Song Datian immediately said: "Okay, I understand, just don't worry."

Jia Quan temporarily went to the south room, and he was going to start making some dishes.

I'll go wait on my uncle later.

However, after a while, when he passed the door of the room again, he heard his uncle sighing continuously.

"My daughter, my daughter, where have you been?"

He was surprised.

What? Can't you find your cousin?

So, he ran into the room quickly.

"Uncle, tell me quickly what's going on."

"When did you break in?"

"Uncle, you speak so loudly that I can't even hear you."

Now that the matter has come to an end, the other party no longer conceals anything, so he tells the relevant situation.

And he also said that the person in front of him was Cao Pi.

Jia Quan was shocked.

Such a high-ranking person actually came to his home.

But he suddenly remembered that his cousin was missing, and he suddenly felt very anxious.

"In that case, let's go to the customs declaration quickly."

Song Datian said: "I originally thought it was Cao Pi, but looking at it like this, it seems that it really has nothing to do with him."

At this moment, it suddenly started raining outside the window.

Jia Quan said: "Uncle, what should we do? My cousin is so beautiful, she must have been kidnapped by bad guys."

And he also felt very strange, didn't his cousin and uncle both know martial arts?

"That person drugged us, otherwise, nothing would happen to us."

Jia Quan saw that the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier.

He quickly closed the window.

Jia Quan said: "Uncle, don't worry. When Cao Pi wakes up, we will let him find his cousin. Anyway, he definitely hopes to find his cousin."

But Song Datian fell into a feeling of sadness, because in that case, Cao Pi liked his daughter, but what should he do?

"Uncle, actually, if you think about it carefully, it would be good for my cousin to marry him. After all, he is a big pig prince, and he will definitely be prosperous and wealthy."

Song Datian glared at him.

"How could you think that?"

"Uncle, it's all my fault. You shouldn't talk nonsense. I believe you have made better arrangements."

"Child", let me tell you something. In fact, your cousin is not my biological daughter at all. "

Jia Quan was shocked.

"What? She's not your biological daughter?"

Song Datian nodded, but he didn't say anything about his cousin's life experience at all.

Jia Quan didn't ask again.

After a while, he asked again: "Uncle, don't worry, I won't talk about this matter, but does my cousin know?"

"She doesn't know yet, and I don't know when to tell her about it."

Jia Quan nodded and was about to go out with an umbrella to continue getting food.

But Song Datian asked him again.

"Aren't you curious, whose daughter she is?"

"Uncle, of course I am very curious. But will you tell me?"

The other party nodded.

"Uncle, let's talk about it after we finish eating."

He quickly left with an umbrella.

Ouyang Linlin was sitting in front of the window in a daze, when suddenly Xiaohong walked in from outside and said that Mrs. Ganmei had invited her.

"What do you want Madam to do with me?"

"This slave doesn't know."

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong went.

In the room, Ganmei's belly was getting bigger and bigger.

She touched her round belly.

"Sister, you are here."

"Sister, what do you want from me?"

"I just want to know when my husband's illness will be cured. The child will be born soon. I hope he can see a very healthy father."

Ouyang Linlin just thought that the month should be almost there.

"But if this is the case, how terrible would it be to see a crazy father after the child is born?"

"That Divine Doctor Song has gone to collect medicine, and now he has made my husband unconscious."

"Is the miracle doctor effective?" We no longer have any hope.

Ouyang Linlin didn't know what to say.

Ouyang Linlin also said that Ganmei's stomach was in such a condition that she should find someone to protect her.

"If your husband is good, he will definitely send secret guards here."

But now, none of them can order the secret guards.

"There is no need to protect me. I just hope that my husband is well, and I will feel at ease."

Ganmei suddenly laughed again.

"My husband used to talk to me about prenatal education, and told me not to be negative, but to tell stories to my belly, etc. It's quite interesting to think about it now."

"Really? Sister, did you really do that?"

"I did it, but I don't know if it's effective."

"I believe what my husband says must make sense."

Ganmei asked Ouyang Linlin to go to her room for a walk when she had nothing to do.

Come and talk with yourself to relieve your boredom.

They were all alone in the room, and they would all think of Xi Yu, and they would all feel particularly sad.

Talk here and everyone will be happy.

At this moment, a little girl came to report.

It was said that a female teacher named Wenxuan from Youzhou College was coming to see Ganmei.

"Who is this?" Gan Mei asked.

Ouyang Linlin said: "I know her very well, but I don't know why she met you?"

Ouyang Linlin walked out and saw Wenxuan standing in the corridor in an elegant manner, holding a folding fan.

"Wenxuan, what are you here for? Why do you want to see the eldest lady?"

"I've calculated the time. The eldest lady should give birth in a while, right?"

"Yes, there's still a month or two left."

"So, I do prenatal education for free."

Ouyang Linlin was stunned. Just now she had talked about prenatal education with the other party, why did she talk about it again now?

"Prenatal education? Did my husband mention this to you before?"

Wenxuan nodded. She said that because she was a woman, it was easier to get in and out of Ganmei's room.

So she is willing to do it.

So I hope Ouyang Linlin can give me a recommendation.

Ouyang Linlin then brought Wenxuan into the room, and then talked about the relevant matters.

"Didn't my husband tell you about prenatal education? Sister, he also told Teacher Wen, so Teacher Wen came here specially to accompany you."

Wenxuan saluted the eldest lady.

"In that case, Teacher Wen, please take a seat."

After Wenxuan sat down, he made his intention clear.

During the day, I am in school, and at night, I am here to provide prenatal education for my children.

"Teacher Wen, is the prenatal education my husband mentioned really effective?"

"I can't say it's so absolute, but it definitely has a certain effect. Besides, it's not a bad thing anyway."

"In this case, Madam, I can't let Teacher Wen do this for nothing. He must be paid."

"No, since she is the wife of the actor, why should I charge? This would be too foreign."

Ganmei still insisted on paying.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Okay, don't argue anymore. I think it's just as Teacher Wen said."

Ganmei had no choice but to agree.

Wenxuan said: "Do you want to try a class?"

"Trial class? What does this mean?"

"That is to say, I will tell a story first. If you like it, I will stay. If you don't like it, I won't come."

Ganmei laughed.

"No, I believe that since your husband has told you, you will definitely have the real ability."

Wenxuan asked to see Xi Yu.

"But now my husband is in a coma."

"I know he is unconscious. That's why I want to see him. Otherwise, wouldn't he be angry with me again?"

Ouyang Linlin then took him to Xi Yu's room.

At this moment, Xi Yu fell into a coma and fell asleep quietly.

Wenxuan thought to himself, wake up soon, we have a fellow villager named Dongfang Hong, and he also hopes to see you.

That day she went to find a job with Dongfang Hong.

Dongfanghong finally found a troupe and performed for others there, and she finally settled down, at least she no longer had to go around guerrillas.

Dongfanghong also joked with a smile, it was equivalent to finding a public institution.

But he still hopes to be a teacher at Youzhou College and hopes that Xi Yu can wake up soon.

On the other side, Jia Quan held an umbrella, prepared food, and started eating with Song Datian.

Song Datian has a habit of not allowed to talk while eating.

So Jia Quan didn't dare to say anything.

After finishing the meal, Song Datian said: "I will tell you your cousin's life experience now, but you must not feel incredible."

As soon as Jia Quan heard this, he knew that his cousin's identity must be extraordinary.

"Uncle, tell me. No matter what you say, I won't be surprised. Your cousin has royal blood flowing through her body."

Although he had already said that he would not be shocked, when Jia Quan heard this, he quickly stood up from his seat.

His eyes were extremely wide.

Song Datian said: "Didn't we agree that you wouldn't be surprised?"

"Uncle, this thing is too incredible."

Song Datian said: "Why not let her marry Cao Pi? It's because the Cao family is all thieves. Now, the Han Dynasty is estimated to be exhausted. Although no one dares to say it, everyone knows that it is not far from destruction. "

Just like during the Zhou Dynasty, the Emperor of Zhou was also dismissed.

But at least there was Emperor Zhou at that time.

But like now, it is not certain whether there will be an emperor in the future.

Therefore, the person Song Meijiao will marry will give birth to a child of royal blood, and will become a person to revive the Han Dynasty in the future.

Therefore, this matter of marriage must not be taken lightly.

Jia Quandao: "But if my cousin doesn't know about this, how can she find a good match?"

Song Datianchou knew this, and he hoped to tell his daughter about the matter after a while.

"But now she is actually lost, what should we do?"

"Uncle, can you tell me what's going on? Since she is a member of the royal family, why did she come to your home?"

Song Datian said that he used to have a junior sister who was a maid in the palace.

At that time, the concubine gave birth to a daughter.

But the concubine hoped to give birth to a boy, as this would make the mother more valuable than the son.

But my stomach wasn't angry at all.

So, the palace maid thought of a way.

Because she knew someone who also had children.

And it just so happens that the two people were born with the same gender.

So, the palace maid wanted to steal the throne.

He took the son away from the folk mother and put him in the palace.

The daughter followed the peasant woman, and of course the matter cost a lot of money.

The peasant woman later contracted a strange disease and died.

So, the palace maid took an opportunity to leave the palace and gave her daughter to herself.

"Did you know? Your aunt couldn't give birth to a child at all back then, and the doctor had already judged it."

"Then the boy who was replaced is the current His Majesty?"

The other party shook his head.

"He's just an ordinary prince, inconspicuous at all."

Jia Quan nodded, not expecting that his cousin had such a life experience.

The rain outside has been getting heavier and heavier.

Thunder flashes also kept appearing.

Song Datian kept shouting: "My daughter, where is my daughter?"

Song Datian said that although the other party was not his biological child, there was no difference between him and his biological child.

He put all his efforts into his daughter.

"Uncle, I understand you. I believe my cousin will find it."

The daughter Song DaTian missed was still among Meng Huo's tribe.

Song Meijiao finally woke up.

There were several maids waiting on her.

Those maids were all wearing very weird costumes.

Song Meijiao asked: "Where is this?"

She stood up immediately, but felt that her body was particularly lazy.

"Miss, you finally woke up. The chief said that after you get up, I must serve you well. There are a lot of fruits and food on the table. Miss, please see if you like it. If you like it, we will go and heat it up." If you don’t like it, we’ll do it again.”

Song Meijiao quickly asked: "Tell me quickly, where is this place?"

The maid wanted to explain the relevant situation.

"What are you talking about? This is actually Nanzhong, and it's very far away from Luoyang?"

She originally had no idea about geography, but now she seemed to know everything.

"Let me go quickly, I want to leave."

She immediately put on her shoes and left.

Soon, several big men appeared at the door. Although they didn't say anything, their fierce expressions said everything.

Want to leave?

it's out of the question.

"Why do you leave me here? You are robbers. You can't do this."

Several girls persuaded her to just settle down here.

"No, why are you trapping me here? I have to leave."

Song Meijiao still had to rush out forcefully.

Several big men had no choice but to attack her, and advised her not to be violent, but not to be disobedient.

One of them, a big man, quickly went to report to Meng Huo.

Meng Huo was very happy when he heard that Song Meijiao had woken up, so he quickly walked into the room.

He saw Song Meijiao crying.

"Girl, don't cry, I really like you, that's why I brought you here."

One of them, a big man, said that in the past, the chief had always been aggressive towards women he liked, but this was the first time he was so nice to this woman.

So he must cherish the opportunity.

Meng Huo was very satisfied with what his subordinate said, so he stroked his beard.

"Yes, that's true. Girl, you'd better stay here obediently. I'll make you like me."

"You robber, you force others to do something difficult, why should I agree to it?"

Meng Huo's face immediately became gloomy.

"Girl, don't be ignorant of flattery, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Song Meijiao knew that it was impossible to reason with him, so she knelt down for him.

Please let him go quickly.

"You're already here, how could I let you go?"

"But my father will be worried about me." Song Meijiao said.

Meng Huo said, "It's simple. Tell me where your home is, and I can take him there and provide for him like my father."

The big man said again: "The chief has been very kind to you. If you can think clearly, you will become the chief's wife in the future, and you will be rich and glorious."

Song Meijiao was still crying.

Meng Huo said: "Okay, I know you won't agree immediately. It doesn't matter. I will give you time."

Then he let those maids serve him happily.

Then, he left immediately.

After a while, a little girl brought tea.

"Miss, you'd better have a good drink. Since you're here, there's no point in saying anything else."

"You are demons, this place is hell, please let me go."

"Miss, my name is Baobao. If you have anything to say, you can tell me."

"Aren't I telling you now? But how can you let me leave?"

The baby shook his head and gave her the water.

But she didn't drink and just knocked over the bowl.

The girls had no choice but to say nothing.

After a while, Song Meijiao said, "I have to go to the toilet."

The baby said: "Then I will go with you."

Bao Bao helped Song Meijiao toward the yard.

Song Meijiao was thinking about how to leave.

Coming to a secret corner, Bao Bao whispered: "Miss, even if you want to leave, you have to find a chance. At least you have to be familiar with this place. Or you should just deal with it with Meng Huo. You are openly confronting him like this." , is not allowed.”

The other party was very surprised. Why would this girl say such things to herself?

"I know you think it's strange, right? In fact, I sympathize with you very much, because we also came here like you at that time, but we were just servants later."

She was in front of so many people just now, and she was embarrassed to remind them.

Finally now there is a chance.

Song Meijiao nodded calmly.

"Yes, you're right. It won't help if I make a fuss and confront him. Now I can only do this."

"Yes, miss, as long as you want to do it."

After a while, when Song Meijiao returned to the room, she seemed much calmer and took the initiative to drink water and eat.

Bao Bao told him that Meng Huo was actually a good person.

Although a little rude, he is also a very attentive person.

Of course Song Meijiao understood that she said it deliberately in front of everyone.

This little girl should be sincerely treating her well. (End of chapter)

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