Sima Yi yelled.

Immediately afterwards, another arrow shot at Fang Shun.

It's the hunter who's back.

It turned out that he was pretending to leave.

When the two of them were not alert, they immediately hid next to a firewood pile.

He felt that these two people might come again.

"You two bastards, how dare you take advantage of my daughter."

Both men shouted at the same time.

The girl walked out quickly.

"Dad, what happened?"

When seeing this scene, the girl was also a little frightened.

"Daughter, don't be afraid. I felt that there might be something wrong with them, so I pretended to leave and then came back. They really didn't want to give up."

"Dad, since you know they are Cao Gong's people, how could you do this to them? Wouldn't that lead to retaliation?"

"It doesn't matter if you are retaliated against. You should know that dad is never afraid of the powerful."

"But dad, if something happens to you, who will protect your daughter?"

The old man was stunned, it was really like this, but now he has done it.

"You'd better go and hire a doctor as soon as possible." The girl said.

The old man had no choice but to go to the doctor quickly.

The girl hurriedly entered the yard together.

The girl apologized to both men.

"I'm sorry, my dad is like this, don't be angry."

Sima Yi said: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, we have come in. Girl, you should know that we are here to propose marriage for Mr. Cao. How do you consider this matter?"

The girl told her plan directly.

They should go back as soon as their injuries are healed. It is impossible for him to agree.

"Girl, tell us, your name should be okay, right?"

"My name is Song Meijiao, and my father's name is Song Datian."

Here, Song Shuwen kept checking Xiyu's pulse.

The secret guard was also very nervous and stood guard by his side.

After a while, Song Shuwen kept frowning.

The secret guard asked: "Doctor Song, is the situation particularly difficult?"

"To completely cure this disease, a very rare medicine is needed. So I have to go and collect the medicine."

The secret guard believes that as long as it can be cured, it will be fine.

You can send a few secret guard brothers to protect you.

"This is not the most important thing. The main thing is that there are some medicines. I don't know if they are still available in the world."

He remembered that some medicines were on a large mountain in Mobei, where the environment was particularly dangerous. I plan to go there and have a look.

The secret guard said that he could report to Mrs. Ouyang.

There are secret guards and even open soldiers responsible for protecting him.

Soon, he reported to Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin asked: "Are you sure that if there is such a medicine in the world and you can get it, can it really make my husband get better?"

"Yes, indeed."

So Ouyang Linlin immediately made arrangements.

Let Song Shuwen take a few soldiers and go quickly.

"When will you come back from this trip?"

"If everything goes well, it will take at least half a month."

"Okay, I hope you can come back smoothly."

After they left, Ouyang Linlin sighed.

Another half month, another long wait.

But I have been waiting for such a long time, and it is not less than this moment.

Hope everything goes well.

After a while, she said that she was well and could go to worship Buddha with Xiaohong.

Xiaohong started to complain a little.

"Miss, are we still going to worship Buddha? Miss, I have already complained and been disappointed."

"How can you be so rude to the gods? You can't say such things."

The two women had no choice but to hurry up and worship the Buddha.

Soon, the old man found the doctor back.

The doctor immediately treated them and bandaged their wounds.

And they were also given medicine.

Song Datian said: "Okay, your injuries have healed. Let's go quickly. I caused you to be injured, and I also paid the medical expenses for you, so now, we don't owe each other anything."

When the two of them were about to say something, Song Meijiao shook her head at them.

He signaled that it would be better to leave quickly.

Sima Yi and Fang Shun had no choice but to leave.

At this moment, they no longer dared to make small moves.

They had no choice but to go back and report the news to Cao Pi.

He was extremely angry at escaping. Even after they left, Cao Pi deliberately imagined something in his mind.

He fantasizes about getting together with that girl and having a deep love for each other.

The other party will refuse!

He had never considered this possibility.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

He threw a teapot to the ground, then scolded the two people and told them to get out immediately.

After the two people came out, they felt very aggrieved.

Fang Shun said: "Mr. Sima, we were all injured because of Duke Cao, but he didn't pity us at all. Instead, he even scolded us."

"Forget it, what can we servants do? Mr. Cao is in a bad mood, so we should be more understanding."

But Fang Shun felt very incomprehensible.

For Song Meijiao, marrying Cao Pi would be great.

Most women don’t have this opportunity yet!

But why did she have to refuse?

If I were a woman, I would really be wishing for it.

This night, a bright moon shone on the ground.

Song Datian appeared in the world with his hands behind his back.

After a while, Song Meijiao came over and put some clothes on him.

"Dad, the weather is getting cold, you should go back to your room and rest."

"Daughter, do you think we should move? I'm afraid someone will harass us again in the future."

"Dad, didn't my daughter talk about this topic before? Didn't you say it didn't matter at that time? Anyway, we both know martial arts."

"It was before, but now we have offended Cao Pi."

"So what, I won't be afraid."

"Okay, let's continue living here."

Song Meijiao yawned and said she was a little tired, so she went to rest first.

"Daddy, don't stay outside for too long to avoid catching a cold."

"It doesn't matter, daughter, it's not the middle of winter yet."

Song Datian just kept looking at the sky in a daze.

Many past events are constantly popping up in my mind.

After a while, he came to the door of the house and heard the snoring from his daughter, who was already asleep.

He said silently in his heart: "Daughter, do you know? You are not my biological daughter at all, and your surname is not Song at all."

Once I took my daughter to the market.

Many people were very moved.

This old man is so ugly, why is his daughter so beautiful?

When I was young, my daughter also asked such a question.

He didn't answer directly, just smiled.

"Daughter, do you know? You have a great mission."

Song Datian finally returned to the room to rest.

The moon is very bright tonight.

Perhaps what many criminals like is particularly dark weather.

However, even though the moon and stars were sparse today, several people still quickly came to Song Datian's residence.

They immediately came to the window in an orderly manner, then pierced the window paper, and then blew a breath of air inside.

After a while, they felt that the two people inside had been knocked unconscious, and they started to pry open the door.

They quickly broke in, found Song Meijiao, and took her away directly.

The next day, when Song Datian woke up and was about to go hunting, he found that the door had been destroyed.

He panicked, who did this?

So I hurried to my daughter's room and found that it was empty.

He immediately understood that someone must have snatched his daughter away.

Next, he saw that the window paper was punctured.

He had already made a judgment that someone must have taken medicine.

He always thought that he and his daughter knew martial arts and were not afraid of bad guys getting in, but he ignored the medicine.

He was extremely remorseful.

It seems like you really shouldn't live in this place.

He ran out frantically, looking for his daughter, even though he knew there was no result.

He also went to the village to inquire.

Although he has a bad relationship with the people in the village and is not even willing to enter the village.

After many people in the village learned about this, most of them felt special sympathy for his daughter.

He searched around but couldn't find it.

He suddenly remembered that this man must have been taken away by Cao Pi.

This Cao Pi is so despicable and shameless, how could he do such a thing?

He decided to go to Cao Pi immediately and seek justice.

Early that morning, Cao Pi decided to snatch the girl.

This time I didn’t ride a bicycle, but a fast horse.

After riding for a while, when we reached a single-plank bridge, a horse appeared on the opposite side.

The man riding the horse was Song Datian. He bought the horse from the horse market.

After the two people met, they both wanted to go there quickly.

Song Datian asked: "Are you Cao Pi?"

Cao Pi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would recognize him, and what he didn't expect was that the other person would actually call him by his first name.

"Who are you? Since you know me, how can you call me by my name?"

And Cao Pi just said that Wen Wen discovered the other party. Isn't this the old man? Aren't you going to find his daughter?

"Let me ask you, is your name Song Datian?"

"It's me. I didn't expect you to know my name."

After knowing his name, Cao Pi became polite to him, so he planned to give way.

Because after all, he still has to deal with people, maybe this old man will be his father-in-law in the future.

However, the old man rode a horse and came towards Cao Pi crazily, and was ready to catch Cao Pi's body.

Cao Pi was taken aback, hurriedly avoided, and asked: "What's wrong with you? Why are you so rude?"

"You beast, you snatched my daughter away, and you actually called me rude. I have never seen such a shameless person like you."

The old man punched Cao Pi.

Cao Pi was shocked.

"What did you say? She lost your daughter?"

"Asshole, you obviously stole it, yet you still have to pretend to be confused with me."

"Old man, listen to me, this must be a misunderstanding."

Song Datian had already dismounted, and then attacked Cao Pi's horse crazily.

The horse was frightened.

Cao Pi immediately fell down, and Song Datian went to pinch Cao Pi's neck.

"Don't think that because you are a prince, I can't do anything to you. I have to kill you today."

"Old man, listen to me, your daughter's disappearance has nothing to do with me."

"Bastard, you sent someone to propose marriage yesterday, and I got them hurt, so you're still holding a grudge. Do you think I don't know that?"

Cao Pi still denied it. He said that he just went to take another look at Song Meijiao today.

It never occurred to him that she was missing.

Song Datian beat him hard.

"Whether you dare to act or not, what kind of hero do you think you are?"

"If you do this again, I won't be polite to you. I've already told you that this matter has nothing to do with me." Cao Pi also started fighting with him.

The two bodies struggled together. Don't give in to anyone.

After all, Song Datian had learned martial arts, so it was no problem for him to deal with Cao Pi.

Cao Pi was gradually beaten until he could not get up.

"Song Dadian, do you know that you have committed a capital crime?"

"So what? Hand over my daughter quickly, otherwise I'm not done with you."

Song Datian continued to fight, beating Cao Pi to the point of dying, and then let go.

"Beast, you will die badly."

"Really? Let's wait and see." Song Dadian put Cao Pi into a cave.

"Cao Pi, you were considered a hero at that time, how could you do such a thing? Tell me, where is my daughter? You shouldn't take anything by force!"

Cao Pi still denied it.

"Is this good? I promise you that if my daughter also likes you, I will agree to your marriage. This should be okay, right?"

He felt that this was all he could do.

But Cao Pi still denied it, feeling that he was about to die.

Helpless, he quickly knelt down.

"Mr. Cao, I beg you, I committed a capital crime today. You can punish me however you want, but you must let my daughter go."

Cao Pi didn't expect that he would actually kneel down.

He believed that it was perfectly okay to do this for the sake of his daughter.

Although the other party is not his own flesh and blood.

"But I really don't know." After Cao Pi said this, he passed out.

At this time, Song Datian also felt incredible.

Does it really have nothing to do with him?

If that's the case, then you're really in trouble.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cao, it's all my fault."

He decided to take Cao Pi out temporarily, and then I found an old doctor to wake him up.

He quickly went to visit a relative and came to a manor.

There lived a young man in the manor, his nephew Jia Quan.

"Uncle, who is this?"

"Go and hire a doctor as soon as possible, and don't care who he is."

Jia Quan stopped asking and hurried to find the doctor.

Song Meijiao was eventually brought to Meng Huo's tribe.

It turned out to be some of Meng Huo's subordinates who saw how beautiful she was.

So I had bad thoughts.

They knew that Meng Huo liked this, so they brought her here.

Meng Huo laughed when he saw how beautiful this woman was.

"You guys have done a good job, and I will definitely reward you. This is like a tribe. We think we can make our own decisions if we want to drink. That would be great. Why should we be controlled by others?"

Several subordinates then asked: "When will we rise up against Sichuan and Shu?"

"There's no rush now, let's enjoy this beauty first."

He looked at Song Meijiao, and the more he looked at her, the more beautiful she felt.

There are such beauties in this world, and I am truly blessed.

Moreover, several subordinates have recently said that this woman is just an ordinary village girl, not the daughter of a high-ranking official.

They don't have to worry about retaliation at all.

Seeing the leering looks on a few people, Meng Huo said, "I know your little thoughts. Should I reward you after I finish enjoying them?"

Several people nodded, indicating that this was exactly what they meant.

"But not this time. I won't share this with anyone."

Meng Huo said that he could reward his subordinates in other ways, such as gold and silver.

Several subordinates were a little disappointed.

This woman was too beautiful for them to enjoy.

In the past, when Meng Huo had enough fun, he would reward them.

Perhaps this woman was too beautiful, so Meng Huo wanted to have her for himself.

However, Meng Huo said that this woman was like a fairy.

As a person, I cannot move casually.

Let's get this woman settled first.

Only when he wakes up and is willing to get along with him will he go get someone else.

In short, you can't be a bully.

Several subordinates felt very incredible.

What's going on here? How did you change your gender?

How did you become so kind?

Meng Huo said that he was stunned by the woman's beauty this time, so he decided like this.

"Hurry up and put this woman away."

Several servants rushed to handle this matter.

Meng Huo laughed.

Great, don't worry, he will definitely get this woman.

If you try hard to be nice to her, you will definitely be able to impress her.

She is really a very good woman. She has never treated other women like this before.

But if this woman refuses to agree, then the consequences are unpredictable.

He must force.

On the other side, Song Datian is waiting for Jia Quan.

Jia Quan finally invited a doctor to treat Cao Pi.

The doctor bandaged Cao Pi and prescribed some medicine.

Then he ordered the two men to take good care of Cao Pi.

Although he didn't know who Cao Pi was.

Song Datian paid him immediately.

Jia Quan said: "Okay, I'll pay."

"How is this possible? This is the person I brought, of course I will come."

In the end, it was Song Datian who paid the money.

Jia Quan asked: "Uncle, who is this?"

"Just leave it alone." Song Datian said.

Jia Quan didn't want to ask anymore.

he asked suddenly.

"By the way, where is my cousin? Why didn't she come with you?"

"She has something else going on." Song Datian said.

He didn't want to tell the truth.

But Jia Quan felt that his uncle must have something else going on.

The other party actually didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to ask.

Song Datian immediately came to the bedside and guarded Cao Pi.

He kept sighing. If the daughter was not taken away by Cao Pi, then who took the daughter away?

Suddenly, it rained.

Song Datian looked particularly sad.

"Uncle, as long as this person takes medicine, there will be no problem. Why do you need to worry?"

Jia Quan thought that his uncle was worried about Cao Pi! (End of chapter)

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