Another day passed, and Cao Pi finally woke up.

He found himself in a strange environment.

It had stopped raining today and the sky was sunny, so he stood up immediately.

Then I saw Jia Quan chopping firewood in the yard.

There was a bench next to him, and Song Datian was sitting on it.

Song Datian looked sad.

Cao Pi immediately appeared in the yard.

The two people were very happy to see him wake up.

But Song Datian's eye circles were red.

It's been a day, and I still don't know how much my daughter has suffered, or whose hands she fell into.

"Gong Cao, now that you have woken up, I hope you can find my daughter for me."

"Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I will find it."

But Jia Quan felt a little unnatural and hurried over to salute Cao Pi.

But Song Datian did not do this.

He is full of anger now.

Cao Pi is afraid that you, Song Datian, will follow him back.

Of course, the other party beat him, and he doesn't care about it now.

After all, it is understandable that the other party did all this for his daughter.

"Why should I go back with you?"

"Don't you want me to find your daughter? Then how can I contact you after I find her?" Cao Pi said.

Jia Quan also said: "Uncle, you'd better go over."

Song Datian also agreed.

When he followed Cao Pi back to the mansion and entered the hall, Sima Yi happened to come over with something to do.

"Mr. Cao, what I want to tell you is about Xi Zhicai. Should he be back?"

"Perhaps he will wait until the actor recovers completely before he comes back."

When Song Datian heard the news, he was suddenly stunned.


How could he forget Xi Yu?

If he marries his daughter to Xi Yu, wouldn't he be able to retain the emperor's bloodline if he has children in the future?

He also understood that Xi Yu would definitely seize the country in the future.

He also knew that the relationship between Xiyu and Liu Xie was particularly good.

But no matter what happens, once you encounter your own interests, everyone will definitely get what they need.

But the question is, does my daughter agree with this?

Also, even if her daughter agreed, she successfully married Xi Yu.

But Xiyu has many wives, and which son will inherit the throne in the future?

He felt very troubled.

And Sima Yi seemed to have noticed his presence only at this time.

"Mr. Cao, why is he here?"

Cao Pi then told the relevant situation.

When seeing Sima Yi, Song Datian felt very embarrassed.

After all, he was beaten that day.

Cao Pi said that he would call a few of his confidants over and discuss how to find Song Meijiao.

But Sima Yi believes that looking for a person in the vast sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack?

He thought that Cao Pi should train his troops so that he could attack Xi Yu in the future.

But Cao Pi was lucky, he spent the past two days just because of a woman.

"Don't talk about finding a needle in a haystack, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you still have to find Miss Song." Cao Pi was full of confidence.

Soon, Cao Pi summoned several confidants for a meeting.

Let them think of a way to do it immediately.

After the meeting, several people got together, including Sima Yi.

Like Sima Yi, they all thought that Cao Pi was not doing his job properly.

They thought that Xi Yu was now mentally disturbed, but although Cao Pi was mentally normal, what was the difference between his appearance and Xi Yu's?

They all hoped that Sima Yi would give him some comfort.

"You don't know, I tried to comfort Mr. Cao, but he didn't listen at all."

An hour later, Cao Pi once again received a letter from Zhao Haiming.

Now I went to see a miracle doctor named Song Shuwen. It seems that this miracle doctor's medical skills are particularly superb.

So I hope Cao Pi will find a way.

Cao Pi was shocked.

Are there so many miracle doctors in the world? It’s really hard to guard against.

In Youzhou Theater, Wenxuan really came to accompany Ganmei last night, which made Ganmei very happy.

Ganmei also prepared a room for the other party.

Early that morning, when Wenxuan was about to leave, he suddenly saw a sneaky figure entering Ouyang Linlin's room and closing the door.

That's a man.

Wenxuan suddenly felt very surprised. What was going on? Someone wanted to cuckold Xi Yu, right?

So she hurried over to eavesdrop.

It turned out to be a secret guard.

"Mrs. Ouyang, this subordinate is here to report something."

"You tell me."

"My subordinates feel that there seems to be a traitor and traitor in the military camp."

"What did you say? A traitor actually appeared?"

The secret guard said that when he went shopping and passed by the military camp, he felt someone sneaking around, but he was not sure about it.

If this traitor once collaborates with the enemy and betrays the country, he will tell everything about this place, which will be a big trouble.

Especially now that Xiyu's mental state is not right.

"In that case, why not ask General Zhou to come over." Ouyang Linlin said.

But the secret guard said that the top priority now is for Ouyang Linlin to investigate this matter personally, because everyone is suspicious.

After the secret guard finished speaking, he shouted loudly: "Who is eavesdropping outside?"

Ouyang Linlin was shocked. Someone dared to eavesdrop?

But Xiaohong was too scared to open the door.

When the secret guard was about to knock on the door, Wenxuan said, "It's me."

Ouyang Linlin felt very strange, why was Wenxuan sneaking around at her door?

Wenxuan also told the truth. He just felt that a bad guy had broken in, so he wanted to see what happened.

"I didn't expect it to be a secret guard. I'm so arrogant."

When the secret guard found out it was her, he didn't have any ill intentions, so he stopped caring about it.

Ouyang Linlin sighed.

She decided to go with Xiaohong to get a tomb for Ouyang Fu today.

The father's incident has been out for so many days, and now it has been confirmed that it is related to Cao Pi. It is unrealistic to seek direct revenge.

Ouyang Linlin decided to do this.

Because the real bones have been buried by Zhao Yun at Long Wei's place.

But the secret guard said that if this was the case, it would be a good time for my wife to go out, and she could go to the military camp to inspect after she was done.

"But why am I a woman going to the military camp? What kind of reason is there? "Also, you can just investigate the soldier's name directly. "

But the secret guard said that after all, he was hiding in the dark and was not suitable to come out often.

He didn't know the soldier's name either.

But as long as you have seen it, you must know it.

Ouyang Linlin asked Wenxuan.

"If I enter the military camp, what reason should I choose?"

Wenxuan asked the secret guard why he said there was a traitor and how did he behave?

The secret guard said that he saw a soldier who seemed to have written a flying pigeon message, and he didn't know who he was sending it to.

When he wanted to cut off his beard, he failed.

The pigeon ran too fast, and he didn't have any weapons in his hands.

But Wenxuan also said that maybe it was just a normal pass, maybe it was passed on to family members, or maybe there was some secret or something, but that doesn't mean it must be a traitor.

The secret guard also analyzed that the soldier's eyes were also very strange.

"Miss Wenxuan, you are not from our industry, so you may not know. We are very accurate in judging people."

Wenxuan said to Ouyang Linlin: "In that case, there is no need to find a reason, just go there in the name of my wife."

But Ouyang Linlin still thought it was inconsistent with etiquette.

Wenxuan said, if that person really has a problem, it is better to deceive him.

At present, Xi Yu's biggest enemy should be Cao Pi.

He claimed to have obtained the evidence, and that person was interacting with Cao Pi to see if he could deceive something.

Wenxuan said to the secret guard: "Why are you so rigid? Can't you just arrest that person?"

"No, if this person has accomplices, I will alert him by doing this, because most of them will live with everyone. If he is caught, everyone will know. Unless he is alone."

Wenxuan said: "You ancient people are really in trouble, making a simple thing so complicated."

"What did you say? Ancient people? What does this mean?" Ouyang Linlin asked quickly.

"I mean you guys are so stubborn."

Wenxuan waved his hand.

"Okay, Mrs. Ouyang, you can go directly. Otherwise, you can just say you are thirsty and go there to ask for a glass of water, right?"

Ouyang Linlin said: "This is a good idea."

Wenxuan rolled his eyes at her.

Really, it has to be so complicated.

But Wenxuan can't accompany him anymore because she still has classes.

The secret guard accompanied the two women and found a very remote suburb.

Then a burial mound was erected.

Ouyang Linlin asked Xiaohong to go home and get her grandma Ouyang Fu's clothes.

After burying the clothes, Ouyang Linlin burst into tears.

"Dad, you died so miserably. You were killed by a thief, and my daughter will definitely avenge you."

Xiaohong also started crying, thinking of many past events in her mind.

The secret guard advised him not to delay the business and not to be too sad.

But Ouyang Linlin just lay on the grave and couldn't get up, so Xiaohong kept pulling.

"Miss, if the master is still alive, he definitely doesn't want to see you like this. Now that he is in heaven, he will not see you sad. You'd better get up quickly."

After a lot of effort, Ouyang Linlin was finally persuaded to get up.

The two people wiped away their tears and started heading towards the military camp.

When she arrived at the military camp, Xiao Hong said to the soldier guarding the gate: "Miss laid a tomb for the master today. She burst into tears. She doesn't want to leave now, and her mouth is dry. She hopes to be here." Ask for a drink of water."

The soldier immediately led them in.

Ouyang Linlin drank some water and then asked, "Is it time for you to train your troops?"

"Mrs. Ouyang, we have to wait for another hour."

Ouyang Linlin said that she wanted to take a walk in this military camp.

Several soldiers were very surprised.

"What's wrong, aren't you welcome?"

"No, no, no, we welcome Mrs. Ouyang."

Previously, a secret code had been generated with the secret guard.

Once the traitor is found, the secret guard will throw a small stone in front of Xiao Hong and Xiao Hong.

Many soldiers were surprised when they saw Ouyang Linlin arriving.

After a while, Ouyang Linlin finally approached Zhao Haiming.

Xiaohong also noticed that the secret guard had kicked the pebbles over, so she tugged on Ouyang Linlin's clothes.

Zhao Haiming also immediately saluted Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin smiled at him and asked him when he was in the military camp.

He also answered honestly.

"I'm a little tired. Can you find me a carriage and take me back?"

There were many carriages in the military camp, and Zhao Haiming chose one.

Then, he took the two back.

After arriving at the theater, Zhao Haiming was preparing to leave.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Don't leave yet, I still have something to ask you."

Zhao Haiming was very surprised and didn't know what the other party was asking him for.

At this moment, the secret guard finally appeared and strangled Zhao Haiming's neck.

"Of course I want to ask you about your collaboration with the enemy and the country."

Zhao Haiming was trembling all over. Could it be that the secret guards knew about his dealings with Cao Pi?

Every time I do something, I do it with caution.

So he quickly asked: "Madam, what does this mean?"

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong ignored him and walked towards the room.

The secret guard lifted him up.

"Hey, let me go, what are you doing?"

The secret guard said: "It's best to be honest, otherwise, if my hand shakes accidentally, you should know the consequences yourself."

He knew that his matter must have been found out.

However, he refused to admit it.

He must see how much evidence the other party has.

Finally, he was caught in a purple bamboo forest outside Ouyang Linlin's room.

Ouyang Linlin took a look.

"I'll leave this matter to you, and I'll go back to my room first."

"Madam, just go and leave it all to me."

Zhao Haiming pretended not to know anything.

"What on earth did you bring me here for?"

"What's your name?" Zhao Haiming said his name.

"Tell me. Do you have any dealings with Cao Pi?"

The other party was stunned.

The secret guard really knew it.

"Nothing. I'm just a nobody, how could I have anything to do with Cao Pi?"

"It seems that you are not telling the truth. Since we ask this, it exceeds the evidence."

Zhao Haiming still looked sad and said that there was no such thing.

"It seems that you have given up the toast and the fine wine. Let me tell you, I can torture you in a hundred ways. Since you choose to be an enemy of the actor, I will never be polite to you."

The secret guard placed Zhao Haiming in a corner.

First, the secret guards prevented him from shouting, and then used various methods to torture him.

The secret guard said that if you can't stand it and want to tell the truth, just blink your eyes hard.

After a while, Zhao Haiming finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He also blinked according to the other party's words.

The secret guard slapped him.

"Wouldn't it be better to just admit it earlier? Why do you have to suffer the consequences before admitting it?"

"In that case, tell me everything."

Zhao Haiming touched the pit of his heart.

He said that he has been having troubles with his conscience for a while recently. It's a good thing to actually say it now.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense. Just say what you want to say quickly."

Zhao Haiming finally told the reason.

It turns out that Cao Pi was kind to him.

"What, you are a little person, and Cao Pi is kind to you? Don't talk nonsense."

Zhao Haiming claimed that he was not talking nonsense, but he felt aggrieved in his heart.

I didn't want to say it originally, but the other party insisted on letting me say it, and he didn't believe it after I said it. What was going on?

The secret guard said: "Okay, you better hurry up and say it now."

Zhao Haiming claimed that he was indeed a nobody.

Getting involved with Cao Pi was also a coincidence.

One year when Cao Pi was fleeing for safety, he happened to pass by his home.

At that time, my family was experiencing a crisis. A robber robbed my sister and injured my father.

After Cao Pi learned about this, he was very angry and decided to solve the matter for him.

He didn't know who the other party was at the time.

It wasn't until the other party solved it that he understood what was going on.

So his father asked him to repay Cao Pi's kindness.

Later, he met a fortune teller. Tell him not to repay his benefactor directly, but to provide information to his benefactor.

He felt baffled at the time, but the fortune teller told him to join the army to find a better way out.

Finally, he discussed it with his father.

So he treated Xi Yu as a soldier and passed the information to Cao Pi.

Moreover, before he joined the army, he also met Cao Pi specifically and told him his thoughts.

Cao Pi was naturally very happy. So that's what happened.

He knelt down to the secret guard and claimed that he was not lying and that everything was true.

"Did the fortune teller tell you that your head would be in a different place?"

Zhao Haiming said that he also knew that he had done something that disturbed his conscience.

Xi Yu is actually a very good person. After he did this, he actually regretted it.

It's just that he had already promised to repay others, so he couldn't break his promise.

"You bastard, you're actually repaying Cao Pi while you're here. It's totally unreasonable."

The secret guard finally told Ouyang Linlin the result, hoping that he would decide how to handle the matter.

"It's so unconscionable that something like this could happen."

Ouyang Linlin also came out and asked Zhao Haimin if he had any accomplices.

Are there others in this military camp who have also become spies for others?

Zhao Haiming shook his head.

"Madam, I don't know. I have committed a capital crime. I don't have any opinion on how you want to deal with it."

The secret guard was still waiting for Ouyang Linlin to give the order, but Ouyang Linlin seemed a little soft-hearted.

Xiaohong also came out immediately. She already understood what happened.

She advised the young lady not to be merciful. If she were to be merciful, it might encourage many people to become arrogant, and more and more people would do the same.

Ouyang Linlin nodded.

"Yes, you are right. If this is the case, then you can't blame me."

Then, she waved to the secret guard.

Get rid of this person quickly to save yourself from being an eyesore.

"Don't worry, madam, I will handle it right away." (End of Chapter)

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