see if that girl is back?

He found a place to hide, and there happened to be a firewood pile. From here, he could secretly see the scene in the stone house.

After a while, he saw a girl coming out to hang clothes.

The girl was pretty, with bright eyes and white teeth.

Although he was far away, Cao Pi could already tell that he was definitely a beauty in the world.

The soldier was absolutely right.

He suddenly thought that taking something by force might be too barbaric.

If someone finds out about this, his reputation will be ruined.

It's better to just send someone to propose marriage.

Although he came from a humble background, so what? I am willing to reward him with a status.

Wouldn't that be a great gift to them?

Although he wanted to say hello to the other party now.

But after thinking about it, I might as well forget it.

It's better to send someone to propose marriage.

Looking back, he told Sima Yi about the incident.

Let Sima Yi go to propose marriage for him under the leadership of the soldier.

Gifts can also be prepared immediately.

Sima Yi asked: "Mr. Cao, is this woman reliable? Or do you know her well?"

"Oh, why bother to understand? As long as she is as beautiful as a flower, that's all. Sima Yi, you don't want me to be in despair every day because of Xi Shi's affairs. But having this girl can relieve me of my troubles."

Sima Yi thought this was a good idea, so he finally agreed and was willing to go for Cao Pi.

"In that case, now go buy gifts."

After Sima Yi and the soldier left, Cao Pi wrote a poem to express his joy today.

By dusk, the gifts had been purchased.

These were bought according to Cao Pi's instructions.

Cao Pi asked the two people to propose marriage tomorrow.

Sima Yi also found out today that the soldier's name was Fang Shun.

He also praised Fang Shun on the way, and this time he really solved Cao Pi's big problem.

Let Cao Pi no longer be lost.

Early the next morning, Sima Yi and Fang Shun rode on horseback to propose marriage.

When walking halfway, Sima Yi said, although Cao Pi was very happy, but who knows whether this girl will like him?

Fang Shun then said in confusion: "Mr. Sima, for this girl, it should be a blessing that she dreams of. How could she not agree?"

"Even if I agree because of face, the strong cow's melon is not sweet."

So Sima Yi has this worry.

Soon, two people arrived at this place.

Sima Yi thought this place was very beautiful, at least the environment was particularly elegant.

When they came to this house, the old man happened to be cleaning shoes outside.

It was incredible to see two people arriving with so many gifts.

"Did you go to the wrong place?"

"Honey, we didn't go to the wrong place. We came here to propose marriage."

The girl also walked out quickly.

"What? Propose marriage?"

Sima Yi saw that the woman was as beautiful as a flower, really like a fairy on earth.

No wonder Cao Pi was particularly moved.

The old man asked his daughter to quickly enter the house.

There is nothing to do with her here.

After that, he said to the two people: "Did you go out the wrong door?"

"No, old man, we just saw that your daughter is as beautiful as a flower. We didn't go to the wrong door. Don't you know who we are proposing to marry?"

But the old man had no interest at all and let them go.

"Old man, could it be that your daughter already has someone she likes or has gone to accompany her?"

"This is our family's business and has nothing to do with you. So you'd better leave as soon as possible."

Fang Shun said all the good things.

But the old man insisted on driving them away.

"If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

"Old man, don't be angry. We know that there are probably a lot of people harassing your daughter, and many people may even come to propose marriage, which makes you very disgusted."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I've already told you that we don't welcome you. Leave now."

The old man pushed their arms and told them to move quickly.

Sima Yi shouted loudly: "We are proposing marriage for Duke Cao. Your daughter will enjoy glory and wealth."

The old man was stunned for a moment, but he only paused for a moment and asked them to leave quickly.

He said, let alone Mr. Cao, even if the emperor came, his daughter would not marry.

The two had no choice but to leave.

They stayed at the entrance of the village for a while, and Fang Shun asked Sima Yi.

"Mr. Sima, what should we do?"

"I thought people might not agree, but I didn't expect the reaction would be so violent."

Fang Shun was also completely convinced.

I originally thought that as long as I proposed marriage for Cao Pi, I would be sure to hit the mark.

But it was completely different from what I thought.

"Mr. Sima, let's go back."

"No, let's see if we can still have a chance to propose marriage."

"What? The old man is so strong, do we still want to give it a try?"

Sima Yi nodded.

“As long as there is a glimmer of hope, always try.”

Fang Shun thought, but now there is not even a glimmer of hope.

"Mr. Sima. Why don't you go back and report to Mr. Cao, and let Mr. Cao rob the person?"

"Nonsense, how is this possible? If that was really done, wouldn't Mr. Cao do that?"

After the old man returned to the room, his daughter asked him.

"Dad, why did you drive people away?"

"What, do you want to marry Cao Pi now?"

"No, I just feel very strange. Why are you so rude to others?"

"Daughter, as soon as they arrived, I felt that they were extraordinary. Do you think it would be okay if you married into a wealthy family? Dad just wants you to be a very ordinary person."

"Dad, I understand what you mean."

The old man added that there have been many proposals for marriage, and in the past, he always listened to his daughter.

Only this time it's up to you.

"Daughter, do you regret it?"

"I have the same thoughts as you. I don't want to marry a rich man and live in that kind of intrigue environment."

"So isn't this right?"

At dusk, the hunter went out to hunt.

Sima Yi and Fang Shun were hiding where Cao Pi came last time.

After they saw this scene, they were very happy.

Sima Yi thought the opportunity had come.

After the hunter left, the two men appeared again.

When they were about to go in, suddenly an arrow shot from a distance.

He immediately hit Sima Yi on the shoulder. (End of chapter)

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